Пример #1
 def testIdSaved(self):
     """Generated id used as db id"""
     ele = CouchWorkQueueElement(self.couch_db, elementParams = {'RequestName' : 'test'})
     self.couch_db.commit(timestamp = True)
     self.assertEqual(self.couch_db.info()['doc_count'], 1)
Пример #2
    def insertElements(self, units, parent = None):
        Insert element to database

        @param parent is the parent WorkQueueObject these element's belong to.
                                            i.e. a workflow which has been split
        if not units:
        # store spec file separately - assume all elements share same spec
        for unit in units:

            # cast to couch
            if not isinstance(unit, CouchWorkQueueElement):
                unit = CouchWorkQueueElement(self.db, elementParams = dict(unit))

            if parent:
                unit['ParentQueueId'] = parent.id
                unit['TeamName'] = parent['TeamName']
                unit['WMBSUrl'] = parent['WMBSUrl']

            if unit._couch.documentExists(unit.id):
                self.logger.info('Element "%s" already exists, skip insertion.' % unit.id)

        unit._couch.commit(all_or_nothing = True)
Пример #3
 def createWork(self, spec, **kwargs):
     """Return the Inbox element for this spec.
     This does not persist it to the database.
     kwargs.update({'WMSpec' : spec,
                    'RequestName' : spec.name(),
     unit = CouchWorkQueueElement(self.inbox, elementParams = kwargs)
     unit.id = spec.name()
     return unit
Пример #4
    def createWork(self, spec, **kwargs):
        """Return the Inbox element for this spec.

        This does not persist it to the database.
        kwargs.update({'WMSpec' : spec,
                       'RequestName' : spec.name(),
                       'StartPolicy' : spec.startPolicyParameters(),
                       'EndPolicy' : spec.endPolicyParameters(),
                       'OpenForNewData' : True
        unit = CouchWorkQueueElement(self.inbox, elementParams = kwargs)
        unit.id = spec.name()
        return unit
Пример #5
    def availableWork(self, conditions, teams = None, wfs = None):
        """Get work which is available to be run"""
        elements = []
        for site in conditions.keys():
            if not conditions[site] > 0:
                del conditions[site]
        if not conditions:
            return elements, conditions

        options = {}
        options['include_docs'] = True
        options['descending'] = True
        options['resources'] = conditions
        if teams:
            options['teams'] = teams
        if wfs:
            options['wfs'] = wfs
        result = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
        result = json.loads(result)
        for i in result:
            element = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, i)

            # Remove 1st random site that can run work
            names = conditions.keys()
            for site in names:
                if element.passesSiteRestriction(site):
                    slots_left = conditions[site] - element['Jobs']
                    if slots_left > 0:
                        conditions[site] = slots_left
                        conditions.pop(site, None)
        return elements, conditions
Пример #6
 def getElementsForWorkflow(self, workflow):
     """Get elements for a workflow"""
     elements = self.db.loadView('WorkQueue', 'elementsByWorkflow',
                                 {'key': workflow, 'include_docs': True, 'reduce': False})
     return [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db,
             for x in elements.get('rows', [])]
Пример #7
    def getElements(self, status=None, elementIDs=None, returnIdOnly=False,
                    db=None, loadSpec=False, WorkflowName=None, **elementFilters):
        """Return elements that match requirements

        status, elementIDs & filters are 'AND'ed together to filter elements.
        returnIdOnly causes the element not to be loaded and only the id returned
        db is used to specify which database to return from
        loadSpec causes the workflow for each spec to be loaded.
        WorkflowName may be used in the place of RequestName
        key = []
        if not db:
            db = self.db
        if elementFilters.get('RequestName') and not WorkflowName:
            WorkflowName = elementFilters.pop('RequestName')

