Пример #1
def request_to_borrow(lenderID, itemCopyID):
	emailText = []
	emailText.append("You have received the following message from " + current_user().name + ", a Sharing Commons user.\n----\n\n")
	emailText.append("\n\n----\nReply to this message to send an email to " + current_user().name + " and set up the exchange. Once you've lent the item, visit beta.sharingcommons.com to confirm lending the item. "  + current_user().name + " will receive an email when the item is due")
	emailBody = ''.join(emailText)
	# Request item
		borrower = current_user()
		lender = UserAccount.getuser(int(lenderID))
		itemCopy = ItemCopy.get_by_id(int(itemCopyID))
		rtb1 = RequestToBorrow()
		rtb1.useraccount = lender.key
		rtb1.connection = borrower.key
		rtb1.item = itemCopy.key
		wtb1 = WaitingToBorrow()
		wtb1.useraccount = borrower.key
		wtb1.connection = lender.key
		wtb1.item = itemCopy.key
		return jsonify({"result":"error"})
	# Send email
	mail.send_mail(sender="Sharing Commons <*****@*****.**>",
			to=lender.name + " <" + lender.email + ">",
			reply_to=borrower.name + " <" + borrower.email + ">",
			subject='Sharing Commons: Request to Borrow "' + Item.query(Item.key == itemCopy.item).get().title + '"',
	return jsonify({"result":"success"})
Пример #2
def simple_add_connection(otherUserID):
	cur_user = current_user()
	otherUser = UserAccount.getuser(int(otherUserID))
	if cur_user.add_connection(otherUser):
		return jsonify({"Message":"Connection successfully created"})
		return jsonify({"Message":"Connection already existed"})
Пример #3
def searchbooks():
	booklist = {}
	searchterm = request.args.get('value')
	attr = request.args.get('refineSearch')
	if attr == "all":
		attr = None
	if searchterm is None:
		searchterm = ""
		searchterm = searchterm.lstrip()
	if searchterm is None or searchterm == "":
		cur_user = current_user()
		if not cur_user.is_authenticated():
			#Assume no books in library or network, return results only
			booklist = Book.search_books_by_attribute(searchterm,attr)
			for book in booklist:
				booklist[book] = booklist[book].to_dict()
				#Assume not in booklist or networkbooklist
				booklist[book]["inLibrary"] = "False"
				booklist[book]["inNetwork"] = "False"
			user = current_user()
			#Create a dictionary of the user's books
			mybooklist = {}
			for copy in user.get_library():
				mybooklist[copy.OLKey] = copy
			#Create a dictionary of the books in my network
			networkbooklist = {}
			string = ""
			for connection in user.get_connections():
				u = UserAccount.getuser(connection.id())
				for copy in u.get_library():
					networkbooklist[copy.OLKey] = copy

			booklist = Book.search_books_by_attribute(searchterm,attr)
			for book in booklist:
				booklist[book] = booklist[book].to_dict()
				booklist[book]["escapedtitle"] = re.escape(booklist[book]["title"])
				if booklist[book]['OLKey'] in mybooklist:
					booklist[book]["inLibrary"] = "True"
					booklist[book]["inLibrary"] = "False"
				if booklist[book]['OLKey'] in networkbooklist:
					booklist[book]["inNetwork"] = "True"
					booklist[book]["inNetwork"] = "False"
	return render_response('searchbooks.html', books=booklist, search=searchterm, attribute=attr)
Пример #4
def discover():
	user = current_user()
	booklist = []
	string = ""
	for connection in user.get_connections():
		u = UserAccount.getuser(connection.id())
		for copy in u.get_library():
			book = Book.query(Book.key == copy.book).get()
	#Sort booklist alphabetically, with title as the primary sort key and author as secondary
	booklist.sort(key=lambda book: book.author.lower())
	booklist.sort(key=lambda book: book.title.lower())
	return render_response('discover.html',books=booklist)
Пример #5
def manage_connections(otherUserID = None):
	cur_user = current_user()

