def __init__(self): self.config = Config() if "glove" in self.config.WORD_VEC_MODEL_PATH: self.w2vmodel = w2VModel(self.config.WORD_VEC_MODEL_PATH, False) else: self.w2vmodel = w2VModel(self.config.WORD_VEC_MODEL_PATH) self.embDim = 200 self.aim = 'train' # train or test. # our vocabulary dictionary, dictionary value is 0 means padding idx. self.cateVocab = {} # self.path = self.config.get_train_path() # self.path1 = self.config.TEST_FILE_PATH # our vocabulary dictionary, dictionary value is 0 means padding idx. self.vocabToOld = {} self.vocabToNew = {} self.train_data, self.train_label = self.readFile( self.config.get_train_path()) self.test_data, self.test_label = self.readFile( self.config.get_test_path()) = self.train_data + self.test_data self.label = self.train_label + self.test_label self.buildVocab() self.numVocab = len(self.w2vmodel.w2vmodel.vocab) # [self.testData, self.testLabel] = self.readFile(testDataPath) self.weight = self.getW2V()
def _test(config: Config, model: AttentionNestedNERModel): """ :param config: Config file pass to test_one_sentence, find_entities, evaluate functions. :param model: model after load parameters. :return: """ # initialize the confusion matrix. config.metric_dicts = [{"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0} for i in range(len(config.labels))] # start test. config.result_file = open(config.output_path, "w") for test_index in range(len(config.test_data)): output_sent(config.result_file, config.test_str[test_index]) word_ids = config.test_data[test_index] gt_labels = config.test_label[test_index] gt_entities = [] for nested_level_index in range(len(gt_labels)): # all nested levels. # for nested_level_index in range(config.max_nested_level): # todo attention this gt label! output_level(config.result_file, nested_level_index, config.bio_labels, gt_labels[nested_level_index], "gt") gt_entities, added_flag = process_one_nested_level_predict_result(config, gt_labels[nested_level_index], gt_entities) if added_flag is False: break predict_candidates = _test_one_sentence(config, model, word_ids) evaluate(config, predict_candidates, gt_entities) output_summary(config.result_file, config.test_str[test_index], config.labels, predict_candidates, gt_entities) # print result print(get_metrics(config)) config.result_file.close() return
def main(): config = Config() config.running_mode = "train" word_dict = geniaDataset() model = AttentionNestedNERModel( config, word_dict).cuda() if config.cuda else AttentionNestedNERModel( config, word_dict) config.test_data, config.test_str, config.test_label = data_prepare( config, config.get_test_path(), word_dict) del word_dict start_test(config, model)
def start_training(config: Config, model: AttentionNestedNERModel): # setting hyper parameter. model.optimizer = optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=config.learning_rate, weight_decay=config.l2_penalty) print("Start Training------------------------------------------------", "\n" * 2) for epoch in range(config.max_epoch): epoch_loss = train_one_epoch(config, model) print("Epoch: ", epoch + 1, " " * 5, "Loss: ", epoch_loss) if epoch + 1 >= config.start_save_epoch: config.save_model(model, epoch) return
def start_test(config: Config, model: AttentionNestedNERModel): print("Start Testing------------------------------------------------", "\n" * 2) for epoch in range(config.start_test_epoch - 1, config.max_epoch): model = config.load_model(model, epoch) _test(config, model) return
def main(): config = Config() config.running_mode = "train" config.list_all_member() word_dict = geniaDataset() model = AttentionNestedNERModel( config, word_dict).cuda() if config.cuda else AttentionNestedNERModel( config, word_dict) print(config.bio_labels) config.train_data, config.train_str, config.train_label = data_prepare( config, config.get_train_path(), word_dict) del word_dict start_training(config, model)
def _test(config: Config, model: AttentionNestedNERModel): """ :param config: Config file pass to test_one_sentence, find_entities, evaluate functions. :param model: model after load parameters. :return: """ # initialize the confusion matrix. metric_dicts = [] one_metric_dicts = [{"TP": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0} for i in range(len(config.labels))] for i in range(config.max_nested_level): metric_dicts.append(deepcopy(one_metric_dicts)) config.metric_dicts = metric_dicts # start test. # config.result_file = open(config.output_path, "w") for test_index in range(len(config.test_data)): # output_sent(config.result_file, config.test_str[test_index]) word_ids = config.test_data[test_index] gt_labels = config.test_label[test_index] gt_entities = [[] for i in range(config.max_nested_level)] for nested_level_index in range(len(gt_labels)): # all nested levels. one_layer_entity = process_one_nested_level_predict_result_layer_by_layer(config, gt_labels[ nested_level_index]) gt_entities[nested_level_index].extend(one_layer_entity) predict_candidates = _test_one_sentence_layer_by_layer(config, model, word_ids) evaluate_layer_by_layer(config, predict_candidates, gt_entities) # output_summary(config.result_file, config.test_str[test_index], config.labels, predict_candidates, gt_entities) # print result for i in range(config.max_nested_level): print("Layer: ", i + 1) print(get_metrics_one_layer(config, config.metric_dicts[i])) # config.result_file.close() return
