Пример #1
def intersect(a_fsa: Fsa, b_fsa: Fsa) -> Fsa:
    '''Compute the intersection of two FSAs on CPU.

        The first input FSA on CPU. It can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        The second input FSA on CPU. it can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.

      The two input FSAs MUST be arc sorted.

      The rules for assigning the attributes of the output Fsa are as follows:

      - (1) For attributes where only one source (a_fsa or b_fsa) has that
        attribute: Copy via arc_map, or use zero if arc_map has -1. This rule
        works for both floating point and integer attributes.

      - (2) For attributes where both sources (a_fsa and b_fsa) have that
        attribute: For floating point attributes: sum via arc_maps, or use zero
        if arc_map has -1. For integer attributes, it's not supported for now
        (the attributes will be discarded and will not be kept in the output

      The result of intersecting a_fsa and b_fsa. len(out_fsa.shape) is 2
      if and only if the two input FSAs are single FSAs;
      otherwise, len(out_fsa.shape) is 3.
    assert a_fsa.is_cpu()
    assert b_fsa.is_cpu()
    assert a_fsa.properties & fsa_properties.ARC_SORTED != 0
    assert b_fsa.properties & fsa_properties.ARC_SORTED != 0

    treat_epsilons_specially = True
    need_arc_map = True
    ragged_arc, a_arc_map, b_arc_map = _k2.intersect(
        a_fsa.arcs, a_fsa.properties, b_fsa.arcs, b_fsa.properties,
        treat_epsilons_specially, need_arc_map)

    out_fsa = Fsa(ragged_arc)
    for name, a_value in a_fsa.named_tensor_attr():
        if hasattr(b_fsa, name):
            # Both a_fsa and b_fsa have this attribute.
            # We only support attributes with dtype `torch.float32`.
            # Other kinds of attributes are discarded.
            if a_value.dtype != torch.float32:
            b_value = getattr(b_fsa, name)
            assert b_value.dtype == torch.float32

            value = index_select(a_value, a_arc_map) \
                    + index_select(b_value, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)
            # only a_fsa has this attribute, copy it via arc_map
            value = index_attr(a_value, a_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    # now copy tensor attributes that are in b_fsa but are not in a_fsa
    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_tensor_attr():
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            value = index_attr(b_value, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    for name, a_value in a_fsa.named_non_tensor_attr():
        setattr(out_fsa, name, a_value)

    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_non_tensor_attr():
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            setattr(out_fsa, name, b_value)

    return out_fsa
Пример #2
def intersect(
    a_fsa: Fsa,
    b_fsa: Fsa,
    treat_epsilons_specially: bool = True,
    ret_arc_maps: bool = False
) -> Union[Fsa, Tuple[Fsa, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]:  # noqa
    '''Compute the intersection of two FSAs.

    When `treat_epsilons_specially` is True, this function works only on CPU.
    When `treat_epsilons_specially` is False and both `a_fsa` and `b_fsa`
    are on GPU, then this function works on GPU; in this case, the two
    input FSAs do not need to be arc sorted.

        The first input FSA. It can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        The second input FSA. it can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        If True, epsilons will be treated as epsilon, meaning epsilon arcs can
        match with an implicit epsilon self-loop.
        If False, epsilons will be treated as real, normal symbols (to have
        them treated as epsilons in this case you may have to add epsilon
        self-loops to whichever of the inputs is naturally epsilon-free).
        If False, return the resulting Fsa. If True, return a tuple
        containing three entries:

            - the resulting Fsa

            - a_arc_map, a 1-D torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int32.
              a_arc_map[i] is the arc index in a_fsa that corresponds
              to the i-th arc in the resulting Fsa. a_arc_map[i] is -1
              if the i-th arc in the resulting Fsa has no corresponding
              arc in a_fsa.

            - b_arc_map, a 1-D torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int32.
              b_arc_map[i] is the arc index in b_fsa that corresponds
              to the i-th arc in the resulting Fsa. b_arc_map[i] is -1
              if the i-th arc in the resulting Fsa has no corresponding
              arc in b_fsa.

      The two input FSAs MUST be arc sorted if `treat_epsilons_specially`
      is True.

      The rules for assigning the attributes of the output Fsa are as follows:

      - (1) For attributes where only one source (a_fsa or b_fsa) has that
        attribute: Copy via arc_map, or use zero if arc_map has -1. This rule
        works for both floating point and integer attributes.

