def open_file(myfile0, filetype, fieldname, fieldlevel, datetime1=None, datetime2=None, vector="", idm=None, jdm=None):"Now processing %s" % myfile0) m = re.match("(.*)\.[ab]", myfile0) if m: myfile = else: myfile = myfile0 ab2 = None rdtimes = [] if filetype == "archive": ab = abf.ABFileArchv(myfile, "r") n_intloop = 1 elif filetype == "regional.depth": ab = abf.ABFileBathy(myfile, "r", idm=idm, jdm=jdm) n_intloop = 1 elif filetype == "forcing": ab = abf.ABFileForcing(myfile, "r", idm=idm, jdm=jdm) if vector: file2 = myfile.replace(fieldname, vector)"Opening file %s for vector component nr 2" % file2) ab2 = abf.ABFileForcing(file2, "r", idm=idm, jdm=jdm) if datetime1 is None or datetime2 is None: raise NameError( "datetime1 and datetime2 must be specified when plotting forcing files" ) else: iday1, ihour1, isec1 = modeltools.hycom.datetime_to_ordinal( datetime1, 3) rdtime1 = modeltools.hycom.dayfor(datetime1.year, iday1, ihour1, 3) # iday2, ihour2, isec2 = modeltools.hycom.datetime_to_ordinal( datetime2, 3) rdtime2 = modeltools.hycom.dayfor(datetime2.year, iday2, ihour2, 3) rdtimes = sorted([ elem for elem in ab.field_times if elem > rdtime1 and elem < rdtime2 ]) n_intloop = len(rdtimes) else: raise NotImplementedError("Filetype %s not implemented" % filetype) # Check that fieldname is actually in file if fieldname not in ab.fieldnames: logger.error("Unknown field %s at level %d" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) logger.error("Available fields : %s" % (" ".join(ab.fieldnames))) raise ValueError("Unknown field %s at level %d" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) return n_intloop, ab, ab2, rdtimes
def main(intopo): # Read plon,plat gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = gfile.read_field("plon") plat = gfile.read_field("plat") gfile.close() # Read input bathymetry bfile = abf.ABFileBathy(intopo, "r", idm=gfile.idm, jdm=gfile.jdm, mask=True) in_depth_m = bfile.read_field("depth") bfile.close() # Print to CICE mask files kmt = numpy.where(~in_depth_m.mask, 1., 0.), "")
def spatiomean(fldin,regi_mask): # fldin=[] ab = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid","r") pplon=ab.read_field("plon") pplat=ab.read_field("plat") scppx=ab.read_field("scpx") scppy=ab.read_field("scpy") abdpth = abf.ABFileBathy('regional.depth',"r",idm=ab.idm,jdm=ab.jdm) mdpth=abdpth.read_field('depth') maskdd[maskdd>1e29]=np.nan #fldin[fldin>1e29]=np.nan #scppx[np.isnan(maskdd)]=np.nan #scppy[np.isnan(maskdd)]=np.nan ### # mask for specific region ### #Nordic=False ### if Nordmask: ### print 'Compute for Nordic------>>>>>>-' ### maskdd[pplat>80]=np.nan ### maskdd[pplat<55]=np.nan ### maskdd[pplon>60]=np.nan ### maskdd[pplon<-60]=np.nan ### #Norid ### #fldin[np.isnan(maskdd)]=np.nan ### #scppx[np.isnan(maskdd)]=np.nan ### #scppy[np.isnan(maskdd)]=np.nan ### #-- numer=fldin*scppx*scppy denum=scppx*scppy numer[np.isnan(regi_mask)]=np.nan denum[np.isnan(regi_mask)]=np.nan fldin_avg=np.nansum(numer)/np.nansum(denum) print('np.nansum(numer)='), print(np.nansum(numer)) print('np.nansum(denum)='), print(np.nansum(denum)) print('fldin_avg='), print(fldin_avg) #direct mean return fldin_avg
def main(myfiles, fieldname, idm=None, jdm=None, clim=None, filetype="archive", window=None, cmap="jet", datetime1=None, datetime2=None, vector="", tokml=False, masklim=None, filename2='', dpi=180): cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap("jet") if tokml: ab = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = ab.read_field("plon") plat = ab.read_field("plat") ab.close() ab = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = ab.read_field("plon") plat = ab.read_field("plat") scpx = ab.read_field("scpx") scpy = ab.read_field("scpy") target_lonlats = [plon, plat] abdpth = abf.ABFileBathy('regional.depth', "r", idm=ab.idm, jdm=ab.jdm) mdpth = abdpth.read_field('depth') maskd = maskd[maskd > 1e29] = np.nan #Region_mask=True Region_mask = False if Region_mask: maskd[plat > 80] = np.nan maskd[plat < 50] = np.nan maskd[plon > 60] = np.nan maskd[plon < -50] = np.nan Nordic_mask = maskd proj = ccrs.Stereographic(central_latitude=90.0, central_longitude=-40.0) pxy = proj.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), plon, plat) px = pxy[:, :, 0] py = pxy[:, :, 1] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(plon.shape[1]), np.arange(plon.shape[0])) if vector:"Vector component 1:%s" % fieldname)"Vector component 2:%s" % vector) #--------------- fieldlevel = 0 Err_map = 1 #freezp=-2.5 freezp = -1.8 Point_tid = True Point_tid = False if Point_tid: ix = 1394 jy = 267 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 Clim_arr = np.zeros((plon.shape[0], plon.shape[1], 12)) #--------------- # compute for TP6 files figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 #----------------------------------------- figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) onemm = 9.806 counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) diff_dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) rmse_dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) Labl1 = myfiles[0][:28] #Labl1="CNTL: New prsbas=0" yyyy1 = myfiles[0][-14:-10] print("myfiles[0]=", myfiles[0]) print("yyy1=", yyyy1) base = datetime.datetime(int(yyyy1), 1, 15) tid = np.array( [base + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(len(myfiles))]) counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 ">>>>>--------------------------Processing the first files= myfiles") if "salin" in fieldname: