Пример #1
 def get_report_values(self, docids, data=None):
     if not data.get('form'):
         raise UserError(
             _("Form content is missing, this report cannot be printed."))
     return {
         'data': data['form'],
         'lines': self.get_lines(data.get('form')),
Пример #2
 def action_cancel(self):
     group_id = self.sudo().env.ref('purchase.group_purchase_manager')
     if self._uid != self.create_uid.id \
             and self._uid not in group_id.users.ids:
         raise Warning(
             _("Can't cancel purchase indent which is \
         requested by %s!") % (self.create_uid.name))
     self.state = 'cancel'
Пример #3
 def unlink(self):
     for indent_id in self:
         if indent_id.state not in ['draft', 'cancel']:
             raise Warning(
                 _("Invalid Action!\n You cannot delete a \
             Purchase Indent which is not in 'Draft' or 'Cancel' State!"))
     return super(PurchaseIndent, self).unlink()
Пример #4
 def action_confirm_request(self):
     if not self.rma_line:
         raise UserError(_('You must select rma lines!'))
     if not self.is_website:
         for line in self.rma_line:
     self.state = 'confirmed'
Пример #5
 def button_cancel(self):
     if any('done' in event.mapped('registration_ids.state')
            for event in self):
         raise UserError(
             _("There are already attendees who attended this event. Please reset it to draft if you want to cancel this event."
     self.registration_ids.write({'state': 'cancel'})
     self.state = 'cancel'
Пример #6
 def _create_welcome_message(self):
     if not self.has_group('base.group_user'):
         return False
     company_name = self.company_id.name if self.company_id else ''
     body = _('%s has joined the %s network.') % (self.name, company_name)
     # TODO change SUPERUSER_ID into user.id but catch errors
     return self.partner_id.sudo().message_post(body=body)
Пример #7
 def partner_interested(self, comment=False):
     message = _('<p>I am interested by this lead.</p>')
     if comment:
         message += '<p>%s</p>' % comment
     for lead in self:
         lead.message_post(body=message, subtype="mail.mt_note")
             lead.partner_id.id)  # sudo required to convert partner data
Пример #8
 def _default_content(self):
     return '''
         <section class="s_text_block">
             <div class="container">
                 <div class="row">
                     <div class="col-md-12 mb16 mt16">
                         <p class="o_default_snippet_text">''' + _(
         "Start writing here...") + '''</p>
    def action_grant_badge(self):
        """Wizard action for sending a badge to a chosen employee"""
        if not self.user_id:
            raise UserError(_('You can send badges only to employees linked to a user.'))

        if self.env.uid == self.user_id.id:
            raise UserError(_('You can not send a badge to yourself'))

        values = {
            'user_id': self.user_id.id,
            'sender_id': self.env.uid,
            'badge_id': self.badge_id.id,
            'employee_id': self.employee_id.id,
            'comment': self.comment,

        return self.env['gamification.badge.user'].create(values)._send_badge()
Пример #10
 def _signup_retrieve_partner(self, token, check_validity=False, raise_exception=False):
     """ find the partner corresponding to a token, and possibly check its validity
         :param token: the token to resolve
         :param check_validity: if True, also check validity
         :param raise_exception: if True, raise exception instead of returning False
         :return: partner (browse record) or False (if raise_exception is False)
     partner = self.search([('signup_token', '=', token)], limit=1)
     if not partner:
         if raise_exception:
             raise exceptions.UserError(_("Signup token '%s' is not valid") % token)
         return False
     if check_validity and not partner.signup_valid:
         if raise_exception:
             raise exceptions.UserError(_("Signup token '%s' is no longer valid") % token)
         return False
     return partner
    def _create_bank_statements(self, stmts_vals):
        """ Create new bank statements from imported values, filtering out already imported transactions, and returns data used by the reconciliation widget """
        BankStatement = self.env['account.bank.statement']
        BankStatementLine = self.env['account.bank.statement.line']

