import board import busio import time import adafruit_tlc59711 spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI) leds = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi) def link_absent(): b_full = 65535 b_none = 0 leds[0] = (b_full, b_none, b_none) time.sleep(.25) leds[0] = (b_none, b_none, b_none) time.sleep(.25) def link_present(): b_full = 65535 b_none = 0 leds[0] = (b_full, b_none, b_none) def link_nlog(): b_full = 65535 b_none = 0 leds[1] = (b_full, b_none, b_none) time.sleep(.05) leds[1] = (b_none, b_none, b_none) time.sleep(.05)
import board import busio import digitalio import adafruit_tlc59711 spi = busio.SPI(clock=board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI) rgb = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi) rgb.red_brightness = 0 rgb.green_brightness = 0 rgb.blue_brightness = 0
# spi_clock = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SCK) # spi_clock.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT # spi_mosi = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.MOSI) # spi_mosi.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT # spi_miso = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.MISO) # spi_miso.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT # print((42 * '*') + "\n" + "init busio.SPI") spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI) ########################################## print(42 * "*") print("init TLC5957") NUM_LEDS = 16 pixels = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711( spi=spi, pixel_count=NUM_LEDS, ) print("pixel_count", pixels.pixel_count) print("chip_count", pixels.chip_count) print("channel_count", pixels.channel_count) ########################################## # main loop print(42 * "*") print("rainbow loop") hue_offset = 0 while True: brightness = 0.8 color = fancyled.CHSV(hue_offset, 1.0, 1.0) color = fancyled.gamma_adjust(color, brightness=brightness)
# simple demo of the TLC59711 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver. # Shows the minimal usage - how to set pixel values in a few ways. # Author: Tony DiCola import board import busio import adafruit_tlc59711 print("") # Define SPI bus connected to chip. # You only need the clock and MOSI (output) line to use this chip. spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI) pixels = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi, pixel_count=16) # examples how to set the pixels: # range: # 0 - 65535 # or # 0.0 - 1.0 # every pixel needs a color - # give it just a list or tuple with 3 integer values: R G B # set all pixels to a very low level pixels.set_pixel_all((10, 10, 10)) # every chip has 4 Pixels (=RGB-LEDs = 12 Channel) pixels[0] = (100, 100, 100) pixels[1] = (0, 0, 100)
""" import time import board import busio import adafruit_tlc59711 ########################################## PIXEL_COUNT = 16 spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI) pixels = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi, pixel_count=PIXEL_COUNT) ########################################## # test function def channelcheck_update_pixel(offset): """Channel check pixel.""" # print("offset", offset) pixels.set_pixel_16bit_value(offset, 1000, 100, 0) # clear last pixel last = offset - 1 if last < 0: last = PIXEL_COUNT - 1
pixel_index = (board_offset * LEDBoard_pixel_count) + pixel_offset return pixel_index pmap = PixelMap2D( row_count=Matrix_row_count, col_count=Matrix_col_count, map_function=mymap_LEDBoard_4x4_16bit, ) ########################################## # led controller spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI) pixels = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi, pixel_count=Matrix_pixel_count) def pixels_init_BCData(): """Initialise global brightness control data.""" BCValues = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711.calculate_BCData( Ioclmax=18, IoutR=18, IoutG=11, IoutB=13, ) print("BCValues = {}".format(BCValues)) pixels.bcr = BCValues[0] = BCValues[1] pixels.bcb = BCValues[2] pixels.update_BCData()
# Simple demo of the TLC59711 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver. # Shows setting channel values in a few ways. # Author: Tony DiCola, Steve Pomeroy import adafruit_tlc59711 # Define the TLC59711 instance. Specify the bus and device. bus = 0 device = 0 leds = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(bus, device) # Optionally you can disable the auto_show behavior that updates the chip # as soon as any channel value is written. The default is True/on but you can # disable and explicitly call show to control when updates happen for better # animation or atomic RGB LED updates. #leds = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi, auto_show=False) # There are a couple ways to control the channels of the chip. # The first is using an interface like a strip of NeoPixels. Index into the # class for the channel and set or get its R, G, B tuple value. Note the # component values are 16-bit numbers that range from 0-65535 (off to full # brightness). Remember there are only 4 channels available too (0 to 3). # For example set channel 0 (R0, G0, B0) to half brightness: leds[0] = (32767, 32767, 32767) # Dont forget to call show if you disabled auto_show above. # Or to set channel 1 to full red only (green and blue off). leds[1] = (65535, 0, 0) # You can also explicitly control each R0, G0, B0, R1, B1, etc. channel # by getting and setting its 16-bit value directly with properties.
