def compute_batch_total_bleu(E_ref, E_cand, target_sos, target_eos):
    '''Compute the total BLEU score over elements in a batch

    E_ref : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of reference transcripts of shape ``(T, N)``, including
        start-of-sequence tags and right-padded with end-of-sequence tags.
    E_cand : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of candidate transcripts of shape ``(T', N)``, also including
        start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tags.
    target_sos : int
        The ID of the start-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.
    target_eos : int
        The ID of the end-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.

    total_bleu : float
        The sum total BLEU score for across all elements in the batch. Use
        n-gram precision 4.
    # you can use E_ref.tolist() to convert the LongTensor to a python list
    # of numbers
    total_bleu = 0
    for ref, cand in zip(E_ref.transpose(0,1).tolist(), E_cand.transpose(0,1).tolist()):
        ref = [word for word in ref if (word != target_eos and word != target_sos)]
        cand = [word for word in cand if (word != target_eos and word != target_sos)]
        total_bleu += a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(ref, cand, 4)
    return total_bleu
Пример #2
def compute_batch_total_bleu(E_ref, E_cand, target_sos, target_eos):
    '''Compute the total BLEU score over elements in a batch

    E_ref : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of reference transcripts of shape ``(T, N)``, including
        start-of-sequence tags and right-padded with end-of-sequence tags.
    E_cand : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of candidate transcripts of shape ``(T', N)``, also including
        start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tags.
    target_sos : int
        The ID of the start-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.
    target_eos : int
        The ID of the end-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.

    total_bleu : float
        The sum total BLEU score for across all elements in the batch. Use
        n-gram precision 4.
    # you can use E_ref.tolist() to convert the LongTensor to a python list
    # of numbers
    total = 0
    eos = str(target_eos)
    sos = str(target_sos)
    E_ref = E_ref.permute(1, 0).tolist()
    E_cand = E_cand.permute(1, 0).tolist()
    for ref, cand in zip(E_ref, E_cand):
        # make sure that we don't evaluate the eos and sos tokens.
        ref = [str(x) for x in ref if str(x) != eos and str(x) != sos]
        cand = [str(x) for x in cand if str(x) != eos and str(x) != sos]
        total += a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(ref, cand, 4)
    return total
def compute_batch_total_bleu(E_ref, E_cand, target_sos, target_eos):
    '''Compute the total BLEU score over elements in a batch

    E_ref : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of reference transcripts of shape ``(T, N)``, including
        start-of-sequence tags and right-padded with end-of-sequence tags.
    E_cand : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of candidate transcripts of shape ``(T', N)``, also including
        start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tags.
    target_sos : int
        The ID of the start-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.
    target_eos : int
        The ID of the end-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.

    total_bleu : float
        The sum total BLEU score for across all elements in the batch. Use
        n-gram precision 4.
    # you can use E_ref.tolist() to convert the LongTensor to a python list
    # of numbers
    total_bleu = 0
    reference = E_ref.tolist()
    candidate = E_cand.tolist()
    for i, j in zip(range(len(reference)), range(len(candidate))):
        ref = reference[i]
        cand = candidate[j]
        str_ref = []
        str_cand = []
        str_target_eos = str(target_eos)
        str_target_sos = str(target_sos)
        for s in ref:
        for s in cand:
        #print("cand Length" + str(len(str_cand)))
        #print("ref Length" + str(len(str_ref)))
        if str_target_sos in str_ref:

        if str_target_eos in str_ref:

        if str_target_sos in str_cand:

        if str_target_eos in str_cand:
        bleu_score = a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(str_ref, str_cand, 4)
        total_bleu += bleu_score
    return total_bleu
def compute_batch_total_bleu(E_ref, E_cand, target_sos, target_eos):
    '''Compute the total BLEU score over elements in a batch

    E_ref : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of reference transcripts of shape ``(T, N)``, including
        start-of-sequence tags and right-padded with end-of-sequence tags.
    E_cand : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of candidate transcripts of shape ``(T', N)``, also including
        start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tags.
    target_sos : int
        The ID of the start-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.
    target_eos : int
        The ID of the end-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.

    total_bleu : float
        The sum total BLEU score for across all elements in the batch. Use
        n-gram precision 4.
    # you can use E_ref.tolist() to convert the LongTensor to a python list
    # of numbers

    total_bleu = 0
    E_ref = E_ref.tolist()
    # print(E_ref)
    E_cand = E_cand.tolist()
    # print(E_cand)

    for i in range(len(E_ref[0])):
        # print("Sequence ", i)
        ref = [item[i] for item in E_ref]
        # ref = E_ref[i]
        # print("ref", ref)
        cand = [item[i] for item in E_cand]
        # cand = E_cand[i]
        # print("cand", cand)
        # ref = E_ref[i]
        ref = [x for x in ref if x != target_sos]
        ref = [x for x in ref if x != target_eos]
        # cand = E_cand[i]
        cand = [x for x in cand if x != target_sos]
        cand = [x for x in cand if x != target_eos]
        total_bleu += a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(ref, cand, 4)

    return total_bleu
def compute_batch_total_bleu(E_ref, E_cand, target_sos, target_eos):
    '''Calculates the total BLEU score over elements in a batch

