def get_repr(self): return { "calc": [actions.get_action_repr(a) for a in self.calc], "stored": [actions.get_action_repr(a) for a in self.stored], "undo": [actions.get_action_repr(a) for a in self.undo], "direct":, "retValues": self.retValues }
def to_json_obj(self): return { "envelopes": [e.to_json_obj() for e in self.envelopes], "stored": [(env, actions.get_action_repr(a)) for (env, a) in self.stored], "calc": [(env, actions.get_action_repr(a)) for (env, a) in self.calc], "undo": [(env, actions.get_action_repr(a)) for (env, a) in self.undo], "retValues": self.retValues, "rules": sorted(self.rules) }
def create_migrations(all_tables, metadata_only=False): doc_actions = migrations.create_migrations( { t: table_data_from_db(t, data) for t, data in six.iteritems(all_tables) }, metadata_only) return [actions.get_action_repr(action) for action in doc_actions]
def test_convert(self): self.assertEqual(actions.get_action_repr(self.action_obj1), self.doc_action1) self.assertEqual(actions.action_from_repr(self.doc_action1), self.action_obj1) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as err: actions.action_from_repr(["Foo", "bar"]) self.assertTrue("Foo" in str(err.exception))
def apply_undo_actions(self, undo_actions): """ Applies all doc_actions together (as happens e.g. for undo). """ action = [ "ApplyUndoActions", [actions.get_action_repr(a) for a in undo_actions] ] return self.apply_user_action(action, is_undo=True)
def assertEqualActionGroups(self, observed, expected): """ Compare grouped doc actions, reporting differences with a customized diff (a bit more readable than unittest's usual diff). """ # Do some clean up on the observed data. observed = testutil.replace_nans(observed) # Convert expected actions into a comparable form. for k in self.action_group_action_fields: if k in observed: observed[k] = map(actions.get_action_repr, observed[k]) if k in expected: expected[k] = [actions.get_action_repr(a) if not isinstance(a, list) else a for a in expected[k]] if observed != expected: o_lines = self._formatActionGroup(observed) e_lines = self._formatActionGroup(expected)"Observed out actions not as expected:\n") + "\n".join(difflib.unified_diff(e_lines, o_lines, n=3, lineterm="", fromfile="expected", tofile="observed")))
def fetch_meta_tables(formulas=True): return { table_id: actions.get_action_repr(table_data) for (table_id, table_data) in six.iteritems(eng.fetch_meta_tables(formulas)) }
def fetch_table(table_id, formulas=True, query=None): return actions.get_action_repr( eng.fetch_table(table_id, formulas=formulas, query=query))
def test_meta_tables(self): """ Test changes to records accessed via lookup. """ self.load_sample(testsamples.sample_students) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "columns"], [ [1, [1,2,4,5,6]], [2, [10,12]], [3, [21]], ]) # Test that adding a column produces a change to 'columns' without emitting an action. out_actions = self.add_column('Students', 'test', type='Text', isFormula=False) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "columns"], [ [1, [1,2,4,5,6,22]], [2, [10,12]], [3, [21]], ]) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "calc": [], "stored": [ ["AddColumn", "Students", "test", {"formula": "", "isFormula": False, "type": "Text"} ], ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 22, {"colId": "test", "formula": "", "isFormula": False, "label": "test", "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 6.0, "type": "Text", "widgetOptions": ""} ], ], "undo": [ ["RemoveColumn", "Students", "test"], ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 22], ] }) # Undo the AddColumn action. Check that actions are in correct order, and still produce undos. out_actions = self.apply_user_action( ['ApplyUndoActions', [actions.get_action_repr(a) for a in out_actions.undo]]) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "calc": [], "stored": [ ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 22], ["RemoveColumn", "Students", "test"], ], "undo": [ ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 22, {"colId": "test", "label": "test", "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 6.0, "type": "Text"}], ["AddColumn", "Students", "test", {"formula": "", "isFormula": False, "type": "Text"}], ] }) # Test that when we add a table, .column is set correctly. out_actions = self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Test2', [ {'id': 'A', 'type': 'Text'}, {'id': 'B', 'type': 'Numeric'}, {'id': 'C', 'type': 'Numeric', 'formula': 'len($A)', 'isFormula': True} ]]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "columns"], [ [1, [1,2,4,5,6]], [2, [10,12]], [3, [21]], [4, [22,23,24,25]], ]) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables_column", ["id", "colId", "parentId"], [ [1, "firstName", 1], [2, "lastName", 1], [4, "schoolName", 1], [5, "schoolIds", 1], [6, "schoolCities", 1], [10, "name", 2], [12, "address", 2], [21, "city", 3], # Newly added columns: [22, 'manualSort', 4], [23, 'A', 4], [24, 'B', 4], [25, 'C', 4], ])
def get_comparable_repr(a): if isinstance(a, (list, int)): return a return actions.get_action_repr(a)