      - (2) For attributes where both sources (a_fsa and b_fsa) have that
        attribute: For floating point attributes: sum via arc_maps, or use zero
        if arc_map has -1. For integer attributes, it's not supported for now
        (the attributes will be discarded and will not be kept in the output

      If ret_arc_maps is False, return the result of intersecting a_fsa and
      b_fsa. len(out_fsa.shape) is 2 if and only if the two input FSAs are
      single FSAs; otherwise, len(out_fsa.shape) is 3.
      If ret_arc_maps is True, it returns additionally two arc_maps:
      a_arc_map and b_arc_map.
    if a_fsa.is_cpu() or b_fsa.is_cpu():
        assert a_fsa.properties & fsa_properties.ARC_SORTED != 0
        assert b_fsa.properties & fsa_properties.ARC_SORTED != 0

    need_arc_map = True
    ragged_arc, a_arc_map, b_arc_map = _k2.intersect(
        a_fsa.arcs, a_fsa.properties, b_fsa.arcs, b_fsa.properties,
        treat_epsilons_specially, need_arc_map)

    out_fsa = Fsa(ragged_arc)

    _propagate_aux_labels_binary_function(a_fsa, b_fsa, a_arc_map, b_arc_map,

    if ret_arc_maps:
        return out_fsa, a_arc_map, b_arc_map
        return out_fsa
Пример #3
def compose(a_fsa: Fsa,
            b_fsa: Fsa,
            treat_epsilons_specially: bool = True,
            inner_labels: str = None) -> Fsa:
    '''Compute the composition of two FSAs (currently on CPU).

    When `treat_epsilons_specially` is True, this function works only on CPU.
    When `treat_epsilons_specially` is False and both `a_fsa` and `b_fsa`
    are on GPU, then this function works on GPU; in this case, the two
    input FSAs do not need to be arc sorted.

      `a_fsa.aux_labels` is required to be defined and it can be either
      a `torch.Tensor` or a ragged tensor of type `k2.RaggedInt`.
      If it is a ragged tensor, then it requires that a_fsa.requires_grad is

      For both FSAs, the `aux_labels` attribute is interpreted as output labels,
      (olabels), and the composition involves matching the olabels of a_fsa with
      the ilabels of b_fsa.  This is implemented by intersecting the inverse of
      a_fsa (a_fsa_inv) with b_fsa, then replacing the ilabels of the result
      with the original ilabels on a_fsa which are now the aux_labels of
      a_fsa_inv.  If `b_fsa.aux_labels` is not defined, `b_fsa` is treated as an
      acceptor (as in OpenFST), i.e. its olabels and ilabels are assumed to be
      the same.

    Refer to :func:`k2.intersect` for how we assign the attributes of the
    output FSA.

        The first input FSA. It can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        The second input FSA. it can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        If True, epsilons will be treated as epsilon, meaning epsilon arcs can
        match with an implicit epsilon self-loop.
        If False, epsilons will be treated as real, normal symbols (to have
        them treated as epsilons in this case you may have to add epsilon
        self-loops to whichever of the inputs is naturally epsilon-free).
        If specified (and if a_fsa has `aux_labels`), the labels that we matched
        on, which would normally be discarded, will instead be copied to
        this attribute name.

      `b_fsa` has to be arc sorted if the function runs on CPU.

      The result of composing a_fsa and b_fsa. `len(out_fsa.shape)` is 2
      if and only if the two input FSAs are single FSAs;
      otherwise, `len(out_fsa.shape)` is 3.
    assert hasattr(a_fsa, 'aux_labels')

    if a_fsa.requires_grad:
        assert isinstance(a_fsa.aux_labels, torch.Tensor)
        a_fsa_inv = a_fsa.invert()
        # k2.invert() does not support autograd.
        # The current use case is for decoding, which does not need autograd.
        # We may extend it to support autograd if needed.
        a_fsa_inv = invert(a_fsa)

    if treat_epsilons_specially is True or a_fsa_inv.is_cpu():
        # the GPU version does not need to sort the input FSA
        a_fsa_inv = arc_sort(a_fsa_inv)

    if treat_epsilons_specially is True or b_fsa.is_cpu():
        # the GPU version does not need to sort the input FSA
        assert b_fsa.properties & fsa_properties.ARC_SORTED != 0

