def create_account_handler(self): ''' Note that the verification goes on in model/ ''' # create the new user; post to db via sqlalchemy new_user = model.User() new_user.username = request.params['username'] new_user.fullname = " ".join( [request.params['first_name'], request.params['last_name']]) new_user.experience = request.params['experience'] new_user._set_password(request.params['password']) = request.params['email'] # These are for citation settings, # initialized to True to make everything in the citation visible by default. new_user.show_journal = True new_user.show_authors = True new_user.show_keywords = True Session.add(new_user) Session.commit() # send out an email greeting_message = """ Hi, %s.\n Thanks for signing up at abstrackr (%s). You should be able to sign up now with username %s (only you know your password). This is just a welcome email to say hello, and that we've got your email. Should you ever need to reset your password, we'll send you instructions to this email. In the meantime, happy screening! -- The Brown EPC. """ % (new_user.fullname, url('/', qualified=True), new_user.username) try: self.send_email_to_user(new_user, "welcome to abstrackr", greeting_message) except: # this almost certainly means we're on our Windows dev box :) pass ### # log this user in programmatically (issue #28) rememberer = request.environ['repoze.who.plugins']['cookie'] identity = {'repoze.who.userid': new_user.username} response.headerlist = response.headerlist + \ rememberer.remember(request.environ, identity) rememberer.remember(request.environ, identity) # if they were originally trying to join a review prior to # registering, then join them now. (issue #8). if 'then_join' in request.params and request.params['then_join'] != '': redirect( url(controller="review", action="join", review_code=request.params['then_join'])) else: redirect(url(controller="account", action="login"))
def _clear_this_user_locks(self, all_assignments): priorities_locked_by_this_user = self._get_all_priorities_locked_by_this_user(all_assignments) for p in priorities_locked_by_this_user: p.is_out = 0 p.locked_by = None Session.add(p) Session.commit()
def create_account_handler(self): ''' Note that the verification goes on in model/ ''' # create the new user; post to db via sqlalchemy new_user = model.User() new_user.username = request.params['username'] new_user.fullname = " ".join([request.params['first_name'], request.params['last_name']]) new_user.experience = request.params['experience'] new_user._set_password(request.params['password']) = request.params['email'] # These are for citation settings, # initialized to True to make everything in the citation visible by default. new_user.show_journal = True new_user.show_authors = True new_user.show_keywords = True Session.add(new_user) Session.commit() # send out an email greeting_message = """ Hi, %s.\n Thanks for signing up at abstrackr (%s). You should be able to sign up now with username %s (only you know your password). This is just a welcome email to say hello, and that we've got your email. Should you ever need to reset your password, we'll send you instructions to this email. In the meantime, happy screening! -- The Brown EPC. """ % (new_user.fullname, url('/', qualified=True), new_user.username) try: self.send_email_to_user(new_user, "welcome to abstrackr", greeting_message) except: # this almost certainly means we're on our Windows dev box :) pass ### # log this user in programmatically (issue #28) rememberer = request.environ['repoze.who.plugins']['cookie'] identity = {'repoze.who.userid': new_user.username} response.headerlist = response.headerlist + \ rememberer.remember(request.environ, identity) rememberer.remember(request.environ, identity) # if they were originally trying to join a review prior to # registering, then join them now. (issue #8). if 'then_join' in request.params and request.params['then_join'] != '': redirect(url(controller="review", action="join", review_code=request.params['then_join'])) else: redirect(url(controller="account", action="login"))
def gen_token_to_reset_pwd(self, user): # generate a random token for the user to reset their password; stick # it in the database make_token = lambda N: ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(N)) reset_pwd_q = Session.query(model.ResetPassword) existing_tokens = [entry.token for entry in reset_pwd_q.all()] token_length=10 cur_token = make_token(token_length) while cur_token in existing_tokens: cur_token = make_code(token_length) reset = model.ResetPassword() reset.token = cur_token reset.user_email = Session.add(reset) Session.commit() return cur_token
