Пример #1
    def export_ur2(self, filename, structure):
        Export the wavefunction on file filename.
        Format is defined by the extension in filename.
        if "." not in filename:
            raise ValueError("Cannot detect file extension in: %s" % filename)

        tokens = filename.strip().split(".")
        ext = tokens[-1]

        if not tokens[0]: # fname == ".ext" ==> Create temporary file.
            filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="." + ext, text=True)[1]
            print("Creating temporary file: %s" % filename)

        # Compute |u(r)|2 and write data according to ext.
        ur2 = np.reshape(self.ur2, (1,) + self.ur2.shape)

        with open(filename, mode="w") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf":
                # xcrysden
                xsf_write_structure(fh, structures=[structure])
                xsf_write_data(fh, structure, ur2, add_replicas=True)
                raise NotImplementedError("extension %s is not supported." % ext)

        return Visualizer.from_file(filename)
Пример #2
    def export(self, filename):
        Export the crystalline structure on file filename.

            Instance of :class:`Visualizer`

        The format is defined by the extension in filename:
        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.

            #. "prefix.xsf" for XcrysDen files.

        An *empty* prefix, e.g. ".xsf" makes the code use a temporary file.
        if "." not in filename:
            raise ValueError("Cannot detect extension in filename %s: " % filename)

        tokens = filename.strip().split(".")
        ext = tokens[-1]

        if not tokens[0]: 
            # filename == ".ext" ==> Create temporary file.
            import tempfile
            filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="."+ext, text=True)[1]

        with open(filename, mode="w") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf": # xcrysden
                xsf.xsf_write_structure(fh, structures=[self])
                raise Visualizer.Error("extension %s is not supported." % ext)

        return Visualizer.from_file(filename)
Пример #3
    def export(self, filename):
        Export the real space data on file filename. 
        Format is defined by the extension in filename.

        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        if "." not in filename:
            raise ValueError(" Cannot detect file extension in filename: %s " % filename)

        tokens = filename.strip().split(".")
        ext = tokens[-1]

        if not tokens[0]: # filename == ".ext" ==> Create temporary file.
            import tempfile
            filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="."+ext, text=True)[1]

        with open(filename, mode="w") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf":
                # xcrysden
                xsf.xsf_write_structure(fh, self.structure)
                xsf.xsf_write_data(fh, self.structure, self.datar, add_replicas=True)
                raise NotImplementedError("extension %s is not supported." % ext)

        return Visualizer.from_file(filename)
Пример #4
    def export(self, filename, visu=None, verbose=1):
        Export the real space data to file filename.

            filename: String specifying the file path and the file format.
                The format is defined by the file extension. filename="prefix.xsf", for example,
                will produce a file in XSF format (xcrysden_).
                An *empty* prefix, e.g. ".xsf" makes the code use a temporary file.
               :class:`Visualizer` subclass. By default, this method returns the first available
                visualizer that supports the given file format. If visu is not None, an
                instance of visu is returned. See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of
                applications and formats supported.
            verbose: Verbosity level

            Instance of :class:`Visualizer`
        if "." not in filename:
            raise ValueError("Cannot detect file extension in filename: %s " % filename)

        tokens = filename.strip().split(".")
        ext = tokens[-1]
        if verbose:
            print("tokens", tokens, "ext", ext)

        if not tokens[0]:
            # filename == ".ext" ==> Create temporary file.
            # dir = os.getcwd() is needed when we invoke the method from a notebook.
            # nbworkdir in cwd is needed when we invoke the method from a notebook.
            from abipy.core.globals import abinb_mkstemp
            _, filename = abinb_mkstemp(suffix="." + ext, text=True)

        with open(filename, mode="wt") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf":
                # xcrysden
                xsf.xsf_write_structure(fh, self.structure)
                xsf.xsf_write_data(fh, self.structure, self.datar, add_replicas=True)
            #elif ext == "POSCAR":
                raise NotImplementedError("extension %s is not supported." % ext)

        if visu is None:
            return Visualizer.from_file(filename)
            return visu(filename)
Пример #5
    def export_ur2(self, filename, visu=None):
        Export :math:`|u(r)|^2` to file ``filename``.

            filename: String specifying the file path and the file format.
                The format is defined by the file extension. filename="prefix.xsf", for example,
                will produce a file in XSF format. An *empty* prefix, e.g. ".xsf" makes the code use a temporary file.
            visu: :class:`Visualizer` subclass. By default, this method returns the first available
                visualizer that supports the given file format. If visu is not None, an
                instance of visu is returned. See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of
                applications and formats supported.

