Пример #1
    def test_variflow(self):
        p = admit.Project(self.outputDir)
        p.addtask(admit.File_AT(alias='root', file='root', touch=True))
        p.addtask(admit.Flow11_AT(alias='flow1'), ['root'])
        p.addtask(admit.Flow1N_AT(alias='flow1N', n=2, touch=True, exist=True),
        p.addtask(admit.Flow11_AT(alias='sub1Nf'), ['flow1N'])
        p.addtask(admit.Flow11_AT(alias='sub1Nv'), [('flow1N', 1)])
        p.addtask(admit.FlowMN_AT(alias='flowMN', n=2, touch=True, exist=True),
                  ['flow1', 'root', ('flow1N', 1)])
        p.addtask(admit.Flow11_AT(alias='subMNf'), ['flowMN'])
        p.addtask(admit.FlowN1_AT(alias='subMNv', touch=True), [('flowMN', 0),
                                                                ('flowMN', 2)])
        p.addtask(admit.FlowN1_AT(alias='flowN1', touch=True),
                  ['flow1N', ('flowMN', 1)])
        p.addtask(admit.Flow11_AT(alias='subN1'), ['flowN1'])

        for n in [2, 3, 1, 2]:
            if (p.fm.find(lambda at: at._alias == 'flow1N')):
                p['flow1N'].setkey('n', n)
            if (p.fm.find(lambda at: at._alias == 'flowMN')):
                p['flowMN'].setkey('n', n + 1)


        self.assertLessEqual(len(p), 20, "Incorrect task count")
Пример #2
    def test_flow2(self):
        # Construct a flow: File_AT -> Flow11_AT -> Flow1N_AT

        # add first task
        task1 = admit.File_AT(touch=True)
        tid1 = self.fm.add(task1)
        bdp = admit.File_BDP()

        # add second task
        task2 = admit.Flow11_AT()
        task2.setkey("file", "Flow11.dat")
        tid2 = self.fm.add(task2, [(tid1, 0)])

        # add third task
        task3 = admit.Flow1N_AT()
        task3.setkey("file", "Flow1N.dat")
        tid3 = self.fm.add(task3, [(tid2, 0)])

        task4 = admit.FlowMN_AT()

        # test inFlow()
        found = self.fm.inFlow(task1)
        self.assertTrue(found)  # should be true

        # test downstream of tid2 (including tid2)
        dstream = self.fm.downstream(tid2)
        self.assertEquals(dstream, set([tid2, tid3]))

        # test stale()
        for ds in dstream:
            isStale = self.fm._tasks[ds].isstale()  # check before mark
            if isStale:

            isStale = self.fm._tasks[ds].isstale()  # check after mark
            self.assertFalse(isStale)  # should not be stale

        self.fm.stale(tid2)  # call stale()

        # after calling stale()
        for ds in dstream:
            isStale = self.fm._tasks[ds].isstale()
                isStale)  # all ATs in downstream should be stale now

        # clone from tid2 (Flow11_AT) in the flow
        cloned = self.fm.clone(tid2)
        if (self.verbose):
Пример #3
    def test_FM_getsetdelitem(self):
        """ test FM __getitem__, __setitem__, __delitem__ """
        # test add(), connectInputs(), verify(), and show()
        #__getitem__(), __delitem__(), __setitem__()
        fm = admit.Flow()
        # add first task
        task1 = admit.File_AT(touch=True)
        tid1 = fm.add(task1)
        bdp = admit.File_BDP()
        # add another task
        task2 = admit.Flow11_AT()
        task2.setkey("file", "Flow11.dat")
        tid2 = fm.add(task2, [(tid1, 0)])

        # test connectInputs
        # check the number of tasks
        self.assertEqual(len(fm), 2)

        # first task (File_AT)
        # fm[tid1]    # call __getitem__
        self.assertIsInstance(fm[tid1], admit.File_AT)
        # second task (Flow11_AT)
        # fm[tid2]    # call __getitem__
        self.assertIsInstance(fm[tid2], admit.Flow11_AT)

        # test __setitem__
        newtask = admit.FlowMN_AT()
        newtask.setkey("file", "FlowMN.txt")
        fm[tid2] = newtask  # call __setitem__
        # check to see if task2 got overwritten
        self.assertIsInstance(fm[tid2], admit.FlowMN_AT)

        # now restore Flow11_AT
        fm[tid2] = task2  # call __setitem__
        self.assertIsInstance(fm[tid2], admit.Flow11_AT)

        # test __delitem__ (delete Flow11)
        at = fm[tid2]
        del fm[tid2]  # call __delitem__
        self.assertEqual(len(fm), 1)

        # Add task back.
        fm[tid2] = at  # call __setitem__
        # test verify()
Пример #4
    def test_FM_find_replace(self):
        """ test FM find() and replace() """
        fm = admit.Flow()

        # add first task File_AT
        task = admit.File_AT(touch=True)
        tid1 = fm.add(task)
        # add another task Flow11_AT
        task = admit.Flow11_AT()
        tid2 = fm.add(task, [(tid1, 0)])
        task.setkey("file", "Flow11.dat")

