Пример #1
def viewer_main(modelfile=None,
    experiment = Experiment(zoom=zoom)
    if modelfile:
        experiment.execute('loadmodel %s' % modelfile)
    if not server:
        experiment.execute('loadconfig %s' % config)
    if server:
        receiver = Thread(target=receive, args=(experiment, response))
Пример #2
class ScottMethod(object):
    Scott's viewpoint selection method and experiment class.
    def __init__(self, model_file, lens_lut, numc=1, vis=False):

        @param model_file: The YAML file to load the camera model.
        @type model_file: C{str}
        @param lens_list: List of lenses for optimization.
        @type lens_list: C{list} of C{dict}
        @param numc: The number of cameras to select.
        @type numc: C{int}
        @param vis: Enable visualization.
        @type vis: C{bool}
        csv_dict, field_names = read_csv(lens_lut)
        self.lens_dict = csv_dict
        self.numc = numc
        self.vis = vis

        # setup the camera model.
        self.exp = Experiment(zoom=False)
        self.exp.execute('loadconfig %s' % '')

        # Some shortcuts.
        self.model = self.exp.model
        self.cam = self.exp.model['C']
        self.laser = self.exp.model['L']
        self.tasks = self.exp.tasks
        self.task_par = self.tasks['T'].params
        self.cam_par = self.model['C'].params

        # start the experiment.
        if self.vis:

    def run(self):
        The main experiment.
        # Generate the scene point from the scene directly.
        scene_points = self.gen_scene_points(self.model['CAD'].faces, pi/2)
        scene_points_c = PointCache()
        for point in scene_points:
            scene_points_c[point] = 1.0
        self.tasks['T'] = ScottTask(self.task_par, scene_points_c)

        # Visualize scene points.
        if self.vis:

        # Generate the viewpoint solution space.
        view_points, view_point_poses = self.gen_view_points(scene_points)

        # Visualize view points.
        if self.vis:
            view_points_c = PointCache()
            for point in view_points:
                view_points_c[point] = 1.0

        # Generate the measurability matrix.
        m_matrix = self.gen_visual_matrix(view_points, view_point_poses, \
            scene_points, "CAD")

        # Select the viewpoints with the highest coverage from
        # the measurability matrix.
        resindex = self.select_viewpoints(m_matrix)
        viewers = []
        for i in resindex:
            viewpoint = view_point_poses[i]

            # Visualize the results.
            self.cam.pose = viewpoint
            if self.vis:
                x = raw_input()

            #print viewpoint
            #x = raw_input()

        self.save_network('results/result.yaml', viewers)

    def loadmodel(self, model_file):
        Load a model from a YAML file.

        @param model_file: The YAML file to load the camera model.
        @type model_file: C{str}
        self.exp.execute('clear %s' % '')
        self.exp.execute('modify %s' % '')
        self.exp.execute('cameraview %s' % '')
        self.exp.execute('cameranames %s' % '')
        self.exp.execute('hidetasks %s' % '')
        for sceneobject in self.exp.model:
            self.exp.model[sceneobject].visible = False
            for triangle in self.exp.model[sceneobject].triangles:
                triangle.visible = False
        self.exp.model, self.exp.tasks = ScottParser(model_file, modeltypes).experiment

    def update_camera(self, index):
        Update the camera parameters.

        @param index: The location of the camera parameters in the parameter's list.
        @type index: C{int}
        A = self.lens_dict['f'][index] / self.lens_dict['stop'][index]
        o = [self.lens_dict['ou'][index], self.lens_dict['ov'][index]]
        self.cam.setparam('A', A)
        self.cam.setparam('f', self.lens_dict['f'][index])
        self.cam.setparam('o', o)
        self.cam.setparam('zS', self.lens_dict['zS'][index])

    def gen_scene_points(self, triangles, threshold):
        Generate the directional points that model the task from the list of
        triangles of the associated CAD file as given by the raw triangle

        @param triangles: The collection of triangles in the model representation.
        @type triangles: C{list} of L{adolphus.geometry.Triangle}
        @param threshold: The inclination angle threshold.
        @type threshold: C{float}
        @return: A list of directional points.
        @rtype: C{list} of L{DirectionalPoint}
        points = []
        for triangle in triangles:
            average = avg_points(triangle.vertices)
            angles = triangle.normal_angles()
            if angles[0] > threshold:
            points.append(DirectionalPoint(average.x, average.y, average.z, \
                angles[0], angles[1]))
        return points

    def gen_view_points(self, scene_points, mode='flat'):
        Generate the solution space as the list of viewpoints.

