Пример #1
    def test_significance(self):
        Check significance tests

        df = pd.read_csv(self.test_data)
        df_inspection = Inspector(df, m_cats=20)

        s = df_inspection.significance_test("fnlwgt","age")


        ## field1, field2, test, statistic, p-value
        self.assertEqual(len(s), 5)

        ## Default correlation
        self.assertEqual(s["test"], "Spearman correlation")

        df_pval = df_inspection.significance_test_features("label")

        self.assertEqual(df_pval.shape[1], 5)

        df_pval.set_index("field1", inplace=True)

            df_pval.loc["age", "test"],
            "one-way ANOVA on ranks"

            df_pval.loc["education-num", "test"],
            "chi-square test"
Пример #2
# |feature\target|categorical|continuous|
# |-|-|-|
# |categorical|$\chi^2$-test|ANOVA|
# |continuous|ANOVA|correlation|
# **Remark**
# 1. It is usual that the p-values you got are extremly small. In particular when you have a relatively large dataset.
# 2. The null-hypotheses of the tests are quite different.
#    - $\chi^2$-test : two categorical variables are independent.
#    - one-way ANOVA on ranks: consider the groups by the value of the categorical variable. Then the null-hypothesis is that the medians of the continuous variable in the groups are the same.
#    - Correlation: The two continuous variables are not correlated.
# 3. The result of chi-square test for `dummy_ts` is shown. We have to think of whether it is meaningful.

inspector.significance_test_features("label", verbose=False)

# According to the above table the p-value of the ANOVA for `fnlwgt` and `label` is relatively large. In fact the KDE of `flnwgt` by `label` are quite similar.

inspector.visualize_two_fields("fnlwgt", "label")  ## con vs cat

# ## 3. Convert the DataFrame into a feature matrix
# 1. Fill missing values with the most-frequent value.
# 2. Apply a one-hot-encoder to each categorical variable.
# These two steps can be combined to one step by chosing some classes. If we just apply a one-hot-encoder to a categorical variable without missing values, then the feature matrix (including a constant column) has a colinear tuple of columns. The existance of linearly dependent variables is harmful when we train a linear model.

df["capital-gain"] = df["capital-gain"] - df[
    "capital-loss"]  ## merge the two fields
Пример #3
# - The $p$-values are not suitable for a ranking. Only for a screening.
#   - The $p$-value measures how small/large the difference is under the null-hypothesis. (The $p$-value is small => the difference is large.)
# - We ignore the possibility that the feature is important under a certain combination with another feature.

# +
## Actually we should apply this method after imputation.
## Because this is just demonstration and we do not use the result,
## we just drop rows with a missing values and the field "Utilities",
## which is constant because of dropping missing values.

df_na_dropped = df_train.dropna(how="any").drop("Utilities", axis=1)
inspector_na_dropped = Inspector(df_na_dropped)

with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", None):

# -

# ## ML Pipeline

# +
def separate_x_y(data:pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]:
    X = data.drop(target, axis=1)
    y = np.log1p(data[target]).rename("LogSalePrice")
    return X, y

X_train, y_train = separate_x_y(df_train)
X_dev, y_dev = separate_x_y(df_dev)
# -