Пример #1
    def check_cew(cls):
        Check whether Python C extension ``cew`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        For those OSes where ``cew`` is not available,
        print a warning and return ``False`` (success).

        :rtype: bool
        if not gf.is_linux():
            gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cew     NOT AVAILABLE")
            gf.print_info(u"  The Python C Extension cew is not available for your OS")
            gf.print_info(u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be a bit slower (than Linux)")
            return False
        if gf.can_run_c_extension("cew"):
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.cew     COMPILED")
            return False
        gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cew     NOT COMPILED")
        gf.print_info(u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be a bit slower")
        gf.print_info(u"  To compile the cew module, run %s" % SETUP_COMMAND)
        return True
Пример #2
    def check_tools(cls):
        Check whether ``aeneas.tools.*`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.tools.convert_syncmap import ConvertSyncMapCLI
            # disabling this check, as it requires the optional dependency youtube-dl
            # COMMENTED from aeneas.tools.download import DownloadCLI
            from aeneas.tools.execute_job import ExecuteJobCLI
            from aeneas.tools.execute_task import ExecuteTaskCLI
            from aeneas.tools.extract_mfcc import ExtractMFCCCLI
            from aeneas.tools.ffmpeg_wrapper import FFMPEGWrapperCLI
            from aeneas.tools.ffprobe_wrapper import FFPROBEWrapperCLI
            # disabling this check, as it requires the optional dependency Pillow
            # COMMENTED from aeneas.tools.plot_waveform import PlotWaveformCLI
            from aeneas.tools.read_audio import ReadAudioCLI
            from aeneas.tools.read_text import ReadTextCLI
            from aeneas.tools.run_sd import RunSDCLI
            from aeneas.tools.run_vad import RunVADCLI
            from aeneas.tools.synthesize_text import SynthesizeTextCLI
            from aeneas.tools.validate import ValidateCLI
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.tools   OK")
            return False
        gf.print_error(u"aeneas.tools   ERROR")
        gf.print_info(u"  Unable to import one or more aeneas.tools")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please check that you installed aeneas properly")
        return True
Пример #3
    def check_ffmpeg(cls):
        Check whether ``ffmpeg`` can be called.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.ffmpegwrapper import FFMPEGWrapper
            input_file_path = gf.absolute_path(u"tools/res/audio.mp3",
            handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=u".wav")
            converter = FFMPEGWrapper()
            result = converter.convert(input_file_path, output_file_path)
            gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
            if result:
                gf.print_success(u"ffmpeg         OK")
                return False
        gf.print_error(u"ffmpeg         ERROR")
            u"  Please make sure you have ffmpeg installed correctly")
            u"  and that its path is in your PATH environment variable")
        return True
Пример #4
    def check_tools(cls):
        Check whether ``aeneas.tools.*`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.tools.convert_syncmap import ConvertSyncMapCLI
            # disabling this check, as it contains optional dependency pafy
            #from aeneas.tools.download import DownloadCLI
            from aeneas.tools.execute_job import ExecuteJobCLI
            from aeneas.tools.execute_task import ExecuteTaskCLI
            from aeneas.tools.extract_mfcc import ExtractMFCCCLI
            from aeneas.tools.ffmpeg_wrapper import FFMPEGWrapperCLI
            from aeneas.tools.ffprobe_wrapper import FFPROBEWrapperCLI
            # disabling this check, as it contains optional dependency Pillow
            #from aeneas.tools.plot_waveform import PlotWaveformCLI
            from aeneas.tools.read_audio import ReadAudioCLI
            from aeneas.tools.read_text import ReadTextCLI
            from aeneas.tools.run_sd import RunSDCLI
            from aeneas.tools.run_vad import RunVADCLI
            from aeneas.tools.synthesize_text import SynthesizeTextCLI
            from aeneas.tools.validate import ValidateCLI
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.tools   OK")
            return False
        gf.print_error(u"aeneas.tools   ERROR")
        gf.print_info(u"  Unable to import one or more aeneas.tools")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please check that you installed aeneas properly")
        return True
Пример #5
    def check_cew(cls):
        Check whether Python C extension ``cew`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        For those OSes where ``cew`` is not available,
        print a warning and return ``False`` (success).

