def _choose_playlist(self) -> None: if self._selected_playlist_name is None: return self._save_playlist_selection() ba.containerwidget(edit=self._root_widget, transition='out_left') _ba.fade_screen(False, endcall=self._run_selected_playlist) _ba.lock_all_input()
def _fade_and_quit(self) -> None: _ba.fade_screen(False, time=0.2, endcall=lambda: ba.quit(soft=True, back=self._back)) _ba.lock_all_input() # Unlock and fade back in shortly.. just in case something goes wrong # (or on android where quit just backs out of our activity and # we may come back) ba.timer(0.3, _ba.unlock_all_input, timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL)
def _on_ok_press(self) -> None: # Disallow if our playlist has disappeared. if not self._does_target_playlist_exist(): return # Disallow if we have no unlocked games. if not self._have_at_least_one_owned: ba.playsound(ba.getsound('error')) ba.screenmessage(ba.Lstr(resource='playlistNoValidGamesErrorText'), color=(1, 0, 0)) return cfg = cfg[self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlist Selection'] = self._playlist # Head back to the gather window in playlist-select mode # or start the game in regular mode. if self._selecting_mode: from bastd.ui.gather import GatherWindow if self._sessiontype is ba.FreeForAllSession: typename = 'ffa' elif self._sessiontype is ba.DualTeamSession: typename = 'teams' else: raise RuntimeError('Only teams and ffa currently supported') cfg['Private Party Host Session Type'] = typename ba.playsound(ba.getsound('gunCocking')) GatherWindow(transition='in_right').get_root_widget()) self._transition_out(transition='out_left') if self._delegate is not None: self._delegate.on_play_options_window_run_game() else: _ba.fade_screen(False, endcall=self._run_selected_playlist) _ba.lock_all_input() self._transition_out(transition='out_left') if self._delegate is not None: self._delegate.on_play_options_window_run_game() cfg.commit()
def _on_play_press(self) -> None: # Disallow if our playlist has disappeared. if not self._does_target_playlist_exist(): return # Disallow if we have no unlocked games. if not self._have_at_least_one_owned: ba.playsound(ba.getsound('error')) ba.screenmessage(ba.Lstr(resource='playlistNoValidGamesErrorText'), color=(1, 0, 0)) return cfg = cfg[self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlist Selection'] = self._playlist cfg.commit() _ba.fade_screen(False, endcall=self._run_selected_playlist) _ba.lock_all_input() self._transition_out(transition='out_left') if self._delegate is not None: self._delegate.on_play_options_window_run_game()
def _select_with_delay(self, map_name: str) -> None: _ba.lock_all_input() ba.timer(0.1, _ba.unlock_all_input, timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL) ba.timer(0.1, ba.WeakCall(self._select, map_name), timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL)
def __init__(self, offer: Dict[str, Any], transition: str = 'in_right'): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from ba.internal import (get_store_item_display_size, get_clean_price) from ba import SpecialChar from import item as storeitemui self._cancel_delay = offer.get('cancelDelay', 0) # First thing: if we're offering pro or an IAP, see if we have a # price for it. # If not, abort and go into zombie mode (the user should never see # us that way). real_price: Optional[str] # Misnomer: 'pro' actually means offer 'pro_sale'. if offer['item'] in ['pro', 'pro_fullprice']: real_price = _ba.get_price('pro' if offer['item'] == 'pro_fullprice' else 'pro_sale') if real_price is None and print('NOTE: Faking prices for debug build.') real_price = '$1.23' zombie = real_price is None elif isinstance(offer['price'], str): # (a string price implies IAP id) real_price = _ba.get_price(offer['price']) if real_price is None and print('NOTE: Faking price for debug build.') real_price = '$1.23' zombie = real_price is None else: real_price = None zombie = False if real_price is None: real_price = '?' if offer['item'] in ['pro', 'pro_fullprice']: self._offer_item = 'pro' else: self._offer_item = offer['item'] # If we wanted a real price but didn't find one, go zombie. if zombie: return # This can pop up suddenly, so lets block input for 1 second. _ba.lock_all_input() ba.timer(1.0, _ba.unlock_all_input, timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL) ba.playsound(ba.getsound('ding')) ba.timer(0.3, lambda: ba.playsound(ba.getsound('ooh')), timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL) self._offer = copy.deepcopy(offer) self._width = 580 self._height = 590 uiscale = super().