        if elementIDs:
            if elementFilters or status or returnIdOnly:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't specify extra filters (or return id's) when using element id's with getElements()")
            elements = [CouchWorkQueueElement(db, i).load() for i in elementIDs]
            options = {'include_docs': True, 'filter': elementFilters, 'idOnly': returnIdOnly, 'reduce': False}
            # filter on workflow or status if possible
            filterName = 'elementsByWorkflow'
            if WorkflowName:
            elif status:
                filterName = 'elementsByStatus'
            elif elementFilters.get('SubscriptionId'):
                filterName = 'elementsBySubscription'
            # add given params to filters
            if status:
                options['filter']['Status'] = status
            if WorkflowName:
                options['filter']['RequestName'] = WorkflowName

            view = db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'filter', filterName, options, key)
            view = json.loads(view)
            if returnIdOnly:
                return view
            elements = [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(db, row) for row in view]

        if loadSpec:
            specs = {}  # cache as may have multiple elements for same spec
            for ele in elements:
                if ele['RequestName'] not in specs:
                    wmspec = self.getWMSpec(ele['RequestName'])
                    specs[ele['RequestName']] = wmspec
                ele['WMSpec'] = specs[ele['RequestName']]
            del specs
        return elements
Пример #8
    def fixConflicts(self):
        """Fix elements in conflict

        Each local queue runs this to resolve its conflicts with global,
        resolution propagates up to global.

        Conflicting elements are merged into one element with others deleted.

        This will fail if elements are modified during the resolution -
        if this happens rerun.
        ordered_states = ['Available', 'Negotiating', 'Acquired', 'Running',
                          'Done', 'Failed', 'CancelRequested', 'Canceled']
        allowed_keys = ['Status', 'EventsWritten', 'FilesProcessed', 'PercentComplete', 'PercentSuccess']
        for db in [self.inbox, self.db]:
            conflicts = db.loadView('WorkQueue', 'conflicts')
            queue = []
            for row in conflicts['rows']:
                previous_value = None
                element_id = row['id']
                for rev in row['value']: # loop over conflicting revisions
                    ele = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(db, db.document(element_id, rev))
                    if not previous_value: # 1st will contain merged result and become winner
                        previous_value = ele
                    for key in previous_value:
                        if previous_value[key] == ele.get(key):
                        # we need to merge: Take elements from both that seem most advanced, e.g. status & progress stats
                        if key not in allowed_keys:
                            msg = 'Unable to merge conflicting element keys: field "%s" value 1 "%s" value2 "%s"'
                            raise RuntimeError, msg % (key, previous_value.get(key), ele.get(key))
                        if key == 'Status':
                            if ordered_states.index(ele[key]) > ordered_states.index(previous_value[key]):
                                previous_value[key] = ele[key]
                        elif ele[key] > previous_value[key]:
                            previous_value[key] = ele[key]
                    # once losing element has been merged - queue for deletion
                # conflict resolved - save element and delete losers
                msg = 'Resolving conflict for wf "%s", id "%s": Losing rev(s): %s'
                self.logger.info(msg % (str(previous_value['RequestName']),
                                         ", ".join([x._document['_rev'] for x in queue])))
                if self.saveElements(previous_value):
                    for i in queue:
                        i.delete() # delete others (if merged value update accepted)
Пример #9
    def availableWork(self, conditions, teams = None, wfs = None):
        """Get work which is available to be run"""
        elements = []
        for site in conditions.keys():
            if not conditions[site] > 0:
                del conditions[site]
        if not conditions:
            return elements, conditions

        options = {}
        options['include_docs'] = True
        options['descending'] = True
        options['resources'] = conditions
        if teams:
            options['teams'] = teams
        if wfs:
            result = []
            for i in xrange(0, len(wfs), 20):
                options['wfs'] = wfs[i:i+20]
                data = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            # sort final list
            result.sort(key = lambda x: x['WMCore.WorkQueue.DataStructs.WorkQueueElement.WorkQueueElement']['Priority'])
            result = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            result = json.loads(result)
        for i in result:
            element = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, i)

