def QuestionPopup( message ): messageBox = qt.QMessageBox() clickedButton = messageBox.question(None, '', message, qt.QMessageBox().Yes | qt.QMessageBox().No, qt.QMessageBox().Yes) if clickedButton == qt.QMessageBox.Yes: return True else: return False
def createExtensionModule(self): if (self.extensionLocation is None): # Action shouldn't be enabled if no extension is selected, but guard # against that just in case... return dlg = CreateComponentDialog("module", self.parent.window()) dlg.setTemplates(self.templateManager.templates("modules"), default="scripted") dlg.showDestination = False while dlg.exec_() == qt.QDialog.Accepted: name = dlg.componentName try: self.templateManager.copyTemplate(self.extensionLocation, "modules", dlg.componentType, name) except: md = qt.QMessageBox(self.parent.window()) md.icon = qt.QMessageBox.Critical md.text = "An error occurred while trying to create the module." md.detailedText = traceback.format_exc() md.standardButtons = qt.QMessageBox.Retry | qt.QMessageBox.Close if md.exec_() != qt.QMessageBox.Retry: return continue try: self.extensionProject.addModule(name) except: md = qt.QMessageBox(self.parent.window()) md.icon = qt.QMessageBox.Critical md.text = "An error occurred while adding the module to the extension." md.informativeText = "The module has been created, but the extension" \ " CMakeLists.txt could not be updated. In order" \ " to include the module in the extension build," \ " you will need to update the extension" \ " CMakeLists.txt by hand." md.detailedText = traceback.format_exc() md.standardButtons = qt.QMessageBox.Close md.exec_() self.loadModules(os.path.join(self.extensionLocation, name), depth=0) return
def createExtension(self): dlg = CreateComponentDialog("extension", self.parent.window()) dlg.setTemplates(self.templateManager.templates("extensions")) while dlg.exec_() == qt.QDialog.Accepted: try: path = self.templateManager.copyTemplate( dlg.destination, "extensions", dlg.componentType, dlg.componentName) except: md = qt.QMessageBox(self.parent.window()) md.icon = qt.QMessageBox.Critical md.text = "An error occurred while trying to create the extension." md.detailedText = traceback.format_exc() md.standardButtons = qt.QMessageBox.Retry | qt.QMessageBox.Close if md.exec_() != qt.QMessageBox.Retry: return continue if self.selectExtension(path): self.editExtensionMetadata() return
def setNumDialogs(self, numDialogs=1, dialogType=None): """ User can set the amount of dialogs in the dialog sequence. """ for x in range(0, numDialogs): try: # # Set dialog based on the 'dialogType' argument. # self.dialogs.append(dialogType[str(x)]) except Exception, e: # # Set default based on the default 'dialogType' argument. # dialog = qt.QMessageBox() self.dialogs.append(dialog) self.dialogs[x].connect('buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)', self.onButtonClicked) self.dialogs[x].setTextFormat(1) # # NOTE: Need to keep the window modality # always in front. Blocking out # all other interactions. # self.dialogs[x].setWindowModality(2)
def uploadSnapshots(self): """Upload the checked snapshots to Picasa (avoiding upload the ones already uploaded). Remember that """ # Store the albums that must be uploaded ids = [] # Add to the list of uploads just the ones that are visible, checked and not have been already uploaded for key,value in self.snapshotsCached.items(): cb = value[self.SNAPSHOT_WIDGET] if cb.visible and cb.checked and not value[self.SNAPSHOT_UPLOADED]: ids.append(key) self.imagesToUploadCount = len(ids) if self.imagesToUploadCount == 0: # No albums to upload. Display information message qt.QMessageBox.warning(slicer.util.mainWindow(), 'Warning', 'There are not any new snapshopts to upload to Picasa at this moment') else: self.imagesUploadedCount = 0 # Get the selected album id albumId = self.albumNamesComboBox.itemData(self.albumNamesComboBox.currentIndex) # Get the selected tags (pressed buttons) tags = [b.text for b in [btn for btn in self.btnTags if btn.checked]] self.progressBar.setMaximum(self.imagesToUploadCount) self.progressBar.setValue(0) # Upload #self.logic.picasaUploadPictures(ids, albumId, tags, self.onImageUploaded) for snapshotNodeId in ids: self.progressBar.labelText = "Uploading %i / %i images..." % (self.imagesUploadedCount + 1, self.imagesToUploadCount) self.logic.picasaUploadPicture(snapshotNodeId, self.snapshotsCached[snapshotNodeId][self.SNAPSHOT_NAME], self.snapshotsCached[snapshotNodeId][self.SNAPSHOT_DESCRIPTION], albumId, tags) self.imagesUploadedCount += 1 # Update the state of the new uploaded snap self.snapshotsCached[snapshotNodeId][self.SNAPSHOT_UPLOADED] = True self.snapshotsCached[snapshotNodeId][self.SNAPSHOT_WIDGET].toolTip = "%s. Uploaded to Picasa: YES" % self.snapshotsCached[snapshotNodeId][self.SNAPSHOT_DESCRIPTION] self.snapshotsCached[snapshotNodeId][self.SNAPSHOT_WIDGET].checked = True self.snapshotsCached[snapshotNodeId][self.SNAPSHOT_WIDGET].enabled = False if self.progressBar.wasCanceled: # The process was cancelled by the user qt.QMessageBox.warning(slicer.util.mainWindow(), 'Warning', 'The process was cancelled, but %i images were uploaded' % self.imagesUploadedCount) return self.progressBar.setValue(self.imagesUploadedCount) #self.progressBar.setFormat("Uploading %i / %i images..." % (self.imagesUploadedCount + 1, self.imagesToUploadCount)) #self.progressBar.labelText = "Uploading %i / %i images..." % (self.imagesUploadedCount + 1, self.imagesToUploadCount) # Inform the user self.msgBox = qt.QMessageBox(qt.QMessageBox.Information, 'Images uploaded', '%i images were uploaded succesfully' % self.imagesUploadedCount) self.msgBox.setModal(True)