__init__(root_widget=ba.containerwidget( size=(self._width, self._height), transition=transition, scale=(1.2 if uiscale is ba.UIScale.SMALL else 1.15 if uiscale is ba.UIScale.MEDIUM else 1.0), stack_offset=(0, -15) if uiscale is ba.UIScale.SMALL else (0, 0))) self._is_bundle_sale = False try: if offer['item'] in ['pro', 'pro_fullprice']: original_price_str = _ba.get_price('pro') if original_price_str is None: original_price_str = '?' new_price_str = _ba.get_price('pro_sale') if new_price_str is None: new_price_str = '?' percent_off_text = '' else: # If the offer includes bonus tickets, it's a bundle-sale. if ('bonusTickets' in offer and offer['bonusTickets'] is not None): self._is_bundle_sale = True original_price = _ba.get_account_misc_read_val( 'price.' + self._offer_item, 9999) # For pure ticket prices we can show a percent-off. if isinstance(offer['price'], int): new_price = offer['price'] tchar = ba.charstr(SpecialChar.TICKET) original_price_str = tchar + str(original_price) new_price_str = tchar + str(new_price) percent_off = int( round(100.0 - (float(new_price) / original_price) * 100.0)) percent_off_text = ' ' + ba.Lstr( resource='store.salePercentText').evaluate().replace( '${PERCENT}', str(percent_off)) else: original_price_str = new_price_str = '?' percent_off_text = '' except Exception: print(f'Offer: {offer}') ba.print_exception('Error setting up special-offer') original_price_str = new_price_str = '?' percent_off_text = '' # If its a bundle sale, change the title. if self._is_bundle_sale: sale_text = ba.Lstr(resource='store.saleBundleText', fallback_resource='store.saleText').evaluate() else: # For full pro we say 'Upgrade?' since its not really a sale. if offer['item'] == 'pro_fullprice': sale_text = ba.Lstr( resource='store.upgradeQuestionText', fallback_resource='store.saleExclaimText').evaluate() else: sale_text = ba.Lstr( resource='store.saleExclaimText', fallback_resource='store.saleText').evaluate() self._title_text = ba.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5, self._height - 40), size=(0, 0), text=sale_text + ((' ' + ba.Lstr(resource='store.oneTimeOnlyText').evaluate()) if self._offer['oneTimeOnly'] else '') + percent_off_text, h_align='center', v_align='center', maxwidth=self._width * 0.9 - 220, scale=1.4, color=(0.3, 1, 0.3)) self._flash_on = False self._flashing_timer: Optional[ba.Timer] = ba.Timer( 0.05, ba.WeakCall(self._flash_cycle), repeat=True, timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL) ba.timer(0.6, ba.WeakCall(self._stop_flashing), timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL) size = get_store_item_display_size(self._offer_item) display: Dict[str, Any] = {} storeitemui.instantiate_store_item_display( self._offer_item, display, parent_widget=self._root_widget, b_pos=(self._width * 0.5 - size[0] * 0.5 + 10 - ((size[0] * 0.5 + 30) if self._is_bundle_sale else 0), self._height * 0.5 - size[1] * 0.5 + 20 + (20 if self._is_bundle_sale else 0)), b_width=size[0], b_height=size[1], button=not self._is_bundle_sale) # Wire up the parts we need. if self._is_bundle_sale: self._plus_text = ba.textwidget(parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5, self._height * 0.5 + 50), size=(0, 0), text='+', h_align='center', v_align='center', maxwidth=self._width * 0.9, scale=1.4, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) self._plus_tickets = ba.