Пример #1
        def build_parent_level_leaf(key, leaves_set, colleagues_parents,
                                    parent_colleagues, depth):
            Build the portion of the interaction list that is expected at the
                parent level of a node. Contributes to the U and X lists for
                leaf keys.

            key : np.int64
                Key for the current node being considered.
            leaves_set : set(np.int64)
            colleagues_parents : np.array(np.int64)
                The (unique) parents of the node's colleagues.
            parent_colleagues : np.array(np.int64)
                The colleagues of the node's parents.
            depth : np.int64

            (np.int64, np.array(dtype=np.int64))
                Four-tuple (u_ptr, u, x_ptr, x), where 'u_ptr' is the length
                of the U list contributions at this level.

            # U List (P2P)
            cp_in_tree = np.zeros_like(colleagues_parents)
            i = 0
            for cp in colleagues_parents:
                if cp in leaves_set:
                    cp_in_tree[i] = cp
                    i += 1

            cp_in_tree = cp_in_tree[:i]

            adj_idxs = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, cp_in_tree, depth)
            adjacent = cp_in_tree[adj_idxs == 1]

            # X List (P2L)
            pc_in_tree = np.zeros_like(parent_colleagues)
            i = 0
            for pc in parent_colleagues:
                if pc in leaves_set:
                    pc_in_tree[i] = pc
                    i += 1

            pc_in_tree = pc_in_tree[:i]

            not_adj_idxs = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, pc_in_tree, depth)
            not_adjacent = pc_in_tree[not_adj_idxs == 0]

            return len(adjacent), adjacent, len(not_adjacent), not_adjacent
Пример #2
        def build_current_level_non_leaf(key, complete_set,
                                         parent_colleagues_children, depth):
            Build the portion of the interaction list that is expected at the
                level of a node. Contributes to the V lists for non-leaf keys.

            key : np.int64
                Key for the current node being considered.
            complete_set : set(np.int64)
            parent_colleagues_children : np.array(np.int64)
                The children of a node's parent's colleagues.
            depth : np.int64

            (np.int64, np.array(dtype=np.int64))
                Tuple (v_ptr, v), where 'v_ptr' is the length of the V list
                contributions at this level.
            # V List (M2L)
            pcc_in_tree = np.zeros_like(parent_colleagues_children)
            i = 0
            for pcc in parent_colleagues_children:
                if pcc in complete_set:
                    pcc_in_tree[i] = pcc
                    i += 1

            pcc_in_tree = pcc_in_tree[:i]
            adj_idxs = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, pcc_in_tree, depth)
            not_adjacent = pcc_in_tree[adj_idxs == 0]

            return len(not_adjacent), not_adjacent
Пример #3
def test_find_interaction_lists(balanced):
    Currently only tests interaction lists for nodes at leaf level, mainly
        checking that the constraints on their level, and adjacency are
    depth = tree.find_depth(balanced)
    complete = tree.complete_tree(balanced)
    u, x, v, w = tree.find_interaction_lists(balanced, complete, depth)

    for i in range(len(complete)):
        key = complete[i]

        if key in balanced:

            # Check all u list members are adjacent
            u_i = u[i][u[i] != -1]
            u_adj_idxs = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, u_i, depth)
            assert np.all(u_adj_idxs == 1)

            # Check all x list members are at the right level, and not adjacent
            x_i = x[i][x[i] != -1]
            x_nadj_idxs = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, x_i, depth)
            assert np.all(x_nadj_idxs == 0)

            x_levels = morton.find_level(x_i)
            assert np.all(
                x_levels == morton.find_level(morton.find_parent(key)))

            # Check all w list members are at right level, and not adjacent
            w_i = w[i][w[i] != -1]
            w_nadj_idxs = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, w_i, depth)
            assert np.all(w_nadj_idxs == 0)

            w_levels = morton.find_level(w_i)
            assert np.all(w_levels == (morton.find_level(key) - 1))

            # Check all v list members are at right level, and not adjacent
            v_i = v[i][v[i] != -1]
            v_nadj_idxs = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, v_i, depth)
            assert np.all(v_nadj_idxs == 0)

            v_levels = morton.find_level(v_i)
            assert np.all(v_levels == morton.find_level(key))
Пример #4
def find_dense_v_list(key, depth):
    Find the V list of a key if it were in a non-adaptive tree.

    parent = morton.find_parent(key)
    parent_neighbours = morton.find_neighbours(parent)
    parent_neigbhours_children = morton.find_children_vec(
    are_adj = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, parent_neigbhours_children, depth)

    return parent_neigbhours_children[are_adj == 0]
Пример #5
def test_find_dense_v_list():

    x0 = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
    r0 = 0.5
    depth = 3
    key = morton.encode_point(x0, depth, x0, r0)

    v_list = tree.find_dense_v_list(key, depth)

    are_adj = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, v_list, depth)

    # Test that v list members are not adjacent to the key
    assert np.all(are_adj == 0)

    # Test that v list members are the same level as the key
    assert np.all(morton.find_level(v_list) == morton.find_level(key))

    # Test that the v list is dense
    assert len(v_list) == 189
Пример #6
        def build_child_level_leaf(key, leaves_set, colleagues_children,
            Build the portion of the interaction list that is expected at the
                level of a node's children. Contributes to the U and W lists for
                leaf keys.

            key : np.int64
                Key for the current node being considered.
            leaves_set : set(np.int64)
            colleagues_children : np.array(np.int64)
                The children of a node's colleagues.
            depth : np.int64

            (np.int64, np.array(dtype=np.int64))
                Four-tuple (u_ptr, u, w_ptr, w), where 'u_ptr' is the length
                of the U list contributions at this level.
            # U List (P2P)
            i = 0
            cc_in_tree = np.zeros_like(colleagues_children)
            for cc in colleagues_children:
                if cc in leaves_set:
                    cc_in_tree[i] = cc
                    i += 1

            cc_in_tree = cc_in_tree[:i]
            adj_idxs = morton.are_adjacent_vec(key, cc_in_tree, depth)
            adjacent = cc_in_tree[adj_idxs == 1]

            # W List (M2P)
            not_adjacent = cc_in_tree[adj_idxs == 0]
            return len(adjacent), adjacent, len(not_adjacent), not_adjacent