class DEBillScraper(BillScraper): ''' Scrapes bills for the current session. Delware's website ( lists archival data separately and with a different (though similar) format. See ''' jurisdiction = 'de' categorizer = actions.Categorizer() legislation_types = { 'House Bill': 'bill', 'House Concurrent Resolution': 'concurrent resolution', 'House Joint Resolution': 'joint resolution', 'House Resolution': 'resolution', 'Senate Bill': 'bill', 'Senate Concurrent Resolution': 'concurrent resolution', 'Senate Joint Resolution': 'joint resolution', 'Senate Resolution': 'resolution', 'Senate Nominations': 'nomination', } def _url_2_lxml(self, url, base_url='{0.scheme}://{0.netloc}'.format): ''' Fetch the url and parse with lxml. ''' html = self.urlopen(url) doc = lxml.html.fromstring(html) urldata = urlparse(url) doc.make_links_absolute(base_url(urldata)) return doc def _cleanup_sponsors( self, string, chamber, # Splits at ampersands and commas. re_amp=re.compile(r'[,&]'), # Changes "Sen. Jones" into "Jones" re_title=re.compile(r'(Sen|Rep)s?[.;]\s?'), # Map to clean up sponsor name data. name_map={ '{ NONE...}': '', }, # Mapping of member designations to related chamber type. chamber_map={ 'Sen': 'upper', 'Rep': 'lower', }, chain=itertools.chain.from_iterable, replace=methodcaller('replace', ' ', ''), strip=methodcaller('strip'), splitter=re.compile( '(?:[,;] NewLine|(?<!Reps); |on behalf of all \w+)')): ''' Sponsor names are sometimes joined with an ampersand, are '{ NONE...}', or contain ' '. This helper removes that stuff and returns a list minus any non-name strings found. ''' # "Briggs King" is a deplorable hack to work around DE's # not-easily-parseable sponsorship strings. tokenizer = r'(?:(?:[A-Z]\.){,5} )?(?:Briggs King|[A-Z][^.]\S{,50})' tokenize = partial(re.findall, tokenizer) for string in splitter.split(string): # Override the chamber based on presence of "Sens." or "Rep." m = if m: chamber = chamber_map[] # Remove junk. names = re_amp.split(string) names = map(lambda s: re_title.sub('', s), names) names = map(replace, names) names = filter(None, [name_map.get(n, n) for n in names]) names = map(tokenize, names) for n in chain(names): yield (strip(n), chamber) def _get_urls(self, chamber, session): ''' A generator of urls to legislation types listed on the index_url page. ''' re_count = re.compile(r'count=\d+', re.I) index_url = ('' '/Legislation/?openview' % session) chamber_map = {'Senate': 'upper', 'House': 'lower'} legislation_types = self.legislation_types index_page = self._url_2_lxml(index_url) # The last link on the "all legis'n" page pertains to senate # nominations, so skip it. index_links = index_page.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "Expand=")]') index_links = index_links[:-1] for el in index_links: type_raw = el.xpath('../following-sibling::td')[0].text_content() type_ = legislation_types[type_raw] # Skip any links that aren't for this chamber. _chamber, _ = type_raw.split(' ', 1) if chamber != chamber_map[_chamber]: continue # Tweak the url to ask the server for 10000 results (i.e., all) url = el.attrib['href'] url = re_count.sub('count=10000', url) # Get the index page. doc = self._url_2_lxml(url) for el in doc.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "OpenDocument")]'): title = el.xpath('./../../../td[4]')[0].text_content() url = el.attrib['href'] bill_kwargs = { 'type': type_, 'bill_id': extract_bill_id(el.text), 'chamber': chamber, 'session': session, 'title': title } yield (url, bill_kwargs) def scrape(self, chamber, session): scrape_bill = self.scrape_bill for url, kw in self._get_urls(chamber, session): try: scrape_bill(url, kw) except WeirdDataError as exc: continue def scrape_bill(self, url, kw, re_amendment=re.compile(r'(^[A-Z]A \d{1,3}) to'), re_substitution=re.compile(r'(^[A-Z]S \d{1,2}) for'), re_digits=re.compile(r'\d{,5}'), actions_get_actor=actions.get_actor): bill = Bill(**kw) bill.add_source(url) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # A few helpers. _url_2_lxml = self._url_2_lxml _cleanup_sponsors = self._cleanup_sponsors # Shortcut function partial to get text at a particular xpath: doc = _url_2_lxml(url) _get_text = partial(get_text, doc, 0) # Get session number--needed