def fr(): with open('images.json', 'r') as f: images = json.load(f) #print(images) #print('1') cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) time.sleep(0.1) s, img = imwrite("pic.jpg", img) cam.release() name = 'unknown' for i in images: #print('images/{}'.format(images[i])) known_image = face_recognition.load_image_file('images/{}'.format( images[i])) unknown_image = face_recognition.load_image_file("pic.jpg") known_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(known_image)[0] try: unknown_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings( unknown_image)[0] results = face_recognition.compare_faces([known_encoding], unknown_encoding) except: print('Goffredo: "Face not found') return if results[0] == True: name = i #os.remove("pic.jpg") if name == 'unknown': say('Hello, what is your name?', 'en') fname = inp(4, 'name') text = recognise(fname).lower() try: li = text.split(' ') li.remove('my') li.remove('name') li.remove('is') name = li[0] except: name = text os.rename('pic.jpg', 'images/{}.jpg'.format(name)) images[name] = '{}.jpg'.format(name) #print(name) #print(images) with open("images.json", 'w') as f: json.dump(images, f) say("Hello, {}!".format(name), 'en') return
def serie_a(text): bs = bs4.BeautifulSoup( requests.get('').content, 'lxml') tables = bs.find_all('table') df = pd.read_html(str(tables[0]))[0] df = df.set_index('Team').rename(columns={'#': 'Pos'}).drop('Last 6', 1) pos = int(df.loc['AC Milan'].Pos) pts = int(df.loc['AC Milan'].Pts) say( f'AC Milan are currently in position {pos} in the Serie A, with {pts} points.', 'en') say('Would you like to see the whole Serie A table?', 'en') fname = inp(3, 'ques') ans = recognise(fname) if 'yes' in ans: print(f'##\n{df}\n##') return if 'no' in ans: return
def info(x): y = x["main"] temperature = round(y["temp"] - 273.15, 2) pressure = y['pressure'] humidity = y["humidity"] feels_like = round(y["feels_like"] - 273.15, 2) temp_max = round(y['temp_max'] - 273.15, 2) temp_min = round(y['temp_min'] - 273.15, 2) wind_speed = round(x["wind"]['speed'] * 1.94, 2) if x["wind"]['deg'] in range(23, 68): wind_dir = 'North East' elif x["wind"]['deg'] in range(68, 113): wind_dir = 'East' elif x["wind"]['deg'] in range(113, 158): wind_dir = 'South East' elif x["wind"]['deg'] in range(158, 203): wind_dir = 'East' elif x["wind"]['deg'] in range(203, 248): wind_dir = 'South West' elif x["wind"]['deg'] in range(248, 293): wind_dir = 'West' elif x["wind"]['deg'] in range(293, 338): wind_dir = 'North West' else: wind_dir = 'North' desc = x["weather"][0]["description"] loc = x["name"] print('##\nWeather in {}: {}\n##'.format(loc, desc)) say('[The current weather in {} is: {}'.format(loc, desc), 'en') say('Would you like more info?', 'en') fname = inp(3, 'ques') text = recognise(fname) if 'yes' in text: print( '## \nTemperature: {} (degrees celcius) \n-feels like: {} \n-max: {} \n-min: {} ' .format(temperature, feels_like, temp_max, temp_min)) print( 'Humidity: {}% \nAtmospheric pressure (in hPa unit): {} \nWind speed (knots): {} \nWind direction (deg): {} ({}erly)\n##' .format(humidity, pressure, wind_speed, x["wind"]['deg'], wind_dir)) say( '''[The temperature is {} degrees with a maximum of {} and a minimum of {}. The humidity is {} percent and the wind is {} knots from the {} '''.format(temperature, temp_max, temp_min, humidity, wind_speed, wind_dir), 'en') return if 'no' in text: return
def translate(text): li = text.lower().split(' ') #tml(li) try: pos1 = li.index('translate') except: pos1 = li.index('say') text = ' '.join(li[pos1 + 1:-2]) lang = li[-1] if lang == 'chinese': lang = 'chinese (simplified)' code = gt.LANGCODES[lang] translator = Translator() final = translator.translate(text, scr='en', dest=code) say('{} in {} is:'.format(text, lang), 'en') try: say(final.text, final.dest) except: say(final.text, 'en') return
def chat(text): re = str(bot.get_response(text)) say(re,'en') return