Пример #1
    def make_node(self, inp, ws, stride=None, pad=None):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(inp)
        inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name)
        nd = self.ndim
        assert inp.ndim == nd + 2
        if stride is None:
            stride = ws
        if pad is None:
            pad = (0,) * nd
        elif isinstance(pad, (tuple, list)):
            if max(pad) != 0 and not self.ignore_border:
                raise ValueError("Padding works only with ignore_border=True")
            if isinstance(ws, (tuple, list)):
                if any(pad[i] >= ws[i] for i in range(nd)):
                    raise ValueError("Padding must be smaller than strides")

        ws = as_tensor_variable(ws)
        stride = as_tensor_variable(stride)
        pad = as_tensor_variable(pad)
        assert ws.ndim == stride.ndim and ws.ndim == pad.ndim
        assert ws.ndim == 1
        if ws.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Window shape parameters must be ints.")
        if stride.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Stride parameters must be ints.")
        if pad.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Padding parameters must be ints.")

        ws = aesara.tensor.cast(ws, "int64")
        stride = aesara.tensor.cast(stride, "int64")
        pad = aesara.tensor.cast(pad, "int64")

        return Apply(self, [inp, ws, stride, pad], [inp.type()])
Пример #2
    def make_node(self, inp, out, out_grad, ws, stride=None, pad=None):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(inp, out, out_grad)
        nd = self.ndim
        inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name)
        assert inp.ndim == nd + 2
        out = as_gpuarray_variable(out, ctx_name)
        assert out_grad.ndim == nd + 2
        out_grad = as_gpuarray_variable(out_grad, ctx_name)
        assert out.ndim == nd + 2

        assert out_grad.ndim == inp.ndim
        assert inp.ndim == out.ndim

        if stride is None:
            stride = ws
        if pad is None:
            pad = (0,) * nd
        ws = as_tensor_variable(ws)
        stride = as_tensor_variable(stride)
        pad = as_tensor_variable(pad)
        assert ws.ndim == stride.ndim and ws.ndim == pad.ndim
        assert ws.ndim == 1
        if ws.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Window shape parameters must be ints.")
        if stride.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Stride parameters must be ints.")
        if pad.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Padding parameters must be ints.")

        ws = aesara.tensor.cast(ws, "int64")
        stride = aesara.tensor.cast(stride, "int64")
        pad = aesara.tensor.cast(pad, "int64")

        return Apply(self, [inp, out, out_grad, ws, stride, pad], [inp.type()])
Пример #3
    def make_node(self, inp, out_grad, ws, stride=None, pad=None):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(inp, out_grad)
        nd = self.ndim
        inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name)
        assert inp.ndim == nd + 2
        out_grad = as_gpuarray_variable(out_grad, ctx_name)
        assert out_grad.ndim == nd + 2

        assert out_grad.ndim == inp.ndim

        if stride is None:
            stride = ws
        if pad is None:
            pad = (0,) * nd
        elif isinstance(pad, (tuple, list)):
            if max(pad) != 0 and not self.mode == "average_exc_pad":
                raise ValueError("Padding must be zero for average_exc_pad")
        ws = as_tensor_variable(ws)
        stride = as_tensor_variable(stride)
        pad = as_tensor_variable(pad)
        assert ws.ndim == stride.ndim and ws.ndim == pad.ndim
        assert ws.ndim == 1
        if ws.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Window shape parameters must be ints.")
        if stride.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Stride parameters must be ints.")
        if pad.dtype not in aesara.tensor.int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError("Padding parameters must be ints.")

