Пример #1
    def interp(self, xo, yo, geterr=False, blockr=None):
        """Interpolate to positions xo,yo


            - **xo/yo**: Output positions.
            - **geterr**, optional: Also return errors.

        :Return: ``zo`` or ``zo,eo``

        # Inits
        xo = N.asarray(xo, 'd')
        yo = N.asarray(yo, 'd')
        npo = xo.shape[0]
        vgf = self.variogram_func
        so = (self.nt, npo) if self.nt else npo
        zo = N.zeros(so, 'd')
        if geterr:
            eo = N.zeros(npo, 'd')
        if self.ncloud>1 or geterr:
            wo = N.zeros(npo, 'd')

        # Loop on clouds
        Ainv = self.Ainv
        next = int(not self._simple)
        for ic in xrange(self.ncloud): # TODO: multiproc here?

            # Distances to output points
            # dd = cdist(N.transpose([xi,yi]),N.transpose([xo,yo])) # TODO: test cdist
            dd = get_distances(xo, yo, self.xc[ic], self.yc[ic], mode=self.distfunc)

            # Form B
            np = self.npc[ic]
            B = N.empty((np+next, npo))
            B[:self.npc[ic]] = vgf(dd)
            if not self._simple:
                B[-1] = 1
            if self.exact:
                B[:np][isclose(B[:np], 0.)] = 0.
            del dd

            # Block kriging
            if blockr:
                tree = cKDTree(N.transpose([xo, yo]))
                Bb = B.copy()
                for i, iineigh in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, blockr)):
                    Bb[:, i] = B[:, iineigh].mean()
                B = Bb

            # Compute weights
            W = N.ascontiguousarray(symm(Ainv[ic], N.asfortranarray(B, 'd')))

            # Simple kriging with adjusted mean for long distance values
            if self._simple and self.farvalue is not None:
                s = self.get_sill()
                Ais = self.get_sill() * Ainv[ic].sum(axis=0)
                mean = self.farvalue - (self.zc[ic] * Ais).sum()
                mean /= (1 - Ais.sum())
                mean = self.mean

            # Interpolate
            z = N.ascontiguousarray(dgemv(N.asfortranarray(W[:np].T, 'd'),
                N.asfortranarray(self.zc[ic]-mean, 'd')))
            if self._simple:
                z += mean

            # Simplest case
            if not geterr and self.ncloud<2:
                zo[:] = z.T

            # Get error
#            e = (W[:-1]*B[:-1]).sum(axis=0)
            e = (W*B).sum(axis=0)
            del W, B

            # Weigthed contribution based on errors
            w = 1/e**2
            if self.ncloud>1:
                z[:] *= w
            wo += w
            del w
            zo[:] += z.T ; del z

        # Error
        if geterr:
            eo = 1/N.sqrt(wo)

        # Normalization
        if self.ncloud>1:
            zo[:] /= wo

        if geterr: return zo, eo
        return zo
Пример #2
    def interp(self, xo, yo, geterr=False, blockr=None):
        """Interpolate to positions xo,yo


            - **xo/yo**: Output positions.
            - **geterr**, optional: Also return errors.

        :Return: ``zo`` or ``zo,eo``

        # Inits
        xo = N.asarray(xo, 'd')
        yo = N.asarray(yo, 'd')
        npo = xo.shape[0]
        vgf = self.variogram_func
        so = (self.nt, npo) if self.nt else npo
        zo = N.zeros(so, 'd')
        if geterr:
            eo = N.zeros(npo, 'd')
        if self.ncloud > 1 or geterr:
            wo = N.zeros(npo, 'd')

        # Loop on clouds
        Ainv = self.Ainv
        next = int(not self._simple)
        for ic in xrange(self.ncloud):  # TODO: multiproc here?