def messageBox(self, text, title='DICOM'): self.mb = qt.QMessageBox(slicer.util.mainWindow()) self.mb.setWindowTitle(title) self.mb.setText(text) self.mb.setWindowModality(1) self.mb.exec_() return
def genMsg(self, title, text, info, detail, icon=qt.QMessageBox.Warning): '''Returns a customised message box object''' msg = qt.QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(icon) msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.setText(text) msg.setInformativeText(info) msg.setDetailedText(detail) return msg
def confirmDialog(self, message): self.dialog = qt.QMessageBox() self.dialog.setWindowTitle("Editor") self.dialog.setText(message) self.dialogRejectButton = self.addButton("Cancel", 2) self.dialogAcceptButton = self.addButton("Ok", 1) # TODO: cannot call the exec() method from the pythonqt #self.dialog.exec() return True
def __init__(self, parent, helpString = ""): self.helpString = helpString self.message = qt.QMessageBox() self.message.setWindowTitle("Editor Help") self.button = qt.QPushButton("?", parent) self.button.setMaximumWidth(15) self.button.setToolTip("Bring up a help window") parent.layout().addWidget(self.button) self.button.connect('clicked()', self.showHelp)
def onDownloadButton(self): """Click in download button""" # Check if there is a Study and Case introduced self.CaseId = self.txtCaseId.text.strip() if self.CaseId and self.StudyId: # Get the selected image types and label maps imageTypes = [ self.imageTypes[cb.text] for cb in [check for check in self.cbsImageTypes if check.isChecked()] ] labelMapExtensions = [ self.labelMapTypes[cb.text] for cb in [ check for check in self.cbsLabelMapTypes if check.isChecked() ] ] result = self.logic.loadCase(self.txtServer.text, self.txtServerpath.text, self.StudyId, self.txtCaseId.text, imageTypes, labelMapExtensions, self.localStoragePath, self.cbCacheMode.checkState(), self.rbSSH.isChecked(), self.txtPrivateKeySSH.text) self.lblDownloading.hide() if (result == Util.ERROR): self.msgBox = qt.QMessageBox( qt.QMessageBox.Warning, 'Error', "There was an error when downloading some of the images of this case. It is possible that some of the selected images where not available in the server. Please review the log console for more details.\nSuggested actions:\n-Empty cache\n-Restart Slicer" ) else: # Show info messsage self.msgBox = qt.QMessageBox( qt.QMessageBox.Information, 'Attention', "Please make sure that you have selected a study and a case")
def createExtension(self): dlg = CreateComponentDialog("extension", self.parent.window()) dlg.setTemplates(self.templateManager.templates("extensions")) while dlg.exec_() == qt.QDialog.Accepted: # If the selected destination is in a repository then use the root of that repository # as destination try: repo = SlicerWizard.Utilities.getRepo(dlg.destination) createInSubdirectory = True requireEmptyDirectory = True if repo is None: destination = os.path.join(dlg.destination, dlg.componentName) if os.path.exists(dlg.destination): raise IOError("create extension: refusing to overwrite" " existing directory '%s'" % dlg.destination) else: destination = SlicerWizard.Utilities.localRoot(repo) cmakeFile = os.path.join(destination, "CMakeLists.txt") createInSubdirectory = False # create the files in the destination directory requireEmptyDirectory = False # we only check if no CMakeLists.txt file exists if os.path.exists(cmakeFile): raise IOError( "create extension: refusing to overwrite" " directory containing CMakeLists.txt file at '%s'" % dlg.destination) path = self.templateManager.copyTemplate( destination, "extensions", dlg.componentType, dlg.componentName, createInSubdirectory, requireEmptyDirectory) except: md = qt.QMessageBox(self.parent.window()) md.icon = qt.QMessageBox.Critical md.text = "An error occurred while trying to create the extension." md.detailedText = traceback.format_exc() md.standardButtons = qt.QMessageBox.Retry | qt.QMessageBox.Close if md.exec_() != qt.QMessageBox.Retry: return continue if self.selectExtension(path): self.editExtensionMetadata() return
def runPreProcessing(self): ''' ''' # notify user dialog = qt.QMessageBox() dialog.setWindowTitle("Please wait") dialog.setText("Please wait while pre-processing runs..") dialog.setModal(False) # message = qt.QMessageBox( qt.QMessageBox.NoIcon, "Please wait", "Please wait while pre-processing runs..", qt.QMessageBox.Ignore ) # message.setModal( False ) # # run preprocessing returnValue = tcl("::EMSegmenterPreProcessingTcl::Run") # message.hide() dialog.hide() if not returnValue or int(returnValue) != 0: # something went wrong! # error message! messageBox = qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Pre-processing did not execute correctly!") return workingDataNode = self.mrmlManager().GetWorkingDataNode() if workingDataNode: # set flags in the mrml nodes workingDataNode.SetAlignedTargetNodeIsValid(1) workingDataNode.SetAlignedAtlasNodeIsValid(1) # show preprocessing output in sliceViews volumeCollection = workingDataNode.GetInputTargetNode() if volumeCollection: outputNode = volumeCollection.GetNthVolumeNode(0) # propagate to sliceViews selectionNode = ) selectionNode.SetReferenceActiveVolumeID(outputNode.GetID()) #selectionNode.SetReferenceSecondaryVolumeID( outputNode.GetID() ) Helper.Info('=============================================') Helper.Info('Pre-processing completed successfully') Helper.Info('=============================================')
