def predict(self, network, x): W1, W2, W3 = network['W1'], network['W2'], network['W3'] b1, b2, b3 = network['b1'], network['b2'], network['b3'] a1 =, W1) + b1 z1 = sigmoid(a1) a2 =, W2) + b2 z2 = sigmoid(a2) a3 =, W3) + b3 return softmax(a3)
def forward(self,x,network): W1,W2,W3=network['W1'],network['W2'],network['W3'] b1,b2,b3=network['b1'],network['b2'],network['b3'],W1)+b1 z1=f.sigmoid(a1),W2)+b2 z2=f.sigmoid(a2),W3)+b3 y=self.identity_function(a3) return y
def generate_new_sample(param): size = param['ns_size'] vocab = param['vocab'] rel = param['rel'] triples = convertToMatrixIndex(param, 'train') nt = param['train'] print(' train size : %s' % len(nt)) nodes = [] nodes2 = [] f = open("./data/triples.txt", "w+") for i in range(size): nodes.append(selectNode(param)) for i in range(15000): nodes2.append(param['vocab'].__getitem__( random.randint(0, len(param['vocab']) - 1))) for node1 in nodes: temp = [] for relation in rel: for node2 in nodes2: node1_index = vocab.indice(node1.label) node2_index = vocab.indice(node2.label) relation_index = rel.indice(relation.label) t1 = [node1_index, relation_index, node2_index] t2 = [node2_index, relation_index, node1_index] p1 = af.sigmoid( param['nn0'][node1_index, :], param['nn2'][relation_index, :] + param['nn1'][node2_index, :])) p2 = af.sigmoid( param['nn0'][node2_index, :], param['nn2'][relation_index, :] + param['nn1'][node1_index, :])) if p1 > 0.85 and existt(t1, triples) is False: temp.append(t1) if p2 > 0.85 and existt(t2, triples) is False: temp.append(t2) ntriples = selectNewTriples(temp, param) for t in ntriples: link = (vocab.__getitem__(t[0]).label, rel.__getitem__(t[1]).label, vocab.__getitem__(t[2]).label) nt.append(link) f.write(' '.join(str(s) + '\t' for s in link) + '\n') f.close() print(' new train size : %s' % len(nt)) param['train'] = nt return nt
def selectNewTriple(param, walk): if param['k'] == 0: return walk z = param['iter_count'] - param['iteration'] epsilon = min(float(param['k']) / (param['k'] + math.exp(z)), 0.15) if np.random.uniform() > epsilon: return walk nodes2 = [] vocab = param['vocab'] rel = param['rel'] for i in range(5000): nodes2.append(vocab.__getitem__(random.randint(0, len(vocab) - 1))) # nodes2.append(selectNode(param)) for relation in rel: temp = [] for node2 in nodes2: node1_index = vocab.indice(walk[0]) node2_index = vocab.indice(node2.label) relation_index = rel.indice(relation.label) t1 = [node1_index, relation_index, node2_index] p1 = af.sigmoid( param['nn0'][node1_index, :], param['nn2'][relation_index, :] + param['nn1'][node2_index, :])) if p1 > 0.75: temp.append(t1) if len(temp) == 0: return walk triple_index = selectTriples(temp, param) return (vocab.__getitem__(triple_index[0]).label, rel.__getitem__(triple_index[1]).label, vocab.__getitem__(triple_index[2]).label)
def link2vec2(param): walks = param['data'].train shuffle(walks) for walk in walks: walk = fcsa.selectNewTriple(param, walk) head = walk[0] relation_index = walk[1] tail = [walk[2]] neu1e = np.zeros(param['dim']) negative_samples = [(target, 0) for target in param['table'].sample(param['kns'])] classifiers = [(tail, 1)] + negative_samples for target, label in classifiers: if label == 0: relation_index = randint(0, param['data'].sizeOfRelations - 1) z =['nn1'][target], (param['nn0'][head] + param['nn2'][relation_index])) p = af.sigmoid(z) g = param['alpha'] * (label - p) g1 = param['beta'] * (label - p) param['nn1'][tail] += (g * param['nn0'][head] + g1 * param['nn2'][relation_index] ) # Error to backpropagate to nn0 param['nn0'][head] = g * param['nn1'][target] + param['nn0'][ head] # Update nn1 param['nn2'][relation_index] = g * param['nn1'][target] + param[ 'nn2'][relation_index]