        # now try to find the tasks
        tasks = fm.find(lambda at: at.id() < 100)
        # check class types of the tasks
        self.assertIsInstance(tasks[0], admit.File_AT)
        self.assertIsInstance(tasks[1], admit.Flow11_AT)

        # test replace()
        task = admit.FlowMN_AT()
        fm.replace(tid2, task)

        # to find new tasks
        tasks = fm.find(lambda at: at.id() < 100)
        # check class types of the tasks
        self.assertIsInstance(tasks[0], admit.File_AT)
        self.assertIsInstance(tasks[1], admit.FlowMN_AT)

        # check the number of tasks
        self.assertEqual(len(fm), 2)

        # Test __contains__()
        self.assertFalse(100 in fm)
        self.assertTrue(tid1 in fm)

        # test __iter__
        # we should have two tasks
        counter = 0
        for t in fm:
            counter += 1
        self.assertEqual(counter, 2)
Пример #5
    def test_task2(self):
        # add first task
        task1 = admit.File_AT(touch=True)
        tid1 = self.fm.add(task1)
        bdp = admit.File_BDP()

        # add another task
        task2 = admit.Flow11_AT()
        task2.setkey("file", "Flow11.dat")
        tid2 = self.fm.add(task2, [(tid1, 0)])

        # test connectInputs

        num = len(self.fm)  # should be 2
        self.assertTrue(num == 2)

        if (self.verbose):
            print "The number of tasks in flow:", num
            print "The task IDs:", tid1, tid2

        # first task (File_AT)
        t1 = self.fm[tid1]  # call __getitem__
        type = isinstance(t1, admit.File_AT)
        if (self.verbose):
            print "After call __getitem__", t1.id()


        # second task (Flow11_AT)
        t2 = self.fm[tid2]  # call __getitem__
        type = isinstance(t2, admit.Flow11_AT)
        if (self.verbose):
            print "After call __getitem__", t2.id()


        # test __setitem__
        newtask = admit.FlowMN_AT()
        newtask.setkey("file", "FlowMN.txt")

        self.fm[tid2] = newtask  # call __setitem__
        if (self.verbose):

        # check to see if task2 got overwritten
        t2 = self.fm[tid2]
        type = isinstance(t2, admit.FlowMN_AT)


        # now restore Flow11_AT
        self.fm[tid2] = task2  # call __setitem__
        if (self.verbose):

        # check it again
        t2 = self.fm[tid2]
        type = isinstance(t2, admit.Flow11_AT)


        # test __delitem__ (delete Flow11)
        at = self.fm[tid2]
        del self.fm[tid2]  # call __delitem__

        num = len(self.fm)  # should be 1 now
        self.assertTrue(num == 1)

        # Add task back.
        self.fm[tid2] = at  # call __setitem__

        # test verify()
        check = self.fm.verify()

Пример #6
    def test_task1(self):
        # add first task
        task = admit.File_AT(touch=True)
        tid1 = self.fm.add(task)

        if (self.verbose):
            print "FM unit test task1 ID:", tid1

        # add another task
        task = admit.Flow11_AT()
        task.setkey("file", "Flow11.dat")
        tid2 = self.fm.add(task, [(tid1, 0)])

        if (self.verbose):
            print "FM unit test task2 ID:", tid2

        # now try to find the tasks
        tasks = self.fm.find(lambda at: at.id() < 100)

        if (self.verbose):
            print "Found tasks:", tasks

        # check class type of the first task (File_AT)
        type = isinstance(tasks[0], admit.File_AT)
        if (self.verbose):
            print "AT id:", tasks[0].id()


        # check class type of second task (Flow11_AT)
        type = isinstance(tasks[1], admit.Flow11_AT)
        if (self.verbose):
            print "AT id:", tasks[1].id()


        # test replace()
        task = admit.FlowMN_AT()
        self.fm.replace(tid2, task)

        # to find new tasks
        tasks = self.fm.find(lambda at: at.id() < 100)

        if (self.verbose):
            print "Found tasks after replace Flow11 with FlowMN:", tasks

        # first task (File_AT)
        type = isinstance(tasks[0], admit.File_AT)
        if (self.verbose):
            print "After replace AT id:", tasks[0].id()


        # second task (FlowMN_AT)
        type = isinstance(tasks[1], admit.FlowMN_AT)
        if (self.verbose):
            print "After replace AT id:", tasks[1].id()


        # the number of tasks
        num = len(self.fm)
        if (self.verbose):
            print "The number of tasks:", num

        self.assertEqual(2, num)

        # Test __contains__()
        contains = 100 in self.fm  # should be false

        contains = tid1 in self.fm  # should be true

        # test __iter__
        # we should have two tasks
        counter = 0
        for t in self.fm:
            counter += 1
            if (self.verbose):
                print "Task id:", t

        self.assertEqual(counter, 2)