for fetching related documents (see below). xpath = '//font[contains(., "General Assembly") and @face="Arial"]' session_num = doc.xpath(xpath)[0].text_content() session_num = re_digits.match(session_num).group() #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sponsors chamber = bill['chamber'] sponsor_types = { 'Additional Sponsor(s):': 'cosponsor', 'CoSponsors:': 'cosponsor', 'Primary Sponsor:': 'primary' } xpath = '//font[contains(., "Sponsor") and @color="#008080"]' headings = doc.xpath(xpath + '/text()') sponsors = doc.xpath(xpath + '/../../following-sibling::td/font/text()') for h, s in zip(headings, sponsors): names = _cleanup_sponsors(s, chamber) type_ = sponsor_types[h.strip()] if names: for name, _chamber in names: bill.add_sponsor(type_, name, chamber=_chamber) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Versions tmp = '/'.join([ '', 'LIS/lis{session_num}.nsf/vwLegislation', '{moniker}/$file/{filename}{format_}?open' ]) documents = self.scrape_documents(source=url, docname="introduced", filename="Legis", tmp=tmp, session_num=session_num) for d in documents: bill.add_version(**d) # If bill is a substitution, add the original as a version. names = doc.xpath('//*[contains(text(), "Substituted ' 'Legislation for Bill:")]/text()') urls = doc.xpath('//*[contains(text(), "Substituted ' 'Legislation for Bill:")]' '/following-sibling::a/@href') for name, url in zip(names, urls): name = re_substitution.match(name).group(1) bill.add_version(name, url, description='original bill') #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Actions actions = doc.xpath('//font[contains(., "Actions History")]' '/../following-sibling::table/descendant::td[2]') actions = actions[0].text_content() actions = filter(None, actions.splitlines()) for a in reversed(actions): date, action = a.split(' - ', 1) try: date = datetime.strptime(date, '%b %d, %Y') except ValueError: date = datetime.strptime(date, '%B %d, %Y') # XXX: ugh. actor = actions_get_actor(action, bill['chamber']) attrs = dict(actor=actor, action=action, date=date) attrs.update(**self.categorizer.categorize(action)) bill.add_action(**attrs) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Votes xpaths = [ '//*[contains(text(), "vote:")]/following-sibling::a/@href', '//font[contains(., "vote:")]/a/@href' ] for xpath in xpaths: vote_urls = doc.xpath(xpath) if vote_urls: break for url in vote_urls: vote = self.scrape_vote(url) if vote: bill.add_vote(vote) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Amendments xpath = ("//font[contains(., 'Amendments')]/" "../../../td[2]/font/a") tmp = ('{session_num}.nsf/' 'vwLegislation/{id_}/$file/{filename}{format_}?open') for source, id_ in zip(doc.xpath(xpath + '/@href'), doc.xpath(xpath + '/text()')): match = re_amendment.match(id_) if match is None: match ='/?([A-Z]A \\d{1,3}) to', id_) short_id = documents = self.scrape_documents(source=source, docname='amendment (%s)' % short_id, filename='Legis', tmp=tmp, session_num=session_num, id_=id_) for d in documents: bill.add_document(**d) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add any related "Engrossments". # See for # an explanation of the engrossment process in DE. source = doc.xpath('//img[@alt="Engrossment"]/../@href') if source: tmp = '/'.join([ '', 'LIS/lis{session_num}.nsf/EngrossmentsforLookup', '{moniker}/$file/{filename}{format_}?open' ]) documents = self.scrape_documents(source=source[0], docname="Engrossment", filename="Engross", tmp=tmp, session_num=session_num, id_=bill['bill_id']) for d in documents: bill.add_version(**d) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add any fiscal notes. source = doc.xpath("//img[@alt='Fiscal Note']/../@href") if source: tmp = '/'.join([ '', 'LIS/lis{session_num}.nsf/FiscalforLookup', '{docnum}/$file/{filename}{format_}?open' ]) documents = self.scrape_documents(source=source[0], docname="Fiscal Note", filename="Fiscal", tmp=tmp, session_num=session_num) for d in documents: bill.add_document(**d) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extra fields # Helper to get the first td sibling of certain nodes. tmp = '//font[contains(., "%s")]/../../../td[2]' first_sibling_text = lambda heading: _get_text(tmp % heading) extra_fields = { # A long description of the legislation. "summary": "Synopsis", # Codification details for enacted legislation. "volume_chapter": "Volume Chapter", # Presumably the date of approval/veto. "date_governor_acted": "Date Governor Acted", "fiscal_notes": "Fiscal Notes", } for key, name in extra_fields.iteritems(): try: bill[key] = first_sibling_text(name) except IndexError: # xpath lookup failed. pass if bill['title'].strip() == "": if bill['bill_id'] != "HB 130" and bill['session'] != '147': raise Exception("bill title is empty") bill['title'] = bill['summary'] # This added to help hack around the page that's missing # the bill title. self.save_bill(bill) def scrape_vote(self, url, re_digit=re.compile(r'\d{1,3}'), re_totals=re.compile( r'(?:Yes|No|Not Voting|Absent):\s{,3}(\d{,3})', re.I)): namespaces = {"re": ""} try: html = self.urlopen(url) doc = lxml.html.fromstring(html) except scrapelib.HTTPError as e: known_fail_links = [ "", '' ] if "404" in str(e.response): # XXX: Ugh, ok, so there's no way (that I could find quickly) # to get the _actual_ response (just "ok") from the object. # As a result, this. Forgive me. # -PRT # XXX: THERE SHALL BE NO FORGIVENESS FOR PAULTAG!!!! # # Just kidding. I blame Delaware. # -TWN if url in known_fail_links: msg = 'Recieved a bogus 22/404 return code. Skipping vote.' self.warning(msg) return raise if 'Committee Report' in lxml.html.tostring(doc): # This was a committee vote with weird formatting.'Skipping committee report.') return xpath = ("//font[re:match(., '^(Yes|No|Not Voting|Absent):', 'i')]" "/ancestor::tr[1]") # Get the vote tallies. try: totals = doc.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces) totals = totals[0].text_content() except IndexError: # Here the vote page didn't have have the typical format. # Maybe it's a hand edited page. Log and try to parse # the vitals from plain text. self.warning('Found an unusual votes page at url: "%s"' % url) totals = re_totals.findall(doc.text_content()) if len(totals) == 4: self.warning('...was able to parse vote tallies from "%s"' % url) else: totals = re_digit.findall(totals) try: yes_count, no_count, abstentions, absent = map(int, totals) except ValueError: # There were'nt any votes listed on this page. This is probably # a "voice vote" lacking actual vote tallies. yes_count, no_count, other_count = 0, 0, 0 else: other_count = abstentions + absent font_text = [s.strip() for s in doc.xpath('//font/text()')] date_index = font_text.index('Date:') date_string = font_text[date_index + 2] date = datetime.strptime(date_string, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p') passed = True if font_text[date_index + 4] else False counts = defaultdict(int) for key, string in [('yes_count', 'Yes:'), ('no_count', 'No:'), ('absent_count', 'Absent:'), ('not_voting', 'Not Voting:')]: try: counts[key] = int(font_text[font_text.index(string) + 2]) except ValueError: continue counts['other_count'] = counts['absent_count'] + counts['not_voting'] chamber_string = doc.xpath('string(//b/u/font/text())').lower() if 'senate' in chamber_string: chamber = 'upper' elif 'house' in chamber_string: chamber = 'lower' for xpath in ('string(//td/b/text())', 'string(//td/b/font/text())', 'string(//form/b/font/text())'): motion = doc.xpath(xpath) if motion: break # Will fail at validictory level if no motion found. # Create the vote object. vote = Vote(chamber, date, motion, passed, counts['yes_count'], counts['no_count'], counts['other_count']) # Add source. vote.add_source(url) # Get the "vote type" el = doc.xpath('//font[contains(., "Vote Type:")]')[0] try: vote_type = el.xpath('following-sibling::font[1]/text()')[0] except IndexError: vote_type = el.xpath('../following-sibling::font[1]/text()')[0] vote['vote_type'] = vote_type # Get an iterator like: name1, vote1, name2, vote2, ... xpath = ("//font[re:match(., '^[A-Z]$')]" "/../../../descendant::td/font/text()") data = doc.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces) data = filter(lambda s: s.strip(), data) # Handle the rare case where not all names have corresponding # text indicating vote value. See e.g. session 146 HB10. data_len = len(data) / 2 tally = sum(v for (k, v) in vote.items() if '_count' in k) if (0 < data_len) and ((data_len) != tally): xpath = ("//font[re:match(., '^[A-Z]$')]/ancestor::table") els = doc.