Пример #1
def get_socket(conf, default_port):
    Bind socket to bind ip:port in conf

    note: Mostly comes from Swift with a few small changes...

    :param conf: a cfg.ConfigOpts object
    :param default_port: port to bind to if none is specified in conf

    :returns : a socket object as returned from socket.listen or
               ssl.wrap_socket if conf specifies cert_file
    bind_addr = get_bind_addr(conf, default_port)

    # TODO(jaypipes): eventlet's greened socket module does not actually
    # support IPv6 in getaddrinfo(). We need to get around this in the
    # future or monitor upstream for a fix
    address_family = [
        addr[0] for addr in socket.getaddrinfo(
            bind_addr[0], bind_addr[1], socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        if addr[0] in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6)

    cert_file = conf.cert_file
    key_file = conf.key_file
    use_ssl = cert_file or key_file
    if use_ssl and (not cert_file or not key_file):
        raise RuntimeError(
            _("When running server in SSL mode, you must "
              "specify both a cert_file and key_file "
              "option value in your configuration file"))

    sock = None
    retry_until = time.time() + 30
    while not sock and time.time() < retry_until:
            sock = eventlet.listen(bind_addr,
        except socket.error as err:
            if err.args[0] != errno.EADDRINUSE:
    if not sock:
        raise RuntimeError(
            _("Could not bind to %(bind_addr)s"
              "after trying for 30 seconds") % {'bind_addr': bind_addr})

    return sock
Пример #2
class AbbotException(Exception):
    """Base Abbot Exception

    To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
    a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd
    with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.

    message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
    code = 500
    headers = {}
    safe = False

    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.kwargs['message'] = message

        if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
            except AttributeError:

        for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(v, Exception):
                self.kwargs[k] = six.text_type(v)

        if self._should_format():
                message = self.message % kwargs

            except Exception:
                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
                # log the issue and the kwargs
                LOG.exception(_LE('Exception in string format operation'))
                for name, value in kwargs.items():
                    LOG.error(_LE("%(name)s: %(value)s"), {
                        'name': name,
                        'value': value
                if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors:
                # at least get the core message out if something happened
                message = self.message
        elif isinstance(message, Exception):
            message = six.text_type(message)

        # NOTE(luisg): We put the actual message in 'msg' so that we can access
        # it, because if we try to access the message via 'message' it will be
        # overshadowed by the class' message attribute
        self.msg = message
        super(AbbotException, self).__init__(message)

    def _should_format(self):
        return self.kwargs['message'] is None or '%(message)' in self.message

    def __unicode__(self):
        return six.text_type(self.msg)
Пример #3
def get_socket(conf, default_port):
    Bind socket to bind ip:port in conf

    note: Mostly comes from Swift with a few small changes...

    :param conf: a cfg.ConfigOpts object
    :param default_port: port to bind to if none is specified in conf

    :returns : a socket object as returned from socket.listen or
               ssl.wrap_socket if conf specifies cert_file
    bind_addr = get_bind_addr(conf, default_port)

    # TODO(jaypipes): eventlet's greened socket module does not actually
    # support IPv6 in getaddrinfo(). We need to get around this in the
    # future or monitor upstream for a fix
    address_family = [addr[0] for addr in socket.getaddrinfo(bind_addr[0],
                      bind_addr[1], socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                      if addr[0] in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6)][0]

    cert_file = conf.cert_file
    key_file = conf.key_file
    use_ssl = cert_file or key_file
    if use_ssl and (not cert_file or not key_file):
        raise RuntimeError(_("When running server in SSL mode, you must "
                             "specify both a cert_file and key_file "
                             "option value in your configuration file"))

    sock = None
    retry_until = time.time() + 30
    while not sock and time.time() < retry_until:
            sock = eventlet.listen(bind_addr,
        except socket.error as err:
            if err.args[0] != errno.EADDRINUSE:
    if not sock:
        raise RuntimeError(_("Could not bind to %(bind_addr)s"
                             "after trying for 30 seconds")
                           % {'bind_addr': bind_addr})