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5 + 120, self._height * 0.5 + 50), size=(0, 0), text=ba.charstr(SpecialChar.TICKET_BACKING) + str(offer['bonusTickets']), h_align='center', v_align='center', maxwidth=self._width * 0.9, scale=2.5, color=(0.2, 1, 0.2)) self._price_text = ba.textwidget(parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5, 150), size=(0, 0), text=real_price, h_align='center', v_align='center', maxwidth=self._width * 0.9, scale=1.4, color=(0.2, 1, 0.2)) # Total-value if they supplied it. total_worth_item = offer.get('valueItem', None) if total_worth_item is not None: price = _ba.get_price(total_worth_item) total_worth_price = (get_clean_price(price) if price is not None else None) if total_worth_price is not None: total_worth_text = ba.Lstr(resource='store.totalWorthText', subs=[('${TOTAL_WORTH}', total_worth_price)]) self._total_worth_text = ba.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, text=total_worth_text, position=(self._width * 0.5, 210), scale=0.9, maxwidth=self._width * 0.7, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', shadow=1.0, flatness=1.0, color=(0.3, 1, 1)) elif offer['item'] == 'pro_fullprice': # for full-price pro we simply show full price ba.textwidget(edit=display['price_widget'], text=real_price) ba.buttonwidget(edit=display['button'], on_activate_call=self._purchase) else: # Show old/new prices otherwise (for pro sale). ba.buttonwidget(edit=display['button'], on_activate_call=self._purchase) ba.imagewidget(edit=display['price_slash_widget'], opacity=1.0) ba.textwidget(edit=display['price_widget_left'], text=original_price_str) ba.textwidget(edit=display['price_widget_right'], text=new_price_str) # Add ticket button only if this is ticket-purchasable. if isinstance(offer.get('price'), int): self._get_tickets_button = ba.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width - 125, self._height - 68), size=(90, 55), scale=1.0, button_type='square', color=(0.7, 0.5, 0.85), textcolor=(0.2, 1, 0.2), autoselect=True, label=ba.Lstr(resource='getTicketsWindow.titleText'), on_activate_call=self._on_get_more_tickets_press) self._ticket_text_update_timer = ba.Timer( 1.0, ba.WeakCall(self._update_tickets_text), timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL, repeat=True) self._update_tickets_text() self._update_timer = ba.Timer(1.0, ba.WeakCall(self._update), timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL, repeat=True) self._cancel_button = ba.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(50, 40) if self._is_bundle_sale else (self._width * 0.5 - 75, 40), size=(150, 60), scale=1.0, on_activate_call=self._cancel, autoselect=True, label=ba.Lstr(resource='noThanksText')) self._cancel_countdown_text = ba.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, text='', position=(50 + 150 + 20, 40 + 27) if self._is_bundle_sale else (self._width * 0.5 - 75 + 150 + 20, 40 + 27), scale=1.1, size=(0, 0), h_align='left', v_align='center', shadow=1.0, flatness=1.0, color=(0.6, 0.5, 0.5)) self._update_cancel_button_graphics() if self._is_bundle_sale: self._purchase_button = ba.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width - 200, 40), size=(150, 60), scale=1.0, on_activate_call=self._purchase, autoselect=True, label=ba.Lstr(resource='store.purchaseText')) ba.containerwidget(edit=self._root_widget, cancel_button=self._cancel_button, start_button=self._purchase_button if self._is_bundle_sale else None, selected_child=self._purchase_button if self._is_bundle_sale else display['button'])
def on_transition_in(self) -> None: super().on_transition_in() _ba.fade_screen(False) _ba.lock_all_input()
def _add(self) -> None: _ba.lock_all_input() # Make sure no more commands happen. ba.timer(0.1, _ba.unlock_all_input, timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL) assert self._selected_game_type is not None self._editcontroller.add_game_type_selected(self._selected_game_type)
def _quit(self) -> None: ba.timer(0.001, self._edit_and_quit, timetype=ba.TimeType.REAL) _ba.lock_all_input()