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces)[-1] els = els.xpath('descendant::td') data = [e.text_content().strip() for e in els] data = iter(data) # Add names and vote values. vote_map = { 'Y': 'yes', 'N': 'no', } while True: try: name = _vote = # Evidently, the motion for vote can be rescinded before # the vote is cast, perhaps due to a quorum failure. # (See the Senate vote (1/26/2011) for HB 10 w/HA 1.) In # this rare case, values in the vote col are whitespace. Skip. if not _vote.strip(): continue _vote = vote_map.get(_vote, 'other') getattr(vote, _vote)(name) except StopIteration: break return vote def scrape_documents(self, source, docname, filename, tmp, session_num, re_docnum=re.compile(r'var F?docnum="(.+?)"'), re_moniker=re.compile(r'var moniker="(.+?)"'), **kwargs): ''' Returns a generator like [{'name': 'docname', 'url': 'docurl'}, ...] ''' source = source.replace(' ', '+') try: _doc = self._url_2_lxml(source) except scrapelib.HTTPError: # Grrr...there was a dead link posted. Warn and skip. msg = 'Related document download failed (dead link): %r' % source self.warning(msg) return if _doc.xpath('//font[contains(., "DRAFT INFORMATION")]'): # This amendment is apparently still in draft form or can't # be viewed for security reasons, but we can still link to # its status page. yield dict(name=docname, url=source) return # The full-text urls are generated using onlick javascript and # window-level vars named "moniker" and "docnum". if docname == "Fiscal Note": xpath = '//script[contains(., "var Fdocnum")]' else: xpath = '//script[contains(., "var docnum")]' script_text = _doc.xpath(xpath)[0].text_content() docnum = moniker = # Mimetypes. formats = ['.html', '.pdf', '.docx', '.Docx'] mimetypes = { '.html': 'text/html', '.pdf': 'application/pdf', '.docx': 'application/msword' } for format_ in formats: el = _doc.xpath('//font[contains(., "%s%s")]' % (filename, format_)) if not el: continue format_ = format_.lower() _kwargs = kwargs.copy() _kwargs.update(**locals()) if format_.lower() == '.docx': _kwargs['filename'] = docnum else: _kwargs['filename'] = _kwargs['filename'].lower() url = tmp.format(**_kwargs).replace(' ', '+') try: self.urlopen(url) except scrapelib.HTTPError: msg = 'Could\'t fetch %s version at url: "%s".' self.warning(msg % (format_, url)) else: yield dict(name=docname, url=url, source=source, mimetype=mimetypes[format_])
class DEBillScraper(BillScraper, LXMLMixin): jurisdiction = 'de' categorizer = actions.Categorizer() def separate_names(self, text): text = text.replace(" ", "") names = re.split("[,;&]", text) bad_things_in_names = ["Sen.", "Sens.", "Rep.", "Reps."] for name in names: for b in bad_things_in_names: name = name.replace(b, "") if name.strip(): yield name.strip() def find_vote(self, tds, vote_documents, extra=""): vote_info = tds[1].xpath('./a') for v in vote_info: prev = v.getprevious() vote_name = extra + prev.text_content().strip() vote_documents[vote_name] = v.attrib["href"] def scrape_bill(self, link, chamber, session): legislation_types = { 'House Bill': 'HB', 'House Concurrent Resolution': 'HCR', 'House Joint Resolution': 'HJR', 'House Resolution': 'HR', 'Senate Bill': 'SB', 'Senate Concurrent Resolution': 'SCR', 'Senate Joint Resolution': 'SJR', 'Senate Resolution': 'SR', } base_url = "" text_base_url = "{session}.nsf/vwLegislation/{bill_id}/$file/legis.html?open" try: page = self.lxmlize(link, True) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: self.logger.warning('404. Apparently the bill hasn\'t been posted') return nominee = self.get_node(page, './/div[@id="page_header"]/text()') if nominee is not None and nominee.strip().lower( ) == "nominee information":"Nominee, skipping") return bill_id = self.get_node( page, './/div[@align="center" or @style="text-align:center"]') try: bill_id = bill_id.text_content().strip() except IndexError: self.logger.warning("Can't find bill number, skipping") return #some bill_ids include relevant amendments #in the form "SB 10 w/SA1", so we fix it here bill_id = bill_id.split("w/")[0] bill_id = bill_id.split("(")[0] leg_type = None for