            # Remove 1st random site that can run work
            names = conditions.keys()
            for site in names:
                if element.passesSiteRestriction(site):
                    slots_left = conditions[site] - element['Jobs']
                    if slots_left > 0:
                        conditions[site] = slots_left
                        conditions.pop(site, None)
            if not conditions:
        return elements, conditions
Пример #10
 def testIdFromDbImmutable(self):
     """Modifying element id algorithm doesn't change existing id's"""
     ele = CouchWorkQueueElement(self.couch_db, elementParams = {'RequestName' : 'test'})
     self.couch_db.commit(timestamp = True)
     ele2 = CouchWorkQueueElement(self.couch_db, id = ele.id).load()
     ele2['RequestName'] = 'ThisWouldCauseIdToChange'
     # id should not change
     self.assertEqual(ele.id, ele2.id)
     # save should modify existing element
     self.couch_db.commit(timestamp = True)
     self.assertEqual(self.couch_db.info()['doc_count'], 1)
Пример #11
    def fixConflicts(self):
        """Fix elements in conflict

        Each local queue runs this to resolve its conflicts with global,
        resolution propagates up to global.

        Conflicting elements are merged into one element with others deleted.

        This will fail if elements are modified during the resolution -
        if this happens rerun.
        for db in [self.inbox, self.db]:
            for row in db.loadView('WorkQueue', 'conflicts')['rows']:
                element_id = row['id']
                    conflicting_elements = [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(db, db.document(element_id, rev)) \
                                                                                for rev in row['value']]
                    fixed_elements = fixElementConflicts(*conflicting_elements)
                    if self.saveElements(fixed_elements[0]):
                        self.saveElements(*fixed_elements[1:]) # delete others (if merged value update accepted)
                except Exception, ex:
                    self.logger.error("Error resolving conflict for %s: %s" % (element_id, str(ex)))
Пример #12
    def availableWork(self, thresholds, siteJobCounts, teams = None, wfs = None):
        Get work which is available to be run

        Assume thresholds is a dictionary; keys are the site name, values are
        the maximum number of running jobs at that site.

        Assumes site_job_counts is a dictionary-of-dictionaries; keys are the site
        name and task priorities.  The value is the number of jobs running at that
        elements = []

        # We used to pre-filter sites, looking to see if there are idle job slots
        # We don't do this anymore, as we may over-allocate
        # jobs to sites if the new jobs have a higher priority.

        # If there are no sites, punt early.
        if not thresholds:
            return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts

        options = {}
        options['include_docs'] = True
        options['descending'] = True
        options['resources'] = thresholds
        if teams:
            options['teams'] = teams
        if wfs:
            result = []
            for i in xrange(0, len(wfs), 20):
                options['wfs'] = wfs[i:i+20]
                data = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            # sort final list
            result.sort(key = lambda x: x['WMCore.WorkQueue.DataStructs.WorkQueueElement.WorkQueueElement']['Priority'])
            result = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            result = json.loads(result)

        # Iterate through the results; apply whitelist / blacklist / data
        # locality restrictions.  Only assign jobs if they are high enough
        # priority.
        for i in result:
            element = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, i)
            prio = element['Priority']

            possibleSite = None
            sites = thresholds.keys()
            for site in sites:
                if element.passesSiteRestriction(site):
                    # Count the number of jobs currently running of greater priority
                    prio = element['Priority']
                    curJobCount = sum(map(lambda x : x[1] if x[0] >= prio else 0, siteJobCounts.get(site, {}).items()))
                    if curJobCount < thresholds[site]:
                        possibleSite = site

            if possibleSite:
                if site not in siteJobCounts:
                    siteJobCounts[site] = {}
                siteJobCounts[site][prio] = siteJobCounts[site].setdefault(prio, 0) + element['Jobs']

