def __init__(self, tstart, tstop, msids, recent_source="maude", filter_bad=False, stat='5min', user=None, password=None, get_states=True, state_keys=None): msids = ensure_list(msids) tstart = get_time(tstart, fmt='secs') tstop = get_time(tstop, fmt='secs') tmid = 1.0e99 for msid in msids: tm = fetch.get_time_range(msid, format="secs")[-1] tmid = min(tmid, tm) tmid = get_time(tmid, fmt='secs') if tmid < tstop: msids1 = MSIDs.from_database(msids, tstart, tstop=tmid, filter_bad=filter_bad, stat=stat) if recent_source == "maude": msids2 = MSIDs.from_maude(msids, tmid, tstop=tstop, user=user, password=password) elif recent_source == "tracelog": msids2 = _parse_tracelogs(tmid, tstop, ["/data/acis/eng_plots/", "/data/acis/eng_plots/"], None) msids = ConcatenatedMSIDs(msids1, msids2) else: msids = MSIDs.from_database(msids, tstart, tstop=tstop, filter_bad=filter_bad, stat=stat) if get_states: states = States.from_kadi_states(tstart, tstop, state_keys=state_keys) else: states = EmptyTimeSeries() model = EmptyTimeSeries() super(TelemData, self).__init__(msids, states, model)
def from_states_file(cls, name, states_file, T_init, dt=328.0, model_spec=None, mask_bad_times=False, ephem_file=None, get_msids=True, no_eclipse=False): """ Run a xija thermal model using a states.dat file. Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the model to simulate. Can be "dea", "dpa", "psmc", or "fep1mong". states_file : string A file containing commanded states, in the same format as "states.dat" which is outputted by ACIS thermal model runs for loads. T_init : float The starting temperature for the model in degrees C. model_spec : string, optional Path to the model spec JSON file for the model. Default: None, the standard model path will be used. mask_bad_times : boolean, optional If set, bad times from the data are included in the array masks and plots. Default: False """ states = States.from_load_file(states_file) tstart = get_time(states['tstart'].value[0]) tstop = get_time(states['tstop'].value[-1]) return cls(name, tstart, tstop, states=states, T_init=T_init, dt=dt, model_spec=model_spec, mask_bad_times=mask_bad_times, ephem_file=ephem_file, get_msids=get_msids, no_eclipse=no_eclipse)
def from_database(cls, name, tstart, tstop, T_init, server=None, get_msids=True, dt=328.0, model_spec=None, mask_bad_times=False, ephem_file=None, no_eclipse=False, compute_model=None): states = States.from_database(tstart, tstop, server=server) return cls(name, tstart, tstop, states=states, T_init=T_init, dt=dt, model_spec=model_spec, mask_bad_times=mask_bad_times, ephem_file=ephem_file, get_msids=get_msids, no_eclipse=no_eclipse, compute_model=compute_model)
def from_kadi(cls, name, tstart, tstop, T_init, get_msids=True, dt=328.0, model_spec=None, mask_bad_times=False, ephem_file=None, no_eclipse=False, compute_model=None): tstart = get_time(tstart) tstop = get_time(tstop) states = States.from_kadi_states(tstart, tstop) return cls(name, tstart, tstop, states=states, T_init=T_init, dt=dt, model_spec=model_spec, mask_bad_times=mask_bad_times, ephem_file=ephem_file, get_msids=get_msids, no_eclipse=no_eclipse, compute_model=compute_model)
def __init__(self, load, comps=None, get_msids=False, tl_file=None, states_comp="DPA"): if comps is None: comps = ["1deamzt", "1dpamzt", "1pdeaat", "fptemp_11", "tmp_fep1_mong", "tmp_fep1_actel", "tmp_bep_pcb"] comps = ensure_list(comps) model = Model.from_load_page(load, comps) states = States.from_load_page(load, comp=states_comp) if get_msids: msids = self._get_msids(model, comps, tl_file) else: msids = EmptyTimeSeries() super(ThermalModelFromLoad, self).__init__(msids, states, model)
def __init__(self, filenames, tbegin=None, tend=None, other_msids=None, get_states=True, state_keys=None): msids = _parse_tracelogs(tbegin, tend, filenames, other_msids) tmin = 1.0e55 tmax = -1.0e55 for v in msids.values(): tmin = min(v.times[0].value, tmin) tmax = max(v.times[-1].value, tmax) if get_states: states = States.from_kadi_states(tmin, tmax, state_keys=state_keys) else: states = EmptyTimeSeries() model = EmptyTimeSeries() super(TracelogData, self).__init__(msids, states, model)