long_name, short_name in legislation_types.items(): if long_name in bill_id: leg_type = short_name bill_num = bill_id.replace(long_name, "").strip() break if leg_type: bill_id = leg_type + " " + bill_num elif "for" in bill_id: bill_id = bill_id.split("for")[1] else: self.logger.warning("Unknown bill type for {}".format(bill_id)) return bill_id = bill_id.replace(' ', "") bill_id = bill_id.strip() #each row is in its own table #there are no classes/ids or anything, so we're going to loop #through the individual tables and look for keywords #in the first td to tell us what we're looking at tables = self.get_nodes(page, './/div[@id="page_content"]/table') bill_title = None primary_sponsors = [] cosponsors = [] bill_url = None bill_documents = {} action_list = [] vote_documents = {} sub_link = None bill_text_avail = False if tables is None or not tables: self.logger.warning('First xpath didn\'t work.') tables = self.get_nodes(page, './/table[@style="width:837.0px"]/tr') for table in tables: tds = table.xpath('.//td') if len(tds) == 0: #some kind of empty table for formatting reasons continue title_text = tds[0].text_content().strip().lower() if title_text.startswith('primary sponsor'): pri_sponsor_text = tds[1].text_content() primary_sponsors = self.separate_names(pri_sponsor_text) #sometimes additional sponsors are in a 3rd td #other times the 3rd td contains a blank image addl_sponsors = [] add_spons_text = tds[2].text_content().strip() if add_spons_text: add_spons_text = add_spons_text.replace( "Additional Sponsor(s):", "") if not "on behalf of all representatives" in add_spons_text.lower( ): addl_sponsors = self.separate_names(add_spons_text) elif title_text.startswith('co-sponsor'): cosponsor_text = tds[1].text_content() if "none..." in cosponsor_text.lower(): cosponsors = [] continue cosponsors = self.separate_names(cosponsor_text) elif title_text.startswith('long title'): bill_title = tds[1].text_content().strip() elif title_text.startswith('amendment'): amendments = tds[1].xpath('.//a') for a in amendments: amm = a.text amm_text = "Amendment".format(amm.strip()) amm_slg = "+".join(amm.split()) amm_link = text_base_url.format(session=session, bill_id=amm_slg) bill_documents[amm_text] = amm_link amm_page = self.lxmlize(a.attrib["href"]) for tr in amm_page.xpath('//tr'): tds = tr.xpath("./td") if len(tds) > 1: if "voting" in tds[0].text_content().lower(): self.find_vote(tds, vote_documents, "Amendment: ") elif title_text.startswith('engrossed version'): if tds[1].text_content().strip(): engrossment_base = "{session}.nsf/EngrossmentsforLookup/{bill_id}/$file/Engross.html?open" engrossment_link = engrossment_base.format( session=session, bill_id="+".join(bill_id.split())) if bill_url not in bill_documents.values(): bill_documents["Engrossed Version"] = engrossment_link elif title_text.startswith('substituted'): content = tds[1].text_content().strip() if ("Substitute" in content and not "Original" in content): sub_link = tds[1].xpath(".//a/@href")[0] elif ("full text" in title_text and ("(" not in title_text or "html" in title_text)): if tds[1].text_content().strip(): #it is totally unclear which version of the bill is referred to here #so I'm just calling it "bill text" bill_url = text_base_url.format(session=session, bill_id=bill_id.replace( " ", "+")) if bill_url not in bill_documents.values(): bill_documents["Bill Text"] = bill_url elif title_text.startswith('fiscal notes'): pass #skipping fiscal notes for now, they are really ugly #but leaving in as a placeholder so we can remember to #do this someday, if we feel like it elif title_text.startswith('committee reports'): pass #the committee reports let a legislator #comment on a bill. They can comment as #"favorable","unfavorable" or "on its merits" #but these are NOT votes (per conversation w #seceretary of the DE senate 3/16/15). The bill is #considered if the majority sign it, which will #appear in the bill's action history as being #reported out of committee elif title_text.startswith('voting'): self.find_vote(tds, vote_documents) elif title_text.startswith('actions history'): action_list = tds[1].text_content().split("\n") sub_versions = [] use_sub = False if sub_link: bill = self.scrape_bill(sub_link, chamber, session) if bill: sub_versions = [v["url"] for v in bill["versions"]] bill.add_title(bill_id) use_sub = True if not use_sub: bill = Bill(session, chamber, bill_id, bill_title) for s in primary_sponsors: bill.add_sponsor("primary", s) for s in addl_sponsors: #it is not totally clear whether "additional sponsors" #are co or primary but primary is my best guess #based on the bill text, bc they're on the first #line with the primary sponsor bill.add_sponsor("primary", s) for s in cosponsors: bill.add_sponsor("cosponsor", s) for name, doc_link in bill_documents.items(): if "Engrossment" in name or "Bill Text" in name: if doc_link not in sub_versions: bill.add_version(name, doc_link, mimetype="text/html") else: pass bill.add_document(name, doc_link, mimetype="text/html") for a in action_list: if a.strip(): date, action = a.split('-', 1) try: date = datetime.strptime(date.strip(), '%b %d, %Y') except ValueError: date = datetime.strptime(date.strip(), '%B %d, %Y') # XXX: ugh. action = action.strip() actor = actions.get_actor(action, bill['chamber']) attrs = dict(actor=actor, action=action, date=date) attrs.update(**self.categorizer.categorize(action)) attrs["action"] = " ".join(attrs["action"].split()) bill.add_action(**attrs) for name, doc in vote_documents.items(): vote_chamber = "lower" if "house" in name.lower() else "upper" try: self.head(doc) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: self.logger.warning("could not access vote document") continue vote_page = self.lxmlize(doc) vote_info = vote_page.xpath(".//div[@id='page_content']/p")[-1] yes_votes = [] no_votes = [] other_votes = [] lines = vote_info.text_content().split("\n") for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith("Date"): date_str = " ".join(line.split()[1:4]) date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p") passage_status = line.strip().split()[-1] #we've never seen a vote with anything but "passed" #so throw an error otherwise so we can figure it out passed_statuses = ["Passed"] failed_statuses = ["Defeated", "Rescinded"] if passage_status not in passed_statuses + failed_statuses: raise AssertionError( "Unknown passage state {}".format(passage_status)) passed = passage_status in passed_statuses if line.strip().startswith("Vote Type"): if "voice" in line.lower(): voice_vote = True else: voice_vote = False yes_count = int(re.findall("Yes: (\d+)", line)[0]) no_count = int(re.findall("No: (\d+)", line)[0]) other_count = int( re.findall("Not Voting: (\d+)", line)[0]) other_count += int( re.findall("Absent: (\d+)", line)[0]) vote_tds = vote_page.xpath(".//table//td") person_seen = False for td in vote_tds: if person_seen: person_vote = td.text_content().strip() if person_vote == "Y": yes_votes.append(person) elif person_vote == "N": no_votes.append(person) elif person_vote in ["NV", "A", "X", "C"]: other_votes.append(person) else: raise AssertionError( "Unknown vote '{}'".format( person_vote)) person_seen = False else: person = td.text_content().strip() if person: person_seen = True if voice_vote: vote = Vote(vote_chamber, date, "passage", passed, 0, 0, 0) else: vote = Vote(vote_chamber, date, "passage", passed, yes_count, no_count, other_count, yes_votes=[], no_votes=[], other_votes=[]) vote["yes_votes"] = yes_votes vote["no_votes"] = no_votes vote["other_votes"] = other_votes if (passed and vote["yes_count"] <= vote["no_count"] and not voice_vote): raise AssertionError("Vote passed with more N than Y votes?") if not passed and vote["yes_count"] > vote["no_count"]: self.logger.warning("Vote did not pass but had a majority \ probably worth checking") if "Amendment" in name: vote["type"] = "amendment" else: vote["type"] = "passage" vote.add_source(doc) bill.add_vote(vote) bill.add_source(link) return bill def scrape(self, chamber, session): bill_codes = {"lower": [1, 2, 3, 4], "upper": [5, 6, 7, 8]} base_url = "{session}.nsf/ByAll?OpenForm&Start=1&Count={count}&Expand={bill_type}&Seq=1" for bill_code in bill_codes[chamber]: page = self.lxmlize( base_url.format(session=session, bill_type=bill_code, count=1000)) #1000 is higher than the highest #TOTAL # of bills we've ever seen #there are not a lot of attributes to hold on to #this is the best I could come up with tables = page.xpath(".//table") good_table = None for table in tables: th = table.xpath(".//tr/th") if len(th) > 0 and th[0].text_content().strip() == "Type": good_table = table break assert good_table is not None, "Could not find a table of bills." for tr in good_table.xpath(".//tr"): if len(tr.xpath("./td")) < 3: #this is some kind of header row for a bill type continue link_td = tr.xpath("./td")[1] link = link_td.xpath(".//a/@href")[0] bill = self.scrape_bill(link, chamber, session) if bill: self.save_bill(bill)