        # sort elements to get them in timestamp order
        elements = sorted(elements, key=lambda element: element['CreationTime'])
        return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts
Пример #13
    def getElements(self,
        """Return elements that match requirements

        status, elementIDs & filters are 'AND'ed together to filter elements.
        returnIdOnly causes the element not to be loaded and only the id returned
        db is used to specify which database to return from
        loadSpec causes the workflow for each spec to be loaded.
        WorkflowName may be used in the place of RequestName
        key = []
        if not db:
            db = self.db
        if elementFilters.get('RequestName') and not WorkflowName:
            WorkflowName = elementFilters.pop('RequestName')

        if elementIDs:
            if elementFilters or status or returnIdOnly:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't specify extra filters (or return id's) when using element id's with getElements()"
            elements = [
                CouchWorkQueueElement(db, i).load() for i in elementIDs
            options = {
                'include_docs': True,
                'filter': elementFilters,
                'idOnly': returnIdOnly,
                'reduce': False
            # filter on workflow or status if possible
            filter = 'elementsByWorkflow'
            if WorkflowName:
            elif status:
                filter = 'elementsByStatus'
            elif elementFilters.get('SubscriptionId'):
                filter = 'elementsBySubscription'
            # add given params to filters
            if status:
                options['filter']['Status'] = status
            if WorkflowName:
                options['filter']['RequestName'] = WorkflowName

            view = db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'filter', filter, options, key)
            view = json.loads(view)
            if returnIdOnly:
                return view
            elements = [
                CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(db, row) for row in view

        if loadSpec:
            specs = {}  # cache as may have multiple elements for same spec
            for ele in elements:
                if ele['RequestName'] not in specs:
                    wmspec = self.getWMSpec(ele['RequestName'])
                    specs[ele['RequestName']] = wmspec
                ele['WMSpec'] = specs[ele['RequestName']]
            del specs
        return elements
Пример #14
 def getElementsForParentData(self, data):
     """Get active elements for this data """
     elements = self.db.loadView('WorkQueue', 'elementsByParentData', {'key' : data, 'include_docs' : True})
     return [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db,
             for x in elements.get('rows', [])]
Пример #15
    def availableWork(self, thresholds, siteJobCounts, teams=None, wfs=None):
        Get work which is available to be run

        Assume thresholds is a dictionary; keys are the site name, values are
        the maximum number of running jobs at that site.

        Assumes site_job_counts is a dictionary-of-dictionaries; keys are the site
        name and task priorities.  The value is the number of jobs running at that
        self.logger.info("Getting available work from %s/%s" %
                         (sanitizeURL(self.server.url)['url'], self.db.name))
        elements = []

        # We used to pre-filter sites, looking to see if there are idle job slots
        # We don't do this anymore, as we may over-allocate
        # jobs to sites if the new jobs have a higher priority.

        # If there are no sites, punt early.
        if not thresholds:
            self.logger.error("No thresholds is set: Please check")
            return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts

        options = {}
        options['include_docs'] = True
        options['descending'] = True
        options['resources'] = thresholds
        if teams:
            options['teams'] = teams
            self.logger.info("setting teams %s" % teams)
        if wfs:
            result = []
            for i in xrange(0, len(wfs), 20):
                options['wfs'] = wfs[i:i + 20]
                data = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions',
                                        'availableByPriority', options)
            # sort final list
            result.sort(key=lambda x: x[
            result = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions',
                                      'availableByPriority', options)
            result = json.loads(result)
            if len(result) == 0:
                    """No available work in WQ or didn't pass workqueue restriction 
                                    - check Pileup, site white list, etc""")
            self.logger.debug("Available Work:\n %s \n for resources\n %s" %
                              (result, thresholds))
        # Iterate through the results; apply whitelist / blacklist / data
        # locality restrictions.  Only assign jobs if they are high enough
        # priority.
        for i in result:
            element = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, i)
            prio = element['Priority']

            possibleSite = None
            sites = thresholds.keys()
            for site in sites:
                if element.passesSiteRestriction(site):
                    # Count the number of jobs currently running of greater priority
                    prio = element['Priority']
                    curJobCount = sum(
                        map(lambda x: x[1] if x[0] >= prio else 0,
                            siteJobCounts.get(site, {}).items()))
                    self.logger.debug("Job Count: %s, site: %s threshods: %s" %
                                      (curJobCount, site, thresholds[site]))
                    if curJobCount < thresholds[site]:
                        possibleSite = site

