Пример #1
    def set_NPR(self, NPR):
        """ Define Nozzle Pressure Ratio (inlet Ptot over outlet Ps) for this case
		Define Nozzle pressure ratio and compute Mach number, Ptot and Ps according to nozzle regime
        :param NPR: NPR value (>1)

        self._Pt = np.ones_like(self.AxoAc)
        if NPR < self.NPR0:
            _Ms = Is.Mach_PtPs(NPR, gamma=self.gamma)
            self._M = mf.MachSub_Sigma(self.AxoAc / self.AsoAc *
            self._Ps = self._Pt / Is.PtPs_Mach(self._M, gamma=self.gamma)
            self._M = np.ones_like(self.AxoAc)
            self._M[:self.ithroat + 1] = mf.MachSub_Sigma(
                self.AxoAc[:self.ithroat + 1], gamma=self.gamma)
            self._M[self.ithroat + 1:] = mf.MachSup_Sigma(
                self.AxoAc[self.ithroat + 1:], gamma=self.gamma)
            if NPR < self.NPRsw:
                # analytical solution for Ms, losses and upstream Mach number of shock wave
                Ms = Ms_from_AsAc_NPR(self.AsoAc, NPR)
                Ptloss = Is.PtPs_Mach(Ms) / NPR
                Msh = sw.Mn_Pi_ratio(Ptloss)
                # redefine curves starting from 'ish' index (closest value of Msh in supersonic flow)
                ish = np.abs(self._M - Msh).argmin()
                self._M[ish:] = mf.MachSub_Sigma(
                    self.AxoAc[ish:] * mf.Sigma_Mach(Ms) / self.AsoAc)
                self._Pt[ish:] = Ptloss
            self._Ps = self._Pt / Is.PtPs_Mach(self._M)
Пример #2
def test_nozzle_class():
    target_AoAc = 6.
    length      = 8.
    Noz_x    = np.linspace(0., length, 200, endpoint=True)
    ma_max   = mf.Mach_Sigma(target_AoAc, Mach=2.)
    ma       = 1. + (ma_max-1.)*np.sin(.5*(Noz_x-1.)*np.pi/(length-1.))
    Noz_AoAc = mf.Sigma_Mach(ma)
    convdiv = noz.nozzle(Noz_x, Noz_AoAc, AsoAc=target_AoAc)
    assert convdiv.AsoAc == target_AoAc
    assert convdiv.ithroat == 25
Пример #3
def test_nozzle():
    target_AoAc = 6.
    length      = 8.
    Noz_x    = np.linspace(0., length, 200, endpoint=True)
    ma_max   = mf.Mach_Sigma(target_AoAc, Mach=2.)
    ma       = 1. + (ma_max-1.)*np.sin(.5*(Noz_x-1.)*np.pi/(length-1.))
    Noz_AoAc = mf.Sigma_Mach(ma)
    convdiv = noz.nozzle(Noz_x, Noz_AoAc, AsoAc=target_AoAc, NPR=4.)
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(convdiv.Mach()))
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(convdiv.Ps()))
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(convdiv.Ptot()))
Пример #4
    def set_NPR(self, NPR):
        """ Define Nozzle Pressure Ratio (inlet Ptot over outlet Ps) for this case

        :param NPR: NPR value (>1)

        self.NPR = NPR
        if NPR < self.NPR0:  # flow is fully subsonic
            _Ms = Is.Mach_PiPs(NPR)
            _M = mf.MachSub_Sigma(self.section * mf.Sigma_Mach(_Ms) /
            _Pt = 0. * _M + NPR
            _Ps = _Pt / Is.PiPs_Mach(_M)
            # compute Mach, assumed to be subsonic before throat, supersonic after
            _Minit = 0. * self.section + .5
            _Minit[self.ithroat:] = 2.
            _M = mf.Mach_Sigma(self.section / self.section[self.ithroat],
            _Pt = NPR + 0. * _M
            # CHECK, there is a shock
            # analytical solution for Ms, losses and upstream Mach number of shock wave
            Ms = nz.Ms_from_AsAc_NPR(self.AsoAc, NPR)
            Ptloss = Is.PiPs_Mach(Ms) / NPR
            Msh = sw.Mn_Pi_ratio(Ptloss)
            if NPR < self.NPRsw:  # throat is choked, there may be a shock
                # redefine curves starting from 'ish' index (closest value of Msh in supersonic flow)
                ish = np.abs(_M - Msh).argmin()
                _M[ish:] = mf.MachSub_Sigma(
                    self.section[ish:] * mf.Sigma_Mach(Ms) / self.section[-1])
                _Pt[ish:] = Ptloss * NPR
            _Ps = _Pt / Is.PiPs_Mach(_M)
        self._M = _M
        self._Pt = _Pt
        self._Ps = _Ps
Пример #5
 def set_NPR(NPR):
     if NPR < NPR0:
         _Ms = Is.Mach_PiPs(NPR, gamma=self.model.gamma)
         self._M = mf.MachSub_Sigma(self.AsoAc * mf.Sigma_Mach(Ma_col) /
         self._Pt = 0. * coord_x + 1.
         self._Ps = _Pt / Is.PiPs_Mach(self._M, gamma=self.model.gamma)
     elif NPR < NPRsw:
         _M = mf.Mach_Sigma(Noz_AoAc, Mach=_Minit)
         # analytical solution for Ms, losses and upstream Mach number of shock wave
         Ms = nz.Ms_from_AsAc_NPR(target_AoAc, NPR)
         Ptloss = Is.PiPs_Mach(Ms) / NPR
         Msh = sw.Mn_Pi_ratio(Ptloss)
         # redefine curves starting from 'ish' index (closest value of Msh in supersonic flow)
         ish = np.abs(_M - Msh).argmin()
         _M[ish:] = mf.MachSub_Sigma(Noz_AoAc[ish:] * mf.Sigma_Mach(Ms) /
         _Pt[ish:] = Ptloss
         _Ps = _Pt / Is.PiPs_Mach(_M)
Пример #6
- 8 is the throat of the nozzle
- 9 is the nozzle exit

