Пример #1
    def internal_cancel_callback(self, goal_id):
        with self.lock:

            # if we're not started... then we're not actually going to do anything
            if not self.started:

            # we need to handle a cancel for the user
                "The action server has received a new cancel request")

            goal_id_found = False
            for st in self.status_list[:]:
                # check if the goal id is zero or if it is equal to the goal id of
                # the iterator or if the time of the iterator warrants a cancel

                cancel_everything = (
                    goal_id.id == "" and goal_id.stamp == rospy.Time()
                )  # rospy::Time()) #id and stamp 0 --> cancel everything
                cancel_this_one = (goal_id.id == st.status.goal_id.id
                                   )  # ids match... cancel that goal
                cancel_before_stamp = (
                    goal_id.stamp != rospy.Time()
                    and st.status.goal_id.stamp <= goal_id.stamp
                )  # //stamp != 0 --> cancel everything before stamp

                if cancel_everything or cancel_this_one or cancel_before_stamp:
                    # we need to check if we need to store this cancel request for later
                    if goal_id.id == st.status.goal_id.id:
                        goal_id_found = True

                    # attempt to get the handle_tracker for the list item if it exists
                    handle_tracker = st.handle_tracker

                    if handle_tracker is None:
                        # if the handle tracker is expired, then we need to create a new one
                        handle_tracker = HandleTrackerDeleter(self, st)
                        st.handle_tracker = handle_tracker

                        # we also need to reset the time that the status is supposed to be removed from the list
                        st.handle_destruction_time = rospy.Time.now()

                    # set the status of the goal to PREEMPTING or RECALLING as approriate
                    # and check if the request should be passed on to the user
                    gh = ServerGoalHandle(st, self, handle_tracker)
                    if gh.set_cancel_requested():
                        # call the user's cancel callback on the relevant goal

            # if the requested goal_id was not found, and it is non-zero, then we need to store the cancel request
            if goal_id.id != "" and not goal_id_found:
                tracker = StatusTracker(
                    goal_id, actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.RECALLING)
                # start the timer for how long the status will live in the list without a goal handle to it
                tracker.handle_destruction_time = rospy.Time.now()

            # make sure to set last_cancel_ based on the stamp associated with this cancel request
            if goal_id.stamp > self.last_cancel:
                self.last_cancel = goal_id.stamp
Пример #2
    def internal_cancel_callback(self, goal_id):
          with self.lock:

              #if we're not started... then we're not actually going to do anything
              if not self.started:

              #we need to handle a cancel for the user
              rospy.logdebug("The action server has received a new cancel request");

              goal_id_found = False;
              for st in self.status_list[:]:
                  #check if the goal id is zero or if it is equal to the goal id of
                  #the iterator or if the time of the iterator warrants a cancel

                  cancel_everything = (goal_id.id == "" and goal_id.stamp == rospy.Time() )   #rospy::Time()) #id and stamp 0 --> cancel everything
                  cancel_this_one = ( goal_id.id == st.status.goal_id.id)   #ids match... cancel that goal
                  cancel_before_stamp = (goal_id.stamp != rospy.Time() and st.status.goal_id.stamp <= goal_id.stamp)  #//stamp != 0 --> cancel everything before stamp

                  if cancel_everything or cancel_this_one or cancel_before_stamp:
                      #we need to check if we need to store this cancel request for later
                      if goal_id.id == st.status.goal_id.id:
                          goal_id_found = True;

                      #attempt to get the handle_tracker for the list item if it exists
                      handle_tracker = st.handle_tracker;

                      if handle_tracker is None:
                          #if the handle tracker is expired, then we need to create a new one
                          handle_tracker = HandleTrackerDeleter(self, st);
                          st.handle_tracker = handle_tracker;

                          #we also need to reset the time that the status is supposed to be removed from the list
                          st.handle_destruction_time = rospy.Time.now()

                      #set the status of the goal to PREEMPTING or RECALLING as approriate
                      #and check if the request should be passed on to the user
                      gh = ServerGoalHandle(st, self, handle_tracker);
                      if gh.set_cancel_requested():
                          #call the user's cancel callback on the relevant goal