            if possibleSite:
                if site not in siteJobCounts:
                    siteJobCounts[site] = {}
                siteJobCounts[site][prio] = siteJobCounts[site].setdefault(
                    prio, 0) + element['Jobs']
                self.logger.info("No possible site for %s" % element)
        # sort elements to get them in priority first and timestamp order
        elements.sort(key=lambda element: element['CreationTime'])
        elements.sort(key=lambda x: x['Priority'], reverse=True)

        return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts
Пример #16
 def getElementsForParent(self, parent):
     """Get elements with the given parent"""
     elements = self.db.loadView('WorkQueue', 'elementsByParent', {'key' : parent.id, 'include_docs' : True})
     return [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db,
             for x in elements.get('rows', [])]
Пример #17
 def getElementsForWorkflow(self, workflow):
     """Get elements for a workflow"""
     elements = self.db.loadView(
         "WorkQueue", "elementsByWorkflow", {"key": workflow, "include_docs": True, "reduce": False}
     return [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, x["doc"]) for x in elements.get("rows", [])]
Пример #18
    def availableWork(self, thresholds, siteJobCounts, teams = None, wfs = None):
        Get work which is available to be run

        Assume thresholds is a dictionary; keys are the site name, values are
        the maximum number of running jobs at that site.

        Assumes site_job_counts is a dictionary-of-dictionaries; keys are the site
        name and task priorities.  The value is the number of jobs running at that
        self.logger.info("Getting available work from %s/%s" % 
                         (sanitizeURL(self.server.url)['url'], self.db.name))
        elements = []

        # We used to pre-filter sites, looking to see if there are idle job slots
        # We don't do this anymore, as we may over-allocate
        # jobs to sites if the new jobs have a higher priority.

        # If there are no sites, punt early.
        if not thresholds:
            self.logger.error("No thresholds is set: Please check")
            return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts

        options = {}
        options['include_docs'] = True
        options['descending'] = True
        options['resources'] = thresholds
        if teams:
            options['teams'] = teams
            self.logger.info("setting teams %s" % teams)
        if wfs:
            result = []
            for i in xrange(0, len(wfs), 20):
                options['wfs'] = wfs[i:i+20]
                data = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            # sort final list
            result.sort(key = lambda x: x['WMCore.WorkQueue.DataStructs.WorkQueueElement.WorkQueueElement']['Priority'])
            result = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            result = json.loads(result)
            if len(result) == 0:
                self.logger.info("""No available work in WQ or didn't pass workqueue restriction 
                                    - check Pileup, site white list, etc""")
            self.logger.debug("Available Work:\n %s \n for resources\n %s" % (result, thresholds))
        # Iterate through the results; apply whitelist / blacklist / data
        # locality restrictions.  Only assign jobs if they are high enough
        # priority.
        for i in result:
            element = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, i)
            prio = element['Priority']

            possibleSite = None
            sites = thresholds.keys()
            for site in sites:
                if element.passesSiteRestriction(site):
                    # Count the number of jobs currently running of greater priority
                    prio = element['Priority']
                    curJobCount = sum(map(lambda x : x[1] if x[0] >= prio else 0, siteJobCounts.get(site, {}).items()))
                    self.logger.debug("Job Count: %s, site: %s threshods: %s" % (curJobCount, site, thresholds[site]))
                    if curJobCount < thresholds[site]:
                        possibleSite = site

            if possibleSite:
                self.logger.debug("Possible site exists %s" % str(possibleSite))
                if site not in siteJobCounts:
                    siteJobCounts[site] = {}
                siteJobCounts[site][prio] = siteJobCounts[site].setdefault(prio, 0) + element['Jobs']*element.get('blowupFactor', 1.0)
                self.logger.info("No possible site for %s" % element['RequestName'])
        # sort elements to get them in priority first and timestamp order
        elements.sort(key=lambda element: element['CreationTime'])
        elements.sort(key = lambda x: x['Priority'], reverse = True)
        return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts
Пример #19
 def getElementsForParent(self, parent):
     """Get elements with the given parent"""
     elements = self.db.loadView("WorkQueue", "elementsByParent", {"key": parent.id, "include_docs": True})
     return [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, x["doc"]) for x in elements.get("rows", [])]
Пример #20
    def availableWork(self, thresholds, siteJobCounts, teams=None, wfs=None,
                      excludeWorkflows=None, numElems=9999999):
        Get work which is available to be run

        Assume thresholds is a dictionary; keys are the site name, values are
        the maximum number of running jobs at that site.