            Instance of :class:`Visualizer`
        if "." not in filename:
            raise ValueError("Cannot detect file extension in: %s" % filename)

        tokens = filename.strip().split(".")
        ext = tokens[-1]

        if not tokens[0]:
            # fname == ".ext" ==> Create temporary file.
            # dir = os.getcwd() is needed when we invoke the method from a notebook.
            from abipy.core.globals import abinb_mkstemp
            _, filename = abinb_mkstemp(suffix="." + ext, text=True)
            print("Creating temporary file: %s" % filename)

        # Compute |u(r)|2 and write data according to ext.
        ur2 = np.reshape(self.ur2, (1, ) + self.ur2.shape)

        with open(filename, mode="wt") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf":
                # xcrysden
                xsf_write_structure(fh, structures=self.structure)
                xsf_write_data(fh, self.structure, ur2, add_replicas=True)
                raise NotImplementedError("extension %s is not supported." %

        if visu is None:
            return Visualizer.from_file(filename)
            return visu(filename)
Пример #6
    def export_ur2(self, filename, structure, visu=None):
        Export u(r)**2 on file filename.

                String specifying the file path and the file format.
                The format is defined by the file extension. filename="prefix.xsf", for example, 
                will produce a file in XSF format. An *empty* prefix, e.g. ".xsf" makes the code use a temporary file.
                Structure object.
               `Visualizer` subclass. By default, this method returns the first available
                visualizer that supports the given file format. If visu is not None, an
                instance of visu is returned. See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of 
                applications and formats supported.

            Instance of :class:`Visualizer`
        if "." not in filename:
            raise ValueError("Cannot detect file extension in: %s" % filename)

        tokens = filename.strip().split(".")
        ext = tokens[-1]

        if not tokens[0]: # fname == ".ext" ==> Create temporary file.
            filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="." + ext, text=True)[1]
            print("Creating temporary file: %s" % filename)

        # Compute |u(r)|2 and write data according to ext.
        ur2 = np.reshape(self.ur2, (1,) + self.ur2.shape)

        with open(filename, mode="w") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf":
                # xcrysden
                xsf_write_structure(fh, structures=[structure])
                xsf_write_data(fh, structure, ur2, add_replicas=True)
                raise NotImplementedError("extension %s is not supported." % ext)

        if visu is None:
            return Visualizer.from_file(filename)
            return visu(filename)
Пример #7
    def export(self, filename, visu=None):
        Export the real space data on file filename. 

            filename: String specifying the file path and the file format.
                The format is defined by the file extension. filename="prefix.xsf", for example, 
                will produce a file in XSF format. An *empty* prefix, e.g. ".xsf" makes the code use a temporary file.
               :class:`Visualizer` subclass. By default, this method returns the first available
                visualizer that supports the given file format. If visu is not None, an
                instance of visu is returned. See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of 
                applications and formats supported.

            Instance of :class:`Visualizer`
        if "." not in filename:
            raise ValueError(" Cannot detect file extension in filename: %s " %

        tokens = filename.strip().split(".")
        ext = tokens[-1]

        if not tokens[0]:  # filename == ".ext" ==> Create temporary file.
            import tempfile
            filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="." + ext, text=True)[1]

        with open(filename, mode="w") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf":
                # xcrysden
                xsf.xsf_write_structure(fh, self.structure)
                raise NotImplementedError("extension %s is not supported." %

        if visu is None:
            return Visualizer.from_file(filename)
            return visu(filename)
Пример #8
    def export(self, filename, visu=None):
        Export the crystalline structure on file filename. 

                String specifying the file path and the file format.
                The format is defined by the file extension. filename="prefix.xsf", for example, 
                will produce a file in XSF format. An *empty* prefix, e.g. ".xsf" makes the code use a temporary file.
               `Visualizer` subclass. By default, this method returns the first available
                visualizer that supports the given file format. If visu is not None, an
                instance of visu is returned. See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of 
                applications and formats supported.

            Instance of :class:`Visualizer`
        if "." not in filename:
            raise ValueError("Cannot detect extension in filename %s: " % filename)

        tokens = filename.strip().split(".")
        ext = tokens[-1]

        if not tokens[0]: 
            # filename == ".ext" ==> Create temporary file.
            import tempfile
            filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="." + ext, text=True)[1]

        with open(filename, mode="w") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf":  
                # xcrysden
                xsf.xsf_write_structure(fh, structures=[self])
                raise Visualizer.Error("extension %s is not supported." % ext)

        if visu is None:
            return Visualizer.from_file(filename)
            return visu(filename)