def api_client(sample_room1, sample_room2, sample_vlan): from .context import app with as c: db.init_db(db_settings, testing=True) prep_db(db.get_db().get_session(), sample_room1, sample_room2, sample_vlan) yield c
def api_client(member1, member2, wired_device, wireless_device): from .context import app with as c: db.init_db(db_settings, testing=True) prep_db(db.get_db().get_session(), member1, member2, wired_device, wireless_device) yield c
def getUser(admin, username): """ [API] Get the specified user from the database """ s = db.get_db().get_session() try: return dict(Adherent.find(s, username)) except UserNotFound: return NoContent, 404
def test_device_put_update_wired_and_wireless_to_wireless( api_client, wired_device, wireless_device_dict): ''' Test if the controller is able to handle the case where the MAC address is in the Wireless table _AND_ the Wired table Tests the case where we want to move the mac to the wireless table ''' # Add a wireless device that has the same mac as WIRED_DEVICE dev_with_same_mac = Portable( mac=wired_device.mac, adherent_id=1, ) session = db.get_db().get_session() session.add(dev_with_same_mac) session.commit() # Then try to update it... r = api_client.put( '{}/device/{}'.format(base_url, wired_device.mac), data=json.dumps(wireless_device_dict), content_type='application/json', headers=TEST_HEADERS) assert r.status_code == 204
def filterSwitch(admin, limit=100, offset=0, terms=None): """ [API] Filter the switch list """ if limit < 0: return "Limit must be positive", 400 q = db.get_db().get_session().query(Switch) # Filter by terms if terms: q = q.filter( or_( Switch.description.contains(terms), Switch.ip.contains(terms), Switch.communaute.contains(terms), )) count = q.count() q = q.order_by(Switch.description.asc()) q = q.offset(offset) q = q.limit(limit) # Limit the number of matches q = q.all() # Convert the qs into data suited for the API q = map(lambda x: {'switchID':, 'switch': dict(x)}, q) result = list(q) # Cast generator as list headers = { 'access-control-expose-headers': 'X-Total-Count', 'X-Total-Count': str(count) } return result, 200, headers
def wrapper(*args, user, token_info, **kwargs): if current_app.config["TESTING"] \ or "adh6_user" in token_info["groups"]: s = db.get_db().get_session() admin = Utilisateur.find_or_create(s, user) return f(admin, *args, **kwargs) return NoContent, 401
def getSwitch(admin, switchID): """ [API] Get the specified switch from the database """ session = db.get_db().get_session() try: return dict(Switch.find(session, switchID)) except SwitchNotFound: return NoContent, 404
def getRoom(admin, roomNumber): """ [API] Get the room specified """ s = db.get_db().get_session() try: return dict(Chambre.find(s, roomNumber)), 200 except RoomNotFound: return NoContent, 404
def filterUser(admin, limit=100, offset=0, terms=None, roomNumber=None): """ [API] Filter the list of users from the the database """ if limit < 0: return "Limit must be positive", 400 s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Adherent) if roomNumber: try: q2 = s.query(Chambre) q2 = q2.filter(Chambre.numero == roomNumber) result = except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: return [], 200, {"X-Total-Count": '0'} q = q.filter(Adherent.chambre == result) if terms: q = q.filter((Adherent.nom.contains(terms)) | (Adherent.prenom.contains(terms)) | (Adherent.mail.contains(terms)) | (Adherent.login.contains(terms)) | (Adherent.commentaires.contains(terms))) count = q.count() q = q.order_by(Adherent.login.asc()) q = q.offset(offset) q = q.limit(limit) r = q.all() headers = { "X-Total-Count": str(count), 'access-control-expose-headers': 'X-Total-Count' } return list(map(dict, r)), 200, headers
def assert_switch_in_db(body): s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Switch) q = q.filter(Switch.ip == body["ip"]) sw = assert sw.ip == body["ip"] assert sw.communaute == body["community"] assert sw.description == body["description"]
