Пример #1
    def change_all(
        cls, level=(), buffer=(), terminator=(), colored_format=(),
# #
            This method changes the given properties to all created logger \
            instances and saves the given properties as default properties \
            for future created logger instances.

            Note that every argument except buffer setted to "None" will not \
            edit this logger component. If you don't want to change buffer \
            leave it by its default value.

            **level**          - sets levels for all logger

            **buffer**         - sets buffers for all logger

            **terminator**     - sets an ending char for each log message in \
                                 each logger

            **colored_format** - sets templates for colored logging messages \
                                 in returned logger

            **format**         - sets templates for logging messages in each \


            >>> Logger.change_all() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
            <class ...Logger...>
        cls._set_properties(level, buffer, terminator, colored_format, format)
        for logger in cls.instances:
# # python3.5             new_handler = logger.handlers.copy()
            new_handler = copy(logger.handlers)
            if buffer:
                new_handler = []
                for new_buffer in cls.buffer:
            for handler, level, terminator, colored_format, format in \
                new_handler, cls.level, cls.terminator, cls.colored_format,
                # TODO check new branches.
                if colored_format is None:
                handler.terminator = terminator
            for handler in logger.handlers:
            for handler in new_handler:
            logger.setLevel(builtins.getattr(logging, cls.level[0].upper()))
        return cls
Пример #2
 def _eventListToDict(eventValueList):
     Convert an ioHub event that is current represented as an orderded list of values, and return the event as a
     dictionary of attribute name, attribute values for the object.
     eclass = EventConstants.EVENT_CLASSES[eventValueList[3]]
     combo = zip(eclass.attributeNames, eventValueList)
     return dict(combo)
Пример #3
def unzip(seq):
    Inverse of zip.  Converts a list of tuples into a tuple of lists.

    >>> unzip([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)])
    ([1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6])
    return tuple(map(list, __builtin__.zip(*seq)))
Пример #4
 def _eventListToDict(eventValueList):
     Convert an ioHub event that is current represented as an orderded list of values, and return the event as a
     dictionary of attribute name, attribute values for the object.
     combo = zip(eclass.attributeNames,eventValueList)
     return dict(combo)
Пример #5
def unzip(seq):
    Inverse of zip.  Converts a list of tuples into a tuple of lists.

    >>> unzip([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)])
    ([1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6])
    return tuple(map(list, __builtin__.zip(*seq)))
Пример #6
 def _eventListToObject(eventValueList):
     Convert an ioHub event that is current represented as an orderded list of values, and return the correct
     ioHub.devices.DeviceEvent subclass for the given event type.
     eclass = EventConstants.EVENT_CLASSES[eventValueList[3]]
     combo = zip(eclass.attributeNames, eventValueList)
     kwargs = dict(combo)
     return eclass(**kwargs)
Пример #7
 def _eventListToObject(eventValueList):
     Convert an ioHub event that is current represented as an orderded list of values, and return the correct
     ioHub.devices.DeviceEvent subclass for the given event type.
     combo = zip(eclass.attributeNames,eventValueList)
     kwargs = dict(combo)
     return eclass(**kwargs)
Пример #8
    def _generate_logger(
        cls, name, level, buffer, terminator, colored_format, format
# #
            Creates a new logger instance by initializing all its components \
            with given arguments or default properties saved as class \


            >>> Logger._generate_logger(
            ...     'test', ('info',), (Buffer(),), ('',), (''), ('',)
            ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
            <logging.Logger object at ...>
        # TODO check branches.
        properties = []
        for property_name in (
            'level', 'buffer', 'terminator', 'colored_format', 'format'
                builtins.locals()[property_name] if builtins.locals()[
                ] else builtins.getattr(cls, property_name))
        for handler in getLogger(name).handlers:
        logger = getLogger(name)
        logger.propagate = False
        for _level, _buffer, _terminator, _colored_format, _format in \
        builtins.zip(properties[0], properties[1], properties[2], properties[3], properties[4]):
            handler = LoggingStreamHandler(stream=_buffer)
            handler.terminator = _terminator
            # TODO check new branches
            if _colored_format is None:
            Set meta logger level to first given level (level is first \
        logger.setLevel(builtins.getattr(logging, properties[0][0].upper()))
        return logger
Пример #9
    def predict(self, X):
        lp_predictions = [c.predict(X).tocsc() for c in self.classifiers]
        voters = [0.0] * self.label_count
        votes = sparse.csc_matrix(
            (lp_predictions[0].shape[0], self.label_count), dtype='int')
        for model in range(self.model_count):
            for label in range(len(self.partition[model])):
                voters[self.partition[model][label]] += 1
                      self.partition[model][label]] = votes[:, self.partition[
                          model][label]] + lp_predictions[model][:, label]