def onApplyButton(self): if self.applyButton.text == "Generate": self.applyButton.setText("Cancel") else: self.reset() return configPath = self.configPathEdit.currentPath targetDirectoryPath = if configPath == "" or targetDirectoryPath == "": self.message.showMessage( "Must select config file and and output path") self.reset() return self.logic.configure(configPath, targetDirectoryPath, self.myQObject) self.logic.generate() forceVal = False if self.logic.errorMessage.startswith("AppExists:"): targetDirectory = self.logic.errorMessage[len("AppExists:"):] answer = self.showErrorMessage( "Target Exists", "The application directory exists." '\n\n%s\n\nClick Ok to overwrite.' % targetDirectory) if answer == qt.QMessageBox.Ok: self.logic.configure(configPath, targetDirectoryPath, self.myQObject, force=True) self.logic.generate() forceVal = True else: self.reset() if self.logic.errorMessage == "Extension Updates available": answer = self.showErrorMessage( "Extension Updates available", "Extension Updates are available. " \ "Click Ok to ignore, or update them manually.") if answer == qt.QMessageBox.Ok: self.logic.configure(configPath, targetDirectoryPath, self.myQObject, ignoreUpdates=True, force=forceVal) self.logic.generate() else: self.reset() if self.logic.errorMessage: qt.QMessageBox().question(, "CustomSlicerGenerator", self.logic.errorMessage, qt.QMessageBox.Ok) self.reset( ) # Reset only if error found. Otherwise extensions might be installing
def killOtherListeners(self, osName, pid= None): msgBox = qt.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText('There are other DICOM listeners running.\n Do you want to end them?') msgBox.setStandardButtons(qt.QMessageBox.Yes | qt.QMessageBox.No) val = msgBox.exec_() if(val == qt.QMessageBox.Yes): if osName == 'nt': os.popen('taskkill /f /im storescp.exe') elif osName == 'posix': import signal os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) return True else: return False
def __init__(self, MODULE): """ Init function. """ self.MODULE = MODULE self.ScenePackager = ScenePackager(self.MODULE) #------------------------ # Set wait window #------------------------ self.waitWindow = qt.QMessageBox(1, "Uploading", \ "Please wait while file uploads...")
def initClearDialog(self): """ Initiates/resets dialog for window to clear the current scene. """ try: self.clearSceneDialog.delete() except: pass self.clearSceneDialog = qt.QMessageBox() self.clearSceneDialog.setStandardButtons(qt.QMessageBox.Yes | qt.QMessageBox.No) self.clearSceneDialog.setDefaultButton(qt.QMessageBox.No) self.clearSceneDialog.setText("In order to run tests " + "you have to clear the current scene." + "\nAre you sure you want to clear?")
def __makeDialog(self): """ The Dialog box. If the user 'OK's the delete it calls on 'Workflow_Delete.beginWorkflow' @return: The delete dialog. @rtype: qt.QMessageBox """ deleteDialog = qt.QMessageBox() deleteDialog.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Warning) deleteDialog.setText("Are you sure you want to delete '%s' from Xnat?"\ %(self.MODULE.View.getItemName())) deleteDialog.connect('buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)', self.beginWorkflow) deleteDialog.addButton(qt.QMessageBox.Ok) deleteDialog.addButton(qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) return deleteDialog
def __init__(self, MODULE): """ Init function. """ self.MODULE = MODULE self.XnatScenePackager = XnatScenePackager(self.MODULE) #------------------------ # Set wait window #------------------------ self.waitWindow = qt.QMessageBox(1, "Uploading", "Please wait while file uploads...") self.waitWindow.setWindowModality(2) # # Remove the 'OK' button from the wait window. # self.waitWindow.setStandardButtons(0)
def __init__(self, MODULE, uriName): """ Init function. """ #-------------------- # The MODULE #-------------------- self.MODULE = MODULE #-------------------- # The Dialog box. If the user 'OK's the delete # it calls on 'XnatDeleteWorkflow.beginWorkflow' #-------------------- self.deleteDialog = qt.QMessageBox() self.deleteDialog.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Warning) self.deleteDialog.setText( "Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' from Xnat?" % (uriName)) self.deleteDialog.connect('buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)', self.beginWorkflow) self.deleteDialog.addButton(qt.QMessageBox.Ok) self.deleteDialog.addButton(qt.QMessageBox.Cancel)
def __init__(self, MODULE): """ @param MODULE: The XNATSlicer module. @type MODULE: XnatSlicerWidget """ self.MODULE = MODULE self.loadFile = None self.newMRMLFile = None self.currRemoteHost = None self.skipEmptySceneCheck = False self._src = None self.loaders = {} #-------------------------------- # Popups #-------------------------------- self.areYouSureDialog = qt.QMessageBox() self.areYouSureDialog.setIcon(4) self.areYouSureDialog.setText( "You are about to load all readable scans from '**HERE**'.\n" + "This may take several minutes.\n" + "Are you sure you want to continue?") self.areYouSureDialog.addButton(qt.QMessageBox.Yes) self.areYouSureDialog.addButton(qt.QMessageBox.No) self.areYouSureDialog.connect('buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)', self.beginWorkflow) self.XnatDownloadPopup = XnatDownloadPopup() self.XnatDownloadPopup.setCancelCallback( self.MODULE.XnatIo.cancelDownload) self.clearScenePopup = XnatClearScenePopup() self.clearScenePopup.connect('buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)', self.__clearSceneButtonClicked) self.preDownloadPopup = XnatTextPopup('<b>Checking files...</b>') self.postDownloadPopup = XnatTextPopup( '<b>Processing. Data will load automatically.</b>')
