def __init__(self, path, persist=False): self.path = path self.persist = persist # video length minus one because the first # frame doesn't have an optical flow self.progress = ProgressBar(plan.vid_length(path) - 1)
class VideoFeatures: """ Given a video file extracts features. """ def __init__(self, path, persist=False): self.path = path self.persist = persist # video length minus one because the first # frame doesn't have an optical flow self.progress = ProgressBar(plan.vid_length(path) - 1) def loadFlows(self): flowPath = "models/flow_%s.npy" % (hashlib.md5(self.path).hexdigest(),) return np.load(flowPath) def saveFlows(self, data): flowPath = "models/flow_%s.npy" % (hashlib.md5(self.path).hexdigest(),) return, data) def features(self, x_cells, y_cells): """ Extracts HooF and flow magnitude from every frame of a video. """ if self.persist: try: generator = (i for i in self.loadFlows()) except: generator = OpticalFlow(self.path).farneback() else: generator = OpticalFlow(self.path).farneback() flows = [] print "Extracting features for %s..." % (self.path,) for pos, flow in enumerate(generator): flows.append(flow) off = OpticalFlowFeatures(flow) hist, bin_edges = off.cell_hoof(8, x_cells, y_cells, True) # +1 because this iteration complete # +1 because 0-based array indexing self.progress.animate(pos+2) yield hist, bin_edges, off.magnitude(x_cells, y_cells), flow print if self.persist: self.saveFlows(flows) def aggregate_features(self, x_cells, y_cells, window_size=None): hists = [] magnitudes = [] for pos, fv in enumerate(self.features(x_cells, y_cells)): hist, bin_edges, magnitude, flow = fv if window_size and len(hists) == window_size: yield self.summarise_features(hists, magnitudes, bin_edges) + (flow,) hists.pop(0) magnitudes.pop(0) hists.append(hist) magnitudes.append(magnitude) if not window_size: yield self.summarise_features(hists, magnitudes, bin_edges) + (flow,) def summarise_features(self, hists, magnitudes, bin_edges): #hists = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(hists, 0, 1), 1, 2) #magnitudes = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(magnitudes, 0, 1), 1, 2) # Now calculate mean of HooF #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() avg_hists = np.nanmean(hists, 0) # Mean of flow magnitudes avg_magnitudes = np.nanmean(magnitudes, 0) avg_magnitudes = (avg_magnitudes-np.nanmin(avg_magnitudes))/( np.nanmax(avg_magnitudes)-np.nanmin(avg_magnitudes)) # Sum of the variances over time in each bin in each cell variances = np.sum(np.nanvar(hists, 0), 2) variances = (variances-np.nanmin(variances))/( np.nanmax(variances)-np.nanmin(variances)) return avg_hists, bin_edges, avg_magnitudes, variances def calc_window_features(self, x_cells, y_cells, end=None): """ Legacy """ for fv in self.aggregate_features(x_cells, y_cells, end): return fv