        nonzeros = votes.nonzero()
        predictions = sparse.csc_matrix(
            (lp_predictions[0].shape[0], self.label_count), dtype='int')
        for row, column in zip(nonzeros[0], nonzeros[1]):
            if (np.round(votes[row, column] / float(voters[column])) == 1):
                predictions[row, column] = 1

        return predictions.tocsr()
Пример #10
def zip(*args):
    Combines corresponding tuples of elements from several sequences into a
    sequence of pairs.

        >>> zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
        [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

    Zipping empty sequences will produce the empty sequence.

        >>> zip([], [])

    The given sequences must be of the same length.

        >>> zip([1, 2], [3])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
    return __builtin__.zip(*args)
Пример #11
def zip(*args):
    Combines corresponding tuples of elements from several sequences into a
    sequence of pairs.

        >>> zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
        [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

    Zipping empty sequences will produce the empty sequence.

        >>> zip([], [])

    The given sequences must be of the same length.

        >>> zip([1, 2], [3])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
    return __builtin__.zip(*args)
Пример #12
def zip3(seq1, seq2, seq3):
    Combines corresponding pairs of elements from the given sequences
    into a sequence of 3-tuples.

        >>> zip3([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])
        [(1, 3, 5), (2, 4, 6)]

    Zipping empty sequences will produce the empty sequence.

        >>> zip3([], [], [])

    The given sequences must be of the same length.

        >>> zip3([1, 2], [3], [4])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
    assert len(seq1) == len(seq2)
    assert len(seq1) == len(seq3)
    return __builtin__.zip(seq1, seq2, seq3)
Пример #13
def zip3(seq1, seq2, seq3):
    Combines corresponding pairs of elements from the given sequences
    into a sequence of 3-tuples.

        >>> zip3([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])
        [(1, 3, 5), (2, 4, 6)]

    Zipping empty sequences will produce the empty sequence.

        >>> zip3([], [], [])

    The given sequences must be of the same length.

        >>> zip3([1, 2], [3], [4])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
    assert len(seq1)==len(seq2)
    assert len(seq1)==len(seq3)
    return __builtin__.zip(seq1, seq2, seq3)
Пример #14
def zip(*args):
    Combines corresponding pairs of elements from seq1 and seq2 into a
    sequence of pairs.

        >>> zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
        [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

    Zipping empty sequences will produce the empty sequence.

        >>> zip([], [])

    The given sequences must be of the same length.

        >>> zip([1, 2], [3])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
    # XXX We need to figure out how to make this fit Python better
    #assert len(seq1)==len(seq2)
    #return __builtin__.zip(seq1, seq2)
    return __builtin__.zip(*args)
Пример #15
def zip(*args):
    Combines corresponding pairs of elements from seq1 and seq2 into a
    sequence of pairs.

        >>> zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
        [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

    Zipping empty sequences will produce the empty sequence.

        >>> zip([], [])

    The given sequences must be of the same length.