        # Filter out already imported transactions and create statements
        statement_ids = []
        ignored_statement_lines_import_ids = []
        for st_vals in stmts_vals:
            filtered_st_lines = []
            for line_vals in st_vals['transactions']:
                if 'unique_import_id' not in line_vals \
                   or not line_vals['unique_import_id'] \
                   or not bool(BankStatementLine.sudo().search([('unique_import_id', '=', line_vals['unique_import_id'])], limit=1)):
                    if 'balance_start' in st_vals:
                        st_vals['balance_start'] += float(line_vals['amount'])

            if len(filtered_st_lines) > 0:
                # Remove values that won't be used to create records
                st_vals.pop('transactions', None)
                for line_vals in filtered_st_lines:
                    line_vals.pop('account_number', None)
                # Create the satement
                st_vals['line_ids'] = [[0, False, line] for line in filtered_st_lines]
        if len(statement_ids) == 0:
            raise UserError(_('You have already imported that file.'))

        # Prepare import feedback
        notifications = []
        num_ignored = len(ignored_statement_lines_import_ids)
        if num_ignored > 0:
            notifications += [{
                'type': 'warning',
                'message': _("%d transactions had already been imported and were ignored.") % num_ignored if num_ignored > 1 else _("1 transaction had already been imported and was ignored."),
                'details': {
                    'name': _('Already imported items'),
                    'model': 'account.bank.statement.line',
                    'ids': BankStatementLine.search([('unique_import_id', 'in', ignored_statement_lines_import_ids)]).ids
        return statement_ids, notifications
Пример #12
 def submit_expenses(self):
     if any(expense.state != 'draft' for expense in self):
         raise UserError(_("You cannot report twice the same line!"))
     if len(self.mapped('employee_id')) != 1:
         raise UserError(
             _("You cannot report expenses for different employees in the same report!"
     return {
         'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
         'view_mode': 'form',
         'res_model': 'hr.expense.sheet',
         'target': 'current',
         'context': {
             'default_expense_line_ids': [line.id for line in self],
             'default_employee_id': self[0].employee_id.id,
             'default_name': self[0].name if len(self.ids) == 1 else ''
Пример #13
 def create(self, vals):
     active_picking_id = self.env.context.get('active_picking_id', False)
     if active_picking_id:
         picking_id = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(active_picking_id)
         if picking_id and not picking_id.picking_type_id.use_create_lots:
             raise UserError(
                 _("You are not allowed to create a lot for this picking type"
     return super(ProductionLot, self).create(vals)
Пример #14
 def cancel(self):
     cancel one or more order.line, update order status and unlink existing cashmoves
     if self.user_has_groups("lunch.group_lunch_manager"):
         self.state = 'cancelled'
         raise AccessError(_("Only your lunch manager cancels the orders."))
Пример #15
 def _check_authorize_state(self):
     failed_tx = self.filtered(
         lambda tx: tx.state == 'authorized' and tx.acquirer_id.
         provider not in self.env['payment.acquirer']._get_feature_support(
     if failed_tx:
         raise exceptions.ValidationError(
             _('The %s payment acquirers are not allowed to manual capture mode!'
               % failed_tx.mapped('acquirer_id.name')))
Пример #16
 def _action_unfollow(self, partner):
     channel_info = self.channel_info('unsubscribe')[0]  # must be computed before leaving the channel (access rights)
     result = self.write({'channel_partner_ids': [(3, partner.id)]})
     self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'res.partner', partner.id), channel_info)
     if not self.email_send:
         notification = _('<div class="o_mail_notification">left <a href="#" class="o_channel_redirect" data-oe-id="%s">#%s</a></div>') % (self.id, self.name,)
         # post 'channel left' message as root since the partner just unsubscribed from the channel
         self.sudo().message_post(body=notification, message_type="notification", subtype="mail.mt_comment", author_id=partner.id)
     return result
Пример #17
 def _check_package(self):
     default_uom = self.product_id.uom_id
     pack = self.product_packaging
     qty = self.product_uom_qty
     q = default_uom._compute_quantity(pack.qty, self.product_uom)
     if qty and q and (qty % q):
         newqty = qty - (qty % q) + q
         return {
             'warning': {
                 _("This product is packaged by %.2f %s. You should sell %.2f %s."
                   ) % (pack.qty, default_uom.name, newqty,
     return {}