fieldname = "salin01" for ncfile0 in myfiles:"Now processing %s" % ncfile0) fh = Dataset(ncfile0, mode='r') fld_arr = fh.variables[fieldname][:] if "srfhgt" in fieldname: #convert to "m" fld_arr = fld_arr / 9.806 print("fld_arr.shpe", fld_arr.shape) tot = fld_arr.shape[0] fh.close() for ii in range(tot): fld = fld_arr[ii, :, :] print('mn,mx=', fld.min(), fld.max(), 'count=', counter) dt_cnl[counter] = np.nanmean(fld) if Point_tid: dt_cnl[counter] = fld[jy, ix] print("fld.shape", fld.shape) print("Nordic_mask.shape", Nordic_mask.shape) counter = counter + 1 sum_fld1 = sum_fld1 + fld del fld # End i_intloop print('Computing the avearge of file_counter= ', file_count, 'counter=', counter) #next experminet if filename2: dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) diff_dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) rmse_dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) yyyy2 = filename2[0][-14:-10] print("filename2[0]=", filename2[0]) print("yyy1=", yyyy2) tid_2 = np.array([ datetime.datetime(int(yyyy2), 1, 15) + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(len(filename2)) ]) Labl2 = filename2[0][:28] counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 ">>>>>--------------------------Processing the first files= myfiles" ) for ncfil in filename2:"Now processing %s" % ncfil) fh = Dataset(ncfil, mode='r') fld_arr = fh.variables[fieldname][:] if "srfhgt" in fieldname: fld_arr = fld_arr / 9.806 print("fld_arr.shpe", fld_arr.shape) tot = fld_arr.shape[0] fh.close() for ii in range(tot): fld = fld_arr[ii, :, :]<freezp,fld) print('mn,mx=', fld.min(), fld.max(), 'count=', counter) dt_2[counter] = np.nanmean(fld) if Point_tid: dt_2[counter] = fld[jy, ix] counter = counter + 1 sum_fld1 = sum_fld1 + fld del fld #--------------------------------------- figure, ax = plt.subplots() years = YearLocator() # every year months = MonthLocator() # every month yearsFmt = DateFormatter('%Y') #ax=figure.add_subplot(111) nplts = 1 ax.plot_date(tid, dt_cnl, '-o', color='g', ms=3, label=Labl1) if filename2: ax.plot_date(tid_2, dt_2, '-v', color='blue', ms=3, label=Labl2) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) ax.autoscale_view() # format the coords message box def price(x): return '$%1.2f' % x ax.fmt_xdata = DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.fmt_ydata = price ax.grid(True) figure.autofmt_xdate() legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=8) if Point_tid: plt.title("Point:(lon,lat)=(" + str(plon[jy, ix]) + ',' + str(plat[jy, ix]) + "): %s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) else: plt.title("Area-averaged: %s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) #plt.xlabel('dayes') if "srfhgt" in fieldname: plt.ylabel("%s[m]" % (fieldname)) else: plt.ylabel("%s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) #plt.title('Pakistan India Population till 2007') ts_fil = "Time_series_cntl%s_%02d_%02d" % (fieldname, fieldlevel, len(myfiles)) if Region_mask: ts_fil = 'Region_' + ts_fil if Point_tid: ts_fil = 'Point_ix' + str(ix) + 'jy' + str(jy) + ts_fil figure.canvas.print_figure(ts_fil, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi)"Successfull printing: %s" % ts_fil)
def main(infile_coarse,infile_fine, ncells_linear=20, ncells_exact=3, check_consistency=False, bathy_threshold=0.) : #bathy_threshold=0. # TODO"Bathy threshold is %12.4f"%bathy_threshold) # Read plon,plat gfile=abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid","r") plon=gfile.read_field("plon") plat=gfile.read_field("plat") gfile.close() # Read input bathymetry - fine version m=re.match( "^(.*)(\.[ab])", infile_fine) if m : bfile=abf.ABFileBathy(infile_fine,"r",idm=gfile.idm,jdm=gfile.jdm) fine_depth_m=bfile.read_field("depth")<=bathy_threshold,fine_depth_m),bathy_threshold) bfile.close() # Read input bathymetry - coarse version m=re.match( "^(.*)(\.[ab])", infile_coarse) if m : bfile=abf.ABFileBathy(infile_coarse,"r",idm=gfile.idm,jdm=gfile.jdm) coarse_depth_m=bfile.read_field("depth")<=bathy_threshold,coarse_depth_m),bathy_threshold) bfile.close() # create relaxation mask (rmu) tmp=numpy.linspace(0.,1.,ncells_linear) tmp=numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros((ncells_exact,)),tmp)) # ie: hree first cells will match outer bathymetry ncells=ncells_linear+ncells_exact rmu=numpy.ones(coarse_depth.shape) rmu[:,0:ncells] = numpy.minimum(tmp,rmu[:,0:ncells]) rmu[0:ncells,:] = numpy.minimum(tmp,rmu[0:ncells,:].transpose()).transpose() rmu[:,-ncells:] = numpy.minimum(tmp[::-1],rmu[:,-ncells:]) rmu[-ncells:,:] = numpy.minimum(tmp[::-1],rmu[-ncells:,:].transpose()).transpose() ## Only allow points where both models are defined in the boundaruy rmumask=fine_depth_m.mask rmumask[:,0:ncells] = numpy.logical_or(rmumask[:,0:ncells],coarse_depth_m.mask[:,0:ncells]) rmumask[0:ncells,:] = numpy.logical_or(rmumask[0:ncells,:],coarse_depth_m.mask[0:ncells,:]) rmumask[:,-ncells:] = numpy.logical_or(rmumask[:,-ncells:],coarse_depth_m.mask[:,-ncells:]) rmumask[-ncells:,:] = numpy.logical_or(rmumask[-ncells:,:],coarse_depth_m.mask[-ncells:,:]) figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax=figure.add_subplot(111) P=ax.pcolormesh(rmu) figure.colorbar(P)#,norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=mask.min(), vmax=mask.max())) figure.canvas.print_figure("tst.png") # Modify bathy in mask region newbathy = (1.