Пример #1
def IntImage(f):
    ~ Calculates the integral image of f
    f :     2D input array
    TypeError :     If input array isn't 2D

    I :     Integral image


    if (tl.ndim(f) != 2):
        raise TypeError('Input array must be 2D')

    n, m = f.shape
    I = tl.zeros((n, m), dtype='float')

    for j in range(m):

        S = 0
        for i in range(n):
            S += f[i, j]
            if (j == 0):
                I[i, j] = S
                I[i, j] = I[i, j - 1] + S

    return I
Пример #2
def Power(f, dx=1., dy=None):
    ~ Calculates the power of f (essentially its quadrature)
    f :     2D input array
    dx :    Horizontal sampling interval (Default value is unit of measurement)
    dy :    Vertical sampling interval (Default value is square pixels)
    TypeError :     If input array isn't 2D

    P : Power


    if (tl.ndim(f) != 2):
        raise TypeError('Input array must be 2D')

    if (dy == None):
        dy = dx

    P = tl.summ(tl.abss(f)**2) * dx * dy

    return P
Пример #3
def Embed(f, g, x=0., y=0.):
    ~ Embeds g onto f centered at (x,y)
    ~ (x,y) coordinates are given in a centered cartesian frame

    f : 2D input array
    g : 2D array to be embedded
    x : x cartesian coordinate of the embedding center measured from input array's center
    y : y cartesian coordinate of the embedding center measured from input array's center

    ValueError : If either f or g isn't a 2D array    
    ValueError : If g is bigger than f
    h : 2D input array f with g embedded at (x,y)


    if ((tl.ndim(f), tl.ndim(g)) != (2, 2)):
        raise ValueError('Input and embedding arrays must be 2D')

    (m, n) = tl.shape(f)

    (mm, nn) = tl.shape(g)

    if (mm > m or nn > n):
        raise ValueError('Embedding array must be smaller than input array')

    h = f.copy()
    h[tl.int32(tl.floor((m - mm) * 0.5) +
               y):tl.int32(tl.floor((m + mm) * 0.5) + y),
      tl.int32(tl.floor((n - nn) * 0.5) +
               x):tl.int32(tl.floor((n + nn) * 0.5) + x)] = g

    return h
Пример #4
def Fresnel2S(f, z, wl, L1, L2):
    ~ Propagates input 2D array in free space using the two-step Fresnel propagator
    Voelz D. Computational Fourier Optics: A MATLAB Tutorial. 2011.
    f :     Input complex amplitude profile (2D complex array)
    z :     Propagation distance
    wl :    Central wavelenght of the field
    L1 :    Input sample plane side lenght
    L2 :    Output sample plane side lenght
    h :     Propagated complex amplitude profile (2D complex array)

    if (tl.ndim(f) != 2):
        raise TypeError("Input array must be a 2D square array")

    m, n = tl.shape(f)

    if (m != n):
        raise ValueError("Input array must be a 2D square array")

    k = 2 * tl.pi / wl

    # Source plane
    dx1 = L1 / m
    x1 = tl.arange(-L1 / 2., L1 / 2., dx1)
    X, Y = tl.meshgrid(x1, x1)
    F = f * tl.exp(1j * k / (2. * z * L1) * (L1 - L2) * (X**2 + Y**2))
    F = tl.fft.fft2(tl.fft.fftshift(F))

    # Dummy plane
    fx1 = tl.arange(-1. / (2 * dx1), 1. / (2 * dx1), 1. / L1)
    fx1 = tl.fft.fftshift(fx1)
    FX1, FY1 = tl.meshgrid(fx1, fx1)
    G = F * tl.exp(-1j * tl.pi * wl * z * L1 / L2 * (FX1**2 + FY1**2))
    g = tl.fft.ifftshift(tl.fft.ifft2(G))

    # Observation plane
    dx2 = L2 / m
    x2 = tl.arange(-L2 / 2., L2 / 2., dx2)
    X, Y = tl.meshgrid(x2, x2)
    g = (L2 / L1) * g * tl.exp(-1j * k / (2. * z * L2) * (L1 - L2) *
                               (X**2 + Y**2))
    g = g * (dx1 / dx2)**2

    return g
Пример #5
def Trim(f, shape, x=0., y=0.):
    ~ Trims an array from f centered at (x,y) with shape shape
    ~ (x,y) coordinates are given in a centered cartesian frame

    f :         2D input array from which the trim is taken
    shape :     Trimming shape
    x :         x cartesian coordinate of the trimming center measured from input array's center
    y :         y cartesian coordinate of the trimming center measured from input array's center
    TypeError :     If input array isn't 2D
    TypeError :     If trimming shape isn't 2D
    ValueError :    If trimming shape is bigger than input array's shape

    h : Trimmed 2D array


    if (tl.ndim(f) != 2):
        raise TypeError('Input array must be 2D')

    if (len(shape) != 2):
        raise TypeError('Trimming shape must be 2D')

    (m, n) = tl.shape(f)
    (mm, nn) = shape

    if (mm > m or nn > n):
        raise ValueError('Trimming array must be smaller than input array')

    h = f[tl.int32(tl.floor((m - mm) * 0.5) +
                   y):tl.int32(tl.floor((m + mm) * 0.5) + y),
          tl.int32(tl.floor((n - nn) * 0.5) +
                   x):tl.int32(tl.floor((n + nn) * 0.5) + x)]

    return h
Пример #6
def ExportImage(f, path, normalize=True):
    ~ Exports real 2D input array f as an 8-bit grayscale image.
    f :             Real 2D input array
    path :          Image save path
    normalize :     Normalize input array before saving (default value for linear normalization to [0,1])
    TypeError : If f isn't a real 2D array
    if ((tl.isreal(f).all == False) or (tl.ndim(f) != 2)):
        raise TypeError('Input array must be a real 2D array')

    if (normalize):
        f = LinearNormal(f)

    f = tl.Image.fromarray(f * 255)
    f = f.convert('L')