def selectExtension(self, path=None): if path is None or isinstance(path, bool): path = qt.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self.parent.window(), "Select Extension...", self.extensionLocation) if not len(path): return False # Attempt to open extension try: repo = SlicerWizard.Utilities.getRepo(path) if repo is None: xd = SlicerWizard.ExtensionDescription(sourcedir=path) else: xd = SlicerWizard.ExtensionDescription(repo=repo) path = SlicerWizard.Utilities.localRoot(repo) xp = SlicerWizard.ExtensionProject(path) except: md = qt.QMessageBox(self.parent.window()) md.icon = qt.QMessageBox.Critical md.text = "Failed to open extension '%s'." % path md.detailedText = traceback.format_exc() md.standardButtons = qt.QMessageBox.Close md.exec_() return False # Enable and show edit section self.editorCollapsibleButton.enabled = True self.editorCollapsibleButton.collapsed = False # Populate edit information self.extensionNameField.text = xp.project self.extensionLocationField.text = path if xd.scmurl == "NA": if repo is None: repoText = "(none)" elif hasattr(repo, "remotes"): repoText = "(local git repository)" else: repoText = "(unknown local repository)" self.extensionRepositoryField.clear() self.extensionRepositoryField.placeholderText = repoText else: self.extensionRepositoryField.text = xd.scmurl ri = self.extensionContentsModel.setRootPath(path) self.extensionContentsView.setRootIndex(ri) w = self.extensionContentsView.width self.extensionContentsView.setColumnWidth(0, (w * 4) / 9) # Prompt to load scripted modules from extension self.loadModules(path) # Store extension location, project and description for later use self.extensionProject = xp self.extensionDescription = xd self.extensionLocation = path return True
def showErrorMessage(self, windowTitle, text): answer = qt.QMessageBox().question(, windowTitle, text, qt.QMessageBox.Ok | qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) return answer
def setup(self): """Init the widget """ # ScriptedLoadableModuleWidget.setup(self) settings = qt.QSettings() if (SlicerUtil.IsDevelopment): # reload button self.reloadButton = qt.QPushButton("Reload") self.reloadButton.toolTip = "Reload this module." = "Reload" self.layout.addWidget(self.reloadButton) self.reloadButton.connect('clicked()', self.onBtnReloadClicked) self.logic = PicasaSnapLogic() self.__addObservers__() ######## Credentials self.credentialsCollapsibleButton = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() self.credentialsCollapsibleButton.text = "Credentials" self.layout.addWidget(self.credentialsCollapsibleButton) self.credentialsLayout = qt.QFormLayout( self.credentialsCollapsibleButton) self.isUserLogged = False self.loginLineEdit = qt.QLineEdit() self.credentialsLayout.addRow("Login: "******"Password: "******"Remember my credentials") self.rememberCredentialsCheckBox.toolTip = "Check for an automatic login when the application starts" self.loginButton = qt.QPushButton("Login") self.loginButton.toolTip = "Login in Picassa service (Google credentials)" self.logoutButton = qt.QPushButton("Logout") self.logoutButton.toolTip = "Logout to connect with another user's credentials" # Add all the items, they will be shown/hidden in refreshCredentialsUI function self.credentialsLayout.addRow(self.rememberCredentialsCheckBox, self.loginButton) self.credentialsLayout.addRow(None, self.logoutButton) ######## Snapshots (main frame) self.mainCollapsibleButton = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() self.mainCollapsibleButton.text = "Snapshots" self.layout.addWidget(self.mainCollapsibleButton) self.mainLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self.mainCollapsibleButton) ############### Current snapshots self.currentSnapshotsFrame = qt.QFrame() self.currentSnapshotsLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout() self.currentSnapshotsFrame.setLayout(self.currentSnapshotsLayout) self.currentSnapshotsFrame.setFrameShape(qt.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.currentSnapshotsFrame) self.snapshotsLabel = qt.QLabel("Snapshots to upload:") self.snapshotsLabel.setStyleSheet( "font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:10px") self.currentSnapshotsLayout.addWidget(self.snapshotsLabel) # Subframe that contains the checkbox list self.currentSnapshotsInnerFrame = qt.QFrame() self.currentSnapshotsInnerLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout() self.currentSnapshotsInnerFrame.setLayout( self.currentSnapshotsInnerLayout) self.currentSnapshotsLayout.addWidget(self.currentSnapshotsInnerFrame) self.noItemsLabel = qt.QLabel( "(There are not any snapshots at the moment)") # Add the label by default. It will be hidden if there is any snapshot self.currentSnapshotsInnerLayout.addWidget(self.noItemsLabel) self.loadExistingSnapshotsFirstLoad() ############### Albums # Try to login before getting the albums self.login() msgBox = None if self.isUserLogged: # Show message box while loading the data msgBox = qt.QMessageBox(qt.QMessageBox.Information, 'Login', 'Connecting with Picasa. Please wait...', qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) try: self.albumNameFrame = qt.QFrame() self.albumNameLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout() self.albumNameFrame.setLayout(self.albumNameLayout) self.albumNameFrame.setFrameShape(qt.