-rmu) * coarse_depth + rmu * fine_depth newbathy[rmumask] = bathy_threshold newbathy[:,0]=bathy_threshold newbathy[:,-1]=bathy_threshold newbathy[0,:]=bathy_threshold newbathy[-1,:]=bathy_threshold #print newbathy.min(),newbathy.max() # Make call to consistency routine if check_consistency :"Passing merged bathymetry to consistency check ") import hycom_bathy_consistency # Normally in same dir as this python routine, so ok newbathy=hycom_bathy_consistency.main("",[],[], remove_isolated_basins=True, remove_one_neighbour_cells=True, remove_islets=True, remove_inconsistent_nesting_zone=True,<=bathy_threshold,newbathy), write_to_file=False) # Mask data where depth below threshold<=bathy_threshold,newbathy) # Create netcdf file with all stages for analysis"Writing bathymetry to diagnostic file") ncid = netCDF4.Dataset("","w") ncid.createDimension("idm",newbathy.shape[1]) ncid.createDimension("jdm",newbathy.shape[0]) ncid.createVariable("lon","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("lat","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("coarse","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("coarse_masked","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("fine","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("fine_masked","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("final","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("final_masked","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("rmu","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.createVariable("modified","f8",("jdm","idm")) ncid.variables["lon"][:]=plon ncid.variables["lat"][:]=plat ncid.variables["coarse"][:]=coarse_depth ncid.variables["coarse_masked"][:]=coarse_depth_m ncid.variables["fine"][:]=fine_depth ncid.variables["fine_masked"][:]=fine_depth_m ncid.variables["final"][:]=newbathy ncid.variables["final_masked"][:]=newbathy_m modmask=newbathy-fine_depth ncid.variables["modified"][:] = modmask ncid.variables["rmu"][:] = rmu ncid.close()"Writing bathymetry plot to file newbathy.png") figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax=figure.add_subplot(111) P=ax.pcolormesh(newbathy) figure.colorbar(P,norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=newbathy.min(), vmax=newbathy.max())) I,J=numpy.where(numpy.abs(modmask)>.1) ax.scatter(J,I,20,"r") figure.canvas.print_figure("newbathy.png") # Print to HYCOM abf.write_bathymetry("MERGED",0,newbathy,bathy_threshold)
tmp = [int(elem) for elem in tmp[0:4]] setattr(args, self.dest, tmp) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('--filename', help="",nargs='+') args = parser.parse_args() print(args.filename) #Example #python ./ --filename ../ncof_sst/ncof_sst_20*.nc gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid","r") plon=gfile.read_field("plon") plat=gfile.read_field("plat") gfile.close() dpfile = abf.ABFileBathy("regional.depth","r",idm=gfile.idm,jdm=gfile.jdm) depth=dpfile.read_field("depth") dpfile.close() target_lon=plon target_lat=plat target_lonlats = [target_lon,target_lat] # compute for TPZ files counter=0 file_count=0 if args.filename: for ncfile0 in args.filename : #nci = mr.nc_getinfo(ncfile0) ncfile1 = Dataset(ncfile0,'r',format="NETCDF4")"ostia sst data: Now processing %s"%ncfile0) # interpolate ncof_sst in tp5 grid
def main(): # Read plon,plat gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = gfile.read_field("plon") plat = gfile.read_field("plat") gfile.close() # Read input bathymetry bfile = abf.ABFileBathy("regional.depth", "r", idm=gfile.idm, jdm=gfile.jdm, mask=True) in_depth_m = bfile.read_field("depth") bfile.close(),bathy_threshold) # Starting point (State 1 for Atlantic) kapref = numpy.ones(plat.shape) * 1.0 print kapref.min(), kapref.max() # Find regions north of northern limit. Assumes for segment in range(len(northern_limit_longitudes)): ind1 = segment ind2 = (segment + 1) % len(northern_limit_longitudes) lo1 = northern_limit_longitudes[ind1] la1 = northern_limit_latitudes[ind1] lo2 = northern_limit_longitudes[ind2] la2 = northern_limit_latitudes[ind2] tmp1 = numpy.mod(plon + 360 - lo1, 360.) tmp2 = numpy.mod(lo2 + 360 - lo1, 360.) J = tmp1 <= tmp2 #print numpy.count_nonzero(J) # Linear weights and latitude in selected points w2 = tmp1 / tmp2 w1 = 1. - w2 la = la2 * w2 + la1 * w1 kapref[J] = numpy.where(plat[J] > la[J], 2.0, kapref[J]) import scipy.ndimage kapref = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(kapref, sigma=20) #print in_depth_m.min(),type(in_depth_m) kaprefplot =, kapref) figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() ax = figure.add_subplot(111) P = ax.pcolormesh(kaprefplot) figure.colorbar(P, ax=ax) figure.canvas.print_figure("kapref.png") af = abf.AFile(plon.shape[1], plon.shape[0], "tbaric.a", "w") hmin, hmax = af.writerecord(kapref, None, record=0) af.close() bf = open("tbaric.b", "w") bf.write("tbaric.b\n") bf.write("\n") bf.write("\n") bf.write("\n") bf.write("i/jdm = %5d %5d\n" % (plon.shape[1], plon.shape[0])) bf.write("tbaric: range = %14.6e%14.6e\n" % (hmin, hmax)) bf.close()