              #if the requested goal_id was not found, and it is non-zero, then we need to store the cancel request
              if goal_id.id != "" and not goal_id_found:
                  tracker= StatusTracker(goal_id, actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.RECALLING);
                  #start the timer for how long the status will live in the list without a goal handle to it
                  tracker.handle_destruction_time = rospy.Time.now()

              #make sure to set last_cancel_ based on the stamp associated with this cancel request
              if goal_id.stamp > self.last_cancel:
                  self.last_cancel = goal_id.stamp;
Пример #3
    def internal_goal_callback(self, goal):
        with self.lock:
            # if we're not started... then we're not actually going to do anything
            if not self.started:

            rospy.logdebug("The action server has received a new goal request")

            # we need to check if this goal already lives in the status list
            for st in self.status_list[:]:
                if goal.goal_id.id == st.status.goal_id.id:
                        "Goal %s was already in the status list with status %i"
                        % (goal.goal_id.id, st.status.status))
                    # Goal could already be in recalling state if a cancel came in before the goal
                    if st.status.status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.RECALLING:
                        st.status.status = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.RECALLED
                        self.publish_result(st.status, self.ActionResultType())

                    # if this is a request for a goal that has no active handles left,
                    # we'll bump how long it stays in the list
                    if st.handle_tracker is None:
                        st.handle_destruction_time = rospy.Time.now()

                    # make sure not to call any user callbacks or add duplicate status onto the list

            # if the goal is not in our list, we need to create a StatusTracker associated with this goal and push it on
            st = StatusTracker(None, None, goal)

            # we need to create a handle tracker for the incoming goal and update the StatusTracker
            handle_tracker = HandleTrackerDeleter(self, st)

            st.handle_tracker = handle_tracker

            # check if this goal has already been canceled based on its timestamp
            gh = ServerGoalHandle(st, self, handle_tracker)
            if goal.goal_id.stamp != rospy.Time(
            ) and goal.goal_id.stamp <= self.last_cancel:
                # if it has... just create a GoalHandle for it and setCanceled
                    "This goal handle was canceled by the action server because its timestamp is before the timestamp of the last cancel request"
                # now, we need to create a goal handle and call the user's callback
Пример #4
    def internal_goal_callback(self, goal):
          with self.lock:
              #if we're not started... then we're not actually going to do anything
              if not self.started:

              rospy.logdebug("The action server has received a new goal request");

              #we need to check if this goal already lives in the status list
              for st in self.status_list[:]:
                  if goal.goal_id.id == st.status.goal_id.id:
                      rospy.logdebug("Goal %s was already in the status list with status %i" % (goal.goal_id.id, st.status.status))
                      # Goal could already be in recalling state if a cancel came in before the goal
                      if st.status.status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.RECALLING:
                          st.status.status = actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.RECALLED
                          self.publish_result(st.status, self.ActionResultType())

                      #if this is a request for a goal that has no active handles left,
                      #we'll bump how long it stays in the list
                      if st.handle_tracker is None:
                          st.handle_destruction_time = rospy.Time.now()

                      #make sure not to call any user callbacks or add duplicate status onto the list

              #if the goal is not in our list, we need to create a StatusTracker associated with this goal and push it on
              st = StatusTracker(None,None,goal)

              #we need to create a handle tracker for the incoming goal and update the StatusTracker
              handle_tracker = HandleTrackerDeleter(self, st);

              st.handle_tracker = handle_tracker;

              #check if this goal has already been canceled based on its timestamp
              gh= ServerGoalHandle(st, self, handle_tracker);
              if goal.goal_id.stamp != rospy.Time() and goal.goal_id.stamp <= self.last_cancel:
                  #if it has... just create a GoalHandle for it and setCanceled
                  gh.set_canceled(None, "This goal handle was canceled by the action server because its timestamp is before the timestamp of the last cancel request");
                  #now, we need to create a goal handle and call the user's callback
Пример #5
def create_goal(goal_id, secs, file_path):
    gh = ServerGoalHandle(
            goal_id=GoalID(id=goal_id, stamp=rospy.Time(secs=secs)),
            goal=SoundRequestGoal(stamp=rospy.Time(secs), file=file_path)), ))
    return gh