class DEBillScraper(BillScraper, LXMLMixin): jurisdiction = 'de' categorizer = actions.Categorizer() chamber_codes = {'upper': 1, 'lower': 2} chamber_codes_rev = {1: 'upper', 2: 'lower'} chamber_map = {'House': 'lower', 'Senate': 'upper'} legislators = {} legislators_by_short = {} def scrape(self, chamber, session): #Cache the legislators, we'll need them for sponsors and votes self.scrape_legislators(session) per_page = 50 page = self.post_search(session, chamber, 1, per_page) max_results = int(page["Total"]) if max_results > per_page: max_page = int(math.ceil(max_results / per_page)) for i in range(2, max_page): page = self.post_search(session, chamber, i, per_page) def scrape_bill(self, row, chamber, session): bill_id = row['LegislationNumber'] if row['Synopsis']: bill_summary = row['Synopsis'] else: bill_summary = '' bill_title = row['LongTitle'] if row['ShortTitle']: alternate_title = row['ShortTitle'] # TODO: re-evaluate if these should be separate bills if 'SA' in bill_id or 'HA' in bill_id: self.warning('skipping amendment %s', bill_id) return bill_type = self.classify_bill(bill_id) bill = Bill( session=session, chamber=chamber, bill_id=bill_id, title=bill_title, type=bill_type, summary=bill_summary, ) if row['SponsorPersonId']: self.add_sponsor_by_legislator_id(bill, row['SponsorPersonId'], 'primary') #TODO: Is there a way get additional sponsors and cosponsors, and versions/fns via API? html_url = '{}'.format( row['LegislationId']) bill.add_source(html_url, mimetype='text/html') html = self.lxmlize(html_url) #Additional Sponsors: '//label[text()="Additional Sponsor(s):"]/following-sibling::div/a' additional_sponsors = html.xpath( '//label[text()="Additional Sponsor(s):"]/following-sibling::div/a/@href' ) for sponsor_url in additional_sponsors: sponsor_id = sponsor_url.replace( '', '') self.add_sponsor_by_legislator_id(bill, sponsor_id, 'primary') #CoSponsors: '//label[text()="Co-Sponsor(s):"]/following-sibling::div/a' cosponsors = html.xpath( '//label[text()="Additional Sponsor(s):"]/following-sibling::div/a/@href' ) for sponsor_url in cosponsors: sponsor_id = sponsor_url.replace( '', '') self.add_sponsor_by_legislator_id(bill, sponsor_id, 'cosponsor') versions = html.xpath( '//label[text()="Original Text:"]/following-sibling::div/a/@href') for version in versions: mimetype = self.mime_from_link(version) name = 'Bill Text' bill.add_version(name=name, url=version, mimetype=mimetype) fiscals = html.xpath('//div[contains(@class,"fiscalNote")]/a/@href') for fiscal in fiscals: self.scrape_fiscal_note(bill, fiscal) self.scrape_actions(bill, row['LegislationId']) self.scrape_votes(bill, row['LegislationId']) self.save_bill(bill) def scrape_legislators(self, session): search_form_url = '' form = { 'value': '', # note that's selectedGAs plural, it's selectedGA elsewhere 'selectedGAs[0]': session, 'sort': '', 'group': '', 'filter': '', } response =, data=form, allow_redirects=True) page = json.loads(response.content) #print json.dumps(page, indent=4) if int(page['Total']) > 0: for row in page['Data']: self.legislators[str(row['PersonId'])] = row self.legislators_by_short[str(row['ShortName'])] = row else: self.warning("Error returning legislator list!") def scrape_fiscal_note(self, bill, link): # # The DE site for some reason POSTS to an endpoint for fiscal notes # then pops the JSON response into a new window. # But the attachment endpoint for bill versions works fine. attachment_id = link.replace('GetFiscalNoteHtmlDocument(event, ', '').replace(')', '') fn_url = '{}'.format( attachment_id) bill.add_document(name='Fiscal Note', mimetype='text/html', url=fn_url) def scrape_votes(self, bill, legislation_id): votes_url = '' form = { 'legislationId': legislation_id, 'sort': '', 'group': '', 'filter': '', } response =, data=form, allow_redirects=True) if response.content: page = json.loads(response.content) if page['Total'] > 0: for row in page['Data']: self.scrape_vote(bill, row['RollCallId']) def scrape_vote(self, bill, vote_id): vote_url = '' form = { 'rollCallId': vote_id, 'sort': '', 'group': '', 'filter': '', } response =, data=form, allow_redirects=True) if response.content: page = json.loads(response.content) roll = page['Model'] vote_chamber = self.chamber_map[roll['ChamberName']] #"7/1/16 01:00 AM" vote_date = datetime.strptime(roll['TakenAtDateTime'], '%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p') #TODO: What does this code mean? vote_motion = roll['RollCallVoteType'] vote_passed = True if roll['RollCallStatus'] == 'Passed' else False other_count = int(roll['NotVotingCount']) + int( roll['VacantVoteCount']) + int(roll['AbsentVoteCount']) + int( roll['ConflictVoteCount']) vote = Vote(chamber=vote_chamber, date=vote_date, motion=vote_motion, passed=vote_passed, yes_count=roll['YesVoteCount'], no_count=roll['NoVoteCount'], other_count=other_count) for row in roll['AssemblyMemberVotes']: # AssemblyMemberId looks like it should work here, # but for some sessions it's bugged to only return session try: voter = self.legislators_by_short[str(row['ShortName'])] name = voter['DisplayName'] except KeyError: self.warning('could not find legislator short name %s', row['ShortName']) name = row['ShortName'] if row['SelectVoteTypeCode'] == 'Y': vote.yes(name) elif row['SelectVoteTypeCode'] == 'N': else: vote.other(name) bill.add_vote(vote) def add_sponsor_by_legislator_id(self, bill, legislator_id, sponsor_type): sponsor = self.legislators[str(legislator_id)] sponsor_name = sponsor['DisplayName'] sponsor_district = sponsor['DistrictNumber'] chamber = self.chamber_codes_rev[sponsor['ChamberId']] bill.add_sponsor(type=sponsor_type, name=sponsor_name, district=sponsor_district, chamber=chamber) def scrape_actions(self, bill, legislation_id): actions_url = '' form = { 'legislationId': legislation_id, 'sort': '', 'group': '', 'filter': '', } response =, data=form, allow_redirects=True) page = json.loads(response.content) #print json.dumps(page, indent=4) for row in page['Data']: action_name = row['ActionDescription'] action_date = datetime.strptime(row['OccuredAtDateTime'], '%m/%d/%y') if row.get('ChamberName') != None: action_chamber = self.chamber_map[row['ChamberName']] elif 'Senate' in row['ActionDescription']: action_chamber = 'upper' elif 'House' in row['ActionDescription']: action_chamber = 'lower' elif 'Governor' in row['ActionDescription']: action_chamber = 'executive' else: # Actions like 'Stricken' and 'Defeated Amendemnt' # don't have a chamber in the data, so assume the bill's home chamber if 'House' in bill['type'][0]: action_chamber = 'lower' elif 'Senate' in bill['type'][0]: action_chamber = 'upper' attrs = self.categorizer.categorize(action_name) bill.add_action(actor=action_chamber, action=action_name, date=action_date, **attrs) def classify_bill(self, bill_id): legislation_types = { 'House Bill': 'HB', 'House Concurrent Resolution': 'HCR', 'House Joint Resolution': 'HJR', 'House Resolution': 'HR', 'Senate Bill': 'SB', 'Senate Concurrent Resolution': 'SCR', 'Senate Joint Resolution': 'SJR', 'Senate Resolution': 'SR', } for name, abbr in legislation_types.items(): if abbr in bill_id: return name return '' def post_search(self, session, chamber, page_number, per_page): search_form_url = '' form = { 'page': page_number, 'pageSize': per_page, 'selectedGA[0]': session, 'selectedChamberId': self.chamber_codes[chamber], 'coSponsorCheck': 'True', 'sort': '', 'group': '', 'filter': '', 'sponsorName': '', 'fromIntroDate': '', 'toIntroDate': '', } response =, data=form, allow_redirects=True) page = json.loads(response.content) for row in page['Data']: self.scrape_bill(row, chamber, session) #Return the page object so we can use it to calculate max results return page def mime_from_link(self, link): if 'HtmlDocument' in link: return 'text/html' elif 'PdfDocument' in link: return 'application/pdf' elif 'WordDocument' in link: return 'application/msword' else: return ''