Пример #1
	def __str__(self):

		instrnamestr = self.name if self._opcode <= 17 else "illegal{0}".format(self._opcode)

		instrstr = None
		if self._opcode > 17:
			return ''.join([labelstr, 
						"illegal{0}\t{1}, {2}, {3}".format(self._opcode, self._subOpcode, self._parameter)])
		elif self._opcode in (0, 8, 15):  # nop, return, exit
			instrstr = "{0}".format((self._subOpcode, self._parameter)) if\
			not (self._subOpcode, self._parameter) == (0, 0) else ""
		elif self._opcode == 1:  # operator
			instrstr = FunctionInfo.getOperatorName(self._subOpcode)
		elif self._opcode == 2:  # ldimm
			if self._subOpcode == 0:
				instrstr = 'none_t, ={0}'.format('None' if self.ctx is None or self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1] == 0 
									 else self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1])
			elif self._subOpcode == 1:
				instrstr = 'int, ={0}'.format("" if self.ctx is None else str(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1]))
			elif self._subOpcode == 2:
				if self.ctx is None:
					instrstr = 'float, ='
					fstr = '{0:.7g}'.format(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1])#.rstrip('0')
					fstr = fstr if fstr else "0."
					instrstr = 'float, ={0}'.format(fstr)
			elif self._subOpcode == 3:
				instrstr = 'str, ={0}'.format(self._parameter if self.ctx is None or self.ctx.sections.get("STRG") is None
								  else '"{0}"'.format(self.ctx.sections["STRG"].getString(self._parameter)))
			elif self._subOpcode == 4:
				instrstr = "vector, ={0}".format(self._parameter if self.ctx is None or self.ctx.sections.get("VECT") is None
									 else "<{0}, {1}, {2}>".format(*self.ctx.sections["VECT"].vectors[self._parameter]) )
			elif self._subOpcode == 0x2c:
				instrstr = "type44, {0}".format(self._parameter & 0xffff)  # unsigned parameter
			elif self._subOpcode == 0x35:
				typestr = "codeptr_t"
				valuestr = "={0}".format(hex(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1])\
											if self.ctx is not None else "")
				instrstr = "{0}, {1}".format(self._subOpcode, self._parameter & 0xffff)
		elif self._opcode in (3, 4, 17):  # ldvar, setvar, ldncpvar
			instrstr = self.variableName

		elif self._opcode == 5:  # setvector
			instrstr = "{0}, {1}".format(self.__class__.vectorCoordNames[self.subSubOpcodes[0]], self.variableName)
		elif self._opcode in (6, 13, 14):  # pop, reserve, release
			instrstr = "{0}{1}".format(self._subOpcode, "" if self._parameter == 0 else\
			"(, {0})".format(self._parameter))

		elif self._opcode in (7, 10, 11, 12):  # call/jmptrue/jmpfalse/jmp
			instrID = self.instructionID
			instrstr = hex(instrID) if (self.ctx is None or instrID >= len(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions))\
			else self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[instrID]
		elif self._opcode == 9:  # callstd
			instrstr = FunctionInfo.getStdFunctionName(self._subOpcode, self._parameter)
		elif self._opcode == 16:  # setline
			instrstr = str(self._parameter)
		ret = ''.join([instrnamestr, (14 - len(instrnamestr)) * ' ', instrstr]) 
		return ret
Пример #2
    def __str__(self):

        instrnamestr = self.name if self._opcode <= 17 else "illegal{0}".format(

        instrstr = None

        if self._opcode > 17:
            return ''.join([
                "illegal{0}\t{1}, {2}, {3}".format(self._opcode,

        elif self._opcode in (0, 8, 15):  # nop, return, exit
            instrstr = "{0}".format((self._subOpcode, self._parameter)) if\
            not (self._subOpcode, self._parameter) == (0, 0) else ""

        elif self._opcode == 1:  # operator
            instrstr = FunctionInfo.getOperatorName(self._subOpcode)

        elif self._opcode == 2:  # ldimm
            if self._subOpcode == 0:
                instrstr = 'none_t, ={0}'.format(
                    'None' if self.ctx is None or self.ctx.sections["CODE"].
                    instructions[self._position + 1] == 0 else self.ctx.
                    sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1])
            elif self._subOpcode == 1:
                instrstr = 'int, ={0}'.format("" if self.ctx is None else str(
                    self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position +
            elif self._subOpcode == 2:
                if self.ctx is None:
                    instrstr = 'float, ='
                    fstr = '{0:.7g}'.format(
                            self._position + 1])  #.rstrip('0')
                    fstr = fstr if fstr else "0."
                    instrstr = 'float, ={0}'.format(fstr)

            elif self._subOpcode == 3:
                instrstr = 'str, ={0}'.format(
                    self._parameter if self.ctx is None or
                    self.ctx.sections.get("STRG") is None else '"{0}"'.format(

