def __init__(self, config_path): self._log = Logger() # load global adapo configuration self._global_config = Config(self.ADAPO_CONF) self._steamcmd_url = self._global_config.steamcmd_dl_url self._steamcmd_path = self._global_config.steamcmd_path if not self._steamcmd_url or not self._steamcmd_path: self._log.error( "steamcmd config attrs are required to" " install a csgo server" ) exit(1) if not os.path.exists(self._steamcmd_path): os.makedirs(self._steamcmd_path) self._metamod_url = self._global_config.metamod_dl_url self._sourcemod_url = self._global_config.sourcemod_dl_url if not self._steamcmd_url or not self._steamcmd_path: self._log.error( "source & metamode urls are required to install a csgo server" ) exit(1) # load specific cs:go server configuration self._config = Config(config_path) if not self._config.csgo: self._log.error( "configuration section 'csgo' not found!" ) exit(1) self._root_dir = self._config.csgo.get("root_directory") if not self._root_dir: self._log.error( "root directory not set" ) exit(1) self._resourcemanager = ResourceManager()
class Installer(object): """ CS:GO Server Installer """ LOG_FILE = "/tmp/adapo_installer.log" ADAPO_CONF = "/etc/adapo/main.cfg" def __init__(self, config_path): self._log = Logger() # load global adapo configuration self._global_config = Config(self.ADAPO_CONF) self._steamcmd_url = self._global_config.steamcmd_dl_url self._steamcmd_path = self._global_config.steamcmd_path if not self._steamcmd_url or not self._steamcmd_path: self._log.error( "steamcmd config attrs are required to" " install a csgo server" ) exit(1) if not os.path.exists(self._steamcmd_path): os.makedirs(self._steamcmd_path) self._metamod_url = self._global_config.metamod_dl_url self._sourcemod_url = self._global_config.sourcemod_dl_url if not self._steamcmd_url or not self._steamcmd_path: self._log.error( "source & metamode urls are required to install a csgo server" ) exit(1) # load specific cs:go server configuration self._config = Config(config_path) if not self._config.csgo: self._log.error( "configuration section 'csgo' not found!" ) exit(1) self._root_dir = self._config.csgo.get("root_directory") if not self._root_dir: self._log.error( "root directory not set" ) exit(1) self._resourcemanager = ResourceManager() def install(self): """ install csgo server """ if not self.install_steamcmd(): self._log.error( "steamcmd installation failed, " "check '%s' for errors!" % self.LOG_FILE ) return False"steamcmd successfully installed") if not self.install_csgo(): self._log.error( "csgo installation failed, " "check '%s' for errors!" % self.LOG_FILE ) return False"csgo successfully installed") if not self.install_metamod(): self._log.error( "metamod installation failed, " "check '%s' for errors!" % self.LOG_FILE ) return False"metamod successfully installed") if not self.install_sourcemod(): self._log.error( "sourcemod installation failed, " "check '%s' for errors!" % self.LOG_FILE ) return False"sourcmod successfully installed") if not self.install_plugins(): self._log.error( "plugin installation failed, " "check '%s' for errors!" % self.LOG_FILE ) return False"plugins successfully installed") if not self.install_maps(): self._log.error( "map installation failed, " "check '%s' for errors!" % self.LOG_FILE ) return False"maps successfully installed") if not self.write_server_config(): self._log.error( "could not install config!, " "check '%s' for errors!" % self.LOG_FILE ) return False"server config successfully installed") if not self.create_start_script(): self._log.error( "could not create start script!, " "check '%s' for errors!" % self.LOG_FILE )"start script successfully written") return True def uninstall(self): """ uninstall csgo server """ # FIXME: Implement uninstall"uninstall not implemented yet") def install_csgo(self): """ install csgo server """"installing csgo with steamcmd ...") if not os.path.exists(self._root_dir): os.makedirs(self._root_dir) return self._resourcemanager.open_subprocess( [ "./", "+login", "anonymous", "+force_install_dir", self._root_dir, "+app_update", "740", "+quit" ], self._steamcmd_path ) def download_steamcmd(self): """ download steamcmd.tar.gz """"downloading steamcmd ...") return self._steamcmd_url, self._steamcmd_path ) def clean_steamcmd(self): """ clean steamcmd directory """"cleaning up steamcmd directory ...") steamcmd_tar = self._steamcmd_url.split("/")[-1] path = os.path.join(self._steamcmd_path, steamcmd_tar) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) return True def install_steamcmd(self): """ installs steamcmd """"installing steamcmd ...") if not os.path.exists(self._steamcmd_path): os.makedirs(self._steamcmd_path) steamcmd_tar = self._steamcmd_url.split("/")[-1] steamcmd_tar = os.path.join( self._steamcmd_path, steamcmd_tar ) if os.path.exists(steamcmd_tar): self._log.error("steamcmd_linux.tar.gz already exists!") return False if not self.download_steamcmd(): self._log.error("could not download steamcmd!") return False"steamcmd successfully downloaded") if not self._resourcemanager.unpack(steamcmd_tar, self._steamcmd_path): self._log.error("could not unpack steamcmd!") return False"steamcmd successfully unpacked") if not self.clean_steamcmd(): self._log.error("could not clean steamcmd!") return False"steamcmd successfully cleaned") return True def download_sourcemod(self): """ download sourcemod """ sourcemod_tar = self._sourcemod_url.split("/")[-1] sourcemod_tar_path = os.path.join(self._root_dir, "csgo", sourcemod_tar) if os.path.exists(sourcemod_tar_path): "sourcemod already cached, if you want to redownload it" " remove the sourcemod tar file: '{0}' ..." .format(sourcemod_tar_path) ) return sourcemod_tar_path"downloading sourcemod ...") return self._sourcemod_url, os.path.join(self._root_dir, "csgo") ) def install_sourcemod(self): """ install sourcemod to csgo root dir """"installing sourcemod ...") sourcemod_tar = self.download_sourcemod() if not sourcemod_tar: self._log.error("could not download sourcemod!") return False dst = "/".join(sourcemod_tar.split("/")[:-1]) if not self._resourcemanager.unpack(sourcemod_tar, dst): self._log.error("could not unpack sourcemod!") return False if not self.write_admins_config(): self._log.error("could not write admins_simple.ini") return False"admins_simple.ini successfully written") if not self.write_databases_config(): self._log.error("could not write databases.cfg") return False"databases.cfg successfully written") return True def download_metamod(self): """ download metamod """ metamod_tar = self._metamod_url.split("/")[-1] metamod_tar_path = os.path.join(self._root_dir, "csgo", metamod_tar) if os.path.exists(metamod_tar_path): "metamod already cached, if you want to redownload it" " remove the metamod tar file: '{0}' ..." .format(metamod_tar_path) ) return metamod_tar_path"downloading metamod ...") return self._metamod_url, os.path.join(self._root_dir, "csgo") ) def install_metamod(self): """ install metamod to csgo root dir """"installing metamod ...") metamod_tar = self.download_metamod() if not metamod_tar: self._log.error("could not download metamod!") return False dst = "/".join(metamod_tar.split("/")[:-1]) if not self._resourcemanager.unpack(metamod_tar, dst): self._log.error("could not unpack metamod!") return False metamod_vdf = os.path.join(self._root_dir, "csgo/addons/metamod.vdf") with open(metamod_vdf, "w") as _file: _file.write('"Plugin"\n') _file.write('{\n') _file.write('\t"file" "../csgo/addons/metamod/bin/server"\n') _file.write('}\n') return True def install_plugins(self): """ install sourcemod plugins """"installing plugins ...") sourcemod_cfg = self._config.sourcemod plugins = sourcemod_cfg.get("plugins") for plugin in plugins:"installing plugin '%s' ..." % plugin) data_path = self._global_config.data_src_path if not data_path: return False plugin_path = os.path.join(data_path, "plugins", plugin) if os.path.exists(plugin_path + ".smx"): plugin_path = plugin_path + ".smx" if not os.path.exists(plugin_path): self._log.error( "could not find plugin files for '%s'" % plugin_path ) continue src = plugin_path dst = self._root_dir if plugin_path.endswith(".smx"): dst = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins/" ) shutil.copy2(src, dst) continue self._resourcemanager.copy_tree(src, dst)"simple plugins successfully installed") return True def dowload_map(self, map_name): """ download map from fastdl server """ server_cfg = self._config.server_config if not server_cfg: return False fastdl_url = server_cfg.get("sv_downloadurl") url = fastdl_url + "maps/" + map_name + ".bsp.bz2" maps_dir = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/maps" ) return, maps_dir) def unpack_maps(self): """ unpack all maps (*.bz2) in csgo/maps """ maps_dir = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/maps" ) for map_file in os.listdir(maps_dir): if not