Пример #1
    def value(self, x, y, z):
        Value of complex amplitude at coordinates (x,y,z).
        (x,y,z) is a cartesian coordinate frame centered at the waist.
        z lies along the propagation axis.
        x : Radial horizontal distance from z axis
        y : Radial vertical distance from z axis
        z : Axial distance from waist
        u : Complex amplitude of beam at coordinates (x,y,z)

        q = self.q(z)
        W = self.width(z)
        env = 1j * self.zO * self.A * tl.exp(-0.5j * self.k *
                                             (x**2 + y**2) / q) / q
        env *= tl.eval_hermite(self.l,
                               tl.sqrt(2) * x / W) * tl.eval_hermite(
                                   tl.sqrt(2) * y / W) * tl.exp(
                                       1j *
                                       (self.l + self.m) * self.gouy_phase(z))
        u = env * tl.exp(-1j * self.k * z)

        return u
Пример #2
    def profile(self, z, f, dx=1.):
        Beam's complex amplitude at an axial distance z from waist.
        Plane lies perpendicular to z axis and has the same shape as f.
        z : Axial distance from waist
        f : 2D Array defining the output array shape
        dx : Pixel pitch (default value is unit of measurement)
        TypeError: If f isn't a 2D array
        g : 2D complex array (complex amplitude at an axial distance z from waist centered at z axis)

        if (len(tl.shape(f)) != 2):
            raise TypeError('f must be a 2D array')

        n, m = tl.shape(f)
        x = tl.arange(-m * dx / 2, m * dx / 2, dx)
        y = tl.arange(-n * dx / 2, n * dx / 2, dx)
        X, Y = tl.meshgrid(x, y)
        R = tl.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
        g = self.value(R, z)

        return g
Пример #3
def QuadNormal(f, N=1., dx=1., dy=None):
    ~ Linearly normalizes f quadrature to N

    f :     Input 2D array
    N :     New quadrature value
    dx :    Horizontal sampling interval (default value is unit of measurement)
    dy :    Vertical sampling interval (default value for square sampling)
    g : Normalized input array

    if (dy == None):
        dy = dx

    P = Power(f, dx, dy)

    g = tl.sqrt(N / P) * f

    return g
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, AO, WLO, bO,
              m):  # These parameters define the units of measurement
     self.A = complex(AO)  # Amplitude
     self.WL = float(WLO)  # Central wavelength
     self.k = 2 * tl.pi / WLO  # Central wave number
     self.b = bO  # Axial wave number
     self.kT = tl.sqrt(self.k**2 - self.b**2)  # Transverse wave number
     self.m = int(m)  # Spin eigenvalue
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, AO, WO, WLO,
              bO):  # These parameters define the units of measurement
     self.A = complex(AO)  # Amplitude
     self.W = float(WO)  # Waist radius
     self.WL = float(WLO)  # Central wavelength
     self.k = 2 * tl.pi / WLO  # Central wave number
     self.b = bO  # Axial wave number
     self.kT = tl.sqrt(self.k**2 - self.b**2)  # Transverse wave number
     self.zO = tl.pi * WO**2 / WLO  # Rayleight range
Пример #6
 def __init__(self,
              kyO=0):  # These parameters define the units of measurement
     Plane wave with wavevector (2*pi/WLO)*[sqrt(kxO),sqrt(kyO),sqrt(1 - abs(kxO) - abs(kyO))]
     Default values for a plane wave propagating in the z axis.
     If |kxO| + |kyO| > 1 the wave is evanescent.
     self.A = complex(AO)  # Amplitude
     self.WL = float(WLO)  # Central wavelenght
     self.k = 2 * tl.pi / WLO  # Central wavenumber
     self.kx = float(kxO) * self.k  # x wavevector component
     self.ky = float(kyO) * self.k  # y wavevector component
     self.kz = tl.sqrt(self.k**2 - self.kx**2 -
                       self.ky**2)  # z wavevector component
Пример #7
def CC(f, g):
    ~ Calculates correlation coefficient between two arrays
    ~ Works similar to corr2 MATLAB function
    f : Input array 1
    g : Input array 2
    cc : Correlation coefficient

    f = tl.array(f)
    g = tl.array(g)

    cr = tl.summ(abs((f - tl.mean(f)) * (g - tl.mean(g))))
    cc = cr / tl.sqrt(
        (tl.summ(abs(f - tl.mean(f))**2)) * (tl.summ(abs(g - tl.mean(g))**2)))
    return cc
Пример #8
 def width(self, z):  # Width at axial distance z from waist
     return self.W * tl.sqrt(1 + (z / self.zO)**2)