def _validate_data(self, X, y=None, reset=True,
                       validate_separately=False, **check_params):
        """Validate input data and set or check the `n_features_in_` attribute.

        X : {array-like, sparse matrix, dataframe} of shape \
                (n_samples, n_features)
            The input samples.
        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None
            The targets. If None, `check_array` is called on `X` and
            `check_X_y` is called otherwise.
        reset : bool, default=True
            Whether to reset the `n_features_in_` attribute.
            If False, the input will be checked for consistency with data
            provided when reset was last True.
        validate_separately : False or tuple of dicts, default=False
            Only used if y is not None.
            If False, call validate_X_y(). Else, it must be a tuple of kwargs
            to be used for calling check_array() on X and y respectively.
        **check_params : kwargs
            Parameters passed to :func:`sklearn.utils.check_array` or
            :func:`sklearn.utils.check_X_y`. Ignored if validate_separately
            is not False.

        out : {ndarray, sparse matrix} or tuple of these
            The validated input. A tuple is returned if `y` is not None.

        if y is None:
            if self._get_tags()['requires_y']:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"This {self.__class__.__name__} estimator "
                    f"requires y to be passed, but the target y is None."
            X = check_array(X, **check_params)
            out = X
            if validate_separately:
                # We need this because some estimators validate X and y
                # separately, and in general, separately calling check_array()
                # on X and y isn't equivalent to just calling check_X_y()
                # :(
                check_X_params, check_y_params = validate_separately
                X = check_array(X, **check_X_params)
                y = check_array(y, **check_y_params)
                X, y = check_X_y(X, y, **check_params)
            out = X, y

        if check_params.get('ensure_2d', True):
            self._check_n_features(X, reset=reset)

        return out
    def get_submatrix(self, i, data):
        """Return the submatrix corresponding to bicluster `i`.

        i : int
            The index of the cluster.
        data : array-like
            The data.

        submatrix : ndarray
            The submatrix corresponding to bicluster i.

        Works with sparse matrices. Only works if ``rows_`` and
        ``columns_`` attributes exist.
        data = check_array(data, accept_sparse='csr')
        row_ind, col_ind = self.get_indices(i)
        return data[row_ind[:, np.newaxis], col_ind]
Пример #3
def _check_reg_targets(y_true, y_pred, multioutput, dtype="numeric"):
    """Check that y_true and y_pred belong to the same regression task
    y_true : array-like
    y_pred : array-like
    multioutput : array-like or string in ['raw_values', uniform_average',
        'variance_weighted'] or None
        None is accepted due to backward compatibility of r2_score().
    type_true : one of {'continuous', continuous-multioutput'}
        The type of the true target data, as output by
    y_true : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_outputs)
        Ground truth (correct) target values.
    y_pred : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_outputs)
        Estimated target values.
    multioutput : array-like of shape (n_outputs) or string in ['raw_values',
        uniform_average', 'variance_weighted'] or None
        Custom output weights if ``multioutput`` is array-like or
        just the corresponding argument if ``multioutput`` is a
        correct keyword.
    dtype: str or list, default="numeric"
        the dtype argument passed to check_array
    check_consistent_length(y_true, y_pred)
    y_true = check_array(y_true, ensure_2d=False, dtype=dtype)
    y_pred = check_array(y_pred, ensure_2d=False, dtype=dtype)

    # irrelevant in af, dim[1] always valid
    #if y_true.numdims() == 1:
        #y_true = y_true.reshape((-1, 1))

    #if y_pred.numdims() == 1:
        #y_pred = y_pred.reshape((-1, 1))

    if y_true.numdims() != 1 and y_pred.numdims() !=1:
        if y_true.shape[1] != y_pred.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("y_true and y_pred have different number of output "
                             "({0}!={1})".format(y_true.shape[1], y_pred.shape[1]))

    n_outputs = 1 if y_true.numdims() == 1 else  y_true.shape[1]
    allowed_multioutput_str = ('raw_values', 'uniform_average',
    if isinstance(multioutput, str):
        if multioutput not in allowed_multioutput_str:
            raise ValueError("Allowed 'multioutput' string values are {}. "
                             "You provided multioutput={!r}".format(
    elif multioutput is not None:
        multioutput = check_array(multioutput, ensure_2d=False)
        if n_outputs == 1:
            raise ValueError("Custom weights are useful only in "
                             "multi-output cases.")
        elif n_outputs != len(multioutput):
            raise ValueError(("There must be equally many custom weights "
                              "(%d) as outputs (%d).") %
                             (len(multioutput), n_outputs))
    y_type = 'continuous' if n_outputs == 1 else 'continuous-multioutput'

    return y_type, y_true, y_pred, multioutput
def unique_labels(*ys):
    """Extract an ordered array of unique labels

    We don't allow:
        - mix of multilabel and multiclass (single label) targets
        - mix of label indicator matrix and anything else,
          because there are no explicit labels)
        - mix of label indicator matrices of different sizes
        - mix of string and integer labels

    At the moment, we also don't allow "multiclass-multioutput" input type.

    *ys : array-likes

    out : numpy array of shape [n_unique_labels]
        An ordered array of unique labels.