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.albumNameLabel = qt.QLabel("Album name:") self.albumNameLabel.setStyleSheet("font-weight:bold;") self.albumNamesComboBox = qt.QComboBox() self.loadAlbums() self.albumNameLayout.addWidget(self.albumNameLabel) self.albumNameLayout.addWidget(self.albumNamesComboBox) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.albumNameFrame) ############### Tags self.tagsFrame = qt.QFrame() self.tagsLayout = qt.QGridLayout() self.tagsFrame.setLayout(self.tagsLayout) self.tagsFrame.setFrameShape(qt.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.tagsLabel = qt.QLabel( "Tags (select all that apply, you can filter o create new tags):" ) self.tagsLabel.setStyleSheet( "font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 5px") self.tagsLayout.addWidget(self.tagsLabel, 0, 0, 1, 3) # Add input to filter tags and button to add a new one self.tagsFilterLineEdit = qt.QLineEdit() self.tagsFilterLineEdit.toolTip = "Type here to filter your tags. If you press the return key all the visible tags will be checked" #self.tagsFilterLineEdit.setStyleSheet(style) self.tagsLayout.addWidget(self.tagsFilterLineEdit, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.newTagButton = qt.QPushButton("New tag") #self.newTagButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: #5D74C6; color:white") self.newTagButton.setIconSize(qt.QSize(20, 20)) self.newTagButton.setIcon( qt.QIcon(self.CIP_ICON_DIR + "/Plus - 48.png")) self.newTagButton.setFixedWidth(75) self.newTagButton.toolTip = "Add a new tag (the tag will not be created until you upload any picture with it)" self.tagsLayout.addWidget(self.newTagButton, 1, 2) self.loadTags() ############### Upload snapshots controls self.uploadSnapsButtonFrame = qt.QFrame() self.uploadSnapsLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout() self.uploadSnapsButtonFrame.setLayout(self.uploadSnapsLayout) #self(qt.QFrame.HLine) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.uploadSnapsButtonFrame) self.uploadSnapshotsButton = qt.QPushButton() self.uploadSnapshotsButton.text = "Upload to Picasa!" self.uploadSnapshotsButton.toolTip = "Upload selected screenshots to Picassa" self.uploadSnapshotsButton.setStyleSheet( "background-color: #5D74C6; color: white; font-weight: bold; font-size:14px" ) self.uploadSnapshotsButton.setIcon( qt.QIcon(self.CIP_ICON_DIR + "/Upload - 64.png")) self.uploadSnapshotsButton.setIconSize(qt.QSize(24, 24)) self.uploadSnapshotsButton.setFixedSize(170, 35) self.uploadSnapsLayout.addWidget(self.uploadSnapshotsButton) ############### Progress bar self.progressBar = qt.QProgressDialog() self.progressBar.setMinimum(0) self.progressBar.setMinimumDuration(0) self.progressBar.setWindowModality(True) # Check for updates in CIP #autoUpdate = SlicerUtil.settingGetOrSetDefault("PicasaSnap", "AutoUpdate", 1) #uw = AutoUpdateWidget(parent=self.parent, autoUpdate=autoUpdate) #uw.addAutoUpdateCheckObserver(self.onAutoUpdateStateChanged) # self.uploadProgressFrame = qt.QFrame() # self.uploadProgressLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout() # self.uploadProgressFrame.setLayout(self.uploadProgressLayout) # # # Gif image # self.imUploading = qt.QMovie("%s/loading.gif" % self.CIP_ICON_DIR, qt.QByteArray()) # # Label to contain the gif # self.lblImLoading = qt.QLabel() # # Fix the dimensions of the image (by fixing the dimensions of the label that contains it) # self.lblImLoading.setFixedWidth(40) # # Other image parameters # self.imUploading.setCacheMode(qt.QMovie.CacheAll) # self.imUploading.setSpeed(100) # # Assign the label to the image (don't start it yet, it will be started when we are uploading) # self.lblImLoading.setMovie(self.imUploading) # #self.imUploading.start() # self.uploadProgressLayout.addWidget(self.lblImLoading) # # # Label that will show the progress # self.lblUploading = qt.QLabel("Uploading %i/%i images...") # self.uploadProgressLayout.addWidget(self.lblUploading) # # Cancel uploading button # self.btnCancelUpload = qt.QPushButton("Cancel") # self.btnCancelUpload.toolTip = "Cancel the process" # self.btnCancelUpload.setFixedWidth(100) # self.uploadProgressLayout.addWidget(self.btnCancelUpload) # self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.uploadProgressFrame) # # # Hide the progress frame # self.uploadProgressFrame.hide() ######## Connections self.uploadSnapshotsButton.connect( 'clicked (bool)', self.onUploadSnapshotsButtonClicked) self.loginButton.connect('clicked (bool)', self.onLoginButtonClicked) self.logoutButton.connect('clicked (bool)', self.onLogoutButtonClicked) self.loginLineEdit.returnPressed.connect( self.onLoginPasswordReturnKeyPressed) self.passwordLineEdit.returnPressed.connect( self.onLoginPasswordReturnKeyPressed) self.albumNamesComboBox.connect("currentIndexChanged (int)", self.onAlbumsCurrentIndexChanged) self.newTagButton.connect('clicked (bool)', self.onNewTagButtonClicked) self.tagsFilterLineEdit.connect('textEdited (QString)', self.onFilterTagsEdited) self.tagsFilterLineEdit.returnPressed.connect( self.onFilterTagsReturnKeyPressed) # Add vertical spacer self.layout.addStretch(1) finally: # Hide MesageBox if it was visible if msgBox: msgBox.close()