        :rtype: bool
        if not gf.is_linux():
            gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cew     NOT AVAILABLE")
            gf.print_info(u"  The Python C Extension cew is not available for your OS")
            gf.print_info(u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be a bit slower (than Linux)")
            return False
        if gf.can_run_c_extension("cew"):
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.cew     COMPILED")
            return False
        gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cew     NOT COMPILED")
            u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be a bit slower")
        gf.print_info(u"  To compile the cew module, run %s" % SETUP_COMMAND)
        return True
Пример #6
    def check_espeak(cls):
        Check whether ``espeak`` can be called.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.espeakwrapper import ESPEAKWrapper
            text = u"From fairest creatures we desire increase,"
            language = u"eng"
            handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=u".wav")
            espeak = ESPEAKWrapper()
            result = espeak.synthesize_single(
            gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
            if result:
                gf.print_success(u"espeak         OK")
                return False
        gf.print_error(u"espeak         ERROR")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please make sure you have espeak installed correctly")
        gf.print_info(u"  and that its path is in your PATH environment variable")
        gf.print_info(u"  You might also want to check that the espeak-data directory")
        gf.print_info(u"  is set up correctly, for example, it has the correct permissions")
        return True
Пример #7
    def check_espeak(cls):
        Check whether ``espeak`` can be called.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.textfile import TextFile
            from aeneas.textfile import TextFragment
            from aeneas.ttswrappers.espeakttswrapper import ESPEAKTTSWrapper
            text = u"From fairest creatures we desire increase,"
            text_file = TextFile()
            text_file.add_fragment(TextFragment(language=u"eng", lines=[text], filtered_lines=[text]))
            handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=u".wav")
            ESPEAKTTSWrapper().synthesize_multiple(text_file, output_file_path)
            gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
            gf.print_success(u"espeak         OK")
            return False
        gf.print_error(u"espeak         ERROR")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please make sure you have espeak installed correctly")
        gf.print_info(u"  and that its path is in your PATH environment variable")
        gf.print_info(u"  You might also want to check that the espeak-data directory")
        gf.print_info(u"  is set up correctly, for example, it has the correct permissions")
        return True
Пример #8
    def check_espeak(cls):
        Check whether ``espeak`` can be called.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.textfile import TextFile
            from aeneas.textfile import TextFragment
            from aeneas.ttswrappers.espeakttswrapper import ESPEAKTTSWrapper
            text = u"From fairest creatures we desire increase,"
            text_file = TextFile()
            text_file.add_fragment(TextFragment(language=u"eng", lines=[text], filtered_lines=[text]))
            handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=u".wav")
            ESPEAKTTSWrapper().synthesize_multiple(text_file, output_file_path)
            gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
            gf.print_success(u"espeak         OK")
            return False
        gf.print_error(u"espeak         ERROR")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please make sure you have espeak installed correctly")
        gf.print_info(u"  and that its path is in your PATH environment variable")
        gf.print_info(u"  You might also want to check that the espeak-data directory")
        gf.print_info(u"  is set up correctly, for example, it has the correct permissions")
        return True
Пример #9
    def check_espeak(cls):
        Check whether ``espeak`` can be called.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.espeakwrapper import ESPEAKWrapper
            text = u"From fairest creatures we desire increase,"
            language = u"eng"
            handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=u".wav")
            espeak = ESPEAKWrapper()
            result = espeak.synthesize_single(text, language, output_file_path)
            gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
            if result:
                gf.print_success(u"espeak         OK")
                return False
        gf.print_error(u"espeak         ERROR")
            u"  Please make sure you have espeak installed correctly")
            u"  and that its path is in your PATH environment variable")
            u"  You might also want to check that the espeak-data directory")
            u"  is set up correctly, for example, it has the correct permissions"
        return True
Пример #10
    def check_cew(cls):
        Check whether Python C extension ``cew`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
        if gf.can_run_c_extension("cew"):
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.cew     AVAILABLE")
            return False
        gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cew     NOT AVAILABLE")
        gf.print_info(u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be a bit slower")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please refer to the installation documentation for details")
        return True
Пример #11
    def check_cmfcc(cls):
        Check whether Python C extension ``cmfcc`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
        if gf.can_run_c_extension("cmfcc"):
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.cmfcc   COMPILED")
            return False
        gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cmfcc   NOT COMPILED")
        gf.print_info(u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be significantly slower")
        gf.print_info(u"  To compile the cmfcc module, run %s" % SETUP_COMMAND)
        return True
Пример #12
    def check_cew(cls):
        Check whether Python C extension ``cew`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