        ws = aesara.tensor.cast(ws, "int64")
        stride = aesara.tensor.cast(stride, "int64")
        pad = aesara.tensor.cast(pad, "int64")

        return Apply(self, [inp, out_grad, ws, stride, pad], [inp.type()])
Пример #4
    def make_node(self, ten4, neib_shape, neib_step=None):
        ten4 = as_gpuarray_variable(ten4, infer_context_name(ten4))
        neib_shape = tt.as_tensor_variable(neib_shape)
        if neib_step is None:
            neib_step = neib_shape
            neib_step = tt.as_tensor_variable(neib_step)

        assert ten4.ndim == 4
        assert neib_shape.ndim == 1
        assert neib_step.ndim == 1
        assert neib_shape.dtype in tt.integer_dtypes
        assert neib_step.dtype in tt.integer_dtypes

        return Apply(
            [ten4, neib_shape, neib_step],
                    broadcastable=(False, False),
Пример #5
 def make_node(self, o, x, y, xIdx, yIdx, alpha=None):
     ctx = infer_context_name(o, x, y)
     one = tensor.constant(np.asarray(1.0, dtype="float32"))
     o = as_gpuarray_variable(o, ctx)
     x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, ctx)
     y = as_gpuarray_variable(y, ctx)
     xIdx = as_tensor_variable(xIdx)
     yIdx = as_tensor_variable(yIdx)
     if alpha is None:
         alpha = one
     return Apply(self, [o, x, y, xIdx, yIdx, alpha], [o.type()])
Пример #6
 def make_node(self, rstate, size):
     # error checking slightly redundant here, since
     # this op should not be called directly.
     # call through MRG_RandomStreams instead.
     broad = []
     for i in range(self.output_type.ndim):
         broad.append(tensor.extract_constant(size[i]) == 1)
     output_type = self.output_type.clone(broadcastable=broad)()
     rstate = as_gpuarray_variable(rstate, infer_context_name(rstate))
     return Apply(self, [rstate, size], [rstate.type(), output_type])
Пример #7
 def make_node(self, x, b, y_idx):
     ctx_name = infer_context_name(x, b, y_idx)
     x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, ctx_name)
     b = as_gpuarray_variable(b, ctx_name)
     y_idx = as_gpuarray_variable(y_idx, ctx_name)
     nll = GpuArrayType(x.type.dtype,
     sm = x.type()
     am = y_idx.type()
     return Apply(self, [x, b, y_idx], [nll, sm, am])
Пример #8
    def make_node(self, n, m):
        n = tensor.as_tensor_variable(n)
        m = tensor.as_tensor_variable(m)
        assert n.ndim == 0
        assert m.ndim == 0
        otype = GpuArrayType(
            broadcastable=(False, False),

        return Apply(self, [n, m], [otype()])
Пример #9
 def make_node(self, pvals, unis, n=1):
     pvals = tt.as_tensor_variable(pvals)
     unis = tt.as_tensor_variable(unis)
     if pvals.ndim != 2:
         raise NotImplementedError("pvals ndim should be 2", pvals.ndim)
     if unis.ndim != 1:
         raise NotImplementedError("unis ndim should be 1", unis.ndim)
     if self.odtype == "auto":
         odtype = pvals.dtype
         odtype = self.odtype
     out = tt.tensor(dtype=odtype, broadcastable=pvals.type.broadcastable)
     return Apply(self, [pvals, unis, as_scalar(n)], [out])
Пример #10
 def make_node(self, inp, kth):
     ctx_name = infer_context_name(inp)
     inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, ctx_name)
     kth = as_tensor_variable(kth)
     bcast = inp.type.broadcastable
     outs = []
     if self.return_values:
     if self.return_indices:
     return Apply(self, [inp, kth], outs)
Пример #11
    def make_node(self, x):
        assert x.type.dtype == "float32", "Only float32 supported for GpuCumOp"

        context_name = infer_context_name(x)

        x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, context_name)

        if x.ndim > GpuCumOp.SUPPORTED_NDIMS:
            raise NotImplementedError("Only cum op on 1D, 2D and\
                                       3D arrays are supported right now!")

        if self.axis >= x.ndim or self.axis < -x.ndim:
            raise ValueError("axis(={}) out of bounds".format(self.axis))
        return Apply(self, [x], [x.type()])
Пример #12
    def make_node(self, ten4, neib_shape, neib_step=None):
        ten4 : a list of lists of images
            ten4 is of shape (list 1 dim, list 2 dim, row, col).
            (r,c) where r is the height of the neighborhood in rows and c is
            the width of the neighborhood in columns.
            (dr,dc) where dr is the number of rows to skip between patch and dc
            is the number of columns. When None, this is the same as neib_shape
            (patch are disjoint).

