Пример #1
    def test_pos(self):
        tz = dateutil.tz.gettz('Etc/GMT+1')
        dt = datetime.now(tz)
        sn = _keylib.packs(dt)
        sp = keylib.packs(dt)
        eq(sn, sp)

        dn = _keylib.unpacks(sn)
        dp = keylib.unpacks(sp)
        eq(dn, dp)
Пример #2
    def test_pos(self):
        tz = dateutil.tz.gettz('Etc/GMT+1')
        dt = datetime.now(tz)
        sn = _keylib.packs('', dt)
        sp = keylib.packs('', dt)
        eq(sn, sp)

        dn = _keylib.unpacks('', sn)
        dp = keylib.unpacks('', sp)
        eq(dn, dp)
Пример #3
    def test_utc(self):
        tz = dateutil.tz.gettz('Etc/UTC')
        dt = datetime.now(tz)
        sn = _keylib.packs(dt)
        sp = keylib.packs(dt)
        eq(sn, sp)

        dn = _keylib.unpacks(sn)
        dp = keylib.unpacks(sp)
        eq(dn, dp)
Пример #4
    def _logical_iter(self, it, reverse, prefix_s, prefix):
        """Generator that wraps a database engine iterator to yield logical
        records. For compressed records, each physical record may contain
        multiple physical records. This job's function is to make the
        distinction invisible to reads."""
        #   * When iterating forward, if first yielded key lacks collection
        #     prefix, result of iteration is empty.
        #   * When iterating reverse, if first yielded key lacks collection
        #     prefix, discard, then behave as forward.
        #   * Records are discarded in the direction of iteration until
        #     startpred() or not self.prefix.
        #   * Records are yielded following startpred() until not endpred() or
        #     not self.prefix.
        prefix = prefix or ()
        tup = next(it, None)
        if tup and tup[0][:len(prefix_s)] == prefix_s:
            it = itertools.chain((tup,), it)
        for key, value in it:
            keys = keylib.unpacks(prefix_s, key)
            if not keys:

            lenk = len(keys)
            if lenk == 1:
                key = keylib.Key(*(prefix + keys[0]))
                yield False, key, self._decompress(value)
            else: # Batch record.
                offsets, dstart = decode_offsets(value)
                data = self._decompress(buffer(value, dstart))
                if reverse:
                    stop = -1
                    step = -1
                    i = lenk
                    stop = lenk
                    step = 1
                    i = 0
                while i != stop:
                    key = keys[-1 - i]
                    offs = offsets[i]
                    size = offsets[i+1] - offs
                    key = keylib.Key(*(prefix + key))
                    yield True, key, buffer(data, offs, size)
                    i += step
Пример #5
 def _dec(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return keylib.unpacks('', *args, **kwargs)
Пример #6
 def test3(self):
     t = [('index:Item:first_last', 11, 'item')]
     p = keylib.packs('', t)
     eq(keylib.unpacks('', p), t)
Пример #7
 def test2(self):
     t = [('index:I', 11, 'item')]
     p = keylib.packs('', t)
     eq(keylib.unpacks('', p), t)
Пример #8
 def test1(self):
     t = [('', 11, 'item')]
     p = keylib.packs('', t)
     eq(keylib.unpacks('', p), t)
Пример #9
 def test_single(self):
     for val in self.SINGLE_VALS:
         encoded = keylib.packs('', (val,))
         decoded = keylib.unpacks('', encoded)
         eq([(val,)], decoded, 'input was %r' % (val,))
Пример #10
 def test_list(self):
     lst = [(1,), (2,)]
     eq(lst, keylib.unpacks(keylib.packs(lst)))
Пример #11
 def test_single(self):
     for val in self.SINGLE_VALS:
         encoded = keylib.packs((val,))
         decoded = keylib.unpacks(encoded)
         eq([(val,)], decoded, 'input was %r' % (val,))
Пример #12
 def test_counter(self):
     s = keylib.packs(('dave', 1))
     eq([('dave', 1)], keylib.unpacks(s))
Пример #13
 def test1(self):
     s = keylib.packs((1, 2, 3, 4))
     assert keylib.unpacks(s, s) == _keylib.unpacks(s, s)
Пример #14
 def test3(self):
     t = [('index:Item:first_last', 11, 'item')]
     p = keylib.packs(t)
     eq(keylib.unpacks(p), t)
Пример #15
 def test2(self):
     t = [('index:I', 11, 'item')]
     p = keylib.packs(t)
     eq(keylib.unpacks(p), t)
Пример #16
 def test1(self):
     t = [('', 11, 'item')]
     p = keylib.packs(t)
     eq(keylib.unpacks(p), t)