Пример #1
Файл: spec.py Проект: jkyl/xhorn
 def clear_ogp(self):
     Clears the OGP registers on the ADC.
     for core in range(1, 5):
         adc.set_spi_gain(self._roach, 0, core, 0)
         adc.set_spi_offset(self._roach, 0, core, 0)
         adc.set_spi_phase(self._roach, 0, core, 0)
Пример #2
def clear_ogp():
  Clear all of the Offset, Gain and Phase corrections registers on the adc.
  for core in range(1,5):
    adc5g.set_spi_gain(roach2,zdok, core, 0)
    adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2,zdok, core, 0)
    adc5g.set_spi_phase(roach2,zdok, core, 0)
Пример #3
def clear_ogp():
  Clear all of the Offset, Gain and Phase corrections registers on the adc.
    for core in range(1, 5):
        adc5g.set_spi_gain(roach2, zdok, core, 0)
        adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2, zdok, core, 0)
        adc5g.set_spi_phase(roach2, zdok, core, 0)
Пример #4
Файл: spec.py Проект: jkyl/xhorn
 def set_ogp(self, ogp):
     Sets the OGP registers on the ADC. Input shape must be (4, 3). 
     offs = ogp[:, 0]
     gains = ogp[:, 1]
     phase = ogp[:, 2]
     for i in range(len(offs)):
          adc.set_spi_offset(self._roach, 0, i+1, offs[i])
          adc.set_spi_gain(self._roach, 0, i+1, gains[i])
          adc.set_spi_phase(self._roach, 0, i+1, phase[i])
Пример #5
    def clear_ogp(self, chans=[0, 1, 2, 3]):
	   Sets OGP to 0 for channels in 'chans'

        for chan in chans:

            zdok, cores = self.get_channel_core_spi(chan)

            for core in cores:

                adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach, zdok, core, 0)

                adc5g.set_spi_gain(self.roach, zdok, core, 0)

                adc5g.set_spi_phase(self.roach, zdok, core, 0)
Пример #6
    def clear_ogp(self, chans = [0,1,2,3]):

	   Sets OGP to 0 for channels in 'chans'

	for chan in chans:

		zdok, cores = self.get_channel_core_spi(chan)

		for core in cores:

			adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach, zdok, core, 0)

			adc5g.set_spi_gain(self.roach, zdok, core, 0)

			adc5g.set_spi_phase(self.roach, zdok, core, 0)
Пример #7
def set_offs(o1, o2, o3, o4):
  Set the offsets for each core in the order a, b, c, d.
  t = float(o1)
  print math.floor(.5+t*255/100.)+0x80,
  adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2,zdok, 1, t)
  t = float(o2)
  print math.floor(.5+t*255/100.)+0x80,
  adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2,zdok, 2, t)
  t = float(o3)
  print math.floor(.5+t*255/100.)+0x80,
  adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2,zdok, 3, t)
  t = float(o4)
  print math.floor(.5+t*255/100.)+0x80
  adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2,zdok, 4, t)
Пример #8
def set_offs(o1, o2, o3, o4):
  Set the offsets for each core in the order a, b, c, d.
    t = float(o1)
    print math.floor(.5 + t * 255 / 100.) + 0x80,
    adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2, zdok, 1, t)
    t = float(o2)
    print math.floor(.5 + t * 255 / 100.) + 0x80,
    adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2, zdok, 2, t)
    t = float(o3)
    print math.floor(.5 + t * 255 / 100.) + 0x80,
    adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2, zdok, 3, t)
    t = float(o4)
    print math.floor(.5 + t * 255 / 100.) + 0x80
    adc5g.set_spi_offset(roach2, zdok, 4, t)
Пример #9
    def set_ogp(self, ogp_chan, chan):
	   Sets ogp for two cores of channel 'chan'
	   multi_ogp is format (ogp1, ogp2)

        zdok, cores = self.get_channel_core_spi(chan)

        i = 0
        for core in cores:

            off, gain, phase = ogp_chan[i]

            off_spi = math.floor(.5 + off * 255 / 100.) + 0x80
            adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach, zdok, core, float(off))

            gain_spi = math.floor(.5 + gain * 255 / 36.) + 0x80
            adc5g.set_spi_gain(self.roach, zdok, core, float(gain))

            phase_spi = math.floor(.5 + phase * 255 / 28.) + 0x80
            adc5g.set_spi_phase(self.roach, zdok, core, float(phase) * 0.65)

            i += 1
Пример #10
    def set_ogp(self, ogp_chan, chan):