    need_arc_map = True
    ragged_arc, a_arc_map, b_arc_map = _k2.intersect(
        a_fsa_inv.arcs, a_fsa_inv.properties, b_fsa.arcs, b_fsa.properties,
        treat_epsilons_specially, need_arc_map)

    out_fsa = Fsa(ragged_arc)
    if inner_labels is not None:
        # out_fsa.`inner_labels` = out_fsa.labels.clone()
        # need a clone here since `Fsa.labels` is a reference
        setattr(out_fsa, inner_labels, out_fsa.labels.clone())

    if hasattr(b_fsa, 'aux_labels'):
        out_fsa.aux_labels = index(b_fsa.aux_labels, b_arc_map)
        # need a clone here since `Fsa.labels` is a reference
        out_fsa.aux_labels = out_fsa.labels.clone()

    if isinstance(a_fsa_inv.aux_labels, torch.Tensor):
        out_fsa.labels = index(a_fsa_inv.aux_labels, a_arc_map)
        assert isinstance(a_fsa_inv.aux_labels, k2.RaggedInt)
        # Refer to the following URLs for an example:
        # a_fsa:   https://git.io/Jqbob
        # b_fsa:   https://git.io/JqbKL
        # out_fsa: https://git.io/JqbK3
        out_fsa.labels = out_fsa.aux_labels
        out_fsa.aux_labels = index(a_fsa_inv.aux_labels, a_arc_map)
        out_fsa = invert(out_fsa)

    for name, a_value in a_fsa_inv.named_tensor_attr():
        if name in ('aux_labels', inner_labels):
        if hasattr(b_fsa, name):
            # Both a_fsa and b_fsa have this attribute.
            # We only support attributes with dtype `torch.float32`.
            # Other kinds of attributes are discarded.
            if a_value.dtype != torch.float32:
            b_value = getattr(b_fsa, name)
            assert b_value.dtype == torch.float32

            # The following will actually overwrite `scores` with the same
            # value it had before; but this enables the autograd to work since
            # we do it using torch mechanisms.
            value = index_select(a_value, a_arc_map) + index_select(
                b_value, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)
            # only a_fsa has this attribute, copy it via arc_map
            value = index(a_value, a_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    # now copy tensor attributes that are in b_fsa but are not in a_fsa
    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_tensor_attr():
        if name in ('aux_labels', inner_labels):
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            value = index(b_value, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    for name, a_value in a_fsa_inv.named_non_tensor_attr():
        if name == 'symbols':

        if name == 'aux_symbols':
            setattr(out_fsa, 'symbols', a_value)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, a_value)

    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_non_tensor_attr():
        if name == 'symbols' and not hasattr(b_fsa, 'aux_labels'):
            setattr(out_fsa, 'aux_symbols', b_value)
        elif not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            setattr(out_fsa, name, b_value)

    return out_fsa
Пример #4
def intersect(a_fsa: Fsa,
              b_fsa: Fsa,
              treat_epsilons_specially: bool = True) -> Fsa:
    '''Compute the intersection of two FSAs.

    When `treat_epsilons_specially` is True, this function works only on CPU.
    When `treat_epsilons_specially` is False and both `a_fsa` and `b_fsa`
    are on GPU, then this function works on GPU; in this case, the two
    input FSAs do not need to be arc sorted.

        The first input FSA. It can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        The second input FSA. it can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        If True, epsilons will be treated as epsilon, meaning epsilon arcs can
        match with an implicit epsilon self-loop.
        If False, epsilons will be treated as real, normal symbols (to have
        them treated as epsilons in this case you may have to add epsilon
        self-loops to whichever of the inputs is naturally epsilon-free).

      The two input FSAs MUST be arc sorted if `treat_epsilons_specially`
      is True.

      The rules for assigning the attributes of the output Fsa are as follows:

      - (1) For attributes where only one source (a_fsa or b_fsa) has that
        attribute: Copy via arc_map, or use zero if arc_map has -1. This rule
        works for both floating point and integer attributes.