def main(infile, rmu_width, rmu_efold, dpi=180): bathy_threshold = 0. # TODO # Read plon,plat gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = gfile.read_field("plon") plat = gfile.read_field("plat") gfile.close() # Read input bathymetri m = re.match("^(.*)(\.[ab])", infile) if m: infile = bfile = abf.ABFileBathy(infile, "r", idm=gfile.idm, jdm=gfile.jdm, mask=True) in_depth_m = bfile.read_field("depth") bfile.close() in_depth =, bathy_threshold) #print in_depth.min(),in_depth.max() ip = ~in_depth_m.mask ip = numpy.copy(ip) iu = numpy.copy(ip) iv = numpy.copy(ip) iu[:, 1:] = numpy.logical_and(ip[:, 1:], ip[:, :-1]) iv[1:, :] = numpy.logical_and(ip[1:, :], ip[:-1, :]) ifports = [] ilports = [] jfports = [] jlports = [] kdports = [] process_south = True process_north = True process_west = True process_east = True fatal = False rmumask = numpy.zeros(in_depth.shape) labels = numpy.zeros(in_depth.shape) # Test ocean mask in 2nd grid cell from edge. If ocean, mark as nesting boundary. # When written to ports.input, we write # NB: All diag output is "Fortran" indexes (Starting from 1) - thats why we add 1 here and there for kdport in [1, 2, 3, 4]: t_ifports, t_ilports, t_jfports, t_jlports, t_kdports, t_labels, = port_setup( kdport, in_depth_m) labels[t_labels > 0] = t_labels[t_labels > 0] + labels.max() ifports.extend(t_ifports) ilports.extend(t_ilports) jfports.extend(t_jfports) jlports.extend(t_jlports) kdports.extend(t_kdports) # Build mask for i in range(len(ifports)): rmumask = relaxation_mask(rmumask, ifports[i], ilports[i], jfports[i], jlports[i], kdports[i], rmu_width) #print rmumask.min(),rmumask.max() rmumask = numpy.minimum(rmumask, 1.) * 1. / (rmu_efold * 86400.) rmumask_m =, rmumask) # Check consistency fatal = False for i in range(len(ifports)): fatal = fatal or check_consistency(ifports[i], ilports[i], jfports[i], jlports[i], kdports[i], iu, iv, i + 1) # Open port output file"Writing to ports.input.tmp") fid = open("ports.input.tmp", "w") fid.write("%6d 'nports' = Number of ports \n" % len(kdports)) for i in range(len(kdports)): write_port_location(fid, kdports[i], ifports[i] + 1, ilports[i] + 1, jfports[i] + 1, jlports[i] + 1) fid.close() # Write rmu file rmufile = abf.ABFileRmu( "rmu", "w", cline1="Relaxation mask", cline2= "Relaxation mask created by rel zone width=%d, efold time=%d days" % (rmu_width, rmu_efold), mask=True) rmufile.write_field(rmumask, in_depth_m.mask, "rmu") rmufile.close() # Plot rmu with pcolormesh figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap("Greys_r") cmap2 = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap("jet") ax.add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((1, 1), in_depth.shape[1], in_depth.shape[0], color=".5", alpha=.5)) P = ax.pcolormesh(in_depth_m, cmap=cmap) P = ax.pcolormesh(rmumask_m, cmap=cmap2) CB = ax.figure.colorbar(P) figure.canvas.print_figure("rmu.png", dpi=dpi) # Plot ports with pcolormesh figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap("Greys_r") ax.add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((1, 1), in_depth.shape[1], in_depth.shape[0], color=".5", alpha=.5)) P = ax.pcolormesh(in_depth_m, cmap=cmap) I, J = numpy.where(labels > 0) S = ax.scatter(J, I, 50, labels[I, J], edgecolor='none') CB = ax.figure.colorbar(S) ax.set_xlim(0, in_depth.shape[1]) ax.set_ylim(0, in_depth.shape[0])"Port number")"Writing to ports_all.png") figure.canvas.print_figure("ports_all.png", dpi=dpi) # Port diagnostics plot figure2 = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax2 = figure2.add_subplot(111) cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap("Greys_r") P = ax2.pcolormesh(in_depth_m, cmap=cmap, edgecolor=".4", alpha=.5, linewidth=.05) ax2.hold() Ps = [] Ls = [] for i in range(len(kdports)): iwidth = ilports[i] - ifports[i] + 1 jwidth = jlports[i] - jfports[i] + 1 #print ifports[i],jfports[i],iwidth,jwidth d = 1 if kdports[i] == 1: xy = (ifports[i], jfports[i]) jwidth = d c = "r" elif kdports[i] == 2: xy = (ifports[i], jfports[i]) jwidth = d c = "g" elif kdports[i] == 3: xy = (ifports[i], jfports[i]) iwidth = d c = "b" elif kdports[i] == 4: xy = (ifports[i], jfports[i]) iwidth = d c = "m" figure.clf() ax = figure.add_subplot(111) P = ax.pcolormesh(in_depth_m, cmap=cmap, edgecolor=".4", alpha=.5, linewidth=.05) ax.add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Rectangle(xy, iwidth, jwidth, color=c, alpha=.5)) ax.grid() ax.set_xlim(xy[0] - 20, xy[0] + iwidth + 20) ax.set_ylim(xy[1] - 20, xy[1] + jwidth + 20) ax.set_title("Port number %d - kdport=%d" % (i + 1, kdports[i])) R = ax2.add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Rectangle(xy, iwidth, jwidth, color=c, alpha=.5)) Ps.append(R) Ls.append("Port %d" % (i + 1)) fname = "port_%03d.png" % (i + 1)"Writing Diagnostics to %s" % fname) figure.canvas.print_figure(fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi) fname = "ports_all_2.png""Writing Diagnostics to %s" % fname) ax2.legend(Ps, Ls) figure2.canvas.print_figure(fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi) if fatal: logger.error( "Errors were encountered - see errors above, and consult diag files. You may need to modify your topo file" ) raise NameError("fatal exit") return rmumask, rmumask_m
def main(infile, blo, bla, remove_isolated_basins=True, remove_one_neighbour_cells=True, remove_islets=True, remove_inconsistent_nesting_zone=True, inbathy=None, write_to_file=True, bathy_threshold=0.):"Bathy threshold is %12.4f" % bathy_threshold) # Read plon,plat gfile = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = gfile.read_field("plon") plat = gfile.read_field("plat") gfile.close() # Read input bathymetri if inbathy is not None: in_depth_m = inbathy else: bfile = abf.ABFileBathy(infile, "r", idm=gfile.idm, jdm=gfile.jdm, mask=True) in_depth_m = bfile.read_field("depth") #print "in_depth_m type, min, max:",type(in_depth_m),in_depth_m.min(),in_depth_m.max() bfile.close() # Modify basin in_depth =, bathy_threshold) depth = numpy.copy(in_depth)"depth min max: %f8.0 %f8.0" % (depth.min(), depth.max())) it = 1 while it == 1 or