def assert_port_in_db(body): s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Port) q = q.filter(Port.numero == body["portNumber"]) p = assert body["portNumber"] == p.numero assert body["roomNumber"] == p.chambre.numero assert body["switchID"] ==
def test_switch_delete_existant_switch(api_client): r = api_client.delete("{}/switch/{}".format(base_url, 1), headers=TEST_HEADERS) assert r.status_code == 204 s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Switch) q = q.filter( == 1) assert not s.query(q.exists()).scalar()
def deletePort(admin, switchID, portID): """ [API] Delete a port from the database """ session = db.get_db().get_session() try: session.delete(Port.find(session, portID)) except PortNotFound: return NoContent, 404 session.commit() return NoContent, 204
def deleteRoom(admin, roomNumber): """ [API] Delete room from the database """ s = db.get_db().get_session() try: s.delete(Chambre.find(s, roomNumber)) except RoomNotFound: return NoContent, 404 s.commit() return NoContent, 204
def getPort(admin, switchID, portID): """ [API] Get a port from the database """ s = db.get_db().get_session() try: result = Port.find(s, portID) except PortNotFound: return NoContent, 404 result = dict(result) return result, 200
def test_user_delete_existant(api_client): r = api_client.delete( '{}/user/{}'.format(base_url, "dubois_j"), headers=TEST_HEADERS ) assert r.status_code == 204 s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Adherent) q = q.filter(Adherent.login == "dubois_j") assert not s.query(q.exists()).scalar()
def test_device_delete_wireless(api_client, wireless_device): mac = wireless_device.mac r = api_client.delete( '{}/device/{}'.format(base_url, mac), headers=TEST_HEADERS, ) assert r.status_code == 204 s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Portable) q = q.filter(Portable.mac == mac) assert not s.query(q.exists()).scalar(), "Object not actually deleted"
def deleteSwitch(admin, switchID): """ [API] Delete the specified switch from the database """ session = db.get_db().get_session() try: switch = Switch.find(session, switchID) except SwitchNotFound: return NoContent, 404 session.delete(switch) session.commit() return NoContent, 204
def createSwitch(admin, body): """ [API] Create a switch in the database """ if "id" in body: return "You cannot set the id", 400 session = db.get_db().get_session() try: switch = Switch.from_dict(session, body) except InvalidIPv4: return "Invalid IPv4", 400 session.add(switch) session.commit() return NoContent, 201, {'Location': '/switch/{}'.format(}
def deleteDevice(admin, macAddress): """ [API] Delete the specified device from the database """ s = db.get_db().get_session() if is_wireless(macAddress, s): delete_wireless_device(admin, macAddress, s) return NoContent, 204 elif is_wired(macAddress, s): delete_wired_device(admin, macAddress, s) return NoContent, 204 else: return NoContent, 404
def test_port_put_delete_port(api_client, sample_switch1, sample_port1): r = api_client.delete( "{}/switch/{}/port/{}".format(base_url,,, headers=TEST_HEADERS, ) assert r.status_code == 204 s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Port) q = q.filter( == assert not s.query(q.exists()).scalar()
def assert_user_in_db(body): # Actually check that the object was inserted s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Adherent) q = q.filter(Adherent.login == body["username"]) r = assert r.nom == body["lastName"] assert r.prenom == body["firstName"] assert r.mail == body["email"] print(r.date_de_depart) assert r.date_de_depart == parser.parse(body["departureDate"]).date() asso_time = parser.parse(body["associationMode"]).replace(tzinfo=None) assert r.mode_association == asso_time assert r.chambre.numero == body["roomNumber"] assert r.commentaires == body["comment"] assert r.login == body["username"]