class ShowcaseApp(App): #kivy properties brightness = StringProperty() flo_read = ListProperty([0, 0, 0]) hierarchy_index = ListProperty([]) DNA_result = StringProperty() #config config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') #brightness =config['BASIC']['brightness'] led_red_on = False led_blue_on = False adc_gain = 1 sample_rate = 8 unit = NumericProperty(1) home_screen = Builder.load_file("./kv/home.kv") #adc_loop = False try: spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI) except: print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>spi init failed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') try: leds = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(spi, auto_show=False) leds[0] = (0, 0, 0) leds[1] = (0, 0, 0) except: print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>led init failed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') try: i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) except: print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i2c init failed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') try: ads = ADS.ADS1115(i2c, gain=adc_gain, data_rate=sample_rate, address=0x48) except: print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ads init failed<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') try: file = open("/sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness", "r") brightness = file.close() except: print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brightness init error<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') def build(self): self.root = Builder.load_file('kv/main.kv') self.title = 'Fluorometer' Window.size = (800, 480) #self.go_home() self.hierarchy_index.append('home') print(self.hierarchy_index) #screen = Builder.load_file("./kv/home.kv"), direction='right') self.root.ids.main_label.text = 'Choose an assay' self.root.ids.back_btn.disabled = True def go_home(self): if (len(self.hierarchy_index) == 1) and (self.hierarchy_index[0] == 'home'): return del self.hierarchy_index[:] self.hierarchy_index.append('home') print(self.hierarchy_index) #screen = Builder.load_file("./kv/home.kv"), direction='right') self.root.ids.main_label.text = 'Choose an assay' self.root.ids.back_btn.disabled = True def go_settings(self): if (len(self.hierarchy_index) == 1) and (self.hierarchy_index[0] == 'settings'): return del self.hierarchy_index[:] self.hierarchy_index.append('settings') print(self.hierarchy_index) screen = Builder.load_file("./kv/settings.kv"), direction='right') self.root.ids.main_label.text = 'Settings' self.root.ids.back_btn.disabled = True def go_screen(self, screen_name): self.hierarchy_index.append('{0}'.format(screen_name)) print(self.hierarchy_index) #self.previous_screen = self.current_screen #self.current_screen = screen_name screen = self.load_screen(screen_name) #sm = #sm.switch_to(screen, direction='left'), direction='left') self.root.ids.main_label.text = '{0}'.format(screen_name) self.root.ids.back_btn.disabled = False def go_previous(self): if len(self.hierarchy_index) == 2: if self.hierarchy_index[0] == 'home': self.go_home() return if self.hierarchy_index[0] == 'settings': self.go_settings() return self.hierarchy_index.pop() previous_name = self.hierarchy_index[-1] print(self.hierarchy_index) #self.previous_screen = self.current_screen #self.current_screen = screen_name screen = self.load_screen(previous_name) #sm = #sm.switch_to(screen, direction='left'), direction='right') self.root.ids.main_label.text = '{0}'.format(previous_name) def load_screen(self, screen_name): screen = Builder.load_file("./kv/{0}.kv".format(screen_name)) return screen #-----------------------------Settings--------------------------------- def brightness_control(self, *args): self.brightness = str(int(args[1])) try: file = open("/sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness", "w") file.write(self.brightness) file.close() except: print('Brightness error') def blue_led_test(self): try: print("SCK, MOSI:") print(board.SCK) print(board.MOSI) #spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, MOSI=board.MOSI) #leds = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(self.spi, auto_show=False) if self.led_blue_on: self.leds[0] = (0, 0, 0) self.led_blue_on = False print('Blue Led off') return else: self.leds[0] = (65535, 65535, 65535) self.led_blue_on = True print('Blue Led on') return except: print('Blue test false') def red_led_test(self): print("SCK, MOSI:") print(board.SCK) print(board.MOSI) #leds = adafruit_tlc59711.TLC59711(self.spi, auto_show=False) if self.led_red_on: self.leds[1] = (0, 0, 0) self.led_red_on = False print('Red Led off') return else: self.leds[1] = (65535, 65535, 65535) self.led_red_on = True print('Red Led on') return def adc_test(self): try: #chan0 = AnalogIn(ads, ADS.P0) chan1 