Пример #1
    def cell_header(self, cellbytes):
        header = []
        cell = binascii.hexlify(cellbytes)
        # Get total number of bytes of payload
        bytes_of_payload_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(
        )  # a variable integer can be maximum 9 byte (= 18 nibbles) long
        bytes_of_payload = bytes_of_payload_tuple[0]

        # Get row_id
        row_id_string = cell[((bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] *
                               2)):((bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + 9) * 2)]
        row_id_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(row_id_string)
        row_id = row_id_tuple[0]

        #print 'offset: %x'%(bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1])
                '=H', cellbytes[(bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] +
                                 row_id_tuple[1]):(bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] +
                                                   row_id_tuple[1] +

        return header, (bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1] +
Пример #2
def parse_record(record_hex_string):
    # parse the record header
        "parse_record:                  ----> parsing record header....", 4)
    header_length_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(
    header_string = record_hex_string[(header_length_tuple[1] *
                                       2):(header_length_tuple[0] * 2)]
    record_header_field_list = _sqliteVarInt.parse_all_var_ints(header_string)
        "parse_record:                        OK - record header field list is %(record_header_field_list)s"
        % vars(), 4)

    # Get the record content
    content_offset = header_length_tuple[0] * 2
    content_list = []
    element = 0
    for var_int in record_header_field_list:
        entry_content = parse_content_entry(record_header_field_list[element],
                                            record_hex_string, content_offset)
        content_offset += entry_content[1] * 2
        element += 1

    # Return the record content list
        "parse_record:                        OK - returning list of record contents",
        4)  #: %(content_list)s" %vars(), 4)
    _adel_log.log("parse_record:                  ----> record header parsed",
    return content_list
Пример #3
def parse_table_btree_interior_cell(page_hex_string, page_offset):
    # 1 byte is represented by two characters in the hexString, so internally we need to calculate the offset in nibbles
    page_offset_in_bytes = page_offset  # store for log reasons only
    page_offset = page_offset * 2  # now dealing with nibbles because we treat a string (1 character = 1 nibble)

        "parse_table_btree_interior_cell:  ----> parsing b-tree interior cell at offset %(page_offset_in_bytes)s...."
        % vars(), 4)

    # Get total number of bytes of payload
    left_child_pointer = int(
        page_hex_string[page_offset:(page_offset + (4 * 2))], 16)
        "parse_table_btree_interior_cell:        OK - left child pointer is: %(left_child_pointer)s"
        % vars(), 4)
    # Get row_id
    row_id_string = page_hex_string[(page_offset + (4 * 2)):(page_offset +
                                                             ((4 + 9) * 2))]
    row_id_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(row_id_string)
    row_id = row_id_tuple[0]
        "parse_table_btree_interior_cell:  ----> row_id (index) is: %(row_id)s...."
        % vars(), 4)

    # Build tuple of node contents
    node_tuple = [left_child_pointer, row_id]
        "parse_table_btree_interior_cell:        OK - returning tuple of node content: %(node_tuple)s"
        % vars(), 4)
        "parse_table_btree_interior_cell:  ----> b-tree interior cell at offset %(page_offset_in_bytes)s parsed"
        % vars(), 4)
    return node_tuple
Пример #4
	def cell_header(self, cellbytes):
		header = []
		cell = binascii.hexlify(cellbytes)
		# Get total number of bytes of payload
		bytes_of_payload_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(cell[:18]) # a variable integer can be maximum 9 byte (= 18 nibbles) long
		bytes_of_payload = bytes_of_payload_tuple[0]

		# Get row_id
		row_id_string = cell[((bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] * 2)):((bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + 9) * 2)]
		row_id_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(row_id_string)
		row_id = row_id_tuple[0]

		#print 'offset: %x'%(bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1])
		header.append(struct.unpack('=H', cellbytes[(bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1]):(bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1] + SIZEOFSHORT)])[0])

		return header, (bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1] + SIZEOFSHORT)
Пример #5
def parse_table_btree_interior_cell(page_hex_string, page_offset):
    # 1 byte is represented by two characters in the hexString, so internally we need to calculate the offset in nibbles
    page_offset_in_bytes = page_offset # store for log reasons only
    page_offset = page_offset * 2 # now dealing with nibbles because we treat a string (1 character = 1 nibble)