    return sock
Пример #4
 def from_json(self, datastring):
         if len(datastring) > cfg.CONF.max_json_body_size:
             msg = _('JSON body size (%(len)s bytes) exceeds maximum '
                     'allowed size (%(limit)s bytes).'
                     ) % {'len': len(datastring),
                          'limit': cfg.CONF.max_json_body_size}
             raise exception.RequestLimitExceeded(message=msg)
         return jsonutils.loads(datastring)
     except ValueError as ex:
         raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(six.text_type(ex))
Пример #5
 def from_json(self, datastring):
         if len(datastring) > cfg.CONF.max_json_body_size:
             msg = _('JSON body size (%(len)s bytes) exceeds maximum '
                     'allowed size (%(limit)s bytes).') % {
                         'len': len(datastring),
                         'limit': cfg.CONF.max_json_body_size
             raise exception.RequestLimitExceeded(message=msg)
         return jsonutils.loads(datastring)
     except ValueError as ex:
         raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(six.text_type(ex))
Пример #6
    def __call__(self, request):
        """WSGI method that controls (de)serialization and method dispatch."""
        action_args = self.get_action_args(request.environ)
        action = action_args.pop('action', None)

        # From reading the boto code, and observation of real AWS api responses
        # it seems that the AWS api ignores the content-type in the html header
        # Instead it looks at a "ContentType" GET query parameter
        # This doesn't seem to be documented in the AWS cfn API spec, but it
        # would appear that the default response serialization is XML, as
        # described in the API docs, but passing a query parameter of
        # ContentType=JSON results in a JSON serialized response...
        content_type = request.params.get("ContentType")

            deserialized_request = self.dispatch(self.deserializer,
                                                 action, request)

            LOG.debug(('Calling %(controller)s : %(action)s'),
                      {'controller': self.controller, 'action': action})

            action_result = self.dispatch(self.controller, action,
                                          request, **action_args)
        except TypeError as err:
            LOG.error(_LE('Exception handling resource: %s'), err)
            msg = _('The server could not comply with the request since '
                    'it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect.')
            err = webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
            http_exc = translate_exception(err, request.best_match_language())
            # NOTE(luisg): We disguise HTTP exceptions, otherwise they will be
            # treated by wsgi as responses ready to be sent back and they
            # won't make it into the pipeline app that serializes errors
            raise exception.HTTPExceptionDisguise(http_exc)
        except webob.exc.HTTPException as err:
            if not isinstance(err, webob.exc.HTTPError):
                # Some HTTPException are actually not errors, they are
                # responses ready to be sent back to the users, so we don't
                # error log, disguise or translate those
            if isinstance(err, webob.exc.HTTPServerError):
                    _LE("Returning %(code)s to user: %(explanation)s"),
                    {'code': err.code, 'explanation': err.explanation})
            http_exc = translate_exception(err, request.best_match_language())
            raise exception.HTTPExceptionDisguise(http_exc)
        except exception.HeatException as err:
            raise translate_exception(err, request.best_match_language())
        except Exception as err:
            log_exception(err, sys.exc_info())
            raise translate_exception(err, request.best_match_language())
        # Here we support either passing in a serializer or detecting it
        # based on the content type.
            serializer = self.serializer
            if serializer is None:
                if content_type == "JSON":
                    serializer = serializers.JSONResponseSerializer()

            response = webob.Response(request=request)
            self.dispatch(serializer, action, response, action_result)
            return response

        # return unserializable result (typically an exception)
        except Exception:
            # Here we should get API exceptions derived from HeatAPIException
            # these implement get_unserialized_body(), which allow us to get
            # a dict containing the unserialized error response.
            # We only need to serialize for JSON content_type, as the
            # exception body is pre-serialized to the default XML in the
            # HeatAPIException constructor
            # If we get something else here (e.g a webob.exc exception),
            # this will fail, and we just return it without serializing,
            # which will not conform to the expected AWS error response format
            if content_type == "JSON":
                    err_body = action_result.get_unserialized_body()
                    serializer.default(action_result, err_body)
                except Exception:
                    LOG.warning(_LW("Unable to serialize exception "

            return action_result
Пример #7
import webob.exc

from abbot.common import exception
from abbot.common.i18n import _
from abbot.common.i18n import _LE
from abbot.common.i18n import _LI
from abbot.common.i18n import _LW
from abbot.common import serializers