class geniaDataset: def __init__(self): self.config = Config() if "glove" in self.config.WORD_VEC_MODEL_PATH: self.w2vmodel = w2VModel(self.config.WORD_VEC_MODEL_PATH, False) else: self.w2vmodel = w2VModel(self.config.WORD_VEC_MODEL_PATH) self.embDim = 200 self.aim = 'train' # train or test. # our vocabulary dictionary, dictionary value is 0 means padding idx. self.cateVocab = {} # self.path = self.config.get_train_path() # self.path1 = self.config.TEST_FILE_PATH # our vocabulary dictionary, dictionary value is 0 means padding idx. self.vocabToOld = {} self.vocabToNew = {} self.train_data, self.train_label = self.readFile( self.config.get_train_path()) self.test_data, self.test_label = self.readFile( self.config.get_test_path()) = self.train_data + self.test_data self.label = self.train_label + self.test_label self.buildVocab() self.numVocab = len(self.w2vmodel.w2vmodel.vocab) # [self.testData, self.testLabel] = self.readFile(testDataPath) self.weight = self.getW2V() def __len__(self): if self.aim == 'train': return len(self.train_data) else: return len(self.test_data) def __getitem__(self, item): if self.aim == 'train': w2v = [] for each in self.train_data[item]: id = self.vocabToNew[each] w2v.append(id) while len(w2v) < 30: w2v.append(0) w2v = torch.Tensor(w2v).cuda().long( ) if self.config.cuda else torch.Tensor(w2v).long() # label = torch.zeros(len(self.cateVocab)) # label[self.label[item] - 1] = 1 # label = label.long().cuda() return w2v, self.train_label[item] - 1 else: w2v = [] for each in self.test_data[item]: id = self.vocabToNew[each] w2v.append(id) while len(w2v) < 30: w2v.append(0) w2v = torch.Tensor(w2v).cuda().long( ) if self.config.cuda else torch.Tensor(w2v).long() # label = torch.zeros(len(self.cateVocab)) # label[self.label[item] - 1] = 1 # label = label.long().cuda() return w2v, self.test_label[item] - 1 def buildVocab(self): for eachV in self.train_data: for eachW in eachV: if eachW not in self.vocabToNew: self.vocabToNew[eachW] = len(self.vocabToNew) + 1 if eachW in self.w2vmodel.vocab: self.vocabToOld[eachW] = self.w2vmodel.vocab[eachW].index else: self.vocabToOld[eachW] = -1 for eachV in self.test_data: for eachW in eachV: if eachW not in self.vocabToNew: self.vocabToNew[eachW] = len(self.vocabToNew) + 1 if eachW in self.w2vmodel.vocab: self.vocabToOld[eachW] = self.w2vmodel.vocab[eachW].index else: self.vocabToOld[eachW] = -1 if '' not in self.vocabToNew: self.vocabToNew[''] = len(self.vocabToNew) + 1 ''' def buildTrainData(self): traindataloader = Reader.DataLoader(self.trainData, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=2) self.traindataiter = Reader.DataLoaderIter(traindataloader) def buildTestData(self): testdataloader = Reader.DataLoader(self.testData, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=2) self.testdataiter = Reader.DataLoaderIter(testdataloader) def next_batch(self,): if self.traindataiter is None: self.buildTrainData() try: batch = self.traindataiter += 1 if self.is_cuda: batch = [batch[0].cuda(), batch[1].cuda(), batch[2].cuda()] return batch except StopIteration: # 一个epoch结束后reload self.epoch += 1 self.buildTrainData() self.iteration = 0 # reset and return the 1st batch batch = if self.is_cuda: batch = [batch[0].cuda(), batch[1].cuda(), batch[2].cuda()] return batch ''' ''' def next_text_batch(self,): if self.testdataiter is None: self.buildTestData try: batch = self.iteration += 1 if self.is_cuda: batch = [batch[0].cuda(), batch[1].cuda(), batch[2].cuda()] return batch except StopIteration: # 一个epoch结束后reload self.epoch += 1 batch = if self.is_cuda: batch = [batch[0].cuda(), batch[1].cuda(), batch[2].cuda()] self.iteration = 1 # reset and return the 1st batch return batch ''' def getW2V(self): # padding is zero weight = torch.zeros(len(self.vocabToNew) + 1, self.embDim) for each in self.vocabToNew: if each in self.w2vmodel.w2vmodel.vocab: weight[self.vocabToNew[each], :] = torch.from_numpy( self.w2vmodel.w2vmodel[each]) # weight[self.vocabToNew[each], :] = torch.from_numpy(self.w2vmodel[each]) return weight def findEntity(self, origin, content): pos = [] contentTemp = re.split('[ #,|]', content) for i in range(0, len(contentTemp)): if contentTemp[i] == 'G': pos.append(i) data = [ origin.split(' ')[int(contentTemp[each - 2]):int(contentTemp[each - 1])] for each in pos ] label = [contentTemp[each + 1] for each in pos] # for each in data: # if len(each) > self.maxLen: # self.maxLen = len(each) for i in range(0, len(label)): if not label[i] in self.cateVocab: self.cateVocab[label[i]] = len(self.cateVocab) + 1 label[i] = self.cateVocab[label[i]] return [data, label] def readFile(self, path): try: text = open(path, "r", encoding="gbk").read() except: text = open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8").read() dataSet = [] label = [] data_list = text.split("\n\n") for data_index in range(len(data_list)): temp = data_list[data_index].split("\n") sentence_info = [item.split(" ") for item in temp] words = [sentence_info[i][0] for i in range(len(sentence_info))] for each_word in words: if each_word == '': continue else: if each_word not in self.vocabToNew: self.vocabToNew[each_word] = len(self.vocabToNew) + 1 # dataSet = [each.split() for each in dataSet] return dataSet, label def idx2setence(self, ids): return ''.join([self.w2vmodel.index2word[id - 2] for id in ids])