	if request.method == 'GET':
		connections = cur_user.get_all_connections()
		users = []
		result = "you have " + str(len(connections)) + " connections"
		for connection in connections:
			result += "<br>" + connection.name
			user = dict()
			user["name"] = connection.name
			user["email"] = connection.email
			#user["username"] = connection.username
			user["id"] = connection.get_id()
		return jsonify({"connectedUsers":users})
	elif request.method == 'POST':
		cur_user = current_user()
		otherUser = UserAccount.getuser(int(otherUserID))
		result = cur_user.send_invite(otherUser)
		if(result == 0):
			return jsonify({"Message":"Invitation successfully sent"})
		elif(result == 1):
			return jsonify({"Message":"Connection already existed"})
		elif(result == 2):
			return jsonify({"Message":"Cannot create a connection with yourself"})
	elif request.method == 'DELETE':
		cur_user = current_user()
		otherUser = UserAccount.getuser(int(otherUserID))
		if cur_user.remove_connection(otherUser):
			return jsonify({"Message":"Connection successfully deleted"})
			return jsonify({"Message":"Connection didn't existed"})
		#this should never be reached
		return jsonify({"Message":"Error: http request was invalid"})
Пример #6
def setup_item_borrow_actions(lenderID, itemCopyID):
	borrower = current_user()
	lender = UserAccount.getuser(int(lenderID))
	itemCopy = ItemCopy.get_by_id(int(itemCopyID))
	rtb1 = RequestToBorrow()
	rtb1.useraccount = lender.key
	rtb1.connection = borrower.key
	rtb1.item = itemCopy.key
	wtb1 = WaitingToBorrow()
	wtb1.useraccount = borrower.key
	wtb1.connection = lender.key
	wtb1.item = itemCopy.key
	return jsonify({"Message":"OK"})
Пример #7
def search_network(item_key):
	user = current_user()

	networkuserlist = {}
	for connection in user.get_connections():
		u = UserAccount.getuser(connection.id())
		for copy in u.get_library():
			if Item.query(Item.key == copy.item).get().item_key == item_key:
				user = {}
				user["username"] = u.name
				user["itemCopyID"] = copy.key.id()
				if copy.borrower == None:
					user["available"] = "True"
					user["available"] = "False"
				networkuserlist[u.get_id()] = user

	return jsonify(networkuserlist)
Пример #8
def discover():
	# Start by creating a list of items (as dicts) within the user's library
	# This is necessary prep to be able to show that the item is in the user's library
	librarylist = {}
	useraccount = current_user()
	for copy in useraccount.get_library():
		item = Item.query(Item.key == copy.item).get().to_dict()
		item["item_subtype"] = copy.item_subtype
		item["escapedtitle"] = re.escape(item["title"])
		librarylist[(item["item_key"],item["item_subtype"])] = item
	# Create a list of all items (as dicts) in the user's network
	user = current_user()
	itemlist = []
	for connection in user.get_connections():
		u = UserAccount.getuser(connection.id())
		for copy in u.get_library():
			item = Item.query(Item.key == copy.item).get().to_dict()
			item["item_subtype"] = copy.item_subtype
			item["escapedtitle"] = re.escape(item["title"])
			if copy.borrower is None:
				item["available"] = True
				item["available"] = False
			# Check to see if book is in the user's library
			item["inLibrary"] = []
			for item_subtype in ['book', 'ebook', 'audiobook']:
				if (item["item_key"],item_subtype) in librarylist:
	# Sort itemlist alphabetically, with title as the primary sort key,
	# author as secondary, and item_subtype as tertiary
	itemlist.sort(key=lambda item: item["item_subtype"])
	itemlist.sort(key=lambda item: item["title"].lower())
	#Remove duplicate books (dictionaries) from itemlist (list)
	dedupeditemlist = []
	for item in itemlist:
		if item not in dedupeditemlist:
	return render_response('discover.html',itemlist=dedupeditemlist)
Пример #9
def see_who_in_network_has_book(OLKey):
	user = current_user()

	networkuserlist = {}
	string = ""
	for connection in user.get_connections():
		u = UserAccount.getuser(connection.id())
		for copy in u.get_library():
			if copy.OLKey == OLKey:
				user = {}
				user["username"] = u.name
				user["bookCopyID"] = copy.key.id()
				if copy.borrower == None:
					user["available"] = "True"
					user["available"] = "False"
				networkuserlist[u.get_id()] = user

