Пример #1
 def _validate_insertion(self, column):
     Raise an error if we're gonna add a duplicate column name
     existing_column_names = [col.name for col in self._columns]
     if column.name in existing_column_names:
         err = exceptions.NON_UNIQUE_COLUMN_MESSAGE.format(column.name)
         raise exceptions.InputError(err)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, columns_or_json, fid=None):
        Initialize a grid with an iterable of `plotly.grid_objs.Column`
        objects or a json/dict describing a grid. See second usage example
        below for the necessary structure of the dict.

        :param (str|bool) fid: should not be accessible to users. Default
            is 'None' but if a grid is retrieved via `py.get_grid()` then the
            retrieved grid response will contain the fid which will be
            necessary to set `self.id` and `self._columns.id` below.

        Example from iterable of columns:
        column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'time')
        column_2 = Column([4, 2, 5], 'voltage')
        grid = Grid([column_1, column_2])
        Example from json grid
        grid_json = {
            'cols': {
                'time': {'data': [1, 2, 3], 'order': 0, 'uid': '4cd7fc'},
                'voltage': {'data': [4, 2, 5], 'order': 1, 'uid': u'2744be'}
        grid = Grid(grid_json)
        # TODO: verify that columns are actually columns
        pd = get_module('pandas')
        if pd and isinstance(columns_or_json, pd.DataFrame):
            duplicate_name = utils.get_first_duplicate(columns_or_json.columns)
            if duplicate_name:
                err = exceptions.NON_UNIQUE_COLUMN_MESSAGE.format(
                raise exceptions.InputError(err)

            # create columns from dataframe
            all_columns = []
            for name in columns_or_json.columns:
            self._columns = all_columns
            self.id = ''

        elif isinstance(columns_or_json, dict):
            # check that fid is entered
            if fid is None:
                raise _plotly_utils.exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "If you are manually converting a raw json/dict grid "
                    "into a Grid instance, you must ensure that 'fid' is "
                    "set to your file ID. This looks like 'username:187'.")

            self.id = fid

            # check if 'cols' is a root key
            if 'cols' not in columns_or_json:
                raise _plotly_utils.exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "'cols' must be a root key in your json grid.")

            # check if 'data', 'order' and 'uid' are not in columns
            grid_col_keys = ['data', 'order', 'uid']

            for column_name in columns_or_json['cols']:
                for key in grid_col_keys:
                    if key not in columns_or_json['cols'][column_name]:
                        raise _plotly_utils.exceptions.PlotlyError(
                            "Each column name of your dictionary must have "
                            "'data', 'order' and 'uid' as keys.")
            # collect and sort all orders in case orders do not start
            # at zero or there are jump discontinuities between them
            all_orders = []
            for column_name in columns_or_json['cols'].keys():

            # put columns in order in a list
            ordered_columns = []
            for order in all_orders:
                for column_name in columns_or_json['cols'].keys():
                    if columns_or_json['cols'][column_name]['order'] == order:

            self._columns = ordered_columns

            # fill in column_ids
            for column in self:
                column.id = self.id + ':' + columns_or_json['cols'][

            column_names = [column.name for column in columns_or_json]
            duplicate_name = utils.get_first_duplicate(column_names)
            if duplicate_name:
                err = exceptions.NON_UNIQUE_COLUMN_MESSAGE.format(
                raise exceptions.InputError(err)

            self._columns = list(columns_or_json)
            self.id = ''