	   Sets ogp for two cores of channel 'chan'
	   multi_ogp is format (ogp1, ogp2)

        zdok, cores = self.get_channel_core_spi(chan)

	i = 0
        for core in cores:
            off, gain, phase = ogp_chan[i]

            off_spi = math.floor(.5 + off*255/100.) + 0x80
            adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach, zdok, core, float(off))

            gain_spi = math.floor(.5 + gain*255/36.) + 0x80
            adc5g.set_spi_gain(self.roach, zdok, core, float(gain))

            phase_spi = math.floor(.5 + phase*255/28.) + 0x80
            adc5g.set_spi_phase(self.roach, zdok, core, float(phase)*0.65)

	    i += 1
Пример #11
    def calibrate_adc_offset(self, zdok=0, oiter=10, otol=0.005, verbose=10):
		Attempt to match the core offsets within the ADC.

		See ArtooDaq.calibrate_adc_ogp for more details.
        # offset controlled by float varying over [-50,50] mV with 0.4 mV resolution
        res_offset = 0.4
        lim_offset = [-50.0, 50.0]
        groups = 8
        test_step = 10 * res_offset
        if verbose > 3:
            print "  Offset calibration ZDOK{0}:".format(zdok)
        for ic in xrange(1, 5):
            adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach2, zdok, ic, 0)
        x1 = self._snap_per_core(zdok=zdok, groups=groups)
        sx1 = x1.std(axis=0)
        mx1 = x1.mean(axis=0) / sx1
        if verbose > 5:
            print "    ...offset: with zero-offsets, means are                                        [{0}]".format(
                ", ".join(["{0:+7.4f}".format(imx) for imx in mx1]))
        for ic in xrange(1, 5):
            adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach2, zdok, ic, test_step)
        x2 = self._snap_per_core(zdok=zdok, groups=groups)
        sx2 = x2.std(axis=0)
        mx2 = x2.mean(axis=0) / sx2
        if verbose > 5:
            print "    ...offset: with {0:+4.1f} mV offset, means are                                      [{1}]".format(
                test_step, ", ".join(["{0:+7.4f}".format(imx) for imx in mx2]))
        d_mx = (mx2 - mx1) / test_step
        core_offsets = -mx1 / d_mx
        for ic in xrange(1, 5):
            adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach2, zdok, ic, core_offsets[ic - 1])
            core_offsets[ic - 1] = adc5g.get_spi_offset(self.roach2, zdok, ic)
        x = self._snap_per_core(zdok=zdok, groups=groups)
        sx = x.std(axis=0)
        mx = x.mean(axis=0) / sx
        if verbose > 5:
            print "    ...offset: solution offsets are [{0}] mV, means are [{1}]".format(
                ", ".join(["{0:+6.2f}".format(ico) for ico in core_offsets]),
                ", ".join(["{0:+7.4f}".format(imx) for imx in mx]))
        if any(abs(mx) >= otol):
            if verbose > 5:
                print "    ...offset: solution not good enough, iterating (tol={0:4.4f},iter={1:d})".format(
                    otol, oiter)
            for ii in xrange(0, oiter):
                for ic in xrange(1, 5):
                    if mx[ic - 1] > otol:
                        adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach2, zdok, ic,
                                             core_offsets[ic - 1] - res_offset)
                    elif mx[ic - 1] < -otol:
                        adc5g.set_spi_offset(self.roach2, zdok, ic,
                                             core_offsets[ic - 1] + res_offset)
                    core_offsets[ic - 1] = adc5g.get_spi_offset(
                        self.roach2, zdok, ic)
                x = self._snap_per_core(zdok=zdok, groups=groups)
                sx = x.std(axis=0)
                mx = x.mean(axis=0) / sx
                if verbose > 7:
                    print "    ...offset: solution offsets are [{0}] mV, means are [{1}]".format(
                        ", ".join(
                            ["{0:+6.2f}".format(ico) for ico in core_offsets]),
                        ", ".join(["{0:+7.4f}".format(imx) for imx in mx]))
                if all(abs(mx) < otol):
                    if verbose > 5:
                        print "    ...offset: solution good enough"
                if ii == oiter - 1:
                    if verbose > 5:
                        print "    ...offset: maximum number of iterations reached, aborting"
            if verbose > 5:
                print "    ...offset: solution good enough"
        return core_offsets
Пример #12
	def calibrate_adc_offset(self,zdok=0,oiter=10,otol=0.005,verbose=10):
		Attempt to match the core offsets within the ADC.