    E_ref : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of reference transcripts of shape ``(T, M)``, including
        start-of-sequence tags and right-padded with end-of-sequence tags.
    E_cand : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of candidate transcripts of shape ``(T', M)``, also including
        start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tags.
    target_sos : int
        The id of the start-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.
    target_eos : int
        The id of the end-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.

    total_bleu : float
        The sum total BLEU score for across all elements in the batch. Use
        n-gram precision 4.
    # you can use E_ref.tolist() to convert the LongTensor to a python list
    # of numbers
    total = 0
    n_precision = 4
    references = E_ref.tolist()
    candidates = E_cand.tolist()

    _, num_iters = E_ref.shape
    for i in range(num_iters):
        reference = []
        for ref in E_ref[:, i].tolist():
            if str(ref) != str(target_eos) and str(ref) != str(target_sos):
        candidate = []
        for cand in E_cand[:, i].tolist():
            if str(cand) != str(target_eos) and str(cand) != str(target_sos):
        total = total + a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(reference, candidate,

    return total
Пример #6
def compute_batch_total_bleu(E_ref, E_cand, target_sos, target_eos):
    '''Compute the total BLEU score over elements in a batch

    E_ref : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of reference transcripts of shape ``(T, N)``, including
        start-of-sequence tags and right-padded with end-of-sequence tags.
    E_cand : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of candidate transcripts of shape ``(T', N)``, also including
        start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tags.
    target_sos : int
        The ID of the start-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.
    target_eos : int
        The ID of the end-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.

    total_bleu : float
        The sum total BLEU score for across all elements in the batch. Use
        n-gram precision 4.

    total_bleu = 0
    N = E_ref.shape[1]

    for i in range(N):
        cand = E_cand[:, i].tolist()
        ref = E_ref[:, i].tolist()
        while target_eos in cand:
            _ = cand.pop(cand.index(target_eos))
        while target_sos in cand:
            _ = cand.pop(cand.index(target_sos))
        while target_eos in ref:
            _ = ref.pop(ref.index(target_eos))
        while target_sos in ref:
            _ = ref.pop(ref.index(target_sos))
        total_bleu += a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(ref, cand, 4)

    return (total_bleu)
Пример #7
def compute_batch_total_bleu(E_ref, E_cand, target_sos, target_eos):
    '''Calculates the total BLEU score over elements in a batch

    E_ref : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of reference transcripts of shape ``(T, M)``, including
        start-of-sequence tags and right-padded with end-of-sequence tags.
    E_cand : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of candidate transcripts of shape ``(T', M)``, also including
        start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tags.
    target_sos : int
        The id of the start-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.
    target_eos : int
        The id of the end-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.

    total_bleu : float
        The sum total BLEU score for across all elements in the batch. Use
        n-gram precision 4.
    # you can use E_ref.tolist() to convert the LongTensor to a python list
    # of numbers

    result = 0
    E_ref = E_ref.permute(1, 0)
    E_cand = E_cand.permute(1, 0)
    for ref, cand in zip(E_ref.tolist(), E_cand.tolist()):
        temp_ref = []
        for item in ref:
            if str(item) != str(target_eos) and str(item) != str(target_sos):
        temp_cand = []
        for item in cand:
            if str(item) != str(target_eos) and str(item) != str(target_sos):
        result += a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(temp_ref, temp_cand, 4)
    return result
Пример #8
def test_bleu(ids):
    reference = '''\
it is a guide to action that ensures that the military will always heed
party commands'''.strip().split()
    candidate = '''\
it is a guide to action which ensures that the military always obeys the
commands of the party'''.strip().split()
    if ids:
        # should work with token ids (ints) as well
        reference = [hash(word) for word in reference]
        candidate = [hash(word) for word in candidate]
    assert np.isclose(
        a2_bleu_score.n_gram_precision(reference, candidate, 1),
        15 / 18,
    assert np.isclose(
        a2_bleu_score.n_gram_precision(reference, candidate, 2),
        8 / 17,
    assert np.isclose(a2_bleu_score.brevity_penalty(reference, candidate), 1.)
    assert np.isclose(a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(reference, candidate, 2),
                      1 * ((15 * 8) / (18 * 17))**(1 / 2))
def compute_batch_total_bleu(E_ref, E_cand, target_sos, target_eos):
    '''Compute the total BLEU score over elements in a batch

    E_ref : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of reference transcripts of shape ``(T, N)``, including
        start-of-sequence tags and right-padded with end-of-sequence tags.
    E_cand : torch.LongTensor
        A batch of candidate transcripts of shape ``(T', N)``, also including
        start-of-sequence and end-of-sequence tags.
    target_sos : int
        The ID of the start-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.
    target_eos : int
        The ID of the end-of-sequence tag in the target vocabulary.

    total_bleu : float
        The sum total BLEU score for across all elements in the batch. Use
        n-gram precision 4.
    # you can use E_ref.tolist() to convert the LongTensor to a python list
    # of numbers
    sum = 0
    N = E_ref.shape[1]
    for i in range(N):
        reference_list = [
            x for x in E_ref[:, i].tolist()
            if x != target_sos and x != target_eos
        candidate_list = [
            x for x in E_cand[:, i].tolist()
            if x != target_sos and x != target_eos
        sum += a2_bleu_score.BLEU_score(reference_list, candidate_list, 4)
    return sum