	return jsonify(networkuserlist)
Пример #10
def load_user(id):
    return UserAccount.getuser(int(id))
Пример #11
def search():
	itemlist = {}
	item_type = request.args.get('item_type')
	subtype_book = request.args.get('subtype_book')
	subtype_ebook = request.args.get('subtype_ebook')
	subtype_audiobook = request.args.get('subtype_audiobook')
	subtype_dvd = request.args.get('subtype_dvd')
	subtype_bluray = request.args.get('subtype_bluray')
	user_email = request.args.get('user_email')
	searchterm = request.args.get('query')
	attr = request.args.get('refineSearch')
	src = request.args.get('src')
	# If searching for a user, redirect to profile
	if user_email:
		profile_user = UserAccount.query(UserAccount.email==searchterm).get()
		if not profile_user:
			return redirect(url_for("invalid_profile"))
			if profile_user.custom_url:
				return redirect('/user/' + profile_user.custom_url)
				return redirect('/user/' + str(profile_user.get_id()))
	subtype_specified = "true" # Used in javascript to determine whether out-of-network cookie should be respected or not
	if item_type is None and subtype_book is None and subtype_ebook is None and subtype_audiobook is None and subtype_dvd is None and subtype_bluray is None:
		#Nothing was specified, so act as if they searched books
		item_type = "book"
	if subtype_book or subtype_ebook or subtype_audiobook or subtype_dvd or subtype_bluray:
		# If subtype is included, item_type may not be, so it must be added
		if subtype_book or subtype_ebook or subtype_audiobook:
			item_type = "book"
		if subtype_dvd or subtype_bluray:
			item_type = "movie"
		# None are included, so only item_type is being pass; set all subtypes to true
		if item_type == "book":
			subtype_specified = "false"
			subtype_book = "true"
			subtype_ebook = "true"
			subtype_audiobook = "true"
		elif item_type == "movie":
			subtype_specified = "false"
			subtype_dvd = "true"
			subtype_bluray = "true"
	if attr == "all":
		attr = None
	if searchterm is None:
		searchterm = ""
		searchterm = searchterm.lstrip()
	if searchterm is None or searchterm == "":
		cur_user = current_user()
		if not cur_user.is_authenticated():
			#Assume no books in library or network, return results only
			itemlist = Item.search_by_attribute(item_type,searchterm,attr)
			for item in itemlist:
				item["inLibrary"] = []
				item["inNetwork"] = []
			user = current_user()
			#Create a dictionary of the user's items
			librarylist = {}
			for copy in user.get_library():
				copyItemKey = Item.query(Item.key == copy.item).get().item_key
				copyItemSubtype = copy.item_subtype
				librarylist[(copyItemKey,copyItemSubtype)] = copy.to_dict()
			#Create a dictionary of the items in the user's network
			#The dict, networkitemlist, includes each ItemCopy object, with it's associated item_key.
			networkitemlist = {}
			for connection in user.get_connections():
				u = UserAccount.getuser(connection.id())
				for copy in u.get_library():
					copyItemKey = Item.query(Item.key == copy.item).get().item_key
					copyItemSubtype = copy.item_subtype
					networkitemlist[(copyItemKey,copyItemSubtype)] = copy.to_dict()

			itemlist = Item.search_by_attribute(item_type,searchterm,attr)
			for item in itemlist:
				item["escapedtitle"] = re.escape(item["title"])
				# Check for copies in library and in network, 
				# return "inLibrary" list with all item types in Library
				# return "inNetwork" list with all item types in Library
				item["inLibrary"] = []
				item["inNetwork"] = []
				for item_subtype in ['book', 'ebook', 'audiobook', 'dvd', 'bluray']:
					if (item["item_key"],item_subtype) in librarylist:
					if (item["item_key"],item_subtype) in networkitemlist:
	return render_response('search.html', itemlist=itemlist, search=searchterm, attribute=attr, include_type=item_type, subtype_book=subtype_book, subtype_ebook=subtype_ebook, subtype_audiobook=subtype_audiobook, subtype_specified=subtype_specified, src=src)