def time_sink_c(*args, **kwargs): """ time_sink_c(int size, double bw, string name, int nconnections = 1, QWidget parent = None) -> qtgui_time_sink_c_sptr A graphical sink to display multiple signals in time. This is a QT-based graphical sink the takes set of a complex streams and plots them in the time domain. For each signal, both the signal's I and Q parts are plotted, and they are all plotted with a different color, and the and functions can be used to change the lable and color for a given input number. """ return _qtgui_swig.time_sink_c(*args, **kwargs)
def time_sink_c(*args, **kwargs): """ time_sink_c(int size, double bw, string name, int nconnections = 1, QWidget parent = None) -> qtgui_time_sink_c_sptr """ return _qtgui_swig.time_sink_c(*args, **kwargs)