            A 2D matrix, written using the following pattern::

                idx = 0
                for i in range(list 1 dim)
                    for j in range(list 2 dim)
                        for k in <image column coordinates>
                            for l in <image row coordinates>
                                     = flattened version of ten4[i,j,l:l+r,k:k+c]
                                idx += 1

            .. note:: The op isn't necessarily implemented internally with these
                for loops, they're just the easiest way to describe the output

        ten4 = tt.as_tensor_variable(ten4)
        neib_shape = tt.as_tensor_variable(neib_shape)
        if neib_step is None:
            neib_step = neib_shape
            neib_step = tt.as_tensor_variable(neib_step)

        assert ten4.ndim == 4
        assert neib_shape.ndim == 1
        assert neib_step.ndim == 1

        return Apply(self, [ten4, neib_shape, neib_step],
Пример #13
    def make_node(self, o, W, h, inputIdx, outputIdx):
        ctx = infer_context_name(o, W, h)
        o = as_gpuarray_variable(o, ctx)
        W = as_gpuarray_variable(W, ctx)
        h = as_gpuarray_variable(h, ctx)
        inputIdx = as_tensor_variable(inputIdx)
        outputIdx = as_tensor_variable(outputIdx)
        assert o.ndim == 3
        assert W.ndim == 4
        assert h.ndim == 3
        assert inputIdx.ndim == 2
        assert outputIdx.ndim == 2

        assert inputIdx.type.dtype in discrete_dtypes
        assert outputIdx.type.dtype in discrete_dtypes

        return Apply(self, [o, W, h, inputIdx, outputIdx], [o.type()])
Пример #14
    def make_node(self, pvals, unis):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(pvals, unis)
        pvals = as_gpuarray_variable(pvals, ctx_name)
        unis = as_gpuarray_variable(unis, ctx_name)
        assert pvals.dtype in ["float32", "float16", "float64"]
        assert unis.dtype in ["float32", "float16", "float64"]

        if pvals.ndim != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("pvals ndim should be 2", pvals.ndim)
        if unis.ndim != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError("unis ndim should be 1", unis.ndim)
        if self.odtype == "auto":
            odtype = pvals.dtype
            odtype = self.odtype
        br = (pvals.broadcastable[1], pvals.broadcastable[0])
        out = GpuArrayType(broadcastable=br,

        return Apply(self, [pvals, unis], [out])
Пример #15
 def make_node(self, c):
     return Apply(self, [c], [TensorType("float32", (False, ))()])
Пример #16
 def make_node(self):
     return Apply(self, [], [scalar.uint32()])
Пример #17
 def make_node(self, i):
     return Apply(self, [i], [CDataType("void *", "py_decref")()])
Пример #18
 def make_node(self, a, b):
     return Apply(
         [scalar.as_scalar(a), scalar.as_scalar(b)], [scalar.float64()])
Пример #19
 def make_node(self, dnll, sm, y_idx):
     ctx_name = infer_context_name(dnll, sm, y_idx)
     dnll = as_gpuarray_variable(dnll, ctx_name)
     sm = as_gpuarray_variable(sm, ctx_name)
     y_idx = as_gpuarray_variable(y_idx, ctx_name)
     return Apply(self, [dnll, sm, y_idx], [sm.type()])
Пример #20
 def make_node(self, x):
     x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, infer_context_name(x))
     return Apply(self, [x], [x.type()])
Пример #21
 def make_node(self, x, b):
     ctx_name = infer_context_name(x, b)
     x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, ctx_name)
     b = as_gpuarray_variable(b, ctx_name)
     return Apply(self, [x, b], [x.type()])
Пример #22
 def make_node(self, A, s, m, A2, s2, m2):
     return Apply(self, [A, s, m, A2, s2, m2], [s.type()])
Пример #23
    def make_node(self, val):
        from aesara import Apply
        from aesara.scalar import as_scalar

        val = as_scalar(val).astype("uint64")
        return Apply(self, [val], [self.rtype()])