            # Distances to output points
            # dd = cdist(N.transpose([xi,yi]),N.transpose([xo,yo])) # TODO: test cdist
            dd = get_distances(xo,

            # Form B
            np = self.npc[ic]
            B = N.empty((np + next, npo))
            B[:self.npc[ic]] = vgf(dd)
            if not self._simple:
                B[-1] = 1
            if self.exact:
                B[:np][isclose(B[:np], 0.)] = 0.
            del dd

            # Block kriging
            if blockr:
                tree = cKDTree(N.transpose([xo, yo]))
                Bb = B.copy()
                for i, iineigh in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree,
                    Bb[:, i] = B[:, iineigh].mean()
                B = Bb

            # Compute weights
            W = N.ascontiguousarray(symm(Ainv[ic], N.asfortranarray(B, 'd')))

            # Simple kriging with adjusted mean for long distance values
            if self._simple and self.farvalue is not None:
                s = self.get_sill()
                Ais = self.get_sill() * Ainv[ic].sum(axis=0)
                mean = self.farvalue - (self.zc[ic] * Ais).sum()
                mean /= (1 - Ais.sum())
                mean = self.mean

            # Interpolate
            z = N.ascontiguousarray(
                dgemv(N.asfortranarray(W[:np].T, 'd'),
                      N.asfortranarray(self.zc[ic] - mean, 'd')))
            if self._simple:
                z += mean

            # Simplest case
            if not geterr and self.ncloud < 2:
                zo[:] = z.T

            # Get error

#            e = (W[:-1]*B[:-1]).sum(axis=0)
            e = (W * B).sum(axis=0)
            del W, B

            # Weigthed contribution based on errors
            w = 1 / e**2
            if self.ncloud > 1:
                z[:] *= w
            wo += w
            del w
            zo[:] += z.T
            del z

        # Error
        if geterr:
            eo = 1 / N.sqrt(wo)

        # Normalization
        if self.ncloud > 1:
            zo[:] /= wo

        if geterr: return zo, eo
        return zo
Пример #3
    def interp(self, xo, yo, geterr=False, blockr=None):
        """Interpolate to positions xo,yo


            - **xo/yo**: Output positions.
            - **geterr**, optional: Also return errors.

        :Return: ``zo`` or ``zo,eo``

        # Inits
        xo = N.asarray(xo, 'd')
        yo = N.asarray(yo, 'd')
        npo = xo.shape[0]
        vgf = self.variogram_func
        so = (self.nt, npo) if self.nt else npo
        zo = N.zeros(so, 'd')
        if geterr:
            eo = N.zeros(npo, 'd')
        if self.ncloud>1 or geterr:
            wo = N.zeros(npo, 'd')

        # Loop on clouds
        Ainv = self.Ainv
        for ic in xrange(self.ncloud): # TODO: multiproc here?

            # Distances to output points
            # dd = cdist(N.transpose([xi,yi]),N.transpose([xo,yo])) # TODO: test cdist
            xxo, xxi = N.meshgrid(xo, self.xc[ic])
            dd = (xxo-xxi)**2 ; del xxi, xxo
            yyo, yyi = N.meshgrid(yo, self.yc[ic])
            dd += (yyo-yyi)**2 ; del yyi, yyo
            dd = N.sqrt(dd)

            # Form B
            B = N.empty((self.npc[ic]+1, npo))
            B[-1] = 1
            B[:-1] = vgf(dd)
            if self.exact:
                B[:-1][isclose(B[:-1], 0.)] = 0.
            del dd

            # Block kriging
            if blockr:
                tree = cKDTree(N.transpose([xo, yo]))
                Bb = B.copy()
                for i, iineigh in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, blockr)):
                    Bb[:, i] = B[:, iineigh].mean()
                B = Bb

            # Compute weights
            W = N.ascontiguousarray(symm(Ainv[ic], N.asfortranarray(B, 'd')))

            # Interpolate
            z = N.ascontiguousarray(dgemv(N.asfortranarray(W[:-1].T, 'd'),
                N.asfortranarray(self.zc[ic], 'd')))

            # Simplest case
            if not geterr and self.ncloud<2:
                zo[:] = z.T

            # Get error
#            e = (W[:-1]*B[:-1]).sum(axis=0)
            e = (W*B).sum(axis=0)
            del W, B

            # Weigthed contribution based on errors
            w = 1/e**2
            if self.ncloud>1:
                z[:] *= w
            wo += w
            del w
            zo[:] += z.T ; del z

        # Error
        if geterr:
            eo = 1/N.sqrt(wo)

        # Normalization
        if self.ncloud>1:
            zo[:] /= wo

        if geterr: return zo, eo
        return zo