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

api_opts = [
    cfg.StrOpt('bind_host', default='',
               help=_('Address to bind the server. Useful when '
                      'selecting a particular network interface.'),
    cfg.IntOpt('bind_port', default=8004, min=1, max=65535,
               help=_('The port on which the server will listen.'),
    cfg.IntOpt('backlog', default=4096,
               help=_("Number of backlog requests "
                      "to configure the socket with."),
               help=_("Location of the SSL certificate file "
                      "to use for SSL mode."),
               help=_("Location of the SSL key file to use "
                      "for enabling SSL mode."),
Пример #8
    def __call__(self, request):
        """WSGI method that controls (de)serialization and method dispatch."""
        action_args = self.get_action_args(request.environ)
        action = action_args.pop('action', None)

        # From reading the boto code, and observation of real AWS api responses
        # it seems that the AWS api ignores the content-type in the html header
        # Instead it looks at a "ContentType" GET query parameter
        # This doesn't seem to be documented in the AWS cfn API spec, but it
        # would appear that the default response serialization is XML, as
        # described in the API docs, but passing a query parameter of
        # ContentType=JSON results in a JSON serialized response...
        content_type = request.params.get("ContentType")

            deserialized_request = self.dispatch(self.deserializer, action,

            LOG.debug(('Calling %(controller)s : %(action)s'), {
                'controller': self.controller,
                'action': action

            action_result = self.dispatch(self.controller, action, request,
        except TypeError as err:
            LOG.error(_LE('Exception handling resource: %s'), err)
            msg = _('The server could not comply with the request since '
                    'it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect.')
            err = webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
            http_exc = translate_exception(err, request.best_match_language())
            # NOTE(luisg): We disguise HTTP exceptions, otherwise they will be
            # treated by wsgi as responses ready to be sent back and they
            # won't make it into the pipeline app that serializes errors
            raise exception.HTTPExceptionDisguise(http_exc)
        except webob.exc.HTTPException as err:
            if not isinstance(err, webob.exc.HTTPError):
                # Some HTTPException are actually not errors, they are
                # responses ready to be sent back to the users, so we don't
                # error log, disguise or translate those
            if isinstance(err, webob.exc.HTTPServerError):
                LOG.error(_LE("Returning %(code)s to user: %(explanation)s"), {
                    'code': err.code,
                    'explanation': err.explanation
            http_exc = translate_exception(err, request.best_match_language())
            raise exception.HTTPExceptionDisguise(http_exc)
        except exception.HeatException as err:
            raise translate_exception(err, request.best_match_language())
        except Exception as err:
            log_exception(err, sys.exc_info())
            raise translate_exception(err, request.best_match_language())
        # Here we support either passing in a serializer or detecting it
        # based on the content type.
            serializer = self.serializer
            if serializer is None:
                if content_type == "JSON":
                    serializer = serializers.JSONResponseSerializer()

            response = webob.Response(request=request)
            self.dispatch(serializer, action, response, action_result)
            return response

        # return unserializable result (typically an exception)
        except Exception:
            # Here we should get API exceptions derived from HeatAPIException
            # these implement get_unserialized_body(), which allow us to get
            # a dict containing the unserialized error response.
            # We only need to serialize for JSON content_type, as the
            # exception body is pre-serialized to the default XML in the
            # HeatAPIException constructor
            # If we get something else here (e.g a webob.exc exception),
            # this will fail, and we just return it without serializing,
            # which will not conform to the expected AWS error response format
            if content_type == "JSON":
                    err_body = action_result.get_unserialized_body()
                    serializer.default(action_result, err_body)
                except Exception:
                        _LW("Unable to serialize exception "

            return action_result
Пример #9
import webob.exc

from abbot.common import exception
from abbot.common.i18n import _
from abbot.common.i18n import _LE
from abbot.common.i18n import _LI
from abbot.common.i18n import _LW
from abbot.common import serializers

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

api_opts = [
               help=_('Address to bind the server. Useful when '
                      'selecting a particular network interface.'),
               help=_('The port on which the server will listen.'),
               help=_("Number of backlog requests "
                      "to configure the socket with."),
               help=_("Location of the SSL certificate file "
                      "to use for SSL mode."),
Пример #10
class PolicyNotAuthorized(NotAuthorized):
    message = _("Policy doesn't allow %(action)s to be performed.")
Пример #11
class AdminRequired(NotAuthorized):
    message = _("User does not have admin privileges")
Пример #12
class NotAuthorized(AbbotException):
    message = _("Not authorized.")
    code = 403