		See ArtooDaq.calibrate_adc_ogp for more details.
		# offset controlled by float varying over [-50,50] mV with 0.4 mV resolution
		res_offset = 0.4
		lim_offset = [-50.0,50.0]
		groups = 8
		test_step = 10*res_offset
		if verbose > 3:
			print "  Offset calibration ZDOK{0}:".format(zdok)
		for ic in xrange(1,5):
		x1 = self._snap_per_core(zdok=zdok,groups=groups)
		sx1 = x1.std(axis=0)
		mx1 = x1.mean(axis=0)/sx1
		if verbose > 5:
			print "    ...offset: with zero-offsets, means are                                        [{0}]".format(
				", ".join(["{0:+7.4f}".format(imx) for imx in mx1])
		for ic in xrange(1,5):
		x2 = self._snap_per_core(zdok=zdok,groups=groups)
		sx2 = x2.std(axis=0)
		mx2 = x2.mean(axis=0)/sx2
		if verbose > 5:
			print "    ...offset: with {0:+4.1f} mV offset, means are                                      [{1}]".format(
				", ".join(["{0:+7.4f}".format(imx) for imx in mx2])
		d_mx = (mx2 - mx1)/test_step
		core_offsets = -mx1/d_mx
		for ic in xrange(1,5):
			core_offsets[ic-1] = adc5g.get_spi_offset(self.roach2,zdok,ic)
		x = self._snap_per_core(zdok=zdok,groups=groups)
		sx = x.std(axis=0)
		mx = x.mean(axis=0)/sx
		if verbose > 5:
			print "    ...offset: solution offsets are [{0}] mV, means are [{1}]".format(
				", ".join(["{0:+6.2f}".format(ico) for ico in core_offsets]),
				", ".join(["{0:+7.4f}".format(imx) for imx in mx])
		if any(abs(mx) >= otol):
			if verbose > 5:
				print "    ...offset: solution not good enough, iterating (tol={0:4.4f},iter={1:d})".format(otol,oiter)
			for ii in xrange(0,oiter):
				for ic in xrange(1,5):
					if mx[ic-1] > otol:
					elif mx[ic-1] < -otol:
					core_offsets[ic-1] = adc5g.get_spi_offset(self.roach2,zdok,ic)
				x = self._snap_per_core(zdok=zdok,groups=groups)
				sx = x.std(axis=0)
				mx = x.mean(axis=0)/sx
				if verbose > 7:
					print "    ...offset: solution offsets are [{0}] mV, means are [{1}]".format(
						", ".join(["{0:+6.2f}".format(ico) for ico in core_offsets]),
        		        ", ".join(["{0:+7.4f}".format(imx) for imx in mx])
				if all(abs(mx) < otol):
					if verbose > 5:
						print "    ...offset: solution good enough"
				if ii==oiter-1:
					if verbose > 5:
						print "    ...offset: maximum number of iterations reached, aborting"
			if verbose > 5:
				print "    ...offset: solution good enough"
		return core_offsets
Пример #13
def ogapply(sol):
    for i in [0, 1]:
        for j in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            adc5g.set_spi_offset(r2, i, corder[j], sol[i,j,0])
            adc5g.set_spi_gain(r2, i, corder[j], sol[i,j,1])
Пример #14
            plt.text(0.95, 0.95, statslabel, ha='right', va='top', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
            plt.xlim(-128, 128)
            plt.ylim(0, 1.05 * np.max(counts))
        means[j] = ret[1]
        stds[j] = ret[2]
        print "IF%d Core %d: mean %5.2f std %5.2f" % (i, j, ret[1], ret[2])
    avg_std = np.mean(stds) # target std
    for j in [0,1,2,3]:
        orig_off = adc5g.get_spi_offset(r2, i, corder[j])
        orig_gain = adc5g.get_spi_gain(r2, i, corder[j])
        new_off = orig_off - means[j] * 500./256.
        new_gain = (100. + orig_gain) * (avg_std / stds[j]) - 100.
        if setog:
            adc5g.set_spi_offset(r2, i, corder[j], new_off)
            adc5g.set_spi_gain(r2, i, corder[j], new_gain)
        sol[i,j,0] = new_off
        sol[i,j,1] = new_gain

if doplot:
    plt.suptitle('%s ADC 8bit population\n%s' % (open('/etc/hostname').read().strip(), tag))
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)
    plt.setp(plt.gcf(), figwidth=8, figheight=12)
    figfile = 'ogplot-%s.png' % tag
    print "saving figure to: %s" % figfile

solfile = 'ogsol-%s.npy' % tag
print "saving solution to: %s" % solfile
np.save(solfile, sol)