#Create memory manager to store dictionary of sensory and motor states #All use of memory is through use of the memory manager module. from memoryManagerClass import memoryManagerClass global memoryManager memoryManager = memoryManagerClass("memoryManager") #Create an instance of a game population module. from gamePopulationClass import gamePopulationClass global gamePopulation gamePopulation = gamePopulationClass("gamePopulation", 1) #Create an instance of an actor population module. from actorPopulationClass import actorPopulationClass global actorPopulation actorPopulation = actorPopulationClass("actorPopulation", 3, from_file) #Create an instance of a basic motor function module. from basicMotorFunctionClass import basicMotorFunctionClass global bmf bmf = basicMotorFunctionClass("bmf") #from drawMolClass import drawMolClass #global drawMol #drawMol = drawMolClass("drawMol") NUM_EXPERIMENTS = 1000000 EXPERIMENTS_PER_GENERATION = 1 def saveGenomes(j): output = open('actordata.pkl' + str(j), 'wb')
PARENTBROKER_PORT = 9559 broker = ALBroker(LOCALBROKER_NAME, LOCALBROKER_IP, LOCALBROKER_PORT, PARENTBROKER_IP, PARENTBROKER_PORT) #INITIALIZATION #Create an instance of a shared data class that stores indexed pointers to data and events. from sharedDataClass import sharedDataClass global sharedData sharedData = sharedDataClass("sharedData") #Create an instance of an actor population module. from actorPopulationClass import actorPopulationClass global actorPopulation #actorPopulation = actorPopulationClass("actorPopulation") actorPopulation = actorPopulationClass("actorPopulation", 1) #Create an instance of a basic motor function module. from basicMotorFunctionClass import basicMotorFunctionClass global bmf bmf = basicMotorFunctionClass("bmf") #START MAIN SENSORIMOTOR LOOP (WITH FIXED ACTORS,NO EVOLUTION) ## ##simOn = True ##i = 0 ##while simOn is True: ## print i ## i = i +1 ## #1. Determine actor activation state from data.
#Create memory manager to store dictionary of sensory and motor states #All use of memory is through use of the memory manager module. from memoryManagerClass import memoryManagerClass global memoryManager memoryManager = memoryManagerClass("memoryManager") #Create an instance of a game population module. from gamePopulationClass import gamePopulationClass global gamePopulation gamePopulation = gamePopulationClass("gamePopulation", 1) #Create an instance of an actor population module. from actorPopulationClass import actorPopulationClass global actorPopulation actorPopulation = actorPopulationClass("actorPopulation", 2, from_file) #Create an instance of a basic motor function module. from basicMotorFunctionClass import basicMotorFunctionClass global bmf bmf = basicMotorFunctionClass("bmf") NUM_EXPERIMENTS = 100000 EXPERIMENTS_PER_GENERATION = 1 def saveGenomes(j): output = open('actordata.pkl' + str(j), 'wb') data1 = actorPopulation.getActorPickles() data = [data1] # pprint.pprint(data1) pickle.dump(data, output, -1)
LOCALBROKER_PORT=9560 PARENTBROKER_IP= "ctf.local" #"naoFernando.local" PARENTBROKER_PORT=9559 broker=ALBroker(LOCALBROKER_NAME,LOCALBROKER_IP,LOCALBROKER_PORT,PARENTBROKER_IP,PARENTBROKER_PORT) #INITIALIZATION #Create an instance of a shared data class that stores indexed pointers to data and events. from sharedDataClass import sharedDataClass global sharedData sharedData = sharedDataClass("sharedData") #Create an instance of an actor population module. from actorPopulationClass import actorPopulationClass global actorPopulation actorPopulation = actorPopulationClass("actorPopulation") #Create an instance of a basic motor function module. from basicMotorFunctionClass import basicMotorFunctionClass global bmf bmf = basicMotorFunctionClass("bmf") #START MAIN SENSORIMOTOR LOOP (WITH FIXED ACTORS,NO EVOLUTION) ## ##simOn = True ##i = 0 ##while simOn is True: ## print i ## i = i +1 ## #1. Determine actor activation state from data.