def test_modification_add_new_user(api_client, sample_member2): s = db.get_db().get_session() a = sample_member2 s.add(a) s.flush() # Build the corresponding modification Modification.add_and_commit(s, a, a.get_ruby_modif(), Utilisateur.find_or_create(s, "test")) q = s.query(Modification) m = q.first() assert m.action == ( '--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess\n' 'chambre_id:\n' '- \n' '- 1\n' 'commentaires:\n' '- \n' '- Desauthent pour routeur\n' 'id:\n' '- \n' '- 2\n' 'login:\n' '- \n' '- reignier\n' 'mail:\n' '- \n' '- [email protected]\n' 'mode_association:\n' '- \n' '- 2011-04-30 17:50:17\n' 'nom:\n' '- \n' '- Reignier\n' 'password:\n' '- \n' '- a\n' 'prenom:\n' '- \n' '- Edouard\n') assert m.adherent_id == now = one_sec = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) assert now - m.created_at < one_sec assert now - m.updated_at < one_sec assert m.utilisateur_id == 1
def getDevice(admin, macAddress): """ [API] Return the device specified by the macAddress """ s = db.get_db().get_session() if is_wireless(macAddress, s): q = s.query(models.Portable) q = q.filter(models.Portable.mac == macAddress) r = return dict(r), 200 elif is_wired(macAddress, s): q = s.query(models.Ordinateur) q = q.filter(models.Ordinateur.mac == macAddress) r = return dict(r), 200 else: return NoContent, 404
def createPort(admin, switchID, body): """ [API] Create a port in the database """ session = db.get_db().get_session() try: port = Port.from_dict(session, body) except SwitchNotFound: return "Switch not found", 400 except RoomNotFound: return "Room not found", 400 session.add(port) session.commit() headers = { 'Location': '/switch/{}/port/{}'.format(port.switch_id, } return NoContent, 200, headers
def test_modification_delete_member(api_client, sample_member): s = db.get_db().get_session() a = Adherent.find(s, sample_member.login) a.start_modif_tracking() s.delete(a) s.flush() # Build the corresponding modification Modification.add_and_commit(s, a, a.get_ruby_modif(), Utilisateur.find_or_create(s, "test")) q = s.query(Modification) m = q.first() assert m.action == ( '--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess\n' 'chambre_id:\n' '- 1\n' '- \n' 'id:\n' '- 1\n' '- \n' 'login:\n' '- dubois_j\n' '- \n' 'mail:\n' '- [email protected]\n' '- \n' 'mode_association:\n' '- 2011-04-30 17:50:17\n' '- \n' 'nom:\n' '- Dubois\n' '- \n' 'password:\n' '- a\n' '- \n' 'prenom:\n' '- Jean-Louis\n' '- \n') assert m.adherent_id == now = one_sec = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) assert now - m.created_at < one_sec assert now - m.updated_at < one_sec assert m.utilisateur_id == 1
def test_user_change_password_ok(api_client): USERNAME = "******" body = { "password": "******"#NyL#+k:_xEdJrEDT7", } result = api_client.put( '{}/user/{}/password/'.format(base_url, USERNAME), data=json.dumps(body), content_type='application/json', headers=TEST_HEADERS, ) assert result.status_code == 204 s = db.get_db().get_session() q = s.query(Adherent) q = q.filter(Adherent.login == USERNAME) r = assert r.password == ntlm_hash(body["password"]) assert_one_modification_created(USERNAME)
def updateSwitch(admin, switchID, body): """ [API] Update the specified switch from the database """ if "id" in body: return "You cannot update the id", 400 session = db.get_db().get_session() if not switchExists(session, switchID): return NoContent, 404 try: switch = Switch.from_dict(session, body) = switchID except InvalidIPv4: return "Invalid IPv4", 400 session.merge(switch) session.commit() return NoContent, 204
def updatePort(admin, switchID, portID, body): """ [API] Update a port in the database """ s = db.get_db().get_session() try: new_port = Port.from_dict(s, body) except SwitchNotFound: return "Switch not found", 400 try: = Port.find(s, portID).id except PortNotFound: return "Port not found", 404 s.merge(new_port) s.commit() return NoContent, 204
def putRoom(admin, roomNumber, body): """ [API] Update/create a room in the database """ s = db.get_db().get_session() try: new_room = Chambre.from_dict(s, body) except VlanNotFound: return "Vlan not found", 400 room_exists = roomExists(s, roomNumber) if room_exists: = Chambre.find(s, roomNumber).id s.merge(new_room) s.commit() if room_exists: return NoContent, 204 else: return NoContent, 201