        if gf.can_run_c_extension("cew"):
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.cew     AVAILABLE")
            return False
        gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cew     NOT AVAILABLE")
        gf.print_info(u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be a bit slower")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please refer to the installation documentation for details")
        return True
Пример #13
    def check_cmfcc(cls):
        Check whether Python C extension ``cmfcc`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
        if gf.can_run_c_extension("cmfcc"):
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.cmfcc   COMPILED")
            return False
        gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cmfcc   NOT COMPILED")
        gf.print_info(u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be significantly slower")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please refer to the installation documentation for details")
        return True
Пример #14
    def check_cmfcc(cls):
        Check whether Python C extension ``cmfcc`` can be imported.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
        if gf.can_run_c_extension("cmfcc"):
            gf.print_success(u"aeneas.cmfcc   COMPILED")
            return False
        gf.print_warning(u"aeneas.cmfcc   NOT COMPILED")
            u"  You can still run aeneas but it will be significantly slower")
        gf.print_info(u"  To compile the cmfcc module, run %s" % SETUP_COMMAND)
        return True
Пример #15
    def check_shell_encoding(cls):
        Check whether ``sys.stdin`` and ``sys.stdout`` are UTF-8 encoded.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
        is_in_utf8 = True
        is_out_utf8 = True
        if sys.stdin.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8", "utf-8", "utf8"]:
            is_in_utf8 = False
        if sys.stdout.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8", "utf-8", "utf8"]:
            is_out_utf8 = False
        if (is_in_utf8) and (is_out_utf8):
            gf.print_success(u"shell encoding OK")
            gf.print_warning(u"shell encoding WARNING")
            if not is_in_utf8:
                gf.print_warning(u"  The default input encoding of your shell is not UTF-8")
            if not is_out_utf8:
                gf.print_warning(u"  The default output encoding of your shell is not UTF-8")
            gf.print_info(u"  If you plan to use aeneas on the command line,")
            if gf.is_posix():
                gf.print_info(u"  you might want to 'export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell")
                gf.print_info(u"  you might want to 'set PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell")
            return True
        return False
Пример #16
    def check_shell_encoding(cls):
        Check whether ``sys.stdin`` and ``sys.stdout`` are UTF-8 encoded.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
        is_in_utf8 = True
        is_out_utf8 = True
        if sys.stdin.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
            is_in_utf8 = False
        if sys.stdout.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
            is_out_utf8 = False
        if (is_in_utf8) and (is_out_utf8):
            gf.print_success(u"shell encoding OK")
            gf.print_warning(u"shell encoding WARNING")
            if not is_in_utf8:
                gf.print_warning(u"  The default input encoding of your shell is not UTF-8")
            if not is_out_utf8:
                gf.print_warning(u"  The default output encoding of your shell is not UTF-8")
            gf.print_info(u"  If you plan to use aeneas on the command line,")
            if gf.is_posix():
                gf.print_info(u"  you might want to 'export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell")
                gf.print_info(u"  you might want to 'set PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell")
            return True
        return False
Пример #17
    def check_ffmpeg(cls):
        Check whether ``ffmpeg`` can be called.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.ffmpegwrapper import FFMPEGWrapper
            input_file_path = gf.absolute_path(u"tools/res/audio.mp3", __file__)
            handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=u".wav")
            converter = FFMPEGWrapper()
            result = converter.convert(input_file_path, output_file_path)
            gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
            if result:
                gf.print_success(u"ffmpeg         OK")
                return False
        gf.print_error(u"ffmpeg         ERROR")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please make sure you have ffmpeg installed correctly")
        gf.print_info(u"  and that its path is in your PATH environment variable")
        return True
Пример #18
    def check_ffprobe(cls):
        Check whether ``ffprobe`` can be called.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.ffprobewrapper import FFPROBEWrapper
            file_path = gf.absolute_path(u"tools/res/audio.mp3", __file__)
            prober = FFPROBEWrapper()
            properties = prober.read_properties(file_path)
            gf.print_success(u"ffprobe        OK")
            return False
        gf.print_error(u"ffprobe        ERROR")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please make sure you have ffprobe installed correctly")
        gf.print_info(u"  (usually it is provided by the ffmpeg installer)")
        gf.print_info(u"  and that its path is in your PATH environment variable")
        return True
Пример #19
    def check_ffprobe(cls):
        Check whether ``ffprobe`` can be called.

        Return ``True`` on failure and ``False`` on success.

        :rtype: bool
            from aeneas.ffprobewrapper import FFPROBEWrapper
            file_path = gf.absolute_path(u"tools/res/audio.mp3", __file__)
            prober = FFPROBEWrapper()
            properties = prober.read_properties(file_path)
            gf.print_success(u"ffprobe        OK")
            return False
        gf.print_error(u"ffprobe        ERROR")
        gf.print_info(u"  Please make sure you have ffprobe installed correctly")
        gf.print_info(u"  (usually it is provided by the ffmpeg installer)")
        gf.print_info(u"  and that its path is in your PATH environment variable")
        return True