Пример #1
def make_zeekctl_config_sh(cmdout):
    ostr = ""
    for (varname, value) in config.Config.options(dynamic=False):
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            # Convert bools to the string "1" or "0"
            value = "1" if value else "0"
            value = str(value)

        # In order to prevent shell errors, here we convert plugin
        # option names to use underscores, and double quotes in the value
        # are escaped.
        ostr += '%s="%s"\n' % (varname.replace(".",
                                               "_"), value.replace('"', '\\"'))

    # Rather than just overwriting the file, we first write out a tmp file,
    # and then rename it to avoid a race condition where a process outside of
    # zeekctl (such as archive-log) is trying to read the file while it is
    # being written.
    cfg_path = os.path.join(config.Config.zeekctlconfigdir,
    tmp_path = os.path.join(config.Config.zeekctlconfigdir,

        with open(tmp_path, "w") as out:
    except IOError as e:
        cmdout.error("failed to write file: %s" % e)
        return False

        os.rename(tmp_path, cfg_path)
    except OSError as e:
        cmdout.error("failed to rename file %s: %s" % (tmp_path, e))
        return False

    symlink = os.path.join(config.Config.scriptsdir, "zeekctl-config.sh")

    # check if the symlink needs to be updated
        update_link = not os.path.islink(
            symlink) or os.readlink(symlink) != cfg_path
    except OSError as e:
        cmdout.error("failed to read symlink: %s" % e)
        return False

    if update_link:
        # attempt to update the symlink
            util.force_symlink(cfg_path, symlink)
        except OSError as e:
            cmdout.error("failed to update symlink '%s' to point to '%s': %s" %
                         (symlink, cfg_path, e.strerror))
            return False

    return True
Пример #2
    def install(self, local_only):
        results = cmdresult.CmdResult()

        except config.ConfigurationError as err:
            self.ui.error("%s" % err)
            results.ok = False
            return results

        manager = self.config.manager()

        # Delete previously installed policy files to not mix things up.
        policies = [self.config.policydirsiteinstall, self.config.policydirsiteinstallauto]

        for dirpath in policies:
            if os.path.isdir(dirpath):
                self.ui.info("removing old policies in %s ..." % dirpath)
                except OSError as err:
                    self.ui.error("failed to remove directory %s: %s" % (dirpath, err))
                    results.ok = False
                    return results

        self.ui.info("creating policy directories ...")
        for dirpath in policies:
            except OSError as err:
                self.ui.error("failed to create directory: %s" % err)
                results.ok = False
                return results

        # Install local site policy.

        if self.config.sitepolicypath:
            self.ui.info("installing site policies ...")
            dst = self.config.policydirsiteinstall
            for dir in self.config.sitepolicypath.split(":"):
                dirpath = self.config.subst(dir)
                for pathname in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirpath, "*")):
                    if not execute.install(pathname, dst, self.ui):
                        results.ok = False
                        return results

        if not install.make_layout(self.config.policydirsiteinstallauto, self.ui):
            results.ok = False
            return results

        self.ui.info("generating local-networks.zeek ...")
        if not install.make_local_networks(self.config.policydirsiteinstallauto, self.ui):
            results.ok = False
            return results

        self.ui.info("generating zeekctl-config.zeek ...")
        if not install.make_zeekctl_config_policy(self.config.policydirsiteinstallauto, self.ui, self.pluginregistry):
            results.ok = False
            return results

        loggers = self.config.loggers()
        if loggers:
            # Just use the first logger that is defined.
            node_cwd = loggers[0].cwd()
            node_cwd = manager.cwd()

        current = self.config.subst(os.path.join(self.config.logdir, "current"))
            util.force_symlink(node_cwd, current)
        except (IOError, OSError) as err:
            results.ok = False
            self.ui.error("failed to update symlink '%s': %s" % (current, err))
            return results

        self.ui.info("generating zeekctl-config.sh ...")
        if not install.make_zeekctl_config_sh(self.ui):
            results.ok = False
            return results

        if local_only:
            return results

        # Make sure we install each remote host only once.
        nodes = self.config.hosts(exclude_local=True)

        # If there are no remote hosts, then we're done.
        if not nodes:
            # Save current configuration state.
            return results

        # Sync to clients.
        self.ui.info("updating nodes ...")

        dirs = []

        if not self.config.havenfs:
            # Non-NFS, need to explicitly synchronize.
            syncs = install.get_syncs()
            # NFS. We only need to take care of the spool/log directories.

            # We need this only on the manager.
            dirs.append((manager, self.config.logdir))

            syncs = install.get_nfssyncs()

        syncs = [(dir, mirror) for (dir, mirror, optional) in syncs if not optional or os.path.exists(self.config.subst(dir))]

        createdirs = [self.config.subst(dir) for (dir, mirror) in syncs if not mirror]
        for n in nodes:
            for dir in createdirs:
                dirs.append((n, dir))

        for (node, success, output) in self.executor.mkdirs(dirs):
            if not success:
                self.ui.error("cannot create a directory on node %s" % node.name)
                if output:
                results.ok = False
                return results

        paths = [self.config.subst(dir) for (dir, mirror) in syncs if mirror]
        if not execute.sync(nodes, paths, self.ui):
            results.ok = False
            return results

        # Save current configuration state.

        return results