            elif self._subOpcode == 4:
                instrstr = "vector, ={0}".format(
                    self._parameter if self.ctx is None or self.ctx.sections.
                    get("VECT") is None else "<{0}, {1}, {2}>".format(

            elif self._subOpcode == 0x2c:
                instrstr = "type44, {0}".format(self._parameter
                                                & 0xffff)  # unsigned parameter

            elif self._subOpcode == 0x35:
                typestr = "codeptr_t"
                valuestr = "={0}".format(hex(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1])\
                       if self.ctx is not None else "")

                instrstr = "{0}, {1}".format(self._subOpcode,
                                             self._parameter & 0xffff)

        elif self._opcode in (3, 4, 17):  # ldvar, setvar, ldncpvar
            instrstr = self.variableName

        elif self._opcode == 5:  # setvector
            instrstr = "{0}, {1}".format(

        elif self._opcode in (6, 13, 14):  # pop, reserve, release
            instrstr = "{0}{1}".format(self._subOpcode, "" if self._parameter == 0 else\
            "(, {0})".format(self._parameter))

        elif self._opcode in (7, 10, 11, 12):  # call/jmptrue/jmpfalse/jmp
            instrID = self.instructionID
            instrstr = hex(instrID) if (self.ctx is None or instrID >= len(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions))\
            else self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[instrID]

        elif self._opcode == 9:  # callstd
            instrstr = FunctionInfo.getStdFunctionName(self._subOpcode,

        elif self._opcode == 16:  # setline
            instrstr = str(self._parameter)

        ret = ''.join([instrnamestr, (14 - len(instrnamestr)) * ' ', instrstr])
        return ret
Пример #3
	def check(self):
		self._nextPosition = self._position + 1
		instrID = self.instructionID
		if self._opcode > 17:
			warnings.warn("illegal opcode encountered (opcode {0} \
			at instruction #{1})".format(self._opcode, hex(self.position)))
		elif self._opcode == 1:
			if FunctionInfo.getOperatorName(self._subOpcode) == str(self._subOpcode):
				warnings.warn("invalid operator encountered (operator '{0}' \
				at instruction #{1})".format(FunctionInfo.getOperatorName(self._subOpcode), hex(self.position)))
		elif self._opcode == 2:
			if self.ctx is not None:
				packed = None
				if self._subOpcode in (0, 1, 2, 0x35):
					assert not isinstance(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1], self.__class__)
					packed = struct.pack(">f", self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1]) if\
					type(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1]) is float else\
					struct.pack(">I", self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1] & 0xffffffff)
				if self._subOpcode in (0, 0x35):  # none_t/codeptr_t
					self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1] = struct.unpack(">I", packed)[0]
					self._nextPosition = self._position + 2
				if self._subOpcode == 1:  # int
					self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1] = struct.unpack(">i", packed)[0]
					self._nextPosition = self._position + 2
				elif self._subOpcode == 2:  # float
					self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1] = struct.unpack(">f", packed)[0]
					self._nextPosition = self._position + 2
			if self._subOpcode == 3:
				if self._parameter < 0:
					warnings.warn("negative string offset encountered ({0} \
					at instruction #{1})".format(self._parameter, hex(self.position)))
			elif self._subOpcode == 4:
				if self._parameter < 0:
					warnings.warn("negative vector ID encountered ({0} \
					at instruction #{1})".format(self._parameter, hex(self.position)))
			elif self._subOpcode not in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0x35, 0x2c):
				warnings.warn("ldimm does not support this type ({0} \
				at instruction #{1})".format(self._subOpcode, hex(self.position)))
		elif self._opcode in (3, 4, 17):
		    # ldvar, setvar, ldncpvar
			if self.subSubOpcodes[1] == 3 and self._opcode == 4:
				warnings.warn("cannot change immutable reference (instruction #{0})".format(hex(self.position)))
		elif self._opcode == 5:  # setvector
			vecindex, veclevel = self.subSubOpcodes
			if vecindex == 4:
				warnings.warn("out-of-range vector coordinate index encountered ({0} \
				at instruction #{1})".format(self._parameter, hex(self.position)))	
			if veclevel == 3:
				warnings.warn("Invalid vector storage type encountered \
				(instruction #{0})".format(hex(self.position)))
		elif self._opcode in (7, 10, 11, 12):  # call/jmptrue/jmpfalse/jmp
			if self.ctx is not None:
				if instrID >= len(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions):
					warnings.warn("out-of-range destination \
					instruction encountered in jump/call instruction \
					(at instruction #{0}: {1}\t{2})".format(hex(self.position),
					self.name, hex(instrID)))
					if self._opcode == 7 and instrID not in self.ctx.sections["HEAD"].functionOffsets:
						warnings.warn("call to unreferenced function ({0} \
						at instruction #{1})".format(instrID, hex(self.position)))

