Пример #1
def rawniml2string(p, form='text'):
    '''Converts a raw NIML element to string representation

    niml: dict
        Raw NIML element
    form: 'text', 'binary', 'base64'
        Output form of niml

    s: bytearray
        String representation of niml in output form 'form'.
    if type(p) is list:
        nb = '\n'.encode()
        return nb.join(rawniml2string(v, form) for v in p)

    if not form in ['text', 'binary', 'base64']:
        raise ValueError("Illegal form %s" % form)

    q = p.copy()  # make a shallow copy

    if 'nodes' in q:
        s_body = rawniml2string(q.pop('nodes'), form)  # recursion
        data = q.pop('data')
        data = types.nimldataassupporteddtype(
            data)  # ensure the data format is supported by NIML
        s_body = _data2string(data, form)

        if form == 'text':
            q.pop('ni_form', None)  # defaults to text, remove if already there
            byteorder = types.data2ni_form(data, form)
            if byteorder:
                q['ni_form'] = byteorder

        # remove some unncessary fields
        for f in ['vec_typ', 'vec_len', 'vec_num']:
            q.pop(f, None)

    s_name = q.pop('name', None).encode()
    s_header = _header2string(q)

    d = map(lambda x: x.encode(), ['<', '\n', ' >', '</', '>'])
    return b''.join(
        (d[0], s_name, d[1], s_header, d[2], s_body, d[3], s_name, d[4]))
Пример #2
def rawniml2string(p, form='text'):
    '''Converts a raw NIML element to string representation

    niml: dict
        Raw NIML element
    form: 'text', 'binary', 'base64'
        Output form of niml

    s: bytearray
        String representation of niml in output form 'form'.
    if type(p) is list:
        nb = '\n'.encode()
        return nb.join(rawniml2string(v, form) for v in p)

    if not form in ['text', 'binary', 'base64']:
        raise ValueError("Illegal form %s" % form)

    q = p.copy() # make a shallow copy

    if 'nodes' in q:
        s_body = rawniml2string(q.pop('nodes'), form) # recursion
        data = q.pop('data')
        data = types.nimldataassupporteddtype(data) # ensure the data format is supported by NIML
        s_body = _data2string(data, form)

        if form == 'text':
            q.pop('ni_form', None) # defaults to text, remove if already there
            byteorder = types.data2ni_form(data, form)
            if byteorder:
                q['ni_form'] = byteorder

        # remove some unncessary fields
        for f in ['vec_typ', 'vec_len', 'vec_num']:
            q.pop(f, None)

    s_name = q.pop('name', None).encode()
    s_header = _header2string(q)

    d = map(lambda x:x.encode(), ['<', '\n', ' >', '</', '>'])
    return b''.join((d[0], s_name, d[1], s_header, d[2], s_body, d[3], s_name, d[4]))
Пример #3
def _dset2rawniml_complete(r):
    '''adds any missing information and ensures data is formatted properly'''

    # if data is a list of strings, join it and store it as a string
    # otherwise leave data untouched
    if types.numpy_data_isstring(r['data']):
        r['data'] = list(r['data'])

    while True:
        data = r['data']
        tp = type(data)

        if types.numpy_data_isstring(r['data']):
            r['data'] = list(r['data'])

        elif tp is list:
            if all(isinstance(d, basestring)  for d in data):
                r['data'] = ";".join(data)
                tp = 'mixed'

            break # we're done

    if tp == 'mixed':
        #data = [types.nimldataassupporteddtype(d) for d in data]
        #r['data'] = data

        nrows, ncols = _dset_nrows_ncols(data)
        r['ni_dimen'] = str(nrows)
        tpstrs = []
        for d in data:
            if isinstance(d, basestring) or \
                    (type(d) is list and
                            all(isinstance(di, basestring) for di in d)):
                tpstr = 'String'
            elif isinstance(d, np.ndarray):
                tpstr = types.numpy_type2name(d.dtype)
                raise ValueError('unrecognized type %s' % type(d))
        r['ni_type'] = ','.join(tpstrs)

    elif issubclass(tp, basestring):
        r['ni_dimen'] = '1'
        r['ni_type'] = 'String'
    elif tp is np.ndarray:
        data = types.nimldataassupporteddtype(data)
        if len(data.shape) == 1:
            data = np.reshape(data, (data.shape[0], 1))

        r['data'] = data # ensure we store a supported type

        nrows, ncols = data.shape
        r['ni_dimen'] = str(nrows)
        tpstr = types.numpy_type2name(data.dtype)
        r['ni_type'] = '%d*%s' % (ncols, tpstr) if nrows > 1 else tpstr
    elif not data is None:
        raise TypeError('Illegal type %r in %r' % (tp, data))

    if not 'name' in r:
        r['name'] = 'AFNI_atr'

    return r