def accuracy(param, test_file='validation'): vocab = param['vocab'] rel = param['rel'] nn0 = param['nn0'] nn1 = param['nn1'] nn2 = param['nn2'] test_list = param[test_file] classes = [] predicted = [] for tokens in test_list: if tokens[0] not in vocab or tokens[2] not in vocab: continue index_head = vocab.indices([tokens[0]])[0] index_rel = rel.index(tokens[1]) index_tail = vocab.indices([tokens[2]])[0] class_tag = int(tokens[3]) v_h = nn0[index_head, :] v_r = nn2[index_rel] v_t = nn1[index_tail, :] z_param =, v_t) + v_r v_1 = af.sigmoid(z_param) classes.append(class_tag) if v_1 > 0.5: #TODO predicted.append(1) else: predicted.append(-1) acc = metrics.accuracy_score(classes, predicted) return acc
def auc(param, test_file='validation'): vocab = param['vocab'] rel = param['rel'] nn0 = param['nn0'] nn1 = param['nn1'] nn2 = param['nn2'] test_list = param[test_file] score = [] classes = [] for line_tokens in test_list: if line_tokens[0] not in vocab or line_tokens[2] not in vocab: continue index_head = vocab.indices([line_tokens[0]])[0] index_rel = rel.index(line_tokens[1]) index_tail = vocab.indices([line_tokens[2]])[0] class_tag = int(line_tokens[3]) v_h = nn0[index_head, :] v_r = nn2[index_rel, :] v_t = nn1[index_tail, :] z_param =, v_t + v_r) v_1 = af.sigmoid(z_param) classes.append(class_tag) score.append(v_1) fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(classes, score, pos_label=1) auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) return auc
def show_functionShape(): x = np.arange(-5.0,5.0,0.1) yst=f.step_function(x) ysg=f.sigmoid(x) plt.plot(x,yst) plt.ylim(-0.1,1.1) plt.plot(x,ysg) plt.ylim(-0.1,1.1)
def __calculate_scores_when_rel_is_vector(corupted, corupted2, param): for index in range(len(corupted[:, 0])): head_index = corupted[index][0] rel_index = corupted[index][1] tail_index = corupted[index][2] v_h = param['nn0'][head_index.astype(int), :] v_r = param['nn2'][rel_index.astype(int), :] v_t = param['nn1'][tail_index.astype(int), :] z_param =, v_t + v_r) corupted[index][3] = af.sigmoid(z_param) for index in range(len(corupted2[:, 0])): head_index = corupted2[index][0] rel_index = corupted2[index][1] tail_index = corupted2[index][2] v_h = param['nn0'][head_index.astype(int), :] v_r = param['nn2'][rel_index.astype(int), :] v_t = param['nn1'][tail_index.astype(int), :] z_param =, v_t + v_r) corupted2[index][3] = af.sigmoid(z_param) return corupted, corupted2
def __calculate_scores_when_rel_is_bias(corupted, nn0, nn1, nn2): for index in range(len(corupted[:, 0])): head_index = corupted[index][0] rel_index = corupted[index][1] tail_index = corupted[index][2] v_h = nn0[head_index, :] v_r = nn2[rel_index] v_t = nn1[tail_index, :] z_param =, v_t) + v_r corupted[index][3] = af.sigmoid(z_param) return corupted
def forward_propagation(A_prev, W, b, activation): if activation == "sigmoid": Z, linear_cache = linear_forward_propagation(A_prev, W, b) A, activation_cache = sigmoid(Z) if activation == "ReLU": Z, linear_cache = linear_forward_propagation(A_prev, W, b) A, activation_cache = ReLU(Z) if activation == "softmax": Z, linear_cache = linear_forward_propagation(A_prev, W, b) A, activation_cache = softmax(Z) cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache) return A, cache