        @param scene_points: The list of scene points in the task model.
        @type scene_points: C{list}
        @param mode: Select whether to position all cameras flat, vertical, or
            alternate between flat and vertical. Options: C{flat}, C{alternate},
        @type mode: C{str}
        @return: A pair of lists containing the viewpoints and their poses.
        @rtype: C{list}
        view_points = []
        view_point_poses = []
        flat = True
        # Standoff calculation as described in Scott 2009, Section 4.4.3.
        f_d = 1.02
        R_o = max(self.cam.zres(self.task_par['res_max'][1]), \
            self.cam.zc(self.task_par['blur_max'][1] * \
        e = 1e9
        for zS in self.lens_dict['zS']:
            if abs(zS - (f_d * R_o)) < e:
                e = abs(zS - (f_d * R_o))
                index = self.lens_dict['zS'].index(zS)
        # Updating the camera after computing the camera standoff distance simulates
        # the action of focusing the lens.
        # This implementation assumes that the camera is mounted on the laser
        # and it is in fact the laser that moves.
        z_lim = [max(self.cam.zres(self.task_par['res_max'][1]),
                     self.cam.zc(self.task_par['blur_max'][1] * \
                     self.cam.zc(self.task_par['blur_max'][1] * \
        cam_standoff = z_lim[1] * 0.9
        self.laser.mount = self.cam
        T = Point(0, cam_standoff * tan(0.7853), 0)
        R = Rotation.from_euler('zyx', (Angle(-0.7853), Angle(0), Angle(0)))
        self.laser.set_relative_pose(Pose(T, R))
        # The camera standoff.
        standoff = cam_standoff
        for point in scene_points:
            x = point.x + (standoff * sin(point.rho) * cos(point.eta))
            y = point.y + (standoff * sin(point.rho) * sin(point.eta))
            z = point.z + (standoff * cos(point.rho))
            rho = point.rho + pi
            eta = point.eta
            point = DirectionalPoint(x, y, z, rho, eta)
            normal = point.direction_unit()
            angle = Point(0, 0, 1).angle(normal)
            axis = Point(0, 0, 1).cross(normal)
            pose = Pose(Point(x, y, z), Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis))
            angles = pose.R.to_euler_zyx()
            if mode == 'flat':
                if y >= 0:
                    new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(pi))
                elif y < 0:
                    new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(0))
            elif mode == 'vertical':
                new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(0))
            elif mode == 'alternate':
                if flat:
                    new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(1.5707))
                    flat = False
                elif not flat:
                    new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(0))
                    flat = True
            new_pose = Pose(Point(x,y,z), Rotation.from_euler('zyx', new_angles))
        return view_points, view_point_poses

    def gen_visual_matrix(self, view_points, view_point_poses, scene_points, \
        Compute the measurability matrix.

        @param view_points: The list of viewpoints in the solution space.
        @type view_points: C{list}
        @param view_point_poses: The list of poses of the viewpoints.
        @type view_point_poses: C{list}
        @param scene_points: the list of scene points in the task model.
        @type scene_points: C{list}
        @param sceneobj: The name of the object containing the occlusion triangles.
        @type sceneobj: C{str}
        @return: the visual matrix whose entries represent coverage strength.
        @rtype: L{numpy.array}
        if sceneobj:
            solid = self.model[sceneobj]
            f = len(solid.faces)
            solid = None
        n = len(scene_points)
        v = len(view_points)
        vis_matrix = zeros((n, v))
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(v):
                if solid:
                    occluded = False
                    for k in xrange(f):
                        if solid.faces[k].intersection(scene_points[i], \
                            view_points[j], True):
                            occluded = True
                    if occluded:
                if i == j:
                    vis_matrix[i,j] = 1.0
                self.cam.pose = view_point_poses[j]
                    strength = self.cam.strength(scene_points[i], \
                        self.laser.pose, self.task_par)
                except ValueError:
                    strength = 0.0
                vis_matrix[i,j] = strength
        return vis_matrix