def __init__(self, tstart, tstop, msids, get_states=True, filter_bad=False, stat='5min', state_keys=None, interpolate=None, interpolate_times=None): tstart = get_time(tstart) tstop = get_time(tstop) msids = MSIDs.from_database(msids, tstart, tstop=tstop, filter_bad=filter_bad, stat=stat, interpolate=interpolate, interpolate_times=interpolate_times) if get_states: states = States.from_kadi_states(tstart, tstop, state_keys=state_keys) else: states = EmptyTimeSeries() model = EmptyTimeSeries() super(EngArchiveData, self).__init__(msids, states, model)
def __init__(self, tstart, tstop, msids, get_states=True, user=None, password=None, other_msids=None, state_keys=None): tstart = get_time(tstart) tstop = get_time(tstop) msids = MSIDs.from_maude(msids, tstart, tstop=tstop, user=user, password=password) if other_msids is not None: msids2 = MSIDs.from_database(other_msids, tstart, tstop) msids = CombinedMSIDs([msids, msids2]) if get_states: states = States.from_kadi_states(tstart, tstop, state_keys=state_keys) else: states = EmptyTimeSeries() model = EmptyTimeSeries() super(MaudeData, self).__init__(msids, states, model)
def from_hdf5(cls, filename): import h5py f = h5py.File(filename, "r") if "msids" in f: msids = MSIDs.from_hdf5(f["msids"]) else: msids = EmptyTimeSeries() if "states" in f: states = States.from_hdf5(f["states"]) else: states = EmptyTimeSeries() if "model" in f: model = Model.from_hdf5(f["model"]) else: model = EmptyTimeSeries() f.close() return cls(msids, states, model)
def __init__(self, loc, get_msids=False, tl_file=None): temp_file = os.path.join(loc, "temperatures.dat") state_file = os.path.join(loc, "states.dat") esa_file = os.path.join(loc, "earth_solid_angle.dat") if not os.path.exists(state_file): state_file = None if not os.path.exists(esa_file): esa_file = None model = Model.from_load_file(temp_file, esa_file=esa_file) comps = list(model.keys()) if state_file is not None: states = States.from_load_file(state_file) else: states = EmptyTimeSeries() if get_msids: msids = self._get_msids(model, comps, tl_file) else: msids = EmptyTimeSeries() super(ThermalModelFromRun, self).__init__(msids, states, model)
def __init__(self, name, tstart, hours, T_init, pitch, ccd_count, vehicle_load=None, simpos=-99616.0, off_nom_roll=0.0, dh_heater=0, fep_count=None, clocking=1, q=None, instrument=None, model_spec=None, no_limit=False, no_earth_heat=False): if name in short_name_rev: name = short_name_rev[name] if name == "fptemp_11" and instrument is None: raise RuntimeError("Must specify either 'ACIS-I' or 'ACIS-S' in " "'instrument' if you want to test a focal plane " "temperature prediction!") if fep_count is None: fep_count = ccd_count if q is None and name == "fptemp_11": raise RuntimeError("Please supply an attitude quaternion for the focal plane model!") self.vehicle_load = vehicle_load self.no_limit = no_limit tstart = get_time(tstart) datestart = tstart tstart = DateTime(tstart).secs tstop = tstart+hours*3600.0+10012.0 datestop = secs2date(tstop) tend = tstop+0.5*(tstop-tstart) dateend = secs2date(tend) self.datestart = datestart self.datestop = datestop self.hours = hours self.tstart = Quantity(tstart, "s") self.tstop = Quantity(tstop, "s") self.dateend = dateend self.T_init = Quantity(T_init, "deg_C") self.instrument = instrument self.no_earth_heat = no_earth_heat if vehicle_load is None: states = {"ccd_count": np.array([ccd_count], dtype='int'), "fep_count": np.array([fep_count], dtype='int'), "clocking": np.array([clocking], dtype='int'), 'vid_board': np.array([ccd_count > 0], dtype='int'), "pitch": np.array([pitch]), "simpos": np.array([simpos]), "datestart": np.array([self.datestart]), "datestop": np.array([self.dateend]), "tstart": np.array([self.tstart.value]), "tstop": np.array([tend]), "hetg": np.array(["RETR"]), "letg": np.array(["RETR"]), "off_nom_roll": np.array([off_nom_roll]), "dh_heater": np.array([dh_heater], dtype='int')} # For the focal plane model we need a quaternion. if name == "fptemp_11": for i in range(4): states["q%d" % (i+1)] = np.array([q[i]]) else:"Modeling a %d-chip observation concurrent with " % ccd_count + "the %s vehicle loads." % vehicle_load) states = dict((k, state.value) for (k, state) in States.from_load_page(vehicle_load).table.items()) ecs_run_idxs = states["tstart"] < tstop states["ccd_count"][ecs_run_idxs] = ccd_count states["fep_count"][ecs_run_idxs] = fep_count states["clocking"][ecs_run_idxs] = clocking states["vid_board"][ecs_run_idxs] = ccd_count > 0 super(SimulateSingleObs, self).