        Assumes site_job_counts is a dictionary-of-dictionaries; keys are the site
        name and task priorities.  The value is the number of jobs running at that

        It will pull work until it reaches the number of elements configured (numElems).
        Since it's also used for calculating free resources, default it to "infinity"

        Note: this method will be called with no limit of work elements when it's simply
        calculating the resources available (based on what is in LQ), before it gets work
        from GQ
        self.logger.info("Getting up to %d available work from %s", numElems, self.queueUrl)

        excludeWorkflows = excludeWorkflows or []
        elements = []
        sortedElements = []

        # We used to pre-filter sites, looking to see if there are idle job slots
        # We don't do this anymore, as we may over-allocate
        # jobs to sites if the new jobs have a higher priority.

        # If there are no sites, punt early.
        if not thresholds:
            self.logger.error("No thresholds is set: Please check")
            return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts

        options = {}
        options['include_docs'] = True
        options['descending'] = True
        options['resources'] = thresholds
        if teams:
            options['teams'] = teams
            self.logger.info("setting teams %s" % teams)
        if wfs:
            result = []
            for i in xrange(0, len(wfs), 20):
                options['wfs'] = wfs[i:i + 20]
                data = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            result = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            result = json.loads(result)
            if len(result) == 0:
                self.logger.info("""No available work in WQ or didn't pass workqueue restriction
                                    - check Pileup, site white list, etc""")
            self.logger.debug("Available Work:\n %s \n for resources\n %s" % (result, thresholds))
        # Iterate through the results; apply whitelist / blacklist / data
        # locality restrictions.  Only assign jobs if they are high enough
        # priority.
        for i in result:
            element = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, i)
            # filter out exclude list from abvaling
            if element['RequestName'] not in excludeWorkflows:

        # sort elements to get them in priority first and timestamp order
        sortedElements.sort(key=lambda element: element['CreationTime'])
        sortedElements.sort(key=lambda x: x['Priority'], reverse=True)

        for element in sortedElements:
            if numElems <= 0:
                self.logger.info("Reached the maximum number of elements to be pulled: %d", len(elements))

            if not possibleSites(element):
                self.logger.info("No possible sites for %s with doc id %s", element['RequestName'], element.id)

            prio = element['Priority']
            possibleSite = None
            sites = thresholds.keys()
            for site in sites:
                if element.passesSiteRestriction(site):
                    # Count the number of jobs currently running of greater priority
                    curJobCount = sum(map(lambda x: x[1] if x[0] >= prio else 0, siteJobCounts.get(site, {}).items()))
                    self.logger.debug("Job Count: %s, site: %s thresholds: %s" % (curJobCount, site, thresholds[site]))
                    if curJobCount < thresholds[site]:
                        possibleSite = site

            if possibleSite:
                numElems -= 1
                self.logger.debug("Possible site exists %s" % str(possibleSite))
                if possibleSite not in siteJobCounts:
                    siteJobCounts[possibleSite] = {}
                siteJobCounts[possibleSite][prio] = siteJobCounts[possibleSite].setdefault(prio, 0) + \
                                                    element['Jobs'] * element.get('blowupFactor', 1.0)
                self.logger.info("No available resources for %s with doc id %s", element['RequestName'], element.id)

        return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts
Пример #21
 def getElementsForPileupData(self, data):
     """Get active elements for this data """
     elements = self.db.loadView("WorkQueue", "elementsByPileupData", {"key": data, "include_docs": True})
     return [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, x["doc"]) for x in elements.get("rows", [])]
Пример #22
 def getElementsForParent(self, parent):
     """Get elements with the given parent"""
     elements = self.db.loadView('WorkQueue', 'elementsByParent', {'key': parent.id, 'include_docs': True})
     return [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db,
             for x in elements.get('rows', [])]
Пример #23
    def availableWork(self, thresholds, siteJobCounts, team=None, wfs=None,
                      excludeWorkflows=None, numElems=9999999):
        Get work which is available to be run