    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_interior_cell:  ----> parsing b-tree interior cell at offset %(page_offset_in_bytes)s...." % vars(), 4)

    # Get total number of bytes of payload
    left_child_pointer = int(page_hex_string[page_offset:(page_offset + (4 * 2))], 16)
    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_interior_cell:        OK - left child pointer is: %(left_child_pointer)s" % vars(), 4)
    # Get row_id
    row_id_string = page_hex_string[(page_offset + (4 * 2)):(page_offset + ((4 + 9) * 2))]
    row_id_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(row_id_string)
    row_id = row_id_tuple[0]
    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_interior_cell:  ----> row_id (index) is: %(row_id)s...." % vars(), 4)

    # Build tuple of node contents
    node_tuple = [left_child_pointer, row_id]
    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_interior_cell:        OK - returning tuple of node content: %(node_tuple)s" % vars(), 4)
    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_interior_cell:  ----> b-tree interior cell at offset %(page_offset_in_bytes)s parsed" % vars(), 4)
    return node_tuple
Пример #6
def parse_record(record_hex_string):
    # parse the record header
    _adel_log.log("parse_record:                  ----> parsing record header....", 4)
    header_length_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(record_hex_string[0:18])
    header_string = record_hex_string[(header_length_tuple[1] * 2):(header_length_tuple[0] * 2)]
    record_header_field_list = _sqliteVarInt.parse_all_var_ints(header_string)
    _adel_log.log("parse_record:                        OK - record header field list is %(record_header_field_list)s" % vars(), 4)

    # Get the record content
    content_offset = header_length_tuple[0] * 2
    content_list = []
    element = 0
    for var_int in record_header_field_list:
        entry_content = parse_content_entry(record_header_field_list[element], record_hex_string, content_offset)
        content_offset += entry_content[1] * 2
        element += 1

    # Return the record content list
    _adel_log.log("parse_record:                        OK - returning list of record contents", 4)#: %(content_list)s" %vars(), 4)
    _adel_log.log("parse_record:                  ----> record header parsed", 4)
    return content_list
Пример #7
def parse_table_btree_leaf_cell(page_hex_string, page_offset, cell_pointers,
    # 1 byte is represented by two characters in the hexString, so internally we need to calculate the offset in nibbles
    page_offset_in_bytes = page_offset  # store for log reasons only
    page_offset = page_offset * 2  # now dealing with nibbles because we treat a string (1 character = 1 nibble)
    db_page_size_in_bytes = _sqliteFileHandler.DB_PAGESIZE_IN_BYTES
    usable_page_space = db_page_size_in_bytes - _sqliteFileHandler.DB_RESERVED_SPACE

        "parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:      ----> parsing b-tree leaf cell at offset %(page_offset_in_bytes)s...."
        % vars(), 4)

    # Get total number of bytes of payload
    bytes_of_payload_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(
        page_hex_string[page_offset:(page_offset + 18)]
    )  # a variable integer can be maximum 9 byte (= 18 nibbles) long
    bytes_of_payload = bytes_of_payload_tuple[0]
        "parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:            OK - payload is %(bytes_of_payload)s bytes long"
        % vars(), 4)
    # Get row_id
    row_id_string = page_hex_string[(page_offset +
                                     (bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] * 2)):(
                                         page_offset +
                                         (bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + 9) * 2)]
    row_id_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(row_id_string)
    row_id = row_id_tuple[0]
        "parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:      ----> extracting contents for row_id %(row_id)s...."
        % vars(), 4)

    # Check for overflow pages and append content of those pages, if any
    # Calculate the overflow limits for table b-tree leaf cell
    remaining_page_space = db_page_size_in_bytes - page_offset_in_bytes
    if (bytes_of_payload > (remaining_page_space)):
        # We expext content to overflow, because there is not enough space left on this page
            "parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:            OK - payload is too large for this page, there are overflow pages"
            % vars(), 4)

        # Check at which position the next cell starts
        next_cell = usable_page_space
        for cell_pointer in cell_pointers:
            if (cell_pointer > page_offset_in_bytes) and (cell_pointer <
                next_cell = cell_pointer