__init__(name, datestart, dateend, states, T_init, model_spec=model_spec, get_msids=False, no_eclipse=True)"Run Parameters")"--------------")"Start Datestring: %s" % datestart)"Length of ECS run in hours: %s" % hours)"Stop Datestring: %s" % datestop)"Initial Temperature: %g degrees C" % T_init)"CCD Count: %d" % ccd_count)"FEP Count: %d" % fep_count) if vehicle_load is None: disp_pitch = pitch disp_roll = off_nom_roll else: pitches = states["pitch"][ecs_run_idxs] rolls = states["off_nom_roll"][ecs_run_idxs] disp_pitch = "Min: %g, Max: %g" % (pitches.min(), pitches.max()) disp_roll = "Min: %g, Max: %g" % (rolls.min(), rolls.max())"Pitch: %s" % disp_pitch)"SIM Position: %g" % simpos)"Off-nominal Roll: %s" % disp_roll)"Detector Housing Heater: %s" % {0: "OFF", 1: "ON"}[dh_heater])"Model Result")"------------") if == "fptemp_11": limit = limits[][instrument] margin = 0.0 else: limit = limits[] margin = margins[] if in low_limits: self.low_limit = Quantity(low_limits[], "deg_C") else: self.low_limit = None self.limit = Quantity(limit, "deg_C") self.margin = Quantity(margin, 'deg_C') self.limit_time = None self.limit_date = None self.duration = None self.violate = False if self.no_limit: return viols = self.mvals.value > self.limit.value if np.any(viols): idx = np.where(viols)[0][0] self.limit_time = self.times('model',[idx] self.limit_date = secs2date(self.limit_time) self.duration = Quantity((self.limit_time.value-tstart)*0.001, "ks") msg = "The limit of %g degrees C will be reached at %s, " % (self.limit.value, self.limit_date) msg += "after %g ksec." % self.duration.value if self.limit_time < self.tstop: self.violate = True viol_time = "before" else: self.violate = False viol_time = "after""The limit is reached %s the end of the observation." % viol_time) else:"The limit of %g degrees C is never reached." % self.limit.value) if self.violate: mylog.warning("This observation is NOT safe from a thermal perspective.") else:"This observation is safe from a thermal perspective.")
def __init__(self, name, tstart, tstop, states=None, T_init=None, get_msids=True, dt=328.0, model_spec=None, mask_bad_times=False, ephem_file=None, evolve_method=None, rk4=None, tl_file=None, no_eclipse=False, compute_model=None): = name.lower() self.sname = short_name[name] if self.sname in short_name_rev: self.model_check = importlib.import_module(f"{self.sname}_check") else: self.model_check = None self.model_spec = find_json(name, model_spec) self.ephem_file = ephem_file tstart = get_time(tstart) tstop = get_time(tstop) tstart_secs = DateTime(tstart).secs self.no_earth_heat = getattr(self, "no_earth_heat", False) if states is not None: if isinstance(states, States): states_obj = states states = states.as_array() else: if "tstart" not in states: states["tstart"] = DateTime(states["datestart"]).secs if "tstop" not in states: states["tstop"] = DateTime(states["datestop"]).secs num_states = states["tstart"].size if "letg" not in states: states["letg"] = np.array(["RETR"]*num_states) if "hetg" not in states: states["hetg"] = np.array(["RETR"]*num_states) states_obj = States(states) else: states_obj = EmptyTimeSeries() if T_init is None: T_init = fetch.MSID(, tstart_secs-700., tstart_secs+700.).vals.mean() if compute_model is not None: self.xija_model = compute_model(, tstart, tstop, states, dt, T_init, model_spec, evolve_method, rk4) elif in short_name and states is not None: self.xija_model = self._compute_acis_model(, tstart, tstop, states, dt, T_init, rk4=rk4, no_eclipse=no_eclipse, evolve_method=evolve_method) else: self.xija_model = self._compute_model(name, tstart, tstop, dt, T_init, evolve_method=evolve_method, rk4=rk4) self.bad_times = getattr(self.xija_model, "bad_times", None) self.bad_times_indices = getattr(self.xija_model, "bad_times_indices", None) if isinstance(states, dict): states.pop("dh_heater", None) components = [] if 'dpa_power' in self.xija_model.comp: components.append('dpa_power') if 'earthheat__fptemp' in self.xija_model.comp: components.append('earthheat__fptemp') if states is None: components += ["pitch", "roll", "fep_count", "vid_board", "clocking", "ccd_count", "sim_z"] masks = {} if mask_bad_times and self.bad_times is not None: masks[] = np.ones(self.xija_model.times.shape, dtype='bool') for (left, right) in self.bad_times_indices: masks[][left:right] = False model_obj = Model.from_xija(self.xija_model, components, masks=masks) if get_msids: msids_obj = self._get_msids(model_obj, [], tl_file) else: msids_obj = EmptyTimeSeries() super(ThermalModelRunner, self).__init__(msids_obj, states_obj, model_obj)