    def select_viewpoints(self, matrix):
        Perform set viewpoint selection on the measurability matrix by computing a
        Figure of Merit for each viewpoint as the total of covered points and selecting
        the viewpoint with the highest FOM. See Scott 2002, Section 4.4.2.

        @param matrix: The measurability matrix.
        @type matrix: L{numpy.array}
        @return: The selected viewpoint.
        @rtype: C{list} of C{int}
        index_res = []
        size = len(matrix)
        for dog in range(size):
            coverage = sum(matrix)
            best = 0
            index = 0
            for i in range(size):
                if coverage[i] > best:
                    best = coverage[i]
                    index = i

            if dog == (self.numc - 1) or best == 0:
                return index_res
            for duck in range(size):
                if matrix[duck, index] != 0:
                    for rowduck in range(size):
                        matrix[duck,rowduck] = 0
        return index_res

    def save_network(self, result_file, network):
        Save the sensor deployment into Adolphus' yaml format.

        @param result_file: The name of the file.
        @type result_file: C{str}
        @param network: The poses of the camera network.
        @type network: C{list} of L{adolphus.geometry.Pose}
        with open(result_file, 'w') as result:
            result.write("    name:           Experiment\n\n")
            result.write("    cameras:\n")
            i = 0
            for pose in network:
                result.write("        - name:         'C%d'\n" %i)
                result.write("          sprites:      ['cameras/prosilicaec1350.yaml', 'lenses/computarm3z1228cmp.yaml']\n")
                result.write("          A:            %.2f\n" %self.cam_par['A'])
                result.write("          f:            %d\n" %self.cam_par['f'])
                result.write("          s:            %.5f\n" %self.cam_par['s'][0])
                result.write("          o:            [%d, %d]\n" \
                result.write("          dim:          [%d, %d]\n" \
                result.write("          zS:           %.1f\n" %self.cam_par['zS'])
                result.write("          pose:\n")
                T = pose.T
                R = pose.R.Q
                result.write("              T:            [" +
                    str(T.x) + ", " + str(T.y) + ", " + str(T.z) + "]\n" +
                    "              R:            [" +
                    str(R.a) + ", [" + str(R.v.x) + ", " + str(R.v.y) + ", " + \
                    str(R.v.z) + "]]\n")
                result.write("              Rformat:      quaternion\n\n")
                i += 1
            result.write("    - name:                     'T'\n")
            result.write("      parameters:\n")
            result.write("          res_min:              [%.1f, %.1f]\n" \
                %(self.task_par['res_min'][0], self.task_par['res_min'][1]))
            result.write("          blur_max:             [%.1f, %.1f]\n" \
                %(self.task_par['blur_max'][0], self.task_par['blur_max'][1]))
            result.write("          angle_max:            [%.4f, %.4f]\n" \
                %(self.task_par['angle_max'][0], self.task_par['angle_max'][1]))
            result.write("      points:\n")
            result.write("        - [0, 0, 0]\n\n")
Пример #3
     port = None
 # load robot positions
 if opts.robotpath:
     positions = parse_positions(opts.robotpath)
     positions = None
 # start
 best = None
 score = 0.0
 frames = 0
 current_frames = 0
 Mbest = 0.0
 M = 0.0
 U = 0
 channel, details = sock.accept()
     while True:
         frames += 1
         current_frames += 1
         current = best
         hstring = ''
         while not hstring.endswith('#'):
             if experiment.exit:
                 hstring += channel.recv(65536)
Пример #4
from adolphus.interface import Experiment

ex = Experiment(zoom=False)
ex.execute('loadmodel %s' % 'scene.yaml')
ex.execute('loadconfig %s' % '')
