Пример #1
def analyse(events, subset=None, strata=None):
    if strata is None:
        bg = estimateBackground(events.data)
        bg = estimateBackgroundStratified(events.data, strata)

    return fdr.mutex(events[subset], bg[subset])
Пример #2
def pairwise_discover_test(x, g=None, alternative="less", correct=True):
    Perform many pairwise mutual exclusivity or co-occurrence tests.

    x : DiscoverMatrix

    g : array_like, optional
        An optional grouping vector for the rows of `x`. Pairs of rows within
        the same group are not tested.

    alternative : {'less', 'greater'}, optional
        If 'less', a mutual-exclusivity analysis is performed, if 'greater' a
        co-occurrence analysis.

    correct : bool, optional
        If True, multiple testing correction is performed.

    result : PairwiseDiscoverResult
        An object containing the test results for all pairwise combinations.
    assert alternative in ["less", "greater"]

    events = x.events
    bg = x.bg

    if g is None:
        pFlat, qFlat, pi0 = fdr.mutex(events, bg, alternative == "less")

        p = numpy.empty((x.shape[0], ) * 2)
        p[:] = numpy.nan
        p[numpy.triu_indices_from(p, 1)] = pFlat

        q = numpy.empty((x.shape[0], ) * 2)
        q[:] = numpy.nan
        q[numpy.triu_indices_from(p, 1)] = qFlat
        i = numpy.argsort(g)
        levels, inverse = numpy.unique(g, return_inverse=True)
        blockSizes = numpy.bincount(inverse)
        p, q, pi0 = fdr.analyseblockstructure(events[i], bg[i],
                                              alternative == "less",

        j = numpy.argsort(i)
        p = p[j[:, numpy.newaxis], j]
        q = q[j[:, numpy.newaxis], j]

    p = pandas.DataFrame(p, index=x.rownames, columns=x.rownames)
    q = pandas.DataFrame(q, index=x.rownames, columns=x.rownames)

    return PairwiseDiscoverResult(p, q, pi0, alternative)
Пример #3
def pairwise_discover_test(x, g=None, alternative="less", fdr_method="DBH"):
    Perform many pairwise mutual exclusivity or co-occurrence tests.

    x : DiscoverMatrix

    g : array_like, optional
        An optional grouping vector for the rows of `x`. Pairs of rows within
        the same group are not tested.

    alternative : {'less', 'greater'}, optional
        If 'less', a mutual-exclusivity analysis is performed, if 'greater' a
        co-occurrence analysis.

    fdr_method : {'DBH', 'BH'}, optional
        The false discovery rate procedure used for multiple testing correction.
        If 'DBH', a Benjamini-Hochberg procedure adapted for discrete test statistics
        is used. If 'BH', the standard Benjamini-Hochberg procedure is used. The latter
        is much faster, but also more conservative than the discrete version.

    result : PairwiseDiscoverResult
        An object containing the test results for all pairwise combinations.
    assert alternative in ["less", "greater"]
    assert fdr_method in ["DBH", "BH"]
    discrete_fdr = fdr_method == "DBH"

    events = x.events
    bg = x.bg

    if g is None:
        pFlat, qFlat, pi0 = fdr.mutex(events, bg, alternative == "less",

        if fdr_method == "BH":
            qFlat = false_discovery_rate(pFlat)
            pi0 = 1.0

        p = numpy.empty((x.shape[0], ) * 2)
        p[:] = numpy.nan
        p[numpy.triu_indices_from(p, 1)] = pFlat

        q = numpy.empty((x.shape[0], ) * 2)
        q[:] = numpy.nan
        q[numpy.triu_indices_from(p, 1)] = qFlat
        i = numpy.argsort(g)
        levels, inverse = numpy.unique(g, return_inverse=True)
        blockSizes = numpy.bincount(inverse)
        p, q, pi0 = fdr.analyseblockstructure(events[i], bg[i],
                                              alternative == "less",
                                              blockSizes, discrete_fdr)

        if fdr_method == "BH":
            q = false_discovery_rate(p)
            pi0 = 1.0

        j = numpy.argsort(i)
        p = p[j[:, numpy.newaxis], j]
        q = q[j[:, numpy.newaxis], j]

    p = pandas.DataFrame(p, index=x.rownames, columns=x.rownames)
    q = pandas.DataFrame(q, index=x.rownames, columns=x.rownames)

    return PairwiseDiscoverResult(p, q, pi0, alternative, fdr_method)