def onStartStopDicomPeer(self, flag): if flag: import os self.startStopDicomPeerButton.setEnabled(False) dicomFilesDirectory = configFilePath = dicomFilesDirectory + '/Dcmtk-db/dcmqrscp.cfg' processCurrentPath = dicomFilesDirectory + '/Dcmtk-db/' msgBox = qt.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText( 'Do you want to choose local DCMTK database folder?') msgBox.setStandardButtons(qt.QMessageBox.Yes | qt.QMessageBox.No) val = msgBox.exec_() if (val == qt.QMessageBox.Yes): print 'Yes' dicomFilesDirectory = qt.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( None, 'Select DCMTK database folder') configFilePath = dicomFilesDirectory + '/dcmqrscp.cfg' processCurrentPath = dicomFilesDirectory else: downloads = ( ('', ''), ) print 'Downloading' import urllib for url, name in downloads: filePath = + '/' + name if not os.path.exists(filePath) or os.stat( filePath).st_size == 0: print 'Requesting download %s from %s...\n' % (name, url) urllib.urlretrieve(url, filePath) print 'Finished with download' print 'Unzipping' qt.QDir().mkpath(dicomFilesDirectory), dicomFilesDirectory) import subprocess dcmqrscpExeOptions = ( '/bin', '/../CTK-build/CMakeExternals/Install/bin', '/../DCMTK-install/bin', '/../DCMTK-build/bin', ) dcmqrscpExePath = None dcmqrscpExeName = '/dcmqrscp' if == 'win': dcmqrscpExeName = dcmqrscpExeName + '.exe' for path in dcmqrscpExeOptions: testPath = + path + dcmqrscpExeName if os.path.exists(testPath): dcmqrscpExePath = testPath break if not dcmqrscpExePath: raise (UserWarning("Could not find dcmqrscp executable")) args = (dcmqrscpExePath, '-c', configFilePath) print 'Start DICOM peer' self.popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=processCurrentPath) self.startStopDicomPeerButton.setEnabled(True) else: print 'Stop DICOM peer' self.popen.kill()
def init_fGrowCut(self): self.emergencyStopFunc = None self.dialogBox = qt.QMessageBox( ) #will display messages to draw users attention if he does anything wrong self.dialogBox.setWindowTitle("Fast GrowCut Error") self.dialogBox.setWindowModality( qt.Qt.NonModal ) #will allow user to continue interacting with Slicer # TODO: check this claim- might be causing leaks # set the image, label nodes (this will not change although the user can # alter what is bgrnd/frgrnd in editor) # Confused about how info propagates UIarray to UIVol, not the other way, NEEDS AUTO TESTS self.labelNode = self.editUtil.getLabelVolume( ) #labelLogic.GetVolumeNode() self.backgroundNode = self.editUtil.getBackgroundVolume( ) #backgroundLogic.GetVolumeNode() #perform safety check on right images/labels being selected, #set up images #if red slice doesnt have a label or image, go no further if type(self.backgroundNode) == type(None) or type( self.labelNode) == type(None): self.dialogBox.setText( "Either Image (must be Background Image) or Label not set in slice views." ) if self.emergencyStopFunc: self.emergencyStopFunc() return volumesLogic = slicer.modules.volumes.logic() self.labelName = self.labelNode.GetName( ) # record name of label so user, cant trick us self.imgName = self.backgroundNode.GetName() if self.sliceViewMatchEditor( self.sliceLogic ) == False: # do nothing, exit function if user has played with images if self.emergencyStopFunc: self.emergencyStopFunc() return # fast growcut shortcuts resetFGC = qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_R) # reset initialization flag runFGC = qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_G) # run fast growcut editSeed = qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_S) # edit seed labels print " keys for reset init, run GC, edit seed are R,G, S" self.qtkeyconnections = [] self.qtkeydefsGrowcut = [[resetFGC, self.resetFastGrowCutFlag], [runFGC, self.runFastGrowCut], [editSeed, self.editGrowCutSeed]] for keydef in self.qtkeydefsGrowcut: s = qt.QShortcut(keydef[0], slicer.util.mainWindow() ) # connect this qt event to mainWindow focus #s.setContext(1) s.connect('activated()', keydef[1]) #s.connect('activatedAmbiguously()', keydef[1]) self.qtkeyconnections.append(s) self.fGCLabelMod_tag = self.sliceLogic.AddObserver( "ModifiedEvent", self.FastGrowCutChangeLabelInput ) # put test listener on the whole window # fast grow cut parameters self.bSegmenterInitialized = "no" self.bEditGrowCutSeed = True self.currentMessage = "" seedArray = slicer.util.array(self.labelName) self.growCutSeedArray = seedArray.copy() self.growCutSegArray = seedArray.copy() self.growCutSeedArray[:] = 0 self.growCutSegArray[:] = 0 import vtkSlicerFastGrowCutModuleLogicPython fastGCMod = vtkSlicerFastGrowCutModuleLogicPython.vtkFastGrowCutSeg() fastGCMod.SetSourceVol(self.backgroundNode.GetImageData()) fastGCMod.SetSeedVol(self.labelNode.GetImageData()) fastGCMod.Initialization() self.fastGCMod = fastGCMod self.fastCrowCutCreated = True #tracks if completed the initializtion (so can do stop correctly) of KSlice
def ErrorPopup(message): messageBox = qt.QMessageBox() messageBox.critical(None, '', message)
def init_fCleverSeg(self): slicer.util.showStatusMessage("Checking CleverSeg inputs...") if not self.areInputsValid(): logging.warning(self.getInvalidInputsMessage()) background = self.editUtil.getBackgroundVolume() labelInput = self.editUtil.getLabelVolume() if not slicer.util.confirmOkCancelDisplay( "Current image type is '{0}' and labelmap type is '{1}'. CleverSeg only works " "reliably with 'short' type.