map_file.endswith(".bsp.bz2"): continue"unpacking map '%s' ..." % map_file) ret = self._resourcemanager.open_subprocess( [ "bzip2", "-d", map_file ], maps_dir ) if not ret: return False return True def install_maps(self): """ install maps if maps are not already in maps dir """ maps_dir = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/maps" ) maps_installed = os.listdir(maps_dir) csgo_cfg = self._config.csgo for _map in csgo_cfg.get("maps"): map_name = _map + ".bsp" if map_name in maps_installed:"map '%s' already installed" % map_name) continue"installing map '%s' ..." % map_name) ret = self.dowload_map(_map) if not ret: return ret if not self.unpack_maps(): return False"writing maps to maplist.txt & mapcycle.txt ...") maplist_file = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/maplist.txt" ) mapcycle_file = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/mapcycle.txt" ) with open(maplist_file, "w") as maplist: for _map in csgo_cfg.get("maps"): maplist.write(_map) maplist.write("\n") shutil.copy2(maplist_file, mapcycle_file) return True def install_config(self): """ install/write specific config files """ if not self.write_server_config(): self._log.error("could not write server config") return False return True def write_server_config(self): """ write config server.cfg """ server_cfg_file = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/cfg/server.cfg" )"generating '%s' ..." % server_cfg_file) with open(server_cfg_file, "w") as config_file: server_vars = self._config.server_config for key, value in server_vars.iteritems(): config_file.write( '%s "%s"\n' % (key, value) ) return True def create_start_script(self): """ create script in csgo root dir example: ./srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +map am_must2 -tickrate 128 -maxplayers_override 32 -condebug """ csgo_cfg = self._config.csgo gametype = csgo_cfg.get("game_type") gamemode = csgo_cfg.get("game_mode") start_map = csgo_cfg.get("map") tickrate = csgo_cfg.get("tickrate") max_players = csgo_cfg.get("max_players") ip_addr = csgo_cfg.get("ip") port = csgo_cfg.get("port") cmd = os.path.join(self._root_dir, "srcds_run") args = [ "-game csgo", "-console", "-usercon" ] if gametype is not None: arg = "%s %s" % (Parameters.GAME_TYPE, gametype) args.append(arg) if gamemode is not None: arg = "%s %s" % (Parameters.GAME_MODE, gamemode) args.append(arg) if start_map: arg = "%s %s" % (Parameters.MAP, start_map) args.append(arg) if tickrate: arg = "%s %s" % (Parameters.TICKRATE, tickrate) args.append(arg) if max_players: arg = "%s %s" % (Parameters.MAX_PLAYERS, max_players) args.append(arg) if ip_addr: arg = "%s %s" % (Parameters.IP_ADDR, ip_addr) args.append(arg) if port: arg = "%s %s" % (Parameters.PORT, port) args.append(arg) start_script_path = os.path.join(self._root_dir, "") arg_string = " ".join(args) with open(start_script_path, "w") as start_script_file: start_script_file.write("%s %s" % (cmd, arg_string)) # set execute permission sta = os.stat(start_script_path) os.chmod(start_script_path, sta.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) return True def write_admins_config(self): """ write config admins_simple.ini """ admins_config_file = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini" )"generating '%s' ..." % admins_config_file) sourcemod_cfg = self._config.sourcemod users = sourcemod_cfg.get("users") if not users:"No users found to write to admis_simple.ini") return True with open(admins_config_file, "w") as config_file: for user in users: config_file.write( '"%s" "%s"\n' % (user["steam_id"], user["flags"]) ) return True def write_databases_config(self): """ write database config databases.cfg """ sourcemod_cfg = self._config.sourcemod configured_dbs = sourcemod_cfg.get("databases") if not configured_dbs:"no databases configured") return True database_config_path = os.path.join( self._root_dir, "csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg" ) db_config_file = open(database_config_path, "r") "loading databases configuration '%s' ..." % database_config_path ) db_config = vdf.load(db_config_file, mapper=OrderedDict) db_config_file.close() for database_name, database_config in configured_dbs.iteritems(): db_config["Databases"][database_name] = database_config "writing databases config '%s' ..." % database_config_path ) with open(database_config_path, "w") as config_file: config_file.write(vdf.dumps(db_config, pretty=True)) return True