    >>> from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels
    >>> unique_labels([3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7])
    array([3, 5, 7])
    >>> unique_labels([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 2, 3, 4])
    array([1, 2, 3, 4])
    >>> unique_labels([1, 2, 10], [5, 11])
    array([ 1,  2,  5, 10, 11])
    if not ys:
        raise ValueError('No argument has been passed.')
    # Check that we don't mix label format

    ys_types = set(type_of_target(x) for x in ys)
    if ys_types == {"binary", "multiclass"}:
        ys_types = {"multiclass"}

    if len(ys_types) > 1:
        raise ValueError("Mix type of y not allowed, got types %s" % ys_types)

    label_type = ys_types.pop()

    # Check consistency for the indicator format
    if (label_type == "multilabel-indicator" and len(
                check_array(y, accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc', 'coo']).shape[1]
                for y in ys)) > 1):
        raise ValueError("Multi-label binary indicator input with "
                         "different numbers of labels")

    # Get the unique set of labels
    _unique_labels = _FN_UNIQUE_LABELS.get(label_type, None)
    if not _unique_labels:
        raise ValueError("Unknown label type: %s" % repr(ys))

    #ys_labels = set(chain.from_iterable(_unique_labels(y.tolist()) for y in ys))
    ys_labels = set(
        chain.from_iterable(_unique_labels(y.to_list()) for y in ys))

    # Check that we don't mix string type with number type
    if (len(set(isinstance(label, str) for label in ys_labels)) > 1):
        raise ValueError("Mix of label input types (string and number)")

    return np.array(sorted(ys_labels))
def label_binarize(y,
    """Binarize labels in a one-vs-all fashion

    Several regression and binary classification algorithms are
    available in scikit-learn. A simple way to extend these algorithms
    to the multi-class classification case is to use the so-called
    one-vs-all scheme.

    This function makes it possible to compute this transformation for a
    fixed set of class labels known ahead of time.

    y : array-like
        Sequence of integer labels or multilabel data to encode.

    classes : array-like of shape [n_classes]
        Uniquely holds the label for each class.

    neg_label : int (default: 0)
        Value with which negative labels must be encoded.

    pos_label : int (default: 1)
        Value with which positive labels must be encoded.

    sparse_output : boolean (default: False),
        Set to true if output binary array is desired in CSR sparse format

    Y : numpy array or CSR matrix of shape [n_samples, n_classes]
        Shape will be [n_samples, 1] for binary problems.

    >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize
    >>> label_binarize([1, 6], classes=[1, 2, 4, 6])
    array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
           [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    The class ordering is preserved:

    >>> label_binarize([1, 6], classes=[1, 6, 4, 2])
    array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
           [0, 1, 0, 0]])

    Binary targets transform to a column vector

    >>> label_binarize(['yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes'], classes=['no', 'yes'])

    See also
    LabelBinarizer : class used to wrap the functionality of label_binarize and
        allow for fitting to classes independently of the transform operation
    if not isinstance(y, list):
        # XXX Workaround that will be removed when list of list format is
        # dropped
        y = check_array(y, accept_sparse='csr', ensure_2d=False, dtype=None)
        if _num_samples(y) == 0:
            raise ValueError('y has 0 samples: %r' % y)
    if neg_label >= pos_label:
        raise ValueError("neg_label={0} must be strictly less than "
                         "pos_label={1}.".format(neg_label, pos_label))

    if (sparse_output and (pos_label == 0 or neg_label != 0)):
        raise ValueError("Sparse binarization is only supported with non "
                         "zero pos_label and zero neg_label, got "
                         "pos_label={0} and neg_label={1}"
                         "".format(pos_label, neg_label))

    # To account for pos_label == 0 in the dense case
    pos_switch = pos_label == 0
    if pos_switch:
        pos_label = -neg_label

    y_type = type_of_target(y)
    if 'multioutput' in y_type:
        raise ValueError("Multioutput target data is not supported with label "
    if y_type == 'unknown':
        raise ValueError("The type of target data is not known")

    n_samples = y.shape[0] if sp.issparse(y) else len(y)
    n_classes = len(classes)
    classes = np.asarray(classes)

    if y_type == "binary":
        if n_classes == 1:
            if sparse_output:
                return sp.csr_matrix((n_samples, 1), dtype=int)
                Y = np.zeros((len(y), 1),
                Y += neg_label
                return Y
        elif len(classes) >= 3:
            y_type = "multiclass"

    sorted_class = np.sort(classes)
    if y_type == "multilabel-indicator":
        y_n_classes = y.shape[1] if hasattr(y, 'shape') else len(y[0])
        if classes.size != y_n_classes:
            raise ValueError("classes {0} mismatch with the labels {1}"
                             " found in the data".format(
                                 classes, unique_labels(y)))

    if y_type in ("binary", "multiclass"):
        y = column_or_1d(y)

        # pick out the known labels from y
        y_in_classes = af_in1d(y, classes)
        y_in_classes = af.interop.from_ndarray(y_in_classes, copy=True)
        y_seen = y[y_in_classes]
        y_seen = y_seen.to_ndarray()
        indices = np.searchsorted(sorted_class, y_seen)
        indptr = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(y_in_classes)))

        data = np.empty_like(indices)
        Y = data

        #Y = sp.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr),
        #shape=(n_samples, n_classes))
    elif y_type == "multilabel-indicator":
        Y = sp.csr_matrix(y)
        if pos_label != 1:
            data = np.empty_like(
   = data
        raise ValueError("%s target data is not supported with label "
                         "binarization" % y_type)

    if not sparse_output:
        #Y = Y.toarray() #TODO: test if ndarray, then cast if not
        Y = Y.astype(int, copy=False)

        if neg_label != 0:
            Y[Y == 0] = neg_label

        if pos_switch:
            Y[Y == pos_label] = 0
    else: =, copy=False)

    # preserve label ordering
    if np.any(classes != sorted_class):
        indices = np.searchsorted(sorted_class, classes)
        Y = Y[:, indices]

    if y_type == "binary":
        if sparse_output:
            Y = Y.getcol(-1)
            Y = Y[:, -1].reshape((-1, 1))

    #return Y
    return Y
def _unique_indicator(y):
    return np.arange(
        check_array(y, accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc', 'coo']).shape[1])