        >>> zip([1, 2], [3])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
    # XXX We need to figure out how to make this fit Python better
    #assert len(seq1)==len(seq2)
    #return __builtin__.zip(seq1, seq2)
    return __builtin__.zip(*args)
Пример #16
def _zip(*args, **kwargs):  #to not overwrite builtin zip in globals
    return __builtin__.zip(*args, **kwargs)
Пример #17
    #		id,name = line.split('\t')
    #		drugs[id].append(name)
    with codecs.open(args.drugList, "r", "utf-8") as f2:
        drugs = {}
        for line in f2:
            split = line.split('\t')
            drugs[split[0]] = split[1].strip().split('|')

    #drugLookup = { x:i for i,x in enumerate(drugs) }
    #geneLookup = { x:i for i,x in enumerate(genes) }
    #mutationLookup = { x:i for i,x in enumerate(mutationKeywords) }

    print "Generating lookup table..."
    duplicates = set()
    lookup = defaultdict(list)
    for termType, mainDict in zip(['cancer', 'gene', 'mutation', 'drug'],
                                  [cancers, genes, mutationKeywords, drugs]):
        #for type,mainList in enumerate([drugs,genes,mutationKeywords]):
        for id, lst in mainDict.iteritems():
            lst = list(set(lst))
            keys = set([parseWordlistTerm(x.lower()) for x in lst])
            #for x in lst:
            for key in keys:
                #key = tuple(x.lower().split(' '))
                #key = parseWordlistTerm(x.lower())

                matching = None
                if key in lookup:
                    prevItems = lookup[key]

                    matching = None
                    for i, (prevType, prevIds) in enumerate(prevItems):
Пример #18
def _zip(*args, **kwargs): #to not overwrite builtin zip in globals
	return __builtin__.zip(*args, **kwargs)
Пример #19
def selectSentences(outFile, textInput, textSourceInfo):
    pipeline = getPipeline()

    #textInput = [ u'She noticed that a deletion of PTEN correlates with sensitivity to Erlotinib.' ]
    #textInput = [ u'The V600E mutation in BRAF is known to cause resistance to Gefitinib.' ]

    pmid = str(textSourceInfo['pmid'])
    pmcid = str(textSourceInfo['pmcid'])

    print "pmid:%s pmcid:%s" % (pmid, pmcid)

    driven1 = re.compile(re.escape('-driven'), re.IGNORECASE)
    driven2 = re.compile(re.escape('- driven'), re.IGNORECASE)

    #print textInput
    assert isinstance(textInput, list)
    for text in textInput:
        text = text.strip().replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r',
                                                       ' ').replace('\t', ' ')
        text = text.replace(u'\u2028', ' ').replace(u'\u2029', ' ').replace(
            u'\u202F', ' ').replace(u'\u2012', ' ').replace(u'\u2010', ' ')
        text = "".join(ch for ch in text if unicodedata.category(ch)[0] != "C")
        text = text.strip()

        #text = text.replace('-driven',' driven')
        #text = text.replace('- driven',' driven')
        #text = text.replace('-Driven',' Driven')
        #text = text.replace('- Driven',' Driven')

        text = driven1.sub(' driven', text)
        text = driven2.sub(' driven', text)

        if len(text) == 0:

        assert isinstance(text, str) or isinstance(text, unicode)

        document = pipeline.process(text)
        for sentence in document.get(SentencesAnnotation):
            sentenceStart = None

            words = []
            positions = []
            for i, token in enumerate(sentence.get(TokensAnnotation)):
                if sentenceStart is None:
                    sentenceStart = token.beginPosition()

                word = token.word()
                startPos = token.beginPosition() - sentenceStart
                endPos = token.endPosition() - sentenceStart
                positions.append((startPos, endPos))

            #print "-"*30
            #print words

            snvRegex = r'^[A-Z][0-9]+[A-Z]$'
            snvMatches = [not (re.match(snvRegex, w) is None) for w in words]

            termtypesAndids, terms, locs = getTermIDsAndLocations(
                words, lookup)
            fusionTermtypesAndids, fusionTerms, fusionLocs = detectFusionTerms(
                words, lookup)

            termtypesAndids += fusionTermtypesAndids
            terms += fusionTerms
            locs += fusionLocs

            for i, (w, snvMatch) in enumerate(zip(words, snvMatches)):
                if snvMatch:
                    termtypesAndids.append([('mutation', ['snv'])])
                    terms.append((w, ))
                    locs.append((i, i + 1))

            for i, w in enumerate(words):
                if w.lower().startswith("mir-") or w.lower().startswith(
                    termtypesAndids.append([('gene', ['mrna'])])
                    terms.append((w, ))
                    locs.append((i, i + 1))