      - (2) For attributes where both sources (a_fsa and b_fsa) have that
        attribute: For floating point attributes: sum via arc_maps, or use zero
        if arc_map has -1. For integer attributes, it's not supported for now
        (the attributes will be discarded and will not be kept in the output

      The result of intersecting a_fsa and b_fsa. len(out_fsa.shape) is 2
      if and only if the two input FSAs are single FSAs;
      otherwise, len(out_fsa.shape) is 3.
    if a_fsa.is_cpu() or b_fsa.is_cpu():
        assert a_fsa.properties & fsa_properties.ARC_SORTED != 0
        assert b_fsa.properties & fsa_properties.ARC_SORTED != 0

    need_arc_map = True
    ragged_arc, a_arc_map, b_arc_map = _k2.intersect(
        a_fsa.arcs, a_fsa.properties, b_fsa.arcs, b_fsa.properties,
        treat_epsilons_specially, need_arc_map)

    out_fsa = Fsa(ragged_arc)
    for name, a_value in a_fsa.named_tensor_attr():
        if hasattr(b_fsa, name):
            # Both a_fsa and b_fsa have this attribute.
            # We only support attributes with dtype `torch.float32`.
            # Other kinds of attributes are discarded.
            if a_value.dtype != torch.float32:
            b_value = getattr(b_fsa, name)
            assert b_value.dtype == torch.float32

            value = index_select(a_value, a_arc_map) \
                    + index_select(b_value, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)
            # only a_fsa has this attribute, copy it via arc_map
            value = index(a_value, a_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    # now copy tensor attributes that are in b_fsa but are not in a_fsa
    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_tensor_attr():
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            value = index(b_value, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    for name, a_value in a_fsa.named_non_tensor_attr():
        setattr(out_fsa, name, a_value)

    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_non_tensor_attr():
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            setattr(out_fsa, name, b_value)

    return out_fsa
Пример #5
def intersect(a_fsa: Fsa, b_fsa: Fsa) -> Fsa:
    '''Compute the intersection of two FSAs on CPU.

        The first input FSA on CPU. It can be either a single FSA or a FsaVec.
        The second input FSA on CPU. it can be either a single FSA or a FsaVec.

      The two input FSAs MUST be arc sorted.

      The rules for assigning the attributes of the output Fsa are as follows:

      - (1) For attributes where only one source (a_fsa or b_fsa) has that
      attribute: Copy via arc_map, or use zero if arc_map has -1. This rule
      works for both floating point and integer attributes.

      - (2) For attributes where both sources (a_fsa and b_fsa) have that
      attribute: For floating point attributes: sum via arc_maps, or use zero
      if arc_map has -1. For integer attributes, it's not supported for now (the
      attributes will be discarded and will not be kept in the output FSA).

      The result of intersecting a_fsa and b_fsa.
    need_arc_map = True
    ragged_arc, a_arc_map, b_arc_map = _k2.intersect(a_fsa.arcs, b_fsa.arcs,

    # Some of entries in a_arc_map and b_arc_map may be -1.
    # The arc_maps are incremented so that every entry is non-negative.
    a_arc_map = a_arc_map.to(torch.int64) + 1
    b_arc_map = b_arc_map.to(torch.int64) + 1

    out_fsa = Fsa.from_ragged_arc(ragged_arc)
    for name, a_value in a_fsa.named_tensor_attr():
        if hasattr(b_fsa, name):
            # Both a_fsa and b_fsa have this attribute.
            # We only support attributes with dtype ``torch.float32``.
            # Other kinds of attributes are discarded.
            if a_value.dtype != torch.float32:
            b_value = getattr(b_fsa, name)
            assert b_value.dtype == torch.float32

            # a_arc_map and b_arc_map have been offset by 1
            # so we need a padding here
            padding = a_value.new_zeros((1, *a_value.shape[1:]))
            a_value = torch.cat((padding, a_value), dim=0)
            b_value = torch.cat((padding, b_value), dim=0)

            value = a_value.index_select(0, a_arc_map) \
                    + b_value.index_select(0, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)
            # only a_fsa has this attribute, copy it via arc_map
            padding = a_value.new_zeros((1, *a_value.shape[1:]))
            a_value = torch.cat((padding, a_value), dim=0)
            value = a_value.index_select(0, a_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    # now copy tensor attributes that are in b_fsa but are not in a_fsa
    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_tensor_attr():
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            padding = b_value.new_zeros((1, *b_value.shape[1:]))
            b_value = torch.cat((padding, b_value), dim=0)
            value = b_value.index_select(0, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    for name, a_value in a_fsa.named_non_tensor_attr():
        setattr(out_fsa, name, a_value)

    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_non_tensor_attr():
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            setattr(out_fsa, name, b_value)

    return out_fsa
Пример #6
def compose(a_fsa: Fsa,
            b_fsa: Fsa,
            treat_epsilons_specially: bool = True,
            inner_labels: str = None) -> Fsa:
    '''Compute the composition of two FSAs (currently on CPU).