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P1) chan2 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P2) chan3 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P3) #print("{:>5}\t{:>5.3f}".format(chan0.value, chan0.voltage)) while True: #print("channel 01 {:>5}\t{:>5.3f}".format(chan3.value, chan3.voltage)) #print("channel 02 {:>5}\t{:>5.3f}".format(chan2.value, chan2.voltage)) #print("channel 03 {:>5}\t{:>5.3f}".format(chan1.value, chan1.voltage)) #print("----------------") adc01 = chan3.value adc02 = chan2.value adc03 = chan1.value print("{0}, {1}, {2}".format(adc01, adc02, adc03)) time.sleep(0.3) except: print('ADC test begin false') def adc_diff(self): try: chan1 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P1) chan2 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P2) chan3 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P3) adc01 = chan3.value adc02 = chan2.value adc03 = chan1.value print("befor led {:>5}\t{:>5}\t{:>5}".format(adc01, adc02, adc03)) self.leds[0] = (32767, 32767, 32767) time.sleep(0.5) adc01_af = chan3.value adc02_af = chan2.value adc03_af = chan1.value print("after led {:>5}\t{:>5}\t{:>5}".format( adc01_af, adc02_af, adc03_af)) adc01 = adc01_af - adc01 adc02 = adc02_af - adc02 adc03 = adc03_af - adc03 print("after dif {:>5}\t{:>5}\t{:>5}".format(adc01, adc02, adc03)) print("---------------------------------------") self.leds[0] = (0, 0, 0) except: print('ADC diff test failed') #-----------------------------Fluorometer--------------------------------- def adc_aver(self): try: chan1sum = 0 chan2sum = 0 chan3sum = 0 chan1 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P1) chan2 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P2) chan3 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P3) for i in range(10): chan1read = chan1.value chan2read = chan2.value chan3read = chan3.value chan1sum = chan1sum + chan1read chan2sum = chan2sum + chan2read chan3sum = chan3sum + chan3read print( str(chan3read) + " " + str(chan2read) + " " + str(chan1read)) print('ADC average: ') print(chan3sum / 10) print(chan2sum / 10) print(chan1sum / 10) self.flo_read[0] = str(chan3sum / 10) self.flo_read[1] = str(chan2sum / 10) self.flo_read[2] = str(chan1sum / 10) except: print('ADC average test failed') def adc_aver_with_led(self): try: self.leds[0] = (32767, 32767, 32767) time.sleep(0.3) chan1sum = 0 chan2sum = 0 chan3sum = 0 chan1 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P1) chan2 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P2) chan3 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P3) for i in range(10): chan1read = chan1.value chan2read = chan2.value chan3read = chan3.value chan1sum = chan1sum + chan1read chan2sum = chan2sum + chan2read chan3sum = chan3sum + chan3read print( str(chan3read) + " " + str(chan2read) + " " + str(chan1read)) time.sleep(0.3) print("result led always on: ") print( str(chan3sum / 10) + " " + str(chan2sum / 10) + " " + str(chan1sum / 10)) self.leds[0] = (0, 0, 0) self.flo_read[0] = str(chan3sum / 10) self.flo_read[1] = str(chan2sum / 10) self.flo_read[2] = str(chan1sum / 10) except: print('ADC average led always on failed') def adc_aver_with_blink(self): try: chan1sum = 0 chan2sum = 0 chan3sum = 0 chan1 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P1) chan2 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P2) chan3 = AnalogIn(, ADS.P3) for i in range(10): self.leds[0] = (32767, 32767, 32767) time.sleep(0.3) chan1read = chan1.value chan2read = chan2.value chan3read = chan3.value chan1sum = chan1sum + chan1read chan2sum = chan2sum + chan2read chan3sum = chan3sum + chan3read print( str(chan3read) + " " + str(chan2read) + " " + str(chan1read)) self.leds[0] = (0, 0, 0) time.sleep(0.3) print("result blink: ") print( str(chan3sum / 10) + " " + str(chan2sum / 10) + " " + str(chan1sum / 10)) self.flo_read[0] = str(chan3sum / 10) self.flo_read[1] = str(chan2sum / 10) self.flo_read[2] = str(chan1sum / 10) #self.root.ids.flo_read1.text = '{0}'.format(str(chan3sum/10)) #self.root.ids.flo_read2.text = '{0}'.format(str(chan2sum/10)) #self.root.ids.flo_read3.text = '{0}'.format(str(chan1sum/10)) except: print('ADC average blink failed') def read_standard(self): print('read stadndard') fake_read = 400 ShowcaseApp.config['DNA']['v'] = str(fake_read) with open('config.ini', 'w') as configfile: ShowcaseApp.config.write(configfile) def read_tube(self): fake_read = 459.40 k = float(ShowcaseApp.config['DNA']['k']) g = float(ShowcaseApp.config['DNA']['g']) #r = float(ShowcaseApp.config['DNA']['r']) n = float(ShowcaseApp.config['DNA']['n']) v = float(ShowcaseApp.config['DNA']['v']) s = float(ShowcaseApp.config['DNA']['s']) print(v) r = (v - g) * ((pow(s, n) + k) / pow(s, n)) ShowcaseApp.DNA_result = str( pow(k * (fake_read - g) / (r - (fake_read - g)), 1 / n)) #print(ShowcaseApp.DNA_result) self.go_screen('DNA Result')