def link2vec3(param): walks = param['data'].train tf.random.shuffle(walks, seed=None, name='Shuffle Train') for walk in walks: # walk = fcsa.selectNewTriple(param, walk) head = walk[0] relation_index = walk[1] tail = walk[2] negative_samples = [(target, 0) for target in param['table'].sample(param['kns'])] classifiers = [(tail, 1)] + negative_samples _type = tf.random.uniform([0, 1], minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.int32) if _type == 0: for target, label in classifiers: if label == 0: relation_index = randint(0, param['data'].sizeOfRelations-1) target_row = tf.gather(param['nn1'], target) head_row = tf.gather(param['nn0'], head) relation_row = tf.gather(param['nn2'], relation_index) z = tf.tensordot(target_row , (head_row + relation_row), axes=0) p = tf.math.sigmoid(z) g = param['alpha'] * (label - p) g1 = param['beta'] * (label - p) tf.scatter_update(param['nn0'], tf.constant(head), g * target_row + head_row ) # Update nn1 param['nn2'][relation_index] = g * param['nn1'][target] + param['nn2'][relation_index] param['nn1'][target] += (g * param['nn0'][head] + g1 * param['nn2'][relation_index]) # Error to backpropagate to nn0 if _type == 1: neu1e = tf.zeros(param['dim']) for target, label in classifiers: if label == 0: relation_index = randint(0, param['data'].sizeOfRelations-1) z = tf.tensordot(param['nn0'][tail], (param['nn1'][target] + param['nn2'][relation_index]),axes=0) p = af.sigmoid(z) g = param['alpha'] * (label - p) g1 = param['beta'] * (label - p) neu1e += (g * param['nn1'][target] + g1 * param['nn2'][relation_index]) # Error to backpropagate to nn0 param['nn1'][target] += g * param['nn0'][tail] # Update nn1 param['nn2'][relation_index] += g * param['nn0'][tail] param['nn0'][tail] +=neu1e # print('Iter: %s, alpha: %s, beta: %s, kn: %s, dim: %s' % (param['iteration'], param['alpha'], param['beta'], param['kns'], param['dim'])) # if param['iteration']%10 == 0 and param['iteration'] > 200: # e2.testAll(param) param['iteration'] = tf.reduce_sum(1, param['iteration']) # return [tf.add(param['iteration'], 1)]
def moLink(param): walks = list(param['graph'].edges) for walk in walks: tokens = param['vocab'].indices(list(walk)) for token_idx, token in enumerate(tokens): if (token_idx + 1) == len(tokens): continue label = param['graph'][walk[0]][walk[1]]['label'] relation_index = param['rel'].index(label) source = param['vocab'].__getitem__(tokens[token_idx + 1]).word window_walk = w.windowWalk(param, source) contexts = param['vocab'].indices(window_walk) for context_idx, context in enumerate(contexts): head = param['vocab'].__getitem__(token).word tail = param['vocab'].__getitem__(context).word if param['graph'].has_edge(head, tail): relation_index = param['rel'].index( param['graph'][head][tail]['label']) neu1e = np.zeros(param['dim']) alpha = float(param['alpha']) / (context_idx + 1) negative_samples = [ (target, 0) for target in param['table'].sample(param['kns']) ] classifiers = [(token, 1)] + negative_samples for target, label in classifiers: target_word = param['vocab'].__getitem__(target).word exist_edge = param['graph'].has_edge(tail, target_word) if exist_edge and label == 0 and param['graph'][tail][ target_word]['label'] == param['rel'][ relation_index]: continue z_param =['nn0'][context], param['nn1'][target]) z_param += param['nn2'][relation_index] probability = af.sigmoid(z_param) entity_err = alpha * (label - probability) rel_err = param['beta'] * (float(1) / (context_idx + 1) - probability) neu1e += entity_err * param['nn1'][ target] # Error to backpropagate to nn0 param['nn1'][target] += entity_err * param['nn0'][ context] # Update nn1 param['nn2'][relation_index] += entity_err - rel_err param['nn0'][context] += neu1e return param