        # Check at which position the next freeblock starts (we ignore theoretically possible freebytes in this case,
        # Because we expect no freebyte at the end of a cell that overflows to another page
        next_free_block = usable_page_space
        free_blocks = parse_free_blocks(page_hex_string, free_block_pointer)
        for free_block in free_blocks:
            if (free_block[0] > page_offset_in_bytes) and (free_block[0] <
                next_free_block = free_block[0]

        # Get the end of this record: either closest following cell or closest following freeblock or end of page
        end_of_record = usable_page_space
        # Check of the end of this record is given through a following cell
        if (next_cell != usable_page_space) and (
            (next_cell <= next_free_block) or
            (next_free_block == usable_page_space)):
            # next element is not end of page but a cell
            end_of_record = next_cell
        # Check of the end of this record is given through a following free block
        if (next_free_block != usable_page_space) and (
            (next_free_block < next_cell) or (next_cell == usable_page_space)):
            # Next element is not end of page but a free block
            end_of_record = next_free_block

        # Cut record hex string from the beginning to the offset of the next following element
        record_hex_string = page_hex_string[(page_offset + (
            (bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1]) * 2)):(
                end_of_record * 2)]
        record_hex_string_length = len(
        ) / 2  # string length is count in nibbles, we need bytes here

        # Save overflow page pointer at the end of record hex string
        first_overflow_page_number = int(
            record_hex_string[((record_hex_string_length - 4) *
                               2):(record_hex_string_length * 2)], 16)
            "parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:      ----> parsing overflow page chain beginning at page %(first_overflow_page_number)s...."
            % vars(), 4)
        # Cut off overflow page number from record_hex_string
        record_hex_string = record_hex_string[(
            0):((record_hex_string_length - 4) * 2)]

        first_overflow_page_string = _sqliteFileHandler.read_page(
        # Ensure that read page could retrieve an existing page
        if (first_overflow_page_string == ""):
                "parse_table_btree_leaf_cell: ERROR - invalid overflow page pointer, cannot reference first overflow page: "
                + str(first_overflow_page_number), 1)
            return []
        # Append content from overflow pages
        record_hex_string += parse_overflow_page_chain(

        # Ensure correct length of string (maybe not all bytes of the last overflow page in the chain contain content)
        record_hex_string_length = len(
        ) / 2  # string length is count in nibbles, we need bytes here
        if (bytes_of_payload < record_hex_string_length):
            # Cut record hex string again
            record_hex_string = record_hex_string[:bytes_of_payload * 2]
        # The entire payload is stored on this page
        record_hex_string = page_hex_string[(page_offset + (
            (bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1]) * 2)):(
                page_offset + ((bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1] +
                                bytes_of_payload_tuple[0]) * 2))]

    # Parse the record
    read_content_list = parse_record(record_hex_string)
    # Build the resulting list (including the row_id used sqlite internally)
    cell_content_list = []
    for element in range(len(read_content_list)):
    # Return results
        "parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:            OK - returning list of cell contents",
        "parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:      ----> b-tree leaf cell at offset %(page_offset_in_bytes)s parsed"
        % vars(), 4)
    return cell_content_list
Пример #8
def parse_table_btree_leaf_cell(page_hex_string, page_offset, cell_pointers, free_block_pointer):
    # 1 byte is represented by two characters in the hexString, so internally we need to calculate the offset in nibbles
    page_offset_in_bytes = page_offset # store for log reasons only
    page_offset = page_offset * 2 # now dealing with nibbles because we treat a string (1 character = 1 nibble)
    db_page_size_in_bytes = _sqliteFileHandler.DB_PAGESIZE_IN_BYTES
    usable_page_space = db_page_size_in_bytes - _sqliteFileHandler.DB_RESERVED_SPACE

    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:      ----> parsing b-tree leaf cell at offset %(page_offset_in_bytes)s...." % vars(), 4)

    # Get total number of bytes of payload
    bytes_of_payload_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(page_hex_string[page_offset:(page_offset + 18)]) # a variable integer can be maximum 9 byte (= 18 nibbles) long
    bytes_of_payload = bytes_of_payload_tuple[0]
    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:            OK - payload is %(bytes_of_payload)s bytes long" % vars(), 4)
    # Get row_id
    row_id_string = page_hex_string[(page_offset + (bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] * 2)):(page_offset + (bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + 9) * 2)]
    row_id_tuple = _sqliteVarInt.parse_next_var_int(row_id_string)
    row_id = row_id_tuple[0]
    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:      ----> extracting contents for row_id %(row_id)s...." % vars(), 4)