numpy.count_nonzero(numpy.abs(depth - depth_old)) > 0: depth_old = numpy.copy(depth)"Basin modifications ... pass %d" % (it)) if remove_isolated_basins: depth = plon, plat, depth, blo, bla, threshold=bathy_threshold) if remove_islets: depth =, threshold=bathy_threshold) if remove_one_neighbour_cells: depth = depth, threshold=bathy_threshold) if remove_inconsistent_nesting_zone: depth = depth, threshold=bathy_threshold)"Modified %d points " % numpy.count_nonzero(depth - depth_old)) it += 1"Modifications finished after %d iterations " % (it - 1)) w5 = numpy.copy(depth) w5[:, 0] = bathy_threshold w5[:, -1] = bathy_threshold w5[0, :] = bathy_threshold w5[-1, :] = bathy_threshold #print "w5 type min max",type(w5),w5.min(),w5.max() # Mask data where depth below threshold w5_m = <= bathy_threshold, w5) # Create netcdf file with all stages for analysis"Writing bathymetry to file") ncid = netCDF4.Dataset("", "w") ncid.createDimension("idm", w5.shape[1]) ncid.createDimension("jdm", w5.shape[0]) ncid.createVariable("lon", "f8", ("jdm", "idm")) ncid.createVariable("lat", "f8", ("jdm", "idm")) ncid.createVariable("old", "f8", ("jdm", "idm")) ncid.createVariable("old_masked", "f8", ("jdm", "idm")) ncid.createVariable("new", "f8", ("jdm", "idm")) ncid.createVariable("new_masked", "f8", ("jdm", "idm")) ncid.createVariable("modified", "i4", ("jdm", "idm")) ncid.variables["lon"][:] = plon ncid.variables["lat"][:] = plat ncid.variables["old"][:] = in_depth ncid.variables["old_masked"][:] = in_depth_m ncid.variables["new"][:] = w5 ncid.variables["new_masked"][:] = w5_m modmask = numpy.abs(in_depth - depth) > .1 ncid.variables["modified"][:] = modmask.astype("i4") ncid.close()"Writing bathymetry plot to file newbathy.png") figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) P = ax.pcolormesh(w5_m) figure.colorbar(P, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=w5_m.min(), vmax=w5_m.max())) I, J = numpy.where(numpy.abs(modmask) > .1) ax.scatter(J, I, 20, "r") figure.canvas.print_figure("newbathy.png") # Print to HYCOM and CICE bathymetry files if write_to_file: abf.write_bathymetry("CONSISTENT", 0, w5, bathy_threshold) return w5
def main(myfiles, fieldname, fieldlevel, idm=None, jdm=None, clim=None, filetype="archive", window=None, cmap="jet", datetime1=None, datetime2=None, vector="", tokml=False, masklim=None, filename2='', dpi=180): cmap = matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap("jet") ab = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = ab.read_field("plon") plat = ab.read_field("plat") scpx = ab.read_field("scpx") scpy = ab.read_field("scpy") target_lonlats = [plon, plat] abdpth = abf.ABFileBathy('regional.depth', "r", idm=ab.idm, jdm=ab.jdm) mdpth = abdpth.read_field('depth') maskd = maskd[maskd > 1e29] = np.nan #Region_mask=True Region_mask = False if Region_mask: maskd[plat > 80] = np.nan maskd[plat < 50] = np.nan maskd[plon > 60] = np.nan maskd[plon < -50] = np.nan Nordic_mask = maskd proj = ccrs.Stereographic(central_latitude=90.0, central_longitude=-40.0) pxy = proj.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), plon, plat) px = pxy[:, :, 0] py = pxy[:, :, 1] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(plon.shape[1]), np.arange(plon.shape[0])) if vector:"Vector component 1:%s" % fieldname)"Vector component 2:%s" % vector) #---------------first read and compute clim Err_map = 1 freezp = -1.8 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 Clim_arr = np.zeros((plon.shape[0], plon.shape[1], 12)) #--------------- # compute for TP6 files #----------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # filename2 onemm = 9.806 counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) diff_dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) rmse_dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) Labl1 = "CNTL SST" Labl1 = myfiles[0][:28] yyyy1 = myfiles[0][-9:-5] if "archv." in myfiles[0]: yyyy1 = myfiles[0][-13:-9] print("myfiles[0]=", myfiles[0]) print("yyy1=", yyyy1) if filename2: dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) diff_dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) rmse_dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) tid_2=np.array([datetime.datetime(int(yyyy1), 1, 15) \ + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(len(filename2))]) Labl2 = filename2[0][:28] counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 if "srfhgt" in fieldname: fieldname = "srfhgt" elif "temp" in fieldname: fieldname = "temp" for fil0 in filename2:"Now processing %s" % fil0) n_intloop,ab,ab2,rdtimes = open_file(fil0,filetype,fieldname,fieldlevel,\ datetime1=datetime1,datetime2=datetime2,vector=vector,idm=idm,jdm=jdm) # Intloop used to read more fields in one file. Only for forcing for now for i_intloop in range(n_intloop): # Read ab file of different types if filetype == "archive": fld1 = ab.read_field(fieldname, fieldlevel) elif filetype == "forcing": fld1 = ab.read_field(fieldname, rdtimes[i_intloop]) if vector: fld2 = ab2.read_field(vector, rdtimes[i_intloop])"Processing time %.2f" % rdtimes[i_intloop]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Filetype %s not implemented" % filetype) # Create scalar field for vectors print('---------mn,mx data=', fld1.min(), fld1.max()) #if "srfhgt" in fieldname: # fld1= fld1/9.806 print("fld1.shpe", fld1.shape) print('mn,mx=', fld1.min(), fld1.max(), 'count=', counter) dt_2[counter] = np.nanmean(fld1) counter = counter + 1 sum_fld1 = sum_fld1 + fld1 del fld1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- base = datetime.datetime(int(yyyy1), 1, 15) tid = np.array( [base + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(len(myfiles))]) if "archv." in myfiles[0]: tid = np.array( [base + relativedelta(days=i) for i in range(len(myfiles))]) nmexp = 1 if filename2: nmexp = nmexp + 1 print( 'processing data from No runs ==##############>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>', nmexp) whole_domain = True whole_domain = False # counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 ">>>>>--------------------------Processing the first files= myfiles") for myfile0 in myfiles:"Now processing %s" % myfile0) n_intloop,ab,ab2,rdtimes = open_file(myfile0,filetype,fieldname,fieldlevel,\ datetime1=datetime1,datetime2=datetime2,vector=vector,idm=idm,jdm=jdm) # Intloop used to read more fields in one file. Only for forcing for now for i_intloop in range(n_intloop): # Read ab file of different types if filetype == "archive": fld1 = ab.read_field(fieldname, fieldlevel) if ('temp' in fieldname) and whole_domain: vert_fld_sum = 0 for lvl in range(50): print('lvl=', lvl, fieldlevel) fld_lvl = ab.read_field(fieldname, lvl + 1) vert_fld_sum = vert_fld_sum + np.nanmean(fld_lvl) vert_fld_avg = vert_fld_sum / 50.0 elif filetype == "forcing": fld1 = ab.read_field(fieldname, rdtimes[i_intloop]) if vector: fld2 = ab2.read_field(vector, rdtimes[i_intloop])"Processing time %.2f" % rdtimes[i_intloop]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Filetype %s not implemented" % filetype) # Create scalar field for vectors print('---------mn,mx data=', fld1.min(), fld1.max()) #if "srfhgt" in fieldname: # fld1= fld1/9.806 print("fld1.shpe", fld1.shape) print('mn,mx=', fld1.min(), fld1.max(), 'count=', counter) if ('temp' in fieldname) and whole_domain: dt_cnl[counter] = vert_fld_avg else: dt_cnl[counter] = np.nanmean(fld1) counter = counter + 1 sum_fld1 = sum_fld1 + fld1 del fld1 # End i_intloop print('Computing the avearge of file_counter= ', file_count, 'counter=', counter) #--------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------- #plot_climatology Clim_arr = np.zeros((plon.shape[0], plon.shape[1], 12)) if 'tem' in fieldname: counter = 0 rlxfile0 = "/cluster/work/users/achoth/TP5a0.06/relax/050/relax_tem.a" rlx_afile = abf.AFile(ab.idm, ab.jdm, rlxfile0, "r") lyr = fieldlevel record_num = lyr record_var = record_num - 1 fld = rlx_afile.read_record(record_var) print('mn,mx data=', fld.min(), fld.max()) kdm = 50 dt_clim = np.zeros(12) for mnth in range(12): fld1 = rlx_afile.read_record(mnth * kdm + lyr - 1) logger.debug("File %s, record_var/mnth*kdm %03d/%03d" % (rlxfile0, record_var, mnth * kdm)) print('record, mn,mx data=', kdm * mnth, fld1.min(), fld1.max()) print('record, mn,mx data=', kdm * mnth, fld1.min(), fld1.max()) # Intloop used to read more fields in one file. Only for forcing for now dt_clim[mnth] = np.nanmean(fld1) #Clim_arr[:,:,mnth]=fld1[:,:] counter = counter + 1 print('counter=', counter) del fld1 # tid_clim = np.array( [base + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(12)]) #figure, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() rpt = len(dt_cnl) / 12 dt_clim_cat = dt_clim for ii in range(int(rpt - 1)): print("concatenate ") dt_clim_cat = np.concatenate([dt_clim_cat, dt_clim]) # #--------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------- figure, ax = plt.subplots() years = YearLocator() # every year months = MonthLocator() # every month yearsFmt = DateFormatter('%Y') #ax=figure.add_subplot(111) nplts = 1 ax.plot_date(tid, dt_cnl, '-o', color='g', ms=3, label=Labl1) if 'tem' in fieldname: ax.plot_date(tid[0:len(dt_cnl)], dt_clim_cat[:], ':', color='black', label='Phc-Clim.') if filename2: ax.plot_date(tid_2, dt_2, '-v', color='orange', ms=3, label=Labl2) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) ax.autoscale_view() # format the coords message box def price(x): return '$%1.2f' % x ax.fmt_xdata = DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.fmt_ydata = price ax.grid(True) figure.autofmt_xdate() legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=8) plt.title("Area-averaged: %s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) plt.ylabel("%s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) if "k.e" in fieldname: fieldname = "KE" if "u-vel" in fieldname: fieldname = "u-vel" ts_fil = "Time_series_cntl%s_%02d_%02d" % (fieldname, fieldlevel, counter) if Region_mask: ts_fil = 'Region_' + ts_fil figure.canvas.print_figure(ts_fil, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi)"Successfull printing: %s" % ts_fil)
def main(myfiles, fieldname, fieldlevel, idm=None, jdm=None, clim=None, filetype="archive", window=None, cmap="jet", datetime1=None, datetime2=None, vector="", tokml=False, masklim=None, filename2='', filename5='', dpi=180): LinDic = mod_hyc2plot.cmap_dict('sawtooth_fc100.txt') if 'temp' or 'sal' in fieldname: cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', LinDic) else: cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', LinDic) if tokml: ab = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = ab.read_field("plon") plat = ab.read_field("plat") ab.close() ab = abf.ABFileGrid("regional.grid", "r") plon = ab.read_field("plon") plat = ab.read_field("plat") scpx = ab.read_field("scpx") scpy = ab.read_field("scpy") target_lonlats = [plon, plat] abdpth = abf.ABFileBathy('regional.depth', "r", idm=ab.idm, jdm=ab.jdm) mdpth = abdpth.read_field('depth') maskd = maskd[maskd > 1e29] = np.nan Region_mask = True