            #print "-"*30
            #print sentence
            #print termtypesAndids
            #print snvMatches

            locsToRemove = set()

            acronyms = detectAcronyms(words)
            for (wordsStart, wordsEnd, acronymLoc) in acronyms:
                wordIsTerm = (wordsStart, wordsEnd) in locs
                acronymIsTerm = (acronymLoc, acronymLoc + 1) in locs

                if wordIsTerm and acronymIsTerm:
                    # Remove the acronym
                    locsToRemove.add((acronymLoc, acronymLoc + 1))
                elif acronymIsTerm:
                    # Remove any terms that contain part of the spelt out word
                    newLocsToRemove = [(i, j)
                                       for i in range(wordsStart, wordsEnd)
                                       for j in range(i, wordsEnd + 1)]

            zipped = zip(locs, terms, termtypesAndids)
            filtered = [(locs, terms, termtypesAndids)
                        for locs, terms, termtypesAndids in zipped
                        if not locs in locsToRemove]

            #print "len(list(zipped))", len(list(zipped))
            #print "len(filtered)", len(filtered)

            cancerLocs, geneLocs = set(), set()
            for loc, term, x in filtered:
                for t, _ in x:
                    if t == 'cancer':
                    elif t == 'gene':

            overlap = [t for t in cancerLocs if t in geneLocs]
            uniqCancerLocs = [t for t in cancerLocs if not t in overlap]
            uniqGeneLocs = [t for t in geneLocs if not t in overlap]

            hasCancerAndGeneTerms = (len(cancerLocs) >= 1 and len(geneLocs) >=
                                     1) and not (len(cancerLocs) == 1
                                                 and len(geneLocs) == 1
                                                 and len(overlap) == 1)

            #types = set ( [ t for x in termtypesAndids for t,_ in x ] )
            #if len(types) == 3: # All three types: drugs,genes,mutationTypes
            #if "cancer" in types and "gene" in types:
            if hasCancerAndGeneTerms:
                #print words
                print "-" * 30
                #print textSourceInfo
                #print sentence
                out = [pmid, pmcid, unicode(sentence)]
                #for thesetypesAndIDs,term,(startT,endT) in zip(termtypesAndids,terms,locs):
                for (startT, endT), term, thesetypesAndIDs in filtered:
                    for type, termid in thesetypesAndIDs:
                        startPos = positions[startT][0]
                        endPos = positions[endT - 1][1]
                        #termTxt = " ".join(term)
                        termTxt = sentence.toString()[startPos:endPos]
                        data = [
                            type, ",".join(map(str, termid)), startPos, endPos,
                        txt = u"|".join(map(unicode, data))

                outLine = "\t".join(out)
                outFile.write(outLine + "\n")
Пример #20
def _zip(*args, **kwargs): #to not overwrite builtin zip in globals
    """ This function allows the use of "zip" in jinja2 templates """
    return __builtin__.zip(*args, **kwargs)
Пример #21

def Keyboard(code, flags=0):
    return Input(KeybdInput(code, flags))

def Hardware(message, parameter=0):
    return Input(HardwareInput(message, parameter))


UPPER = frozenset('~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?')
LOWER = frozenset("`1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./")
ORDER = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " \b\r\t"
ALTER = dict(__builtin__.zip("!@#$%^&*()", "1234567890"))
    "`": VK_OEM_3,
    "~": VK_OEM_3,
    "-": VK_OEM_MINUS,
    "_": VK_OEM_MINUS,
    "=": VK_OEM_PLUS,
    "+": VK_OEM_PLUS,
    "[": VK_OEM_4,
    "{": VK_OEM_4,
    "]": VK_OEM_6,
    "}": VK_OEM_6,
    "\\": VK_OEM_5,
    "|": VK_OEM_5,
    ";": VK_OEM_1,
    ":": VK_OEM_1,