def hook_LoadTextureFile(name, callback, userData): refs._tfname = ffi.string(name).decode() hook = lib.subhook_new(callback, lib.hook_textureCallback, 0) refs._orig_callback = ffi.cast('XDL_LoadTextureDoneCallback', lib.subhook_get_trampoline(hook)) lib.subhook_install(hook) ORIGS['XDL_LoadTextureFile'](name, callback, userData) lib.subhook_remove(hook) lib.subhook_free(hook)
def addhook(fname, hookfunc, ret=False): hook = lib.subhook_new(refs[fname], hookfunc, 1) orig = ffi.cast('p' + fname, lib.subhook_get_trampoline(hook)) if orig != ffi.NULL: ORIGS[fname] = orig else:'{}: no trampoline, using fallback'.format(fname)) def call_orig(*args): lib.subhook_remove(hook) res = refs[fname](*args) lib.subhook_install(hook) if ret: return res ORIGS[fname] = call_orig lib.subhook_install(hook) if not lib.subhook_is_installed(hook): logging.error('failed to hook {}'.format(fname))
def call_orig(*args): lib.subhook_remove(hook) res = refs[fname](*args) lib.subhook_install(hook) if ret: return res
def afterUpdate(self): cw = self.refs.canvasW_ ch = self.refs.canvasH_ cscale = cw[0] / self.refs.windowW ctime = time.perf_counter() if not self.start = = 1 nscale = 1 else: twidth = self.config.level targ = twidth / self.refs.windowW if targ <= 0: targ = 1 if != targ: self.stime = ctime self.start = cscale = targ if self.config.time > 0: nscale = ease(self.start,, self.stime, ctime, self.config.time) else: nscale = if nscale <= 0: nscale = 0.1 if nscale == cscale: return tw = round(nscale * self.refs.windowW) th = round(nscale * self.refs.windowH) cw[0] = self.refs.overrideW = tw ch[0] = self.refs.overrideH = th installed = lib.subhook_is_installed(self._hook) != 0 if and not installed: lib.subhook_install(self._hook) if not and installed: lib.subhook_remove(self._hook) # replacement handling of window resize event for WorldClient and # everything inside of it that doesn't have handlers wc = self.refs.WorldClient if and wc != ffi.NULL: setUIElementSize(wc, tw, th) setUIElementSize(wc.worldView, tw, th) setUIElementSize(wc.hud, tw, th) setUIElementSize(wc.overlay, tw, th) # equip if wc.hud != ffi.NULL and wc.hud.hudEquip != ffi.NULL: equip = toUIElement(wc.hud.hudEquip) equip.x = tw - equip.w - 28 # overlays overlay = wc.overlay if overlay != ffi.NULL: otype = util.getClassName(overlay) overlay = ffi.cast('struct {} *'.format(otype), overlay) if otype == 'InventoryOverlay': inv = toUIElement(overlay.inventoryWindow) inv.x = tw - inv.w - 24 exy = inv.y + inv.h + 24 stash = toUIElement(overlay.stashWindow) if stash != ffi.NULL: stash.x = tw - stash.w - 24 stash.y = exy + 6 exy += stash.h + 6 ex = toUIElement(overlay.playerWindowExitSprite) ex.x = tw - ex.w ex.y = exy tt = toUIElement(overlay.toolTip) if tt != ffi.NULL: tt.x = inv.x - tt.w ctt = toUIElement(overlay.comparisonToolTip) if ctt != ffi.NULL: ctt.x = tt.x - ctt.w if otype == 'ProgressOverlay': pw = toUIElement(overlay.progressWindow) pw.x = (tw - pw.w) // 2 pw.y = (th - pw.h) // 2 ex = toUIElement(overlay.playerWindowExitSprite) ex.x = tw - ex.w ex.y = pw.y + pw.h - ex.h if otype == 'ScoreOverlay': off = int(tw * 0.4) scw = toUIElement(overlay.scoreCharWindow) scw.x = (off - scw.w) // 2 ssw = toUIElement(overlay.scoreStatsWindow) ssw.x = off sbw = toUIElement(overlay.scoreBonusWindow) sbw.x = off + ssw.w + 30 fss = toUIElement(overlay.finalScoreSprite) fss.x = off fss.y = max(sbw.h + sbw.y, ssw.h + ssw.y) + 64 xpb = toUIElement(overlay.xpLevelBars) if xpb != ffi.NULL: xpb.x = off xpb.y = fss.h + fss.y + 24 ex = toUIElement(overlay.playerWindowExitSprite) ex.x = tw - ex.w ex.y = th - ex.h - 100 if overlay.scoreRankAdded: # the rank visual element is the last child oc = ffi.cast('struct UIElementContainer *', overlay) chl = util.vec2list(oc.children, 'struct UIElement *') if len(chl) > 0: sr = chl[-1] sr.x = scw.x + scw.w - 20 if otype == 'ZoneScoreOverlay': outro = toUIElement(overlay.outro) outro.x = int(tw * 0.3) outro.y = int(th * 0.5) hoff = int(tw * 0.3) voff = int(th * 0.7) kvl = util.vec2list(overlay.keyValLabels, 'struct LabelPair') for pair in kvl: first = toUIElement(pair.first) second = toUIElement(pair.second) first.x = hoff - 96 second.x = hoff + 96 - second.w first.y = second.y = voff voff += 20 if len(kvl) > 0: voff += 20 xpb = toUIElement(overlay.xpLevelBars) xpb.x = hoff - 140 xpb.y = voff + 20 ex = toUIElement(overlay.playerWindowExitSprite) ex.x = tw - ex.w ex.y = th - ex.h - 100 # re-center camera if self.refs.WorldView != ffi.NULL: self.refs.WorldView.offsetsInitialized = False self.refs.windowEventCallback(lib.XDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED, self.refs.userData_[0]) self.refs.overrideW = 0 self.refs.overrideH = 0 # hack to avoid 1 frame of wrong text scaling self.refs.scaleX = self.refs.scaleY = nscale