Region_mask = False if Region_mask: maskd[plat > 70] = np.nan #maskd[plat<50]=np.nan maskd[plon > 20] = np.nan maskd[plon < -30] = np.nan Nordic_mask = maskd proj = ccrs.Stereographic(central_latitude=90.0, central_longitude=-40.0) pxy = proj.transform_points(ccrs.PlateCarree(), plon, plat) px = pxy[:, :, 0] py = pxy[:, :, 1] x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(plon.shape[1]), np.arange(plon.shape[0])) if vector:"Vector component 1:%s" % fieldname)"Vector component 2:%s" % vector) #---------------first read and compute clim Err_map = 1 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 Clim_arr = np.zeros((plon.shape[0], plon.shape[1], 12)) if 'tem' or 'sal' in fieldname: counter = 0 if 'tem' in fieldname: rlxfile0 = "/cluster/work/users/achoth/TP5a0.06/relax/050/relax_tem.a" if 'sal' in fieldname: rlxfile0 = "/cluster/work/users/achoth/TP5a0.06/relax/050/relax_sal.a" rlx_afile = abf.AFile(ab.idm, ab.jdm, rlxfile0, "r") lyr = fieldlevel record_num = 1 record_var = record_num - 1 fld = rlx_afile.read_record(record_var) print('mn,mx data='), fld.min(), fld.max() kdm = 50 dt_clim = np.zeros(12) for mnth in range(12): fld1 = rlx_afile.read_record(mnth * kdm + lyr - 1) print('record, mn,mx data='), kdm * mnth, fld1.min(), fld1.max() # Intloop used to read more fields in one file. Only for forcing for now dt_clim[mnth] = mod_hyc2plot.spatiomean(fld1, maskd) sum_fld1 = sum_fld1 + fld1 Clim_arr[:, :, mnth] = fld1[:, :] counter = counter + 1 print('counter='), counter del fld1 Clim_Avg = sum_fld1 / counter del sum_fld1 #---------------filename figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = figure.add_subplot(111) onemm = 9.806 counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) diff_dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) rmse_dt_cnl = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) Labl1 = "Model: " + fieldname if "SPRBAS_0" in myfiles[0]: Labl1 = "CNTL: prsbas=0 " if filename2: dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) diff_dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) rmse_dt_2 = np.zeros(len(filename2)) yyyy1 = filename2[0][-9:-5] print("filename2[0]="), filename2[0][-9:-5] print("filename2[0]="), filename2[0] print("yyy1="), yyyy1 tid_2=np.array([datetime.datetime(int(yyyy1), 1, 15) \ + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(len(filename2))]) Labl2 = "filename2" Labl2 = "Corrected" if "erai" in filename2[0]: Labl2 = "CNTL: prsbas=1e5 " yyyy1cnt = myfiles[0][-8:-5] print("myfiles[0]="), myfiles[0][-9:-5] print("myfiles[0]="), myfiles[0] print("yyy1cnt="), print(yyyy1cnt) base = datetime.datetime(int(yyyy1cnt), 1, 15) tid = np.array( [base + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(len(myfiles))]) if len(myfiles) == 36: base = datetime.datetime(int(yyyy1cnt), 1, 15) tid = np.array( [base + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(len(myfiles))]) nmexp = 1 if filename2: nmexp = nmexp + 1 print( 'processing data from No runs ==##############>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' ), nmexp for iii in range(nmexp): counter = 0 file_count = 0 sum_fld1 = maskd sum_fld1[~np.isnan(sum_fld1)] = 0.0 if iii == 1 and filename2: myfiles = filename2 else: ">>>>>--------------------------Processing the first files= %d<<<<" % iii) ">>>>>--------------------------Processing the first files= %d<<<<" % iii) for myfile0 in myfiles: # Open files, and return some useful stuff. # ab2 i used in case of vector # rdtimes is used for plotting forcing fields n_intloop,ab,ab2,rdtimes = open_file(myfile0,filetype,fieldname,fieldlevel,\ datetime1=datetime1,datetime2=datetime2,vector=vector,idm=idm,jdm=jdm) # Intloop used to read more fields in one file. Only for forcing for now for i_intloop in range(n_intloop): # Read ab file of different types if filetype == "archive": fld1 = ab.read_field(fieldname, fieldlevel) elif filetype == "forcing": fld1 = ab.read_field(fieldname, rdtimes[i_intloop]) if vector: fld2 = ab2.read_field(vector, rdtimes[i_intloop])"Processing time %.2f" % rdtimes[i_intloop]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Filetype %s not implemented" % filetype) if not window: J, I = np.meshgrid(np.arange(fld1.shape[0]), np.arange(fld1.shape[1])) else: J, I = np.meshgrid(np.arange(window[1], window[3]), np.arange(window[0], window[2])) # Create scalar field for vectors if vector: fld = np.sqrt(fld1**2 + fld2**2) else: fld = fld1 print('---------mn,mx data='), fld.min(), fld.max() sum_fld1 = sum_fld1 + fld cindx = np.remainder(counter, 12) print("counter"), counter, print("cindx="), cindx if iii == 0: dt_cnl[counter] = mod_hyc2plot.spatiomean(fld, Nordic_mask) diff_dt_cnl[counter] = mod_hyc2plot.spatiomean( fld[:, :] - Clim_arr[:, :, cindx], Nordic_mask) rmse_dt_cnl[counter] = np.sqrt( mod_hyc2plot.spatiomean( (fld[:, :] - Clim_arr[:, :, cindx])**2, Nordic_mask)) Labl = Labl1 if iii == 1 and filename2: dt_2[counter] = mod_hyc2plot.spatiomean(fld, Nordic_mask) diff_dt_2[counter] = mod_hyc2plot.spatiomean( fld[:, :] - Clim_arr[:, :, cindx], Nordic_mask) rmse_dt_2[counter] = np.sqrt( mod_hyc2plot.spatiomean( (fld[:, :] - Clim_arr[:, :, cindx])**2, Nordic_mask)) Labl = Labl2 # Apply mask if requested counter = counter + 1 file_count = file_count + 1 del fld # End i_intloop print('Computing the avearge of file_counter= '), print( file_count), print('counter='), print(counter), print( 'cindx='), print(cindx) if file_count > 0: fld_Avg = sum_fld1 / file_count if Err_map: cmap = fld_diff = fld_Avg - Clim_Avg if fieldname == 'k.e.': P = ax.pcolormesh(x[J, I], y[J, I], np.log10(fld_Avg[J, I]), cmap=cmap) elif fieldname == 'srfhgt': P = ax.pcolormesh(x[J, I], y[J, I], (fld_Avg[J, I] / onemm), cmap=cmap) else: P = ax.pcolormesh(x[J, I], y[J, I], fld_diff[J, I], cmap=cmap) if 'temp' in fieldname: P1 = ax.contour(x[J, I], y[J, I], fld_diff[J, I], levels=[-1., 1, 4.0, 8], colors=('w', ), linestyles=('-', ), linewidths=(1.5, )) matplotlib.pyplot.clabel(P1, fmt='%2.1d', colors='w', fontsize=10) #contour line labels # Print figure. aspect = 40 pad_fraction = 0.25 divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) width = axes_size.AxesY(ax, aspect=1. / aspect) pad = axes_size.Fraction(pad_fraction, width) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=width, pad=pad) cb = ax.figure.colorbar(P, cax=cax, extend='both') if clim is not None: P.set_clim(clim) ax.set_title("Diff:%s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel) + ' :( Model - Clim )') # Print figure. fnamepng_template = myfiles[0][-20:-5].replace( "/", '') + "_Avg_TP6_%s_%d_%03d_iii%03d_Avg.png" if Region_mask: fnamepng_template='Region_'+yyyy1cnt+myfiles[0][1:11].replace("/",'') \ +"Avg_TP5_%s_%d_%03d_iii%03d_Avg.png" fnamepng = fnamepng_template % (fieldname, fieldlevel, counter, iii)"output in %s" % fnamepng) figure.canvas.print_figure(fnamepng, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi) ax.clear() cb.remove() datmen = np.nanmean(fld_diff) spatiodatmen = mod_hyc2plot.spatiomean(fld_diff, Nordic_mask) print('-----------mean diff data, spatio='), datmen, spatiodatmen del sum_fld1 #--------------------------------------- print('tid len='), print(tid.shape) if filename2: print('dt_2='), print(dt_2.shape) tid_clim = np.array([base + relativedelta(months=i) for i in range(12)]) figure, ax = plt.subplots() rpt = len(dt_cnl) / 12 dt_clim_cat = dt_clim for ii in range(int(rpt - 1)): print("concatenate ") dt_clim_cat = np.concatenate([dt_clim_cat, dt_clim]) years = YearLocator() # every year months = MonthLocator() # every month yearsFmt = DateFormatter('%Y') nplts = 1 ax.plot_date(tid, dt_cnl, '-o', color='g', ms=3, label=Labl1) if filename2: ax.plot_date(tid_2, dt_2, '-v', color='orange', ms=3, label=Labl2) nplts = nplts + 1 if filename5: ax.plot_date(tid_5, dt_5, '--', color='m', label=Labl5) nplts = nplts + 1 if 'tem' or 'sal' in fieldname: ax.plot_date(tid[0:len(dt_cnl)], dt_clim_cat[:], ':', color='black', label='Clim:' + fieldname) nplts = nplts + 1 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) ax.autoscale_view() # format the coords message box def price(x): return '$%1.2f' % x ax.fmt_xdata = DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.fmt_ydata = price ax.grid(True) figure.autofmt_xdate() legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=8) plt.title("Area-averaged: %s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) plt.ylabel("%s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) ts_fil = "time_series_cntl_flx_%s_%02d_%02d" % (fieldname, fieldlevel, nplts) if Region_mask: ts_fil = 'Region_' + ts_fil figure.canvas.print_figure(ts_fil, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi)"Successfull printing: %s" % ts_fil) #----------------- # plot short mean error figure, ax = plt.subplots() print("diff_dt_cnl[:]="), diff_dt_cnl[:] nplts = 1 ll = -1 * len(tid) if filename2: ll = -1 * len(tid) ax.plot_date(tid[ll:], diff_dt_cnl[ll:], '-o', color='g', ms=3) if filename2: ax.plot_date(tid_2, diff_dt_2, '-v', color='orange', ms=3, label=Labl2) nplts = nplts + 1 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) ax.autoscale_view() # format the coords message box def price(x): return '$%1.2f' % x ax.fmt_xdata = DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.fmt_ydata = price ax.grid(True) figure.autofmt_xdate() legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=8) plt.title("Mean diff:Model-Clim: %s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) plt.ylabel("diff:%s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) ts_fil = 'Mdiff' + "ST_cntl_flx_%s_%02d_%02d" % (fieldname, fieldlevel, nplts) if Region_mask: ts_fil = 'Region_Mdiff' + "ST_cntl_flx_%s_%02d_%02d" % ( fieldname, fieldlevel, nplts) figure.canvas.print_figure(ts_fil, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi)"Successfull printing: %s" % ts_fil) # plot rooot mean square RMSE error figure, ax = plt.subplots() nplts = 1 ll = -1 * len(tid) if filename2: ll = -1 * len(tid_2) ax.plot_date(tid[ll:], rmse_dt_cnl[ll:], '-o', color='g', ms=3) if filename2: ax.plot_date(tid_2, rmse_dt_2, '-v', color='orange', ms=3, label=Labl2) nplts = nplts + 1 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months) ax.autoscale_view() # format the coords message box def price(x): return '$%1.2f' % x ax.fmt_xdata = DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.fmt_ydata = price ax.grid(True) figure.autofmt_xdate() legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=8) plt.title("RMSE: (Model-Clim) %s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) plt.ylabel("RMSE:%s(%d)" % (fieldname, fieldlevel)) ts_fil = 'RMSE' + "ST_cntl_flx_%s_%02d_%02d" % (fieldname, fieldlevel, nplts) if Region_mask: ts_fil = 'Region_RMSE' + "ST2007_cntl_flx_%s_%02d_%02d" % ( fieldname, fieldlevel, nplts) figure.canvas.print_figure(ts_fil, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi)"Successfull printing: %s" % ts_fil) "End --------------------------------------------------------------- printing: %s" % ts_fil)