def _create_reviews(p_id, iter_size, which_iter): lock_file_path = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), '_delete_lock.lck') if not isfile(lock_file_path): Session.query( model.Citation).filter(model.Citation.project_id != p_id).delete() Session.query( model.Label).filter(model.Label.project_id != p_id).delete() Session.commit() open(lock_file_path, 'w+').close() u_id = 2629 k_init = 400 c_count = len( Session.query(model.Citation).filter_by(project_id=p_id).all()) k_inc = 100 for itercount in range(iter_size * which_iter, iter_size * which_iter + iter_size): ### THIS is the code for one run of the experiment ## labeled citation counter labeled_citation_counter = 0 labels = Session.query(model.Label).filter_by(project_id=p_id).all() user = Session.query(model.User).filter_by(id=u_id).first() citations = Session.query( model.Citation).filter_by(project_id=p_id).all() print len(citations) c_count = len(citations) r_sample = defaultdict(list) sample_indexes = sample(range(c_count), k_init) C_r = [] for ii in sample_indexes: C_r.append(citations[ii]) for cc in C_r: for ll in Session.query(model.Label).filter_by( project_id=p_id).filter_by( r_sample[ll.study_id].append(ll) new_review = model.Project() new_review.leaders.append(user) new_review.initial_round_size = 0 new_review.tag_privacy = True Session.add(new_review) Session.flush() state_dict = defaultdict(int) citation_dict = {} for c in citations: citation = model.Citation() citation.project_id = citation.title = c.title citation.abstract = c.abstract citation.keywords = c.keywords citation.refman = c.refman model.Session.add(citation) Session.flush() citation_dict[] = if in r_sample: labeled_citation_counter += 1 state_dict[] = 1 for t in r_sample[]: label = model.Label() label.project_id = label.study_id = label.label = t.label model.Session.add(label) print Session.commit() ## i is a counter for the current increment i = 0 while True: ## we want to change the increment size if there are a certain number of citations is labeled #if labeled_citation_counter > 15000: # k_inc = 2000 #elif labeled_citation_counter > 5000: # k_inc = 1000 #else: # k_inc = 500 r_sample = defaultdict(list) print "EXPERIMENT NO: " + str(itercount) make_predictions( ######################## here's where I record the results preds_for_review = Session.query(model.Prediction).filter( model.Prediction.project_id == path_to_preds_out = os.path.join( "_exports", "predictions_%d_%d_of_%d.csv" % (p_id, i, itercount)) with open(path_to_preds_out, 'w+') as fout: csv_out = csv.writer(fout) preds_file_headers = [ "citation_id", "refman", "title", "predicted p of being relevant", "'hard' screening prediction*", "state" ] csv_out.writerow(preds_file_headers) sorted_preds = sorted(preds_for_review, key=lambda x: x.predicted_probability, reverse=True) for pred in sorted_preds: citation = Session.query(model.Citation).filter( == pred.study_id).first() #citation = self._get_citation_from_id(pred.study_id) citation_title = citation.title.encode('ascii', 'ignore') row_str = [, citation.refman, citation_title, pred.predicted_probability, pred.prediction, state_dict[] ] csv_out.writerow(row_str) ######################### --------------------------- i += 1 if labeled_citation_counter >= c_count: break P_a = [] for pa in Session.query(model.Prediction).filter_by( model.Prediction.predicted_probability.desc()).all(): if state_dict[pa.study_id] == 0: P_a.append(pa) if len(P_a) == k_inc: break if len(P_a) == 0: print "~~~NO PREDS!!!" ccc = [ label for label in Session.query( ~model.Citation.labels.any()).limit(k_inc) ] print len(ccc) for cc in ccc: labeled_citation_counter += 1 state_dict[] = 1 for ll in Session.query(model.Label).filter_by( study_id=citation_dict[]).all(): label = model.Label() label.project_id = label.study_id = label.label = ll.label model.Session.add(label) else: for pp in P_a: labeled_citation_counter += 1 state_dict[pp.study_id] = 2 for ll in Session.query( model.Label).filter_by(project_id=p_id).filter_by( study_id=citation_dict[pp.study_id]).all(): label = model.Label() label.project_id = label.study_id = pp.study_id label.label = ll.label model.Session.add(label) Session.commit() print len( Session.query( model.Label).filter_by( return
def _set_assignment_done_status(self, all_assignments): for a in all_assignments: b_assignment_done = controller_globals._check_assignment_done(a) a.done = b_assignment_done Session.add(a) Session.commit()
found = 0 not_found = 0 with open(FILE_PATH, 'r') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t') for row in reader: #print(row['id'], row['title'], row['abstract']) citation = citations_q.filter_by(title=row['title'], project_id=PROJECT_ID).first() if not citation: print('could not find title matching with %s' % row['title']) not_found += 1 else: found += 1 citation.refman = row['id'] Session.add(citation) Session.commit() print("found %s" % found) print("not found %s" % not_found) ############################################################################################## ### This was for getting PMID's from the titles #citations_q = Session.query(model.Citation) #citations = citations_q.filter(model.Citation.pmid == 0).all() # #print(len(citations)) # #for c in citations: # id =