# Once you have a hub and a device, copy the device primary connection string.
# Add it to the secrets.py file in an entry called device_connection_string
# To us twins, you will need either a free or standard tier IoT Hub. Basic tier doesn't
# support twins
# The adafruit-circuitpython-azureiot library depends on the following libraries:
# From the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Bundle):
# * adafruit-circuitpython-minimqtt
# * adafruit-circuitpython-requests
from adafruit_azureiot import IoTHubDevice  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

# Create an IoT Hub device client and connect
device = IoTHubDevice(socket, esp, secrets["device_connection_string"])

# Subscribe to device twin desired property updates
# To see these changes, update the desired properties for the device either in code
# or in the Azure portal by selecting the device in the IoT Hub blade, selecting
# Device Twin then adding or amending an entry in the 'desired' section
def device_twin_desired_updated(desired_property_name: str,
                                desired_property_value, desired_version: int):
        "updated to",
# The free tier of IoT Hub allows up to 8,000 messages a day, so try not to send messages too often
# if you are using the free tier
# Once you have a hub and a device, copy the device primary connection string.
# Add it to the secrets.py file in an entry called device_connection_string
# The adafruit-circuitpython-azureiot library depends on the following libraries:
# From the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Bundle):
# * adafruit-circuitpython-minimqtt
# * adafruit-circuitpython-requests
from adafruit_azureiot import IoTHubDevice
from adafruit_azureiot.iot_mqtt import IoTResponse

# Create an IoT Hub device client and connect
device = IoTHubDevice(socket, esp, secrets["device_connection_string"])

# Subscribe to direct method calls
# To invoke a method on the device, select it in the Azure Portal, select Direct Method,
# fill in the method name and payload, then select Invoke Method
# Direct method handlers need to return a response to show if the method was handled
# successfully or not, returning an HTTP status code and message
def direct_method_invoked(method_name: str, payload) -> IoTResponse:
    print("Received direct method", method_name, "with data", str(payload))
    # return a status code and message to indicate if the direct method was handled correctly
    return IoTResponse(200, "OK")

# Subscribe to the direct method invoked event
device.on_direct_method_invoked = direct_method_invoked
Пример #3
# The free tier of IoT Hub allows up to 8,000 messages a day, so try not to send messages too often
# if you are using the free tier
# Once you have a hub and a device, copy the device primary connection string.
# Add it to the secrets.py file in an entry called device_connection_string
# The adafruit-circuitpython-azureiot library depends on the following libraries:
# From the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Bundle):
# * adafruit-circuitpython-minimqtt
# * adafruit-circuitpython-requests
from adafruit_azureiot import IoTHubDevice  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

# Create an IoT Hub device client and connect
device = IoTHubDevice(socket, esp, secrets["device_connection_string"])

print("Connecting to Azure IoT Hub...")

# Connect to IoT Central

print("Connected to Azure IoT Hub!")

message_counter = 60

while True:
        # Send a device to cloud message every minute
        # You can see the overview of messages sent from the device in the Overview tab
        # of the IoT Hub in the Azure Portal