Пример #18
 def _check_recursion_associate_member(self):
     level = 100
     while self:
         self = self.associate_member
         if not level:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('Error ! You cannot create recursive associated members.'
         level -= 1
Пример #19
 def cancel_repair(self):
     if not self._context.get('active_id'):
         return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
     repair = self.env['mrp.repair'].browse(self._context['active_id'])
     if repair.invoiced or repair.invoice_method == 'none':
         raise UserError(_('Repair order is not invoiced.'))
     return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
Пример #20
 def _check_attribute_value_ids(self):
     for product in self:
         attributes = self.env['product.attribute']
         for value in product.attribute_value_ids:
             if value.attribute_id in attributes:
                 raise ValidationError(_('Error! It is not allowed to choose more than one value for a given attribute.'))
             if value.attribute_id.create_variant:
                 attributes |= value.attribute_id
     return True
Пример #21
 def _alias_check_contact(self, message, message_dict, alias):
     if alias.alias_contact == 'followers' and self.ids:
         author = self.env['res.partner'].browse(message_dict.get('author_id', False))
         if not author or author not in self.channel_partner_ids:
             return {
                 'error_message': _('restricted to channel members'),
         return True
     return super(Channel, self)._alias_check_contact(message, message_dict, alias)
Пример #22
 def unlink(self):
     if self.env['mrp.production'].search(
         [('bom_id', 'in', self.ids),
          ('state', 'not in', ['done', 'cancel'])],
         raise UserError(
             _('You can not delete a Bill of Material with running manufacturing orders.\nPlease close or cancel it first.'
     return super(MrpBom, self).unlink()
Пример #23
 def _check_format(self):
     for lang in self:
         for pattern in lang._disallowed_datetime_patterns:
             if (lang.time_format and pattern in lang.time_format) or \
                     (lang.date_format and pattern in lang.date_format):
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('Invalid date/time format directive specified. '
                       'Please refer to the list of allowed directives, '
                       'displayed when you edit a language.'))
Пример #24
 def write(self, vals):
     if 'name' in vals:
         if vals['name'].startswith('-'):
             raise UserError(_('The name of the group can not start with "-"'))
     # invalidate caches before updating groups, since the recomputation of
     # field 'share' depends on method has_group()
     return super(Groups, self).write(vals)
Пример #25
 def _check_main_currency_rounding(self):
     if any(precision.name == 'Account' and tools.float_compare(
             precision_digits=6) == -1 for precision in self):
         raise ValidationError(
             _("You cannot define the decimal precision of 'Account' as greater than the rounding factor of the company's main currency"
     return True
Пример #26
 def action_cancel(self):
     # try to set all associated quotations to cancel state
     for requisition in self:
         for po in requisition.purchase_ids:
                 'Cancelled by the agreement associated to this quotation.')
     self.write({'state': 'cancel'})
Пример #27
 def _check_company_branch(self):
     for record in self:
         if record.branch_id and record.company_id != record.branch_id.company_id:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('Configuration Error of Company:\n'
                   'The Company (%s) in the voucher and '
                   'the Company (%s) of Branch must '
                   'be the same company!') %
                 (record.company_id.name, record.branch_id.company_id.name))
Пример #28
 def _check_date(self):
     Prevents the user to create an order in the past
     date_order = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.date, '%Y-%m-%d')
     date_today = datetime.datetime.strptime(
         fields.Date.context_today(self), '%Y-%m-%d')
     if (date_order < date_today):
         raise ValidationError(_('The date of your order is in the past.'))
Пример #29
 def unlink(self):
     MailAlias = self.env['mail.alias']
     for category in self:
         if category.equipment_ids or category.maintenance_ids:
             raise UserError(_("You cannot delete an equipment category containing equipments or maintenance requests."))
         MailAlias += category.alias_id
     res = super(MaintenanceEquipmentCategory, self).unlink()
     return res
Пример #30
 def order(self):
     The order_line is ordered to the vendor but isn't received yet
     if self.user_has_groups("lunch.group_lunch_manager"):
         self.state = 'ordered'
         raise AccessError(
             _("Only your lunch manager processes the orders."))