Пример #1
 def close (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri), self.x_uri.name
     db_uri = self.db_uri
     x_uri  = self.x_uri
     bak    = TFL.Filename (".bak", db_uri)
     with TFL.lock_file (x_uri) :
         info = self.info
         self._check_sync (info)
         with TFL.open_to_replace \
                  (db_uri, mode = "wb", backup_name = bak) as file:
             sos.fchmod (file.fileno (), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
             with contextlib.closing (self.ZF.ZipFile (file, "w")) as zf :
                 for abs, rel in info.FILES (self.x_uri, self.info_uri) :
                     zf.write (abs, rel)
     sos.rmdir (x_uri, deletefiles = True)
Пример #2
 def _handle_auth_mig (self, cao) :
     try :
         scope = self._handle_load (cao, journal_dir = None)
         mig   = pyk.pickle.dumps \
             (scope.Auth.Account.migration (), pyk.pickle_protocol)
         with open (cao.mig_auth_file, "wb") as f :
             sos.fchmod (f.fileno (), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
             f.write (mig)
         if cao.verbose :
             print ("Wrote authorization objects to", cao.mig_auth_file)
         scope.commit      ()
         scope.ems.compact ()
         scope.destroy     ()
     except Exception as exc :
         print ("Saving auth-migration failed with exception\n   ", exc)
Пример #3
 def _handle_auth_mig (self, cao) :
     try :
         scope = self._handle_load (cao, journal_dir = None)
         mig   = pyk.pickle.dumps \
             (scope.Auth.Account.migration (), pyk.pickle_protocol)
         with open (cao.mig_auth_file, "wb") as f :
             sos.fchmod (f.fileno (), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
             f.write (mig)
         if cao.verbose :
             print ("Wrote authorization objects to", cao.mig_auth_file)
         scope.commit      ()
         scope.ems.compact ()
         scope.destroy     ()
     except Exception as exc :
         print ("Saving auth-migration failed with exception\n   ", exc)
Пример #4
 def close (self) :
     assert sos.path.exists (self.x_uri.name), self.x_uri.name
     db_uri = self.db_uri
     x_name = self.x_uri.name
     bak    = TFL.Filename (".bak", db_uri).name
     with TFL.lock_file (x_name) :
         info = self.info
         self._check_sync (info)
         with TFL.open_to_replace \
                  (db_uri.name, mode = "wb", backup_name = bak) as file:
             sos.fchmod (file.fileno (), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
             with contextlib.closing (self.ZF.ZipFile (file, "w")) as zf :
                 for abs, rel in info.FILES (self.x_uri, self.info_uri) :
                     zf.write (abs, rel)
     sos.rmdir (x_name, deletefiles = True)