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import aerokit.aero.Isentropic       as isent
import aerokit.aero.MassFlow as mf
import aerokit.aero.ShockWave as sw
import aerokit.aero.Rayleigh as ray

gam = 1.4  # assumed constant
npts = 50
M0 = 2.8
M2 = 1.5
A2A0 = mf.Sigma_Mach(M2, gam) / mf.Sigma_Mach(M0, gam)
print("A0/A2 for isentropic compression from Mach %4.2f to %4.2f : %6.3f" %
      (M0, M2, 1. / A2A0))
A3A2 = 1. / A2A0 * 0.9
A8A2 = .8 * A3A2

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 16))
    'Flow features on RAMJET, $M_0=%.2f$, $M_2=%.2f$, $A_8/A_2=%.2f$, $\gamma = %.1f$'
    % (M0, M2, A8A2, gam),

ax[0].set_ylabel('$p_{i3}/p_{i0}$', fontsize=10)
ax[0].grid(which='major', linestyle=':', alpha=0.5)
import numpy as np
import aerokit.aero.MassFlow as mf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
g = 1.4
mmax = 5.
n = 1000
Mach = np.linspace(.05, mmax, n)
Sigma = mf.Sigma_Mach(Mach)
Mres = mf.Mach_Sigma(Sigma, Mach)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax[0].plot(Mach, Mres, Mach, mf.__MachSub_sigma(Sigma, g), Mach,
           mf.__MachSup_sigma(Sigma, g))
ax[0].set_xlim(0, mmax)
ax[0].set_ylim(0, mmax)
# Taylor expansions
m = np.linspace(0.05, 5, 1000)
gpuogmu = (g + 1.) / (g - 1.)
sig1 = 1. / m / ((g + 1) / 2.)**(gpuogmu / 2.)
sig2 = (1. + (3 - g) / 4. / (g - 1.) * (m - 1.)**2)
sig3 = (m**2 / gpuogmu)**(gpuogmu / 2.) / m
ax[1].plot(m, sig1, m, sig2, m, sig3, m, mf.Sigma_Mach(m))

Пример #8
import flowdyn.mesh as mesh
from flowdyn.xnum import *
from flowdyn.integration import rk3ssp
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
import flowdyn.solution.euler_nozzle as sol

gam = 1.4
bctype = "outsub_rh"
ncell = 100
nit_super = 1000
nit_tot = 10000

# expected Mach number at exit when supersonic ; defines As/Ac ratio
Msup = 1.8
AsAc = mf.Sigma_Mach(Msup, gam)
Msub = mf.MachSub_Sigma(AsAc, gam)
NPRsup = Is.PtPs_Mach(Msup, gam)
NPRsub = Is.PtPs_Mach(Msub, gam)

res = {}
meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=ncell, length=10.0)

def S(x):  # section law, throat is at x=5
    return 1 + (AsAc - 1.0) * (1.0 - np.exp(-0.5 * (x - 2.0)**2))

model = euler.nozzle(gamma=gam, sectionlaw=S)
nozz = sol.nozzle(model, S(meshsim.centers()), NPR=NPRsup)
finit = nozz.fdata(meshsim)
Пример #9
def test_sigma_scalar():
    assert mf.Sigma_Mach(.5) == pytest.approx(1.33984375)
    assert mf.Sigma_Mach(1.) == 1.
    assert mf.Sigma_Mach(2.) == pytest.approx(1.687500)
Пример #10
def test_MachSup_Sigma(AsAc):
    mach = mf.MachSup_Sigma(AsAc)
    assert (mach > 1)
    assert mf.Sigma_Mach(mach) == pytest.approx(AsAc, rel=1.e-6)
Пример #11
def test_sigma_reverse_numpy():
    m = np.linspace(.01, 2., 30)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(m, mf.Mach_Sigma(mf.Sigma_Mach(m), m))
Пример #12
def test_sigma_def_massflow(m):
    assert mf.Sigma_Mach(m, gamma=1.3) == pytest.approx(
        mf.WeightMassFlow(1., gamma=1.3) / mf.WeightMassFlow(m, gamma=1.3))
Пример #13
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.5
# for slides
#plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 24 ; plt.rcParams['grid.linewidth'] = 2 ; plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 4

npoints = 100
gam = 1.4

Mmin = 0.1
Mmax = 4.

Mach = np.log10(np.logspace(Mmin, Mmax, npoints + 1))

debr = mf.WeightMassFlow(Mach, gam)
sig = mf.Sigma_Mach(Mach, gam)

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 8))
#fig.suptitle('Ratio to critical state, $\gamma = %.1f$'%gam, y=0.93)
plt.plot(Mach, debr, 'k-')
#plt.axis([Mmin, Mmax, 0., 4.])
plt.xlabel('Mach number')
plt.ylabel('weighted mass flow')
plt.grid(which='major', linestyle=':', alpha=0.8)
#plt.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', alpha=0.5)
fig.savefig('fct-weightedmf.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 8))
#fig.suptitle('Ratio to critical state, $\gamma = %.1f$'%gam, y=0.93)