Пример #1
def baseline_subtraction(x,y, fstgo):    
    print('The channel with the minimum counts in each segment will be a point on a segmented linearly interpolated background.')

    min_indices, min_x_list, min_y_list, x_split_list, y_split_list = min_spectrum_split(x, y, fstgo)

    interp_function = sp.interpolate.interp1d(min_x_list, min_y_list, kind = 'linear', fill_value = 'extrapolate')    

    plt.plot(x, interp_function(x))
    plt.plot(x, y - interp_function(x))


    redo = ad.y_or_n('Would you like to reselect the boundaries?')
    if redo == 'y':
        return baseline_subtraction(x,y)
    return( y - interp_function(x))
Пример #2
directory = os.getcwd() + '/spectra'

fileno = ad.listfiles(directory)
fileselect = ad.inputfileselector(fileno)
f = ad.openfilefromlist(fileselect, directory)

x, yinit = ad.file_reader(directory + '/' + f)

spe = ad.spectrum_plotter(x, yinit)
###########################################Baseline Subtraction##################################################

base_flag = ad.y_or_n(
    "Does this spectrum need baseline subtraction to fid the peaks.\nThe subtraction will not be applied to the fit. Instead, there will be a linear background applied to each fitting region."

if base_flag == 'y':
    ybase = sig.baseline_subtraction(x, yinit)
    ybase = yinit
###########################################Contaminant Deletion##################################################

cont_del = ad.y_or_n("Would you like to remove any contaminants?")

if cont_del == 'y':
    yclipfit, yclipfind = sig.contaminant_clipper(x, yinit, ybase)
Пример #3
fileno = ad.listfiles(directory)
fileselect = ad.inputfileselector(fileno)
f = ad.openfilefromlist(fileselect, directory)

x, yinit = ad.file_reader(directory + '/' + f)

spe = ad.spectrum_plotter(x, yinit)

#yinit = sig.baseline_subtraction(x,yinit, fstgo)
###########################################Contaminant Deletion##################################################

cont_del = ad.y_or_n("Would you like to remove any contaminants?")

if cont_del == 'y':
    xlist, ylist, yclip = sig.contaminant_clipper(x, yinit, yinit, split=True)
    xlist, ylist = [[x], [yinit]]
    yclip = yinit

for x2, y2 in zip(xlist, ylist):
    plt.plot(x2, y2)
##########################################Threshold set and Peak Region Detection###########################################################
rlist, betalist = [], []
Пример #4
def contaminant_clipper(x, yinit, ybase, split = False):
    clips bits out of the spectrum after prompting the user to do so
    yclipfit = yinit #clip things out of this yclip variable so yinit doesn't change
    yclipfind = ybase

    if split:
        xlist, ylist = [[],[]]
        borders = [0, len(x)]

    while True:
        #set a buffer such that it can be reinstated to the last one if the user changes their minddef contaminant_c_split(x, y)
        yclipfitbuffer = yclipfit
        yclipfindbuffer = yclipfind                

        #plot what the current spectrum is
        clip_spectrum = ad.spectrum_plotter(x, yclipfind)
        #get the user to input a valid set of bounds in which to delete the contaminant
        while True:    
            lb = input('input a lower bound on the contaminant in channels')
            ub = input('input an upper bound on the contaminant in channels')
            if np.chararray.isdigit(ub + lb): #has to all be digits
                lb = int(lb)
                ub = int(ub)
                if (lb > min(x) and ub > lb and ub < max(x)): #lower and upper bounds have to be in the spectrum, upper bound has to be bigger than lower
            print('Invalid bounds, try again')

        #get which indices x is less than the lower bound and greater than the upper bound set
        x21 = np.where(x < lb)[0]
        x22 = np.where(x > ub)[0]    
        #get y arrays above and below the contaminant
        y21fit = yclipfit[x21]
        y22fit = yclipfit[x22]

        y21find = yclipfind[x21]
        y22find = yclipfind[x22]

        #how many channels does the contaminant have
        length_difference  = len(x) - len(x21) - len(x22)

        #get an array of 0s to replace the contaminant ys with
        y20 = np.zeros(length_difference)

        #now to stick together the arrays
        #need the ys below the contaminant, then the zeroes where the contaminant was, and then the ys above the contaminant
        ynewfit = np.append(y21fit, y20)
        ynewfit = np.append(ynewfit, y22fit)

        ynewfind = np.append(y21find, y20)
        ynewfind = np.append(ynewfind, y22find)

        #now replace the old ys with the new one
        yclipfit = ynewfit
        yclipfind = ynewfind
        #now plot that and ask if they're happy with it
        clip_spectrum = ad.spectrum_plotter(x, yclipfind)
        confirmclip = ad.y_or_n('Are you happy with this removal?')

        #what to do now? if they aren't happy, ask if they want another go. if they think there aren't any contaminants, return to yinit
        #if there still are, then they can have another go
        if confirmclip == 'n':

            cancel = ad.y_or_n('Are you sure there are any contaminants?')
            if cancel == 'n':
                yclipfit = yinit
                yclipfind = ybase
                if split: xlist, ylist = [[x],[yinit]]
            if cancel == 'y':
                yclipfit = yclipfitbuffer
                yclipfind = yclipfindbuffer
        else: #all good, so can continue
            if split:
                borders.append(int(max(np.intersect1d(x, x[x21], return_indices = True)[1])))
                borders.append(int(min(np.intersect1d(x, x[x22], return_indices = True)[1])))

        #do they want to get rid of more contaminants? continue loop if they do, don't if they don't
        moreclip = ad.y_or_n('Would you like to remove any more contaminants?')
        if moreclip == 'y':

    if split:
        borders = np.sort(borders)
        for i, border in enumerate(borders):
            if ((i % 2 == 0) and (i is not len(borders))):

        return(xlist, ylist, yclipfind)

    return yclipfit, yclipfind