					lbl = ''.join(["sub_" if self._opcode == 7 else "loc_", hex(instrID)[2:]])
					if not self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[instrID]: self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[instrID] = lbl
					if self._opcode != 7 and (True if self.ctx is None 
							   else self.position+1 < len(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions)) :
						lbl2 = ''.join(["loc_", hex(self.position+1)[2:]])
						if not self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[self.position+1]: self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[self.position+1] = lbl2
		elif self._opcode == 9:  # callstd
			if FunctionInfo.stdfunctions_name_dict.get(self._subOpcode) is None:
				warnings.warn("invalid class id encountered ({0} \
				at instruction #{1})".format(self._subOpcode, hex(self.position)))
Пример #4
    def check(self):
        self._nextPosition = self._position + 1
        instrID = self.instructionID

        if self._opcode > 17:
            warnings.warn("illegal opcode encountered (opcode {0} \
			at instruction #{1})".format(self._opcode, hex(self.position)))

        elif self._opcode == 1:
            if FunctionInfo.getOperatorName(self._subOpcode) == str(
                warnings.warn("invalid operator encountered (operator '{0}' \
				at instruction #{1})".format(FunctionInfo.getOperatorName(self._subOpcode),

        elif self._opcode == 2:
            if self.ctx is not None:
                packed = None

                if self._subOpcode in (0, 1, 2, 0x35):
                    assert not isinstance(
                        self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position +

                    packed = struct.pack(">f", self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1]) if\
                    type(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1]) is float else\
                    struct.pack(">I", self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position + 1] & 0xffffffff)

                if self._subOpcode in (0, 0x35):  # none_t/codeptr_t
                    self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position +
                                                           1] = struct.unpack(
                                                               ">I", packed)[0]
                    self._nextPosition = self._position + 2

                if self._subOpcode == 1:  # int
                    self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position +
                                                           1] = struct.unpack(
                                                               ">i", packed)[0]
                    self._nextPosition = self._position + 2

                elif self._subOpcode == 2:  # float
                    self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions[self._position +
                                                           1] = struct.unpack(
                                                               ">f", packed)[0]
                    self._nextPosition = self._position + 2

            if self._subOpcode == 3:
                if self._parameter < 0:
                    warnings.warn("negative string offset encountered ({0} \
					at instruction #{1})".format(self._parameter, hex(self.position)))

            elif self._subOpcode == 4:
                if self._parameter < 0:
                    warnings.warn("negative vector ID encountered ({0} \
					at instruction #{1})".format(self._parameter, hex(self.position)))

            elif self._subOpcode not in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0x35, 0x2c):
                warnings.warn("ldimm does not support this type ({0} \
				at instruction #{1})".format(self._subOpcode, hex(self.position)))

        elif self._opcode in (3, 4, 17):
            # ldvar, setvar, ldncpvar
            if self.subSubOpcodes[1] == 3 and self._opcode == 4:
                    "cannot change immutable reference (instruction #{0})".

        elif self._opcode == 5:  # setvector
            vecindex, veclevel = self.subSubOpcodes

            if vecindex == 4:
                    "out-of-range vector coordinate index encountered ({0} \
				at instruction #{1})".format(self._parameter, hex(self.position)))

            if veclevel == 3:
                warnings.warn("Invalid vector storage type encountered \
				(instruction #{0})".format(hex(self.position)))

        elif self._opcode in (7, 10, 11, 12):  # call/jmptrue/jmpfalse/jmp
            if self.ctx is not None:
                if instrID >= len(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions):
                    warnings.warn("out-of-range destination \
					instruction encountered in jump/call instruction \
					(at instruction #{0}: {1}\t{2})".format(hex(self.position), self.name,

                    if self._opcode == 7 and instrID not in self.ctx.sections[
                        warnings.warn("call to unreferenced function ({0} \
						at instruction #{1})".format(instrID, hex(self.position)))

                    lbl = ''.join([
                        "sub_" if self._opcode == 7 else "loc_",
                    if not self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[instrID]:
                        self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[instrID] = lbl
                    if self._opcode != 7 and (
                            True if self.ctx is None else self.position +
                            1 < len(self.ctx.sections["CODE"].instructions)):
                        lbl2 = ''.join(["loc_", hex(self.position + 1)[2:]])
                        if not self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[self.position +
                            self.ctx.sections["CODE"].labels[self.position +
                                                             1] = lbl2

        elif self._opcode == 9:  # callstd
            if FunctionInfo.stdfunctions_name_dict.get(
                    self._subOpcode) is None:
                warnings.warn("invalid class id encountered ({0} \
				at instruction #{1})".format(self._subOpcode, hex(self.position)))