\n\nIf the segmentation result is not satisfactory" ", then cast the image and labelmap to 'short' type (using Cast Scalar Volume " "module) or install CleverSeg extension and use CleverSegEffect editor " "tool.".format( self.editUtil.getBackgroundVolume().GetImageData( ).GetScalarTypeAsString(), self.editUtil.getLabelVolume().GetImageData(). GetScalarTypeAsString()), windowTitle='Editor'): logging.warning('CleverSeg is cancelled by the user') return self.emergencyStopFunc = None self.dialogBox = qt.QMessageBox( ) # will display messages to draw users attention if he does anything wrong self.dialogBox.setWindowTitle("CleverSeg Error") self.dialogBox.setWindowModality( qt.Qt.NonModal ) # will allow user to continue interacting with Slicer # TODO: check this claim- might be causing leaks # set the image, label nodes (this will not change although the user can # alter what is bgrnd/frgrnd in editor) # Confused about how info propagates UIarray to UIVol, not the other way, NEEDS AUTO TESTS self.labelNode = self.editUtil.getLabelVolume( ) # labelLogic.GetVolumeNode() self.backgroundNode = self.editUtil.getBackgroundVolume( ) # backgroundLogic.GetVolumeNode() # perform safety check on right images/labels being selected, #set up images # if red slice doesnt have a label or image, go no further if type(self.backgroundNode) == type(None) or type( self.labelNode) == type(None): self.dialogBox.setText( "Either Image (must be Background Image) or Label not set in slice views." ) if self.emergencyStopFunc: self.emergencyStopFunc() return volumesLogic = slicer.modules.volumes.logic() self.labelName = self.labelNode.GetName( ) # record name of label so user, cant trick us self.imgName = self.backgroundNode.GetName() if self.sliceViewMatchEditor( self.sliceLogic ) == False: # do nothing, exit function if user has played with images if self.emergencyStopFunc: self.emergencyStopFunc() return # CleverSeg shortcuts resetCS = qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_R) # reset initialization flag runCS = qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_C) # run CleverSeg editSeed = qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_S) # edit seed labels print " keys for reset init = R, run CS = C, edit seed = S" self.qtkeyconnections = [] self.qtkeydefsCleverSeg = [[resetCS, self.resetCleverSegFlag], [runCS, self.runCleverSeg], [editSeed, self.editCleverSegSeed]] for keydef in self.qtkeydefsCleverSeg: s = qt.QShortcut(keydef[0], slicer.util.mainWindow() ) # connect this qt event to mainWindow focus # s.setContext(1) s.connect('activated()', keydef[1]) # s.connect('activatedAmbiguously()', keydef[1]) self.qtkeyconnections.append(s) self.CSLabelMod_tag = self.sliceLogic.AddObserver( "ModifiedEvent", self.CleverSegChangeLabelInput ) # put test listener on the whole window # fast balanced growth parameters self.bSegmenterInitialized = "no" self.bEditCleverSegSeed = True self.currentMessage = "" seedArray = slicer.util.array(self.labelName) self.CleverSegSeedArray = seedArray.copy() self.CleverSegSegArray = seedArray.copy() self.CleverSegSeedArray[:] = 0 self.CleverSegSegArray[:] = 0 import vtkSlicerCleverSegModuleLogicPython cleverSegMod = vtkSlicerCleverSegModuleLogicPython.vtkCleverSeg() cleverSegMod.SetSourceVol(self.backgroundNode.GetImageData()) cleverSegMod.SetSeedVol(self.labelNode.GetImageData()) cleverSegMod.Initialization() self.cleverSegMod = cleverSegMod self.cleverSegCreated = True # tracks if completed the initializtion (so can do stop correctly) of KSlice
def onEntry(self, comingFrom, transitionType): ''' ''' super(EMSegmentStartSegmentationStep, self).onEntry(comingFrom, transitionType) targetNode = self.mrmlManager().GetWorkingDataNode( ).GetInputTargetNode() alignedAtlasNode = self.mrmlManager().GetWorkingDataNode( ).GetAlignedAtlasNode() if alignedAtlasNode and not self.mrmlManager( ).DoTargetAndAtlasDataTypesMatch(targetNode, alignedAtlasNode): # error messageBox = qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Scalar type mismatch for input images; all image scalar types must be the same (including input channels and aligned/resampled/casted atlas images)." ) return workingDirectory = self.mrmlManager().GetSaveWorkingDirectory() if self.mrmlManager().GetSaveIntermediateResults(): # if we want to save the results directly, we have to check if the workingDirectory is setup correctly if not workingDirectory: # workingDirectory was not configured messageBox = qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Saving intermediate results is turned on but no intermediate directory is selected." ) return elif not os.path.exists(workingDirectory): # the workingDirectory path does not exist messageBox = qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Saving intermediate results is turned on but the intermediate directory " + workingDirectory + " does not exist!") return if self.mrmlManager().GetAtlasNumberOfTrainingSamples() <= 0: # compute the number of training samples self.mrmlManager().ComputeAtlasNumberOfTrainingSamples() # create output volumes self.logic().CreateOutputVolumeNode() # notify user # qt.QMessageBox( qt.QMessageBox.NoIcon, "Please wait", "Please wait while the segmentation runs..", qt.QMessageBox.Ignore ) dialog = qt.QMessageBox() dialog.setWindowTitle("Please wait") dialog.setText("Please wait while the segmentation runs..") dialog.setModal(False) # start the segmentation returnValue = self.logic().StartSegmentationWithoutPreprocessing( dialog.hide() if returnValue != 0: # something went wrong! # error message! messageBox = qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Segmentation did not execute correctly!") return outputNode = self.mrmlManager().GetOutputVolumeNode() if not outputNode: messageBox = qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "Output node was not found!") return selectionNode = #selectionNode.SetReferenceActiveVolumeID(bgVolumeID) #selectionNode.SetReferenceSecondaryVolumeID( outputNode.GetID() ) selectionNode.SetReferenceActiveLabelVolumeID(outputNode.GetID()) # show foreground volume numberOfCompositeNodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNumberOfNodesByClass( 'vtkMRMLSliceCompositeNode') for n in xrange(numberOfCompositeNodes): compositeNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNthNodeByClass( n, 'vtkMRMLSliceCompositeNode') if compositeNode: # display a fade of foreground/background compositeNode.SetForegroundOpacity(0.5) Helper.Debug("All Done!") workflow = self.workflow() if not workflow: Helper.Error("No valid workflow found!") return False # we go backward to display statistics workflow.goBackward()