        Assume thresholds is a dictionary; keys are the site name, values are
        the maximum number of running jobs at that site.

        Assumes site_job_counts is a dictionary-of-dictionaries; keys are the site
        name and task priorities.  The value is the number of jobs running at that

        It will pull work until it reaches the number of elements configured (numElems).
        Since it's also used for calculating free resources, default it to "infinity"

        Note: this method will be called with no limit of work elements when it's simply
        calculating the resources available (based on what is in LQ), before it gets work
        from GQ
        self.logger.info("Getting up to %d available work from %s", numElems, self.queueUrl)
        self.logger.info("  for team name: %s", team)
        self.logger.info("  for wfs: %s", wfs)
        self.logger.info("  with excludeWorkflows: %s", excludeWorkflows)
        self.logger.info("  for thresholds: %s", thresholds)

        excludeWorkflows = excludeWorkflows or []
        elements = []
        sortedElements = []

        # We used to pre-filter sites, looking to see if there are idle job slots
        # We don't do this anymore, as we may over-allocate
        # jobs to sites if the new jobs have a higher priority.

        # If there are no sites, punt early.
        if not thresholds:
            self.logger.error("No thresholds is set: Please check")
            return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts

        options = {}
        options['include_docs'] = True
        options['descending'] = True
        options['num_elem'] = numElems
        options['resources'] = thresholds
        if team:
            options['team'] = team
        if wfs:
            result = []
            for i in xrange(0, len(wfs), 20):
                options['wfs'] = wfs[i:i + 20]
                data = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            result = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions', 'availableByPriority', options)
            result = json.loads(result)
            if not result:
                self.logger.info("No available work or it did not pass work/data restrictions for: %s ",
                self.logger.info("Retrieved %d elements from workRestrictions list for: %s",
                                 len(result), self.queueUrl)

        # Iterate through the results; apply whitelist / blacklist / data
        # locality restrictions.  Only assign jobs if they are high enough
        # priority.
        for i in result:
            element = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, i)
            # make sure not to acquire work for aborted or force-completed workflows
            if element['RequestName'] in excludeWorkflows:
                msg = "Skipping aborted/force-completed workflow: %s, work id: %s"
                self.logger.info(msg, element['RequestName'], element._id)
        # sort elements to get them in priority first and timestamp order
        sortedElements.sort(key=lambda element: element['CreationTime'])
        sortedElements.sort(key=lambda x: x['Priority'], reverse=True)

        sites = thresholds.keys()
        self.logger.info("Current siteJobCounts:")
        for site, jobsByPrio in siteJobCounts.items():
            self.logger.info("    %s : %s", site, jobsByPrio)

        for element in sortedElements:
            commonSites = possibleSites(element)
            prio = element['Priority']
            possibleSite = None
            for site in sites:
                if site in commonSites:
                    # Count the number of jobs currently running of greater priority
                    curJobCount = sum([x[1] if x[0] >= prio else 0 for x in siteJobCounts.get(site, {}).items()])
                    self.logger.debug("Job Count: %s, site: %s thresholds: %s" % (curJobCount, site, thresholds[site]))
                    if curJobCount < thresholds[site]:
                        possibleSite = site

            if possibleSite:
                siteJobCounts.setdefault(possibleSite, {})
                siteJobCounts[possibleSite][prio] = siteJobCounts[possibleSite].setdefault(prio, 0) + \
                                                    element['Jobs'] * element.get('blowupFactor', 1.0)
                self.logger.debug("No available resources for %s with doc id %s", element['RequestName'], element.id)

        self.logger.info("And %d elements passed location and siteJobCounts restrictions for: %s",
                         len(elements), self.queueUrl)
        return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts
Пример #24
    def availableWork(self,
        Get work which is available to be run

        Assume thresholds is a dictionary; keys are the site name, values are
        the maximum number of running jobs at that site.