      If there is no `aux_labels` in the input FSAs, it is
      equivalent to :func:`k2.intersect`.  The difference from :func:`k2.intersect`
      is when a_fsa has the `aux_labels` attribute set.  These are interpreted
      as output labels (olabels), and the composition involves matching the olabels
      of a with the ilabels of b.  This is implemented by intersecting the
      inverse of a_fsa (a_fsa_inv) with b_fsa, then replacing the ilabels of the
      result with the original ilabels on a_fsa which are now the aux_labels of

        The first input FSA on CPU. It can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        The second input FSA on CPU. it can be either a single FSA or an FsaVec.
        If True, epsilons will be treated as epsilon, meaning epsilon arcs can
        match with an implicit epsilon self-loop.
        If False, epsilons will be treated as real, normal symbols (to have
        them treated as epsilons in this case you may have to add epsilon
        self-loops to whichever of the inputs is naturally epsilon-free).
        If specified (and if a_fsa has `aux_labels`), the labels that we matched
        on, which would normally be discarded, will instead be copied to
        this attribute name.

      `b_fsa` has to be arc sorted.

      The rules for assigning the attributes of the output Fsa are as follows:

      - (1) For attributes where only one source (a_fsa or b_fsa) has that
        attribute: Copy via arc_map, or use zero if arc_map has -1. This rule
        works for both floating point and integer attributes.

      - (2) For attributes where both sources (a_fsa and b_fsa) have that
        attribute: For floating point attributes: sum via arc_maps, or use zero
        if arc_map has -1. For integer attributes, it's not supported for now
        (the attributes will be discarded and will not be kept in the output

      The result of composing a_fsa and b_fsa. `len(out_fsa.shape)` is 2
      if and only if the two input FSAs are single FSAs;
      otherwise, `len(out_fsa.shape)` is 3.

    assert a_fsa.is_cpu()
    assert b_fsa.is_cpu()
    if not hasattr(a_fsa, 'aux_labels'):
        return intersect(a_fsa, b_fsa, treat_epsilons_specially)

    if not hasattr(b_fsa, 'aux_labels'):
        return intersect(a_fsa, b_fsa, treat_epsilons_specially)

    assert isinstance(a_fsa.aux_labels, torch.Tensor)

    a_fsa_inv = arc_sort(a_fsa.invert())

    assert b_fsa.properties & fsa_properties.ARC_SORTED != 0

    need_arc_map = True
    ragged_arc, a_arc_map, b_arc_map = _k2.intersect(
        a_fsa_inv.arcs, a_fsa_inv.properties, b_fsa.arcs, b_fsa.properties,
        treat_epsilons_specially, need_arc_map)

    out_fsa = Fsa(ragged_arc)
    if inner_labels is not None:
        # out_fsa.`inner_labels` = out_fsa.labels
        setattr(out_fsa, inner_labels, out_fsa.labels)
    out_fsa.labels = index(a_fsa_inv.aux_labels, a_arc_map)
    out_fsa.aux_labels = index(b_fsa.aux_labels, b_arc_map)

    for name, a_value in a_fsa_inv.named_tensor_attr():
        if hasattr(b_fsa, name):
            # Both a_fsa and b_fsa have this attribute.
            # We only support attributes with dtype `torch.float32`.
            # Other kinds of attributes are discarded.
            if a_value.dtype != torch.float32:
            b_value = getattr(b_fsa, name)
            assert b_value.dtype == torch.float32

            value = index_select(a_value, a_arc_map) + index_select(
                b_value, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)
            # only a_fsa has this attribute, copy it via arc_map
            value = index(a_value, a_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    # now copy tensor attributes that are in b_fsa but are not in a_fsa
    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_tensor_attr():
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            value = index(b_value, b_arc_map)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, value)

    for name, a_value in a_fsa_inv.named_non_tensor_attr():
        if name == 'symbols':

        if name == 'aux_symbols':
            setattr(out_fsa, 'symbols', a_value)
            setattr(out_fsa, name, a_value)

    for name, b_value in b_fsa.named_non_tensor_attr():
        if not hasattr(out_fsa, name):
            setattr(out_fsa, name, b_value)

    return out_fsa