    # Check for overflow pages and append content of those pages, if any
    # Calculate the overflow limits for table b-tree leaf cell
    remaining_page_space = db_page_size_in_bytes - page_offset_in_bytes
    if (bytes_of_payload > (remaining_page_space)):
        # We expext content to overflow, because there is not enough space left on this page
        _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:            OK - payload is too large for this page, there are overflow pages" % vars(), 4)

        # Check at which position the next cell starts
        next_cell = usable_page_space
        for cell_pointer in cell_pointers:
            if (cell_pointer > page_offset_in_bytes) and (cell_pointer < next_cell):
                next_cell = cell_pointer

        # Check at which position the next freeblock starts (we ignore theoretically possible freebytes in this case,
        # Because we expect no freebyte at the end of a cell that overflows to another page
        next_free_block = usable_page_space
        free_blocks = parse_free_blocks(page_hex_string, free_block_pointer)
        for free_block in free_blocks:
            if (free_block[0] > page_offset_in_bytes) and (free_block[0] < next_free_block):
                next_free_block = free_block[0]

        # Get the end of this record: either closest following cell or closest following freeblock or end of page
        end_of_record = usable_page_space
        # Check of the end of this record is given through a following cell
        if (next_cell != usable_page_space) and ((next_cell <= next_free_block) or (next_free_block == usable_page_space)):
            # next element is not end of page but a cell
            end_of_record = next_cell
        # Check of the end of this record is given through a following free block
        if (next_free_block != usable_page_space) and ((next_free_block < next_cell) or (next_cell == usable_page_space)):
            # Next element is not end of page but a free block
            end_of_record = next_free_block

        # Cut record hex string from the beginning to the offset of the next following element
        record_hex_string = page_hex_string[(page_offset + ((bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1]) * 2)):(end_of_record * 2)]
        record_hex_string_length = len(record_hex_string) / 2 # string length is count in nibbles, we need bytes here

        # Save overflow page pointer at the end of record hex string
        first_overflow_page_number = int(record_hex_string[((record_hex_string_length - 4) * 2):(record_hex_string_length * 2)], 16)
        _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:      ----> parsing overflow page chain beginning at page %(first_overflow_page_number)s...." % vars(), 4)
        # Cut off overflow page number from record_hex_string
        record_hex_string = record_hex_string[(0):((record_hex_string_length - 4) * 2)]

        first_overflow_page_string = _sqliteFileHandler.read_page(first_overflow_page_number)
        # Ensure that read page could retrieve an existing page
        if (first_overflow_page_string == ""):
            _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_leaf_cell: ERROR - invalid overflow page pointer, cannot reference first overflow page: " + str(first_overflow_page_number), 1)
            return []
        # Append content from overflow pages
        record_hex_string += parse_overflow_page_chain(first_overflow_page_string)

        # Ensure correct length of string (maybe not all bytes of the last overflow page in the chain contain content)
        record_hex_string_length = len(record_hex_string) / 2 # string length is count in nibbles, we need bytes here
        if (bytes_of_payload < record_hex_string_length):
            # Cut record hex string again
            record_hex_string = record_hex_string[:bytes_of_payload * 2]
        # The entire payload is stored on this page
        record_hex_string = page_hex_string[(page_offset + ((bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1]) * 2)):(page_offset + ((bytes_of_payload_tuple[1] + row_id_tuple[1] + bytes_of_payload_tuple[0]) * 2))]

    # Parse the record
    read_content_list = parse_record(record_hex_string)
    # Build the resulting list (including the row_id used sqlite internally)
    cell_content_list = []
    for element in range(len(read_content_list)):
    # Return results
    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:            OK - returning list of cell contents", 4)
    _adel_log.log("parse_table_btree_leaf_cell:      ----> b-tree leaf cell at offset %(page_offset_in_bytes)s parsed" % vars(), 4)
    return cell_content_list