Пример #1
def test_speeds():
    # This very superficial test checks that calculate_speeds is able to
    # execute (no syntax errors)

    n = 101

    IM = np.random.randn(n, n)

Пример #2
def test_speeds():
    # This very superficial test checks that calculate_speeds is able to
    # execute (no syntax errors)

    n = 101

    IM = np.random.randn(n, n)

Пример #3
r2 = rows//2   # half-height image size
c2 = cols//2   # half-width image size
print ('image size {:d}x{:d}'.format(rows,cols))

# Hansen & Law inverse Abel transform
print('Performing Hansen and Law inverse Abel transform:')

AIM = iabel_hansenlaw(IM) 
                      #,dr=1, use_quadrants=(True,True,True,True),
                      #vertical_symmetry=False, horizontal_symmetry=False,

# PES - photoelectron speed distribution  -------------
print('Calculating speed distribution:')

speed, r, theta  = calculate_speeds(AIM)
                    #origin=None, Jacobian=False, dr=None, dt=None)

# normalize to max intensity peak
speed /= speed[200:].max()   #exclude nose close to center

# PAD - photoelectron angular distribution  ------------
print('Calculating angular distribution:')
# radial ranges (of spectral features) to follow intensity vs angle
# view the speed distribution to determine radial ranges

# map to intensity vs theta for each radial range
theta, intensities = calculate_angular_distributions(AIM, 
Пример #4
r2 = rows // 2  # half-height image size
c2 = cols // 2  # half-width image size
print('image size {:d}x{:d}'.format(rows, cols))

# Hansen & Law inverse Abel transform
print('Performing Hansen and Law inverse Abel transform:')

AIM = iabel_hansenlaw(IM)
#,dr=1, use_quadrants=(True,True,True,True),
#vertical_symmetry=False, horizontal_symmetry=False,

# PES - photoelectron speed distribution  -------------
print('Calculating speed distribution:')

speed, r, theta = calculate_speeds(AIM)
#origin=None, Jacobian=False, dr=None, dt=None)

# normalize to max intensity peak
speed /= speed[200:].max()  #exclude nose close to center

# PAD - photoelectron angular distribution  ------------
print('Calculating angular distribution:')
# radial ranges (of spectral features) to follow intensity vs angle
# view the speed distribution to determine radial ranges
r_range = [(93, 111), (145, 162), (255, 280), (330, 350), (350, 370),
           (370, 390), (390, 410), (410, 430)]

# map to intensity vs theta for each radial range
theta, intensities = calculate_angular_distributions(AIM,
Пример #5
def test_speeds_non_integer_center():
    # ensures that the rest speeds function can work with a non-integer center
    n = 101
    IM = np.random.randn(n, n)
    calculate_speeds(IM, origin=(50.5, 50.5))
Пример #6
def test_speeds_non_integer_center():  
    # ensures that the rest speeds function can work with a non-integer center
    n  = 101
    IM = np.random.randn(n, n)
    calculate_speeds(IM, origin=(50.5, 50.5))
Пример #7
def iabel_hansenlaw (data,quad=(True,True,True,True),calc_speeds=True,verbose=True):
    """ Helper function for Hansen Law inverse Abel transform.
        (1) split image into quadrants
            (optional) exploit symmetry and co-add selected quadrants together
        (2) inverse Abel transform of quadrant (iabel_hansenlaw_transform)
        (3) reassemble image
            for co-add all inverted quadrants are identical
        (4) (optionally) calculate the radial integration of the image (calc_speeds)

         - data: a NxN numpy array
         - quad: boolean tuple, (Q0,Q1,Q2,Q3)
                 image is inverted one quadrant at a time
                 | Q1   * | *   Q0 |
                 |   *    |    *   |  
                 |  *     |     *  |
                 |  *     |     *  |
                 |   *    |    *   |
                 | Q2  *  | *   Q3 |

           NB may exploit image symmetry, all quadrants are equivalent, co-add

           (1) quad.any() = False
                (FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE) => inverse Abel transform for 
                                             each quadrant

               inverse image   AQ1 | AQ0     AQi == inverse Abel transform  
                               ---------            of quadrant Q0
                               AQ2 | AQ3

           (2) quad.any() = True   exploits image symmetry to improve signal
                sum True quadrants Q = Q0 + Q1 + Q2 + Q3  (True,True,True,True)
                             or    Q = Q0 + Q1 + Q2       (True,True,True,False)

                inverse image   AQ | AQ       all quadrants are equivalent
                                AQ | AQ

          - calc_speeds: boolean, evaluate speed profile
          - verbose: boolean, more output, timings etc.
    verboseprint = print if verbose else lambda *a, **k: None
    if data.ndim == 1 or np.shape(data)[0] <= 2:
            raise ValueError('Data must be 2-dimensional. To transform a single row, use iabel_hansenlaw_transform().')
    (N,M) = np.shape(data)
    verboseprint ("HL: Calculating inverse Abel transform:",
                      " image size {:d}x{:d}".format(N,M))

    # split image into quadrants
    Q = get_image_quadrants(data, reorient=True)
    (N2,M2) = Q[0].shape   # quadrant size

    AQ = []  # empty reconstructed image

    # combine selected quadrants into one or loop through if none 
    if np.any(quad):
        verboseprint ("HL: Co-adding quadrants")

        Qcombined = Q[0]*quad[0]+Q[1]*quad[1]+Q[2]*quad[2]+Q[3]*quad[3]
        Q = (Qcombined,)    # one combined quadrant
        verboseprint ("HL: Individual quadrants")

    verboseprint ("HL: Calculating inverse Abel transform ... ")
    # HL inverse Abel transform for quadrant 0

    if np.any(quad):
       for q in (1,2,3): AQ.append(AQ[0])   # if symmetry is applied, all quadrants the same
       # otherwise, take the inverse Abel transform of the remaining quadrants individually 
       for q in (1,2,3):   

    # reform image
    recon = put_image_quadrants(AQ,odd_size=N%2)
    verboseprint ("{:.2f} seconds".format(time()-t0))

    if calc_speeds:
        verboseprint('Generating speed distribution ...')
        t1 = time()

        image_centre = (N2,N2) if N2%2 else (N2-0.5,N2-0.5)
        speeds = calculate_speeds(recon,origin=image_centre)

        verboseprint('{:.2f} seconds'.format(time() - t1))
        return recon, speeds
        return recon