        Assumes site_job_counts is a dictionary-of-dictionaries; keys are the site
        name and task priorities.  The value is the number of jobs running at that

        It will pull work until it reaches the number of elements configured (numElems).
        Since it's also used for calculating free resources, default it to "infinity"

        Note: this method will be called with no limit of work elements when it's simply
        calculating the resources available (based on what is in LQ), before it gets work
        from GQ
        self.logger.info("Getting up to %d available work from %s", numElems,

        excludeWorkflows = excludeWorkflows or []
        elements = []
        sortedElements = []

        # We used to pre-filter sites, looking to see if there are idle job slots
        # We don't do this anymore, as we may over-allocate
        # jobs to sites if the new jobs have a higher priority.

        # If there are no sites, punt early.
        if not thresholds:
            self.logger.error("No thresholds is set: Please check")
            return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts

        options = {}
        options['include_docs'] = True
        options['descending'] = True
        options['resources'] = thresholds
        if team:
            options['team'] = team
            self.logger.info("setting team to %s" % team)
        if wfs:
            result = []
            for i in xrange(0, len(wfs), 20):
                options['wfs'] = wfs[i:i + 20]
                data = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions',
                                        'availableByPriority', options)
            result = self.db.loadList('WorkQueue', 'workRestrictions',
                                      'availableByPriority', options)
            result = json.loads(result)
            if len(result) == 0:
                    """No available work in WQ or didn't pass workqueue restriction
                                    - check Pileup, site white list, etc""")
            self.logger.debug("Available Work:\n %s \n for resources\n %s" %
                              (result, thresholds))
        # Iterate through the results; apply whitelist / blacklist / data
        # locality restrictions.  Only assign jobs if they are high enough
        # priority.
        for i in result:
            element = CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db, i)
            # filter out exclude list from abvaling
            if element['RequestName'] not in excludeWorkflows:

        # sort elements to get them in priority first and timestamp order
        sortedElements.sort(key=lambda element: element['CreationTime'])
        sortedElements.sort(key=lambda x: x['Priority'], reverse=True)

        for element in sortedElements:
            if numElems <= 0:
                    "Reached the maximum number of elements to be pulled: %d",

            if not possibleSites(element):
                self.logger.info("No possible sites for %s with doc id %s",
                                 element['RequestName'], element.id)

            prio = element['Priority']
            possibleSite = None
            sites = thresholds.keys()
            for site in sites:
                if element.passesSiteRestriction(site):
                    # Count the number of jobs currently running of greater priority
                    curJobCount = sum([
                        x[1] if x[0] >= prio else 0
                        for x in siteJobCounts.get(site, {}).items()
                        "Job Count: %s, site: %s thresholds: %s" %
                        (curJobCount, site, thresholds[site]))
                    if curJobCount < thresholds[site]:
                        possibleSite = site

            if possibleSite:
                numElems -= 1
                self.logger.debug("Possible site exists %s" %
                if possibleSite not in siteJobCounts:
                    siteJobCounts[possibleSite] = {}
                siteJobCounts[possibleSite][prio] = siteJobCounts[possibleSite].setdefault(prio, 0) + \
                                                    element['Jobs'] * element.get('blowupFactor', 1.0)
                    "No available resources for %s with doc id %s",
                    element['RequestName'], element.id)

        return elements, thresholds, siteJobCounts
Пример #25
 def getElementsForParentData(self, data):
     """Get active elements for this data """
     elements = self.db.loadView('WorkQueue', 'elementsByParentData', {'key': data, 'include_docs': True})
     return [CouchWorkQueueElement.fromDocument(self.db,
             for x in elements.get('rows', [])]