def checkVisSimTools(self): # TODO: optimise this part to download only the missing files # Check if elastix exist or download it if isfile(self.elastixBinPath.strip()): print("elastix binaries are found in " + self.elastixBinPath) else: print("elastix binaries are missing, trying to download ... ") msg = qt.QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText("elastix binaries are missing!") msg.setInformativeText( "VisSimTools elastix binaries will be downloaded, this may take some time, please wait!" ) msg.setWindowTitle("VisSimTools") msg.exec_() try: print("Downloading VisSimTools elastix ...") #cmd=" wget --no-check-certificate """" -O ~/" vissimZip = expanduser("~/") with open(vissimZip, 'wb') as f: uFile = urllib2.urlopen(self.elastixWebLink) chunk = 10024096 while 1: data = f.write(data) if not data: f.close() print "done!" break #endIf print "Reading ... %s bytes" % len(data) #endWhile print("Extracting to user home ") zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(vissimZip, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(expanduser("~/")) zip_ref.close() #remove the downloaded zip file os.remove(vissimZip) except Exception as e: print( "Error: can not download and extract VisSimTools Elastix ..." ) print(e) return -1 #end try-except #endif # check if other files exist if isfile(self.parsPath.strip()): print("Other files are found !") else: print("Other files are missing, trying to download ... ") msg = qt.QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText("Other files are missing!") msg.setInformativeText( "VisSimTools other files will be downloaded, this may take some time, please wait!" ) msg.setWindowTitle("VisSimTools") msg.exec_() try: print("Downloading VisSimTools others ...") vissimZip = expanduser("~/") with open(vissimZip, 'wb') as f: uFile = urllib2.urlopen(self.othersWebLink) chunk = 10024096 while 1: data = f.write(data) if not data: f.close() print "done!" break #endIf print "Reading ... %s bytes" % len(data) #endWhile print("Extracting to user home ") zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(vissimZip, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(expanduser("~/")) zip_ref.close() #remove the downloaded zip file os.remove(vissimZip) # change permission of bin folder for Linux if self.winOS == 0: print("Making binaries executable for Linux ") md = stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH os.chmod(self.elastixBinPath.strip(), md) os.chmod(self.transformixBinPath.strip(), md) os.chmod(self.elxInvTransBinPath.strip(), md) #endif msg.setInformativeText( "VisSimTools folder is downloaded and ready to use!") msg.exec_() except Exception as e: print("Error: can not download and extract VisSimTools ...") print(e) return -1
def loadModules(self, path, depth=1): # Get list of modules in specified path modules = ModuleInfo.findModules(path, depth) # Determine which modules in above are not already loaded factory = loadedModules = factory.instantiatedModuleNames() candidates = [m for m in modules if m.key not in loadedModules] # Prompt to load additional module(s) if len(candidates): dlg = LoadModulesDialog(self.parent.window()) dlg.setModules(candidates) if dlg.exec_() == qt.QDialog.Accepted: modulesToLoad = dlg.selectedModules # Add module(s) to permanent search paths, if requested if dlg.addToSearchPaths: settings = rawSearchPaths = list( settings.value("Modules/AdditionalPaths")) searchPaths = [qt.QDir(path) for path in rawSearchPaths] modified = False for module in modulesToLoad: rawPath = os.path.dirname(module.path) path = qt.QDir(rawPath) if not path in searchPaths: searchPaths.append(path) rawSearchPaths.append(rawPath) modified = True if modified: settings.setValue("Modules/AdditionalPaths", rawSearchPaths) # Register requested module(s) failed = [] for module in modulesToLoad: factory.registerModule(qt.QFileInfo(module.path)) if not factory.isRegistered(module.key): failed.append(module) if len(failed): md = qt.QMessageBox(self.parent.window()) md.icon = qt.QMessageBox.Critical md.standardButtons = qt.QMessageBox.Close md.windowTitle = "Module loading failed" if len(failed) > 1: md.text = "The following modules could not be registered:" else: md.text = "The '%s' module could not be registered:" % failed[ 0].key failedFormat = "<ul><li>%(key)s<br/>(%(path)s)</li></ul>" md.informativeText = "".join( [failedFormat % m.__dict__ for m in failed]) md.exec_() return # Instantiate and load requested module(s) if not factory.loadModules( [module.key for module in modulesToLoad]): md = qt.QMessageBox(self.parent.window()) md.icon = qt.QMessageBox.Critical md.standardButtons = qt.QMessageBox.Close md.windowTitle = "Error loading module(s)" md.text = ( "The module factory manager reported an error. " "One or more of the requested module(s) and/or " "dependencies thereof may not have been loaded.") md.exec_()