def root_zone_storage_Wpx(output_folder, rz_sm_fhs, rz_depth_fh):
    Data_Path_RZ = "RZstor"
    out_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, Data_Path_RZ)
    if not os.path.exists(out_folder):
    root_depth = becgis.open_as_array(rz_depth_fh, nan_values=True)
    geo = becgis.get_geoinfo(rz_depth_fh)
    root_storage_fhs = []
    for rz_sm_fh in rz_sm_fhs:
        root_depth_sm = becgis.open_as_array(rz_sm_fh, nan_values=True)
        root_storage = root_depth * root_depth_sm
        out_fh = os.path.join(out_folder,
                              'RZ_storage_mm_%s' % (rz_sm_fh[-10:]))
        becgis.create_geotiff(out_fh, root_storage, *geo)
    return root_storage_fhs
def correct_var(metadata,
                bounds=(0, [1.0, 1., 12.])):

    var = split_form(formula)[0][-1]

    a, x0 = calc_var_correction(metadata,

    for date, fn in zip(complete_data[var][1], complete_data[var][0]):

        geo_info = becgis.get_geoinfo(fn)

        data = becgis.open_as_array(fn, nan_values=True)

        x = calc_delta_months(x0, date)

        fraction = a[0] * (np.cos(
            (x - a[2]) * (np.pi / 6)) * 0.5 + 0.5) + (a[1] * (1 - a[0]))

        data *= fraction

        folder = os.path.join(output_dir, metadata['name'], 'data', new_var)

        if not os.path.exists(folder):

        bla = os.path.split(fn)[1].split('_')[-1]
        filen = 'supply_sw_' + bla[0:6] + '.tif'
        fn = os.path.join(folder, filen)

        becgis.create_geotiff(fn, data, *geo_info)

    meta = becgis.sort_files(folder, [-10, -6], month_position=[-6, -4])[0:2]
    return a, meta
Пример #3
def compare_rasters2rasters_per_lu(ds1_fhs, ds1_dates, ds2_fhs, ds2_dates, lu_fh, output_dir, dataset_names = ["DS1", "DS2"], class_dictionary = None, no_of_classes = 6):
    Compare two raster datasets with eachother per different landuse categories.
    ds1_fhs : ndarray
        Array with strings pointing to maps of dataset 1.
    ds1_dates : ndarray
        Array with same shape as ds1_fhs, containing objects.
    ds2_fhs : ndarray
        Array with strings pointing to maps of dataset 2.
    ds2_dates : ndarray
        Array with same shape as ds2_fhs, containing objects.
    lu_fh : str
        Pointer to a landusemap.
    output_dir : str
        Map to save results.
    dataset_names : list, optional
        List with two strings describing the names of the two datasets.
    class_dictionary : dict
        Dictionary specifying all the landuse categories.
    no_of_classes : int
        The 'no_of_classes' most dominant classes in the the lu_fh are compared, the rest is ignored.
    LUCS = becgis.open_as_array(lu_fh, nan_values = True)
    DS1 = becgis.open_as_array(ds1_fhs[0], nan_values = True)
    DS2 = becgis.open_as_array(ds2_fhs[0], nan_values = True)
    DS1[np.isnan(DS2)] = np.nan
    LUCS[np.isnan(DS1)] = np.nan
    classes, counts = np.unique(LUCS[~np.isnan(LUCS)], return_counts = True)
    counts_sorted = np.sort(counts)[-no_of_classes:]
    selected_lucs = [classes[counts == counter][0] for counter in counts_sorted]
    driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection = becgis.get_geoinfo(lu_fh)
    becgis.create_geotiff(lu_fh.replace('.tif','_.tif'), LUCS, driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection)

    common_dates = becgis.common_dates([ds1_dates, ds2_dates])
    ds1_totals = np.array([])
    ds2_totals = np.array([])
    DS1_per_class = dict()
    DS2_per_class = dict()
    for date in common_dates:
        DS1 = becgis.open_as_array(ds1_fhs[ds1_dates == date][0], nan_values = True)
        DS2 = becgis.open_as_array(ds2_fhs[ds2_dates == date][0], nan_values = True)
        for clss in selected_lucs:
            if clss in list(DS1_per_class.keys()):
                DS1_per_class[clss] = np.append(DS1_per_class[clss], np.nanmean(DS1[LUCS == clss]))
                DS1_per_class[clss] = np.array([np.nanmean(DS1[LUCS == clss])])
            if clss in list(DS2_per_class.keys()):
                DS2_per_class[clss] = np.append(DS2_per_class[clss], np.nanmean(DS2[LUCS == clss]))
                DS2_per_class[clss] = np.array([np.nanmean(DS2[LUCS == clss])])

        ds1_totals = np.append(ds1_totals, np.nanmean(DS1))
        ds2_totals = np.append(ds2_totals, np.nanmean(DS2))
        print("Finished {0}, going to {1}".format(date, common_dates[-1]))
    for clss in selected_lucs:
        if class_dictionary is None:
            plot_scatter_series(DS1_per_class[clss], DS2_per_class[clss], dataset_names[0], dataset_names[1], clss, output_dir)
            cats = {v[0]: k for k, v in list(class_dictionary.items())}
            plot_scatter_series(DS1_per_class[clss], DS2_per_class[clss], dataset_names[0], dataset_names[1], cats[clss], output_dir)
    plot_scatter_series(ds1_totals, ds2_totals, dataset_names[0], dataset_names[1], "Total Area", output_dir)

    if class_dictionary is not None:
        output_fh = os.path.join(output_dir, 'landuse_percentages.png')
        driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection = becgis.get_geoinfo(lu_fh)
        becgis.create_geotiff(lu_fh.replace('.tif','_.tif'), LUCS, driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection)
        becgis.plot_category_areas(lu_fh.replace('.tif','_.tif'), class_dictionary, output_fh, area_treshold = 0.01)
Пример #4
def compare_rasters2rasters(ds1_fhs, ds1_dates, ds2_fhs, ds2_dates, output_dir = None, dataset_names = None, data_treshold = 0.75):
    Compare two series of raster maps by computing
    the relative bias, RMAE, Pearson-correlation coefficient and
    the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient per pixel.
    ds1_fhs : list
        list pointing to georeferenced raster files of dataset 1.
    ds1_dates : list
        list corresponding to ds1_fhs specifying the dates.
    ds2_fhs : list
        list pointing to georeferenced raster files of dataset 2.
    ds2_dates : list
        list corresponding to ds2_fhs specifying the dates.
    quantity_unit  : list, optional
        list of two strings describing the quantity and unit of the data. e.g. ['Precipitation', 'mm/month'].
    dataset_names : list, optional
        list of strings describing the names of the datasets. e.g. ['CHIRPS', 'ERA-I'].
    output_dir : list, optional
        directory to store some results, i.e. (1) a graph of the spatially averaged datasets trough time and the
        bias and (2) 4 geotiffs showing the bias, nash-sutcliffe coefficient, pearson coefficient and rmae per pixel.
    data_treshold : float, optional
        pixels with less than data_treshold * total_number_of_samples actual values are set to no-data, i.e. pixels with
        too few data points are ignored.
    results : dict
        dictionary with four keys (relative bias, RMAE, Pearson-correlation coefficient and 
        the Nash-Sutcliffe) with 2dnarrays of the values per pixel.
    >>> results = compare_rasters2rasters(ds1_fhs, ds1_dates, ds2_fhs, ds2_dates, 
                                          output_dir = r"C:/Desktop/", quantity_unit = ["P", "mm/month"], 
                                          dataset_names = ["CHIRPS", "TRMM"])
    becgis.assert_proj_res_ndv([ds1_fhs, ds2_fhs])
    if dataset_names is None:
        dataset_names = ['DS1','DS2']
    driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection = becgis.get_geoinfo(ds1_fhs[0])
    common_dates = becgis.common_dates([ds1_dates, ds2_dates])
    diff_sum = np.zeros((ysize,xsize))
    non_nans = np.zeros((ysize,xsize))
    progress = 0 
    samples = len(common_dates)
    for date in common_dates:
        DS1 = becgis.open_as_array(ds1_fhs[ds1_dates == date][0], nan_values = True)
        DS2 = becgis.open_as_array(ds2_fhs[ds2_dates == date][0], nan_values = True)
        DS1[np.isnan(DS2)] = np.nan
        DS2[np.isnan(DS1)] = np.nan
        non_nans[~np.isnan(DS1)] += np.ones((ysize,xsize))[~np.isnan(DS1)]
        diff = (DS1 - DS2)**2
        diff_sum[~np.isnan(DS1)] += diff[~np.isnan(DS1)]
        progress += 1
        print("progress: {0} of {1} finished".format(progress, samples))

    diff_sum[non_nans <= data_treshold*samples] = np.nan
    results = dict()
    results['rmse'] = np.where(non_nans == 0., np.nan, np.sqrt(diff_sum / non_nans))
    startdate = common_dates[0].strftime('%Y%m%d')
    enddate = common_dates[-1].strftime('%Y%m%d')
    path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'spatial_errors')
    if not os.path.exists(path):
    if output_dir is not None:
        for varname in list(results.keys()):
            fh = os.path.join(path, '{0}_{1}_vs_{2}_{3}_{4}.tif'.format(varname, dataset_names[0], dataset_names[1], startdate, enddate))
            becgis.create_geotiff(fh, results[varname], driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection)

    return results 
Пример #5
def compare_rasters2stations(ds1_fhs, ds1_dates, station_dict, output_dir, station_names = None, quantity_unit = None, dataset_names = None, method = 'cubic', min_records = 1):
    Compare a series of raster maps with station time series by computing
    the relative bias, RMAE, Pearson-correlation coefficient and 
    the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient for each station.
    ds1_fhs : 1dnarray
        List containing filehandles to georeferenced raster files.
    ds1_dates : 1dnarray
        List containing or datetime.datetime objects corresponding
        to the filehandles in ds1_fhs. Lenght should be equal to ds1_fhs.
    station_dict : dictionary
        Dictionary containing coordinates of stations and timeseries. See examples
        below for an example
    output_dir : str, optional
        Directory to store several results, i.e. (1) a csv file to load in a GIS program, 
        (2) interpolated maps showing the various error indicators spatially and (3)
        scatter plots for all the stations.
    station_names : dictionary, optional
        Dictionary containing names of the respective stations which can be added to the csv-file, see
        Examples for more information.
    quantity_unit : list, optional
        List of two strings describing the quantity and unit of the data.
    dataset_name : list, optional
        List of strings describing the names of the datasets.
    method : str, optional
        Method used for interpolation of the error-indicators, i.e.: 'linear', 'nearest' or 'cubic' (default).
    results : dictionary
        Dictionary containing several error indicators per station.

    >>> station_dict = {(lat1, lon1): [(, month, day), data_value), 
                                       (, month, day), data_value), 
                        (lat2, lon2): [(, month, day), data_value), 
                                       (, month, day), data_value), 
    >>> station_names = {(lat1,lon1): 'stationname1', (lat2,lon2): 'stationname2', etc.}
    >>> results = compare_rasters2stations(ds1_fhs, ds1_dates, station_dict, output_dir = r"C:/Desktop",
                                station_names = None, quantity_unit = ["P", "mm/month"], 
                                dataset_names = ["CHIRPS", "Meteo Stations"], 
                                method = 'cubic')
    results = dict()
    pixel_coordinates = list()
    if dataset_names is None:
        dataset_names = ['Spatial', 'Station']
    if quantity_unit is not None:
        quantity_unit[1] = r'[' + quantity_unit[1] + r']'
        quantity_unit = ['data', '']
    no_of_stations = len(list(station_dict.keys()))
    ds1_dates = becgis.convert_datetime_date(ds1_dates, out = 'datetime')

    for i, station in enumerate(station_dict.keys()):
        station_dates, station_values = unzip(station_dict[station])
        common_dates = becgis.common_dates([ds1_dates, station_dates])
        sample_size = common_dates.size
        if sample_size >= min_records:
            ds1_values = list()
            xpixel, ypixel = pixelcoordinates(station[0], station[1], ds1_fhs[0])
            if np.any([np.isnan(xpixel), np.isnan(ypixel)]):
                print("Skipping station ({0}), cause its not on the map".format(station))
                for date in common_dates:
                    ds1_values.append(becgis.open_as_array(ds1_fhs[ds1_dates == date][0], nan_values = True)[ypixel, xpixel])
                common_station_values = [station_values[station_dates == date][0] for date in common_dates]
                results[station] = pairwise_validation(ds1_values, common_station_values)
                results[station] += (sample_size,)
                pixel_coordinates.append((xpixel, ypixel))
                #m, b = np.polyfit(ds1_values, common_station_values, 1)  
                path_scatter = os.path.join(output_dir, 'scatter_plots')
                if not os.path.exists(path_scatter):
                path_ts = os.path.join(output_dir, 'time_series')
                if not os.path.exists(path_ts):
                path_int = os.path.join(output_dir, 'interp_errors')
                if not os.path.exists(path_int):
                xlabel = '{0} {1} {2}'.format(dataset_names[0], quantity_unit[0], quantity_unit[1])
                ylabel = '{0} {1} {2}'.format(dataset_names[1], quantity_unit[0], quantity_unit[1])
                if station_names is not None:
                    title = station_names[station]
                    fn = os.path.join(path_scatter,'{0}_vs_{1}.png'.format(station_names[station], dataset_names[0]))
                    fnts = os.path.join(path_ts,'{0}_vs_{1}.png'.format(station_names[station], dataset_names[0]))
                    title = station
                    fn = os.path.join(path_scatter,'{0}_vs_station_{1}.png'.format(dataset_names[0],i))
                    fnts = os.path.join(path_ts,'{0}_vs_station_{1}.png'.format(dataset_names[0],i)) 
                suptitle = 'pearson: {0:.5f}, rmse: {1:.5f}, ns: {2:.5f}, bias: {3:.5f}, n: {4:.0f}'.format(results[station][0],results[station][1],results[station][2],results[station][3],results[station][4])
                plot_scatter_series(ds1_values, common_station_values, xlabel, ylabel, title, fn, suptitle = suptitle, dates = common_dates)
                xaxis_label = '{0} {1}'.format(quantity_unit[0], quantity_unit[1])
                xlabel = '{0}'.format(dataset_names[0])
                ylabel = '{0}'.format(dataset_names[1])
                plot_time_series(ds1_values,common_station_values,common_dates,xlabel,ylabel,xaxis_label, title, fnts, suptitle = suptitle)
                print("station {0} ({3}) of {1} finished ({2} matching records)".format(i+1, no_of_stations, sample_size, title))
            print("____station {0} of {1} skipped____ (less than {2} matching records)".format(i+1, no_of_stations, min_records))
    n = len(results)
    csv_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '{0}stations_vs_{1}_indicators.csv'.format(n, dataset_names[0]))
    with open(csv_filename, 'wb') as csv_file:
        writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=';')
        writer.writerow(['longitude','latitude','station_id','pearson','rmse','nash_sutcliffe','bias', 'no_of_samples'])
        for station in list(results.keys()):
            writer.writerow([station[1], station[0], station_names[station], results[station][0],results[station][1],results[station][2],results[station][3],results[station][4]])

    rslt = {'Relative Bias':list(),'RMSE':list(),'Pearson Coefficient':list(),'Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient':list(),'Number Of Samples':list()}

    for value in list(results.values()):
        rslt['Relative Bias'].append(value[3])
        rslt['Pearson Coefficient'].append(value[0])
        rslt['Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient'].append(value[2])
        rslt['Number Of Samples'].append(value[4])

    for key, value in list(rslt.items()):
        title = '{0}'.format(key)
        if key is 'RMSE':
            xlabel = '{0} [mm/month]'.format(key)
            xlabel = key
        value = np.array(value)
        value = value[(~np.isnan(value)) & (~np.isinf(value))]
        suptitle = 'mean: {0:.5f}, std: {1:.5f}, n: {2}'.format(np.nanmean(value), np.nanstd(value), n)
        plot_histogram(value[(~np.isnan(value)) & (~np.isinf(value))], title, xlabel, output_dir, suptitle = suptitle)
    driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection = becgis.get_geoinfo(ds1_fhs[0])
    dummy_map = becgis.open_as_array(ds1_fhs[0])
    grid = np.mgrid[0:ysize, 0:xsize]
    var_names = ['pearson', 'rmse', 'ns', 'bias', 'no_of_samples']

    for i, var in enumerate(unzip(list(results.values()))):
        xy = np.array(pixel_coordinates)[~np.isnan(var)]
        z = var[~np.isnan(var)]
        interpolation_field = interpolate.griddata(xy, z, (grid[1], grid[0]), method=method, fill_value = np.nanmean(z))
        interpolation_field[dummy_map == NDV] = NDV
        fh = os.path.join(path_int, '{0}_{1}stations_vs_{2}.tif'.format(var_names[i], len(xy), dataset_